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Begin with a friendly greeting, using "Hi" or "Hello" followed by the recipient's name or a more

casual greeting if you have a close relationship.

Briefly introduce the purpose of the email so the recipient immediately understands what the
message is about.

Develop the content in a clear and concise manner. Use conversational language and avoid
excessive formality.

If there are multiple topics, organize the content into sections or short paragraphs for easy

Add additional details such as anecdotes or personal questions to make the email more

Conclude the email cordially, using expressions like "Best regards," "Cheers," or even simply
"Take care," followed by your name.

Before sending, perform a quick review to ensure the message is clear and free of
grammatical or spelling errors.

If you're attaching files or sharing links, mention this in the body of the email so the recipient
is aware.

a task for you to complete using this tips:

This is part of an email that you have received from your English-speaking friend, Diana:
From: Diana Fontana <>
Subject: Some info, please.


Some friends of mine are planning to visit your country in the summer. They have asked me
to contact you to see if you could give them any useful information before they leave.

Can you tell me what type of attractions are there for tourists in your town or the
surrounding areas? They are particularly keen on trying some regional food. What is the
best way for them to travel around and do you have any ideas for the best accommodation?
Many thanks in advance.

Bye for now.


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