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Hi! My name is Hillary - or 滿源 if you’d prefer and I’d like to start my part with a question - who here has seen their parents
hug? Not me! I’m an Asian through and through and I think we all know that hugging is just not a thing in our culture. Especially in
public, where it’s commonly seen as something embarrassing to do. In comparison, Western cultures are much more open to hugging.
Displays of emotions and affection aren’t seen as something shameful - they hug to greet each other, to say goodbye, or thank
someone. It’s preposterous here, but it’s really common for them. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?
These days, thanks to globalization, our cultures are growing more intertwined than ever. So of course, it invites many
changes - including our topic of the day - hugging. As my friend has stated beforehand, the Americans invented Hugging Day and
it’s a day where you give hugs.
Celebration: How?
So, I’d like to elaborate more on that part. How do you celebrate hugging day? Well, it’s pretty self-explanatory - it’s exactly
what it says on the tin. You hug! For example, you can hug your friends to let them know you appreciate them. Another somewhat
unconventional option is hugging strangers. One popular example of this is by holding a free hugs sign in public. It’s a great way to
share consensual hugs without making things awkward! Nobody to hug? No problem! There's always the last option! Who? Yourself!
It sounds weird but you can always wrap your arms around yourself and hug tightly. You’ve worked hard in this life so you should
love and appreciate yourself. Thus, hug away!
Two other ways you can celebrate is by hosting a hugging party and sending hugs online! For the party, you can just host it
like a regular one. Buy food, or if you’re broke - have no money - tell your friends to bring food, hangout and hug it out. Sending hugs
online is a great alternative for people who are less touch-inclined. Cute stickers, emojis, pictures of hugs, send them all to your loved
ones. Personally I don't think it's as nice as an actual hug, but it's the thought that counts! Do what makes you comfortable, folks.
Remember that consent is important.
Since its conception, National Hugging Day has spread internationally to many countries. USA, Brazil, Australia, UK, Russia
and even China. There’s too many to name. Every year on the national hugging day's official website, they also announce "the Most
Huggable Person of the Year". This year, it's Cesare Catania - a contemporary artist from Italy.
Anyway after hearing about all the ways you can give hugs and how nice it is, some of you might still be unconvinced. Especially
coming from a culture such as ours. “What’s so great about hugs, anyway? It’s just a hug, it’s not really important.” which is, valid
opinion but boy do I have some news for you buddy. Hugs can actually have tons of benefits, of which my friend will be explaining to

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