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import sys

import random

f_nb = int(sys.argv[1])
nb_lines = int(sys.argv[2])

nb_students = random.randint(1, nb_lines + 100)

union_find = list(range(nb_students + 1))

def uf_find(uf, x):

if uf[x] != x:
uf[x] = uf_find(uf, uf[x])
return uf[x]

with open(f"args_{f_nb}", "w") as farg:

print(nb_lines, nb_students, f"input_{f_nb}", file=farg)

with open(f"input_{f_nb}", "w") as fin, open(f"output_{f_nb}", "w") as

for _ in range(nb_lines):
c = "j" if random.random() > 0.6 else "?"

lhs = random.randint(1, nb_students)

rhs = random.randint(1, nb_students)

print(c, lhs, rhs, file=fin)

a = uf_find(union_find, lhs)
b = uf_find(union_find, rhs)

if c == "j":
union_find[a] = b
print("T" if a == b else "F", file=fout)

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