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DEC 10, 2023


Life is often messy and unpredictable, with peace and ful illment
seemingly unattainable, but with God all things are possible

Luke 2:1-18


1. Angels irst appeared to shepherds, who were lowly esteemed members of

society. Sometimes people feel unworthy to come to God and doubt that He
could love them because of past sin, behaviour and rebellion. If this was you,
what caused you to change your way of thinking? How do we help someone
who is feeling unworthy and unacceptable to God?

2. Prior to Jesus atonement, animal sacri ices were given for the forgiveness of
sin. However, this practice needed to be repeated because of the people’s
ongoing propensity to rebel against God. Even after receiving Jesus as
Saviour, we sometimes fall into a repeated cycle of sin/confession for the
same behaviour. If this cycle happens, and we are unable to break the
bondage and experience freedom, what are we missing and what can we do
about it?

3. Jesus was placed in a manger - a feeding trough normally containing

nourishing food for barn animals. In John 6:35 Jesus says He is the bread of
life. When has Jesus been nourishing food for you?

4. Luke 2:17 talks about the shepherds telling everyone the good news. Spend
some time talking about how you might fully share the gospel message with
non-believing family and friends this season. Romans 10:14 provides
encouragement….we might be the only ones who share this essential
message with them.



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