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by Ven Dr I. U. Ibeme ; ;

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Comment on The Chapel of Grace Blog:

MOURNING (Background Bible Study)

MOURNING (Background Bible Study)

MOURNING is the experience and expression of sadness and sorrow for sinfulness (repentance from
iniquity) and suffering (bereavement, disaster). God made the creation GOOD but IMPERFECT (Gen 1-2).
Man’s rebellion against God brought sin and inhumane suffering while God’s curse on human sin brought
judgmental suffering for humanity as well as distress and disaster on the whole creation (Gen 3; Rom 8:18-
23). Thanks be to God for the help and hope of redemptive deliverance through Christ from all
defilement and damnation of our sin and from all distress of our suffering (Mat 11:28-30; Luk 4:18-19;
Rom 8). The way Christians mourn for iniquity or adversity should be determined by the truth revealed in
the Scripture not by the worldly culture of our society (2Cor 7:9-10; 1Thes 4:13).

INSTANCES where God’s people mourned abound in Scripture:

(1) Mourning for calamities, Job (Job 1:20-21; Job 2:8; Job 16:15); Exile Jews after the decree to
annihilate them (Est. 4:1-4); the Ninevites when divine judgment was prophesied (Jonah 3:5); Israel when
defeated by the Benjaminites (Judg. 20:26), and when Jerusalem was destroyed (Lam. 2:10-11), etc.

(2) Mourning for the dead, Abraham mourned for Sarah (Gen. 23:2); Jacob for Joseph (Gen 37:34, 35); the
Egyptians for Jacob (Gen 50:3-10); Israel for Aaron (Num. 20:29), for Moses (Deut. 34:8), and for Samuel
(1Sam. 25:1); David for Abner (2Sam. 3:31-35), for Saul/Jonathan (2Sam 1; 1Sam 31:13), and for Absalom
(2Sam 18:33); Mary and Martha for Lazarus (John 11:31-36); devout men for Stephen (Acts 8:2), etc. TO
BE SURE, The culture of feasting during funerals by some is rather absurd and should be denounced
not copied by the Church. The Christian is to mourn being COMFORTED with HOPE (1Thes 4:13-18) but
this does not mean to mourn with idolatry, sorcery, revelry and feasting as others do.

(3) Penitential Mourning, by the Israelites on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 23:27; Neh. 9:1-2); under
Samuel's ministry (1Sam. 7:6); predicted by Ezekiel (Ezk. 7:18); and by Zechariah (Zech. 12:10, 11); in
many of the Psalms (51, etc.); by Ahab (1 Kin. 21:27-29); by Daniel (Dan. 9:3-4); of Ninevites respected by
God (Jonah 3:6-10); expected by God (Isa. 22:12); expected by Christ (Matt. 11:21); enjoined by the
Apostle (Jas. 4:8-9), enjoined by the Prophets (Joel 2:12-18) etc.
NOTE that it is Penitential mourning not Funeral mourning that is commanded, encouraged and
most commonly demonstrated in the Scripture. Every mourner needs to be comforted with relief, with
funeral or with release as the case may be.

EXPRESSION of grief and sorrow during mourning are of various manners and outward forms in the
The Head: uncovered (Lev. 10:6; Lev 21:10); covered (2Sam. 15:30; 2Sam. 19:4; Esth. 6:12; Jer. 14:3-4);
ashes on (Job 2:8; 42:6; Ezk. 27:30); dust on (Josh. 7:6; Rev. 18:19); hands on (2Sam. 13:19; Jer. 2:37).
Bald shave: complete shave of the head for penitence or calamity ONLY (Lev. 10:6; Ezra 9:3, 13; Job 1:20;
Isa. 22:12;). Any form of head shaving to honour the dead was forbidden as idolatrous ancestral worship
(Lev. 19:27-28; Deut. 14:1-2) but was prophesied as judgment against idolatrous Israel (Jer. 7:29; Jer 16:6-
7; Ezk. 27:30-32; Amos 8:10; Mic. 1:16).

NOTE that bald shave was not only a symbol of mourning but also a sign of purification (Lev. 14:8-9; Acts
18:18; Acts 21:24) and humiliation (Jer. 47:5). Apart from natural baldness (Lev. 13:40-41), men were not
THE CHRISTIAN AND CULTURE: Biblical Ways To Mourn by I. U. Ibeme 1
allowed into the temporary Old Testament Temple (2Cor 3:11) with bald shave or uncovered head (except
for mourning or purification); they could only make low-cut hairstyles but must cover their heads when in
the Temple (Ezk. 44:20; 2Cor 3:15-18). The uncovering of men's head in the Church Assembly of the
permanent New Testament (2Cor 3:11) is because of the finished work of Christ and the presence of the
Angels (1Cor 11:1-3,10).

In Christ however, men honour Christ with short hair in the society but uncovered heads in Church (Exo
34:34-35; 2Cor 3:7-18) to symbolise the manifestation of Christ’s glory to the Angels (1Cor 11:2-4, 7, 10).
Women veil their heads in Church to conceal the shame of human glories symbolized by their head (for
male glory) and their hair (for female glory); thus Christian women veiled during worship, honour Christ
and betoken and demonstrate their sonship authority to the Angels – NOT betokening their subordination
to men’s authority as some may think erroneously (1Cor 11:2-3, 7, 10, 15). Even Angels cover their heads in
worship (Isa 6:2).


ANGELIC PRESENCE (Heb 12:22-24). This angelic culture revealed to the Apostles overrides every
other culture and consideration (1Cor 11:16; 14:36-38).

Neglect of Appearance: no ornaments (Exd. 33:4-6; Deut. 21:12-13; Matt. 6:16-17); no pomade (2Sam.
14:2); torn clothes (Gen. 37:29,34; 2Sam. 1:2,11; Job 1:20; Acts 14:14); naked (Isa. 20:1-4; 47:2); barefoot
(2Sam. 15:30).
Mourning Dress: usually Sackcloth – a rough material (Zech. 13:4) made from coarse hair of goat or camel
(Matt. 3:4) and black in colour (Jer. 14:2; Rev. 6:12). Sackcloth was worn during mourning (Gen. 37:34;
38:14; 2Sam. 3:31; 2Sam. 14:2; 2Sam. 21:10; Job 16:15; Jer. 4:8; 6:25; Ezk. 7:18; Joel 1:8). NOTE that
Sackcloth was once the formal ministerial vestment for prophets (2Kin. 1:8; Isa. 20:2; Zec 13:4; Matt. 3:4;
Rev. 11:3). The widows garments (Gen 38:14, Gen 38:19) were not the same as mourning clothes (2Sa 14:2)
but a style of dressing without veil, that was meant to distinguish widows in the society.

With Abstinence/Fasting; (1Sam. 31:13; 2Sam. 1:12; 2Sam. 3:35; Dan 6:18; 10:2-3; Joel 2:12-18; Matt
On the Ground: prostrate (2Sam. 12:16; Job 1:20; Mark 14:34-36); sitting (Isa. 3:26).
Forms of Crying: tearful weeping (Gen. 23:2; 1Sam. 30:4; Matt. 2:18; John 11:35); loud wailing (Esth. 4:3;
Jer. 9:17-21; Ezk. 27:32; Luke 23:27); agonizing strong cry (Mark 15:34-37; Heb 5:7-8); verbally lamenting
with dirge of tribute to the dead, or songs of confession of sin for our failings or the loss of the dead or
livelihood, or songs of gratitude and submission to God for giving and taking (Gen. 50:10; 1Sam. 6:19;
2Sam. 1:17-27; 18:33; Job 1:21; Acts 8:2), or songs of consolation for the bereaved and aggrieved.
Mourning with Songs: David’s Dirge of the Bow (2Sam 1), Jeremiah’s compilation and the lament (or
dirge) musicians (2Chron. 35:25); Wailing women and professional dirge-singing mourners (Jer. 9:17-21;
Matt. 9:23).

FORBIDDEN pagan funeral mourning practices:

■ Christians should avoid Gentile style cutting/tattooing of the body to venerate the dead, appease the gods
or express sorrow and despair (Lev. 19:28; 1Kin 18:28; Jer 48:36-37); ritual hairstyles like shaving corners
of the head to leave a tuft of hair in the middle of the scalp – not only for expressing sorrow but also for
ancestral worship (Lev. 19:27; 21:5-6; Deut. 14:1-2).
The Scripture likens heathenish SYNCRETISM to PROSTITUTION. The way this applied to Israel’s
escapades with ancient PAGAN cultures (Jer 2-3; Ezek 16), so it applies to the Church with today’s
native and modern PAGAN cultures (Rev 17-18). Ancient and modern Gentile ways are mainly
perverse and rebellious against God as well as defiling and detrimental to God’s people (Lev 18:24-25;
Eph 4:17-20).
■ Skin Cuts and Tattoos usually have ritual or religious overtones and are therefore forbidden for the
saints (Lev 19:28). The only skin cutting seal commanded by God is circumcision (Gen 17:11; Rom 4:11).
However, in Christ circumcision as a ritual is nullified and replaced by the Grace signs/seals of Water

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and Spirit Baptisms (Gal 5:6; 6:15; Eph 1:13; Col 2:11-12; Rev 7:1-9). Gentile cultures use
PERMANENT skin marks (cuts/tattoos) as signs and seals for:
1. ancestral veneration (Lev 19:27-28),
2. appeasing their gods, totems or demons (1Kin 18:28),
3. expression of sorrow and despair (Jer 48:36-37),
4. tribal/clan identification or recognition,
5. clannish, titular, cultic or totemic initiations (Rev 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 19:20),
6. blood covenant ratification (Gen 17:11; Act 7:8),
7. exotic (other-worldly) and totemic beautification and
8. occult bondage, spiritistic dedication and possession.
All these are heathenish and antithetical or repugnant to the Gospel. Skin marks, symbols, designs,
mutilations and blemishes should therefore be avoided by Christians and the Church (Lev 21:5-6; Gal
5:9-13; Phil 3:2; Rev 20:4) All those who already had cuts/tattoos before conversion must ensure they
repent of such mutilations and renounce the ritual/religious purposes connected to such blemishes and
never mark their skins any further (John 5:14; 8:11).Temporary skin paintings with cosmetics are not
cuts/tattoos (2Kin 9:30); but even such cosmetics may sometimes have ritual significance.
■ Totemism is spiritistic derivation from and subjection to animal familiars (bestial totemism), plants, or
natural objects. Totemic subjection is associated with bondage influence on a people’s religious
convictions/taboos/tattoos, personal identity and behaviour, and social customs of certain individuals,
family or whole clan. Unlike ordinary animism which is fetish veneration and idolatry (Rom 1:18-24),
totemism is intense occult subjection or demonic possession by the spirit or powers of the totem enabling
the possessed to do signs and wonders (Act 16:16-18).
Christians who had been involved in totemism prior to conversion must repent, renounce and
denounce such for their deliverance.
■ Priests are not to dishevel themselves when bereaved (Lev. 10:6; Lev 21:1-12). This should apply to all
Christians during mourning and fasting generally (Matt. 6:16-18), since in the New Covenant Christians
are all priests in Christ (1Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev 1:6; Rev 5:10); and we are exhorted not to mourn in despair
since we have hope of eternal life (1Thes. 4:13). Christians should mourn with hope like heavenly Royal
Funeral mourning for Christians, should not be a matter of mandatory enforcement of cultural rituals
but of voluntary expression of godly grief, because Christians are free from and above such beggarly
cultural and enslaving ritual laws which are based on superstitions (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:1-7; Gal 5:1).

SUPERSTITIONS about death, mourning and funerals include:

■ That if the deceased is not mourned in some particular or befitting way, the spirit will be hindered from
rest or from reaching certain destination; and if not buried by some particular people in a particular way in a
particular village the bereaved or the clan would not derive some powers from the spirit of the dead.
■ That on the third day, seventh day, or such other days, the spirit of the deceased reaches or needs to reach
certain destination or attainment that demands some rites from the living.
■ That a befitting burial (Eccl 6:3) is not merely proper interment of the deceased saint by the Church but
burial accompanied with costly, crowded, culturally elaborate and protracted funeral or mourning done
with extended absenteeism of the bereaved from Church.
■ That there is second chance by reincarnation in another lifetime or purgation in sheol’s ‘purgatory’ or
remediation by suffering after the first resurrection and rapture of the Just (Heb 9:27).
■ That the death or sleep of the body marks the cessation of consciousness of the spirit-soul.
■ That certain funeral rites or "R.I.P.” prayers done by the living can alter the spiritual destiny of the
diseased or the bereaved (Luk 16:22-26).
■ That some spiritual attack or divine judgment is always the root cause of disaster or someone’s demise
(1Kin 14:12-13; John 9:1-3).
■ That the spirit of the dead could hang around with the living on earth or be brought back to the earth by
mediums and necromancers (Isa 8:19-20).

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NOTE: If necromancy could bring back the true spirits of the dead to earth, why have sorcerers never
raised any dead person back to life? It is therefore obvious that the purported “spirits of the dead” are
familiar spirits or mere imagination.
What is possible and true is that we could have vision, dream or trance which involves issues
about the dead without bringing out their spirits to us, the same way our dreams involve issues about the
living without bringing out their spirits to us. Such visions or dreams could be ordinary (Ecc 5:3) or
demonic, but could be revelatory as God permits. Divination Séances could also be used by mediums or
sorcerers. Mediums are demon-possessed sorcerers who have learned a divination method (i.e. sorcery
Num 23:1-5; 24:1) to "dream" ("conjure up to their minds" or in illusions, NOT actually to the earth
1Sam 28:8, 11) of specific persons or matters while consciously awake (i.e. séance Num 24:3-4, 15-16)
through the help of familiar spirits and enchantments (Deut 18:10-12). Vision, dream and séance
involving the living or the dead is about either spiritual telecommunication or delusional imagination
rather than translocation of the actual spirits of the living or the dead who are “seen” in those instances.
In 1Sam 28 the medium “brought up” her familiar spirits (to her mind NOT to the earth) by
divination (1Sam 28:8) but by divine intervention she encountered an unfamiliar “god”, which King Saul
believed to be Samuel (1Sam 28:13-14), and God intervened in the situation to pronounce judgment on
Saul. (as God intervened with Balaam’s divination to pronounce blessing on Israel Num 23:23; 24:1-2)
Be warned that where divination and enchantments always fail because of divine intervention
(Num 23:23; John 10:29), deception and enticements may succeed because of divine indignation (Num
31:16; Heb 10:38; 2Pet 2:13-15).

Some instances of spectacular connection or communication with heaven:

■ At the transfiguration, revelation was given to the Apostles when Christ underwent glorious
transfiguration, heavenly glory came down to overshadow them, while Moses and Elijah appeared and
were seen discussing with Christ (Mat 17:1-8; 2Pet 1:16-18).
■ Paul (2Cor 12) and John (Rev 4-22) also had revelatory access by being “raptured” (carried/caught up)
in the spirit into heaven.
■ On the Damascus road, Saul experienced heaven connecting down to the earth; even his companions
saw the flash of the light and heard the sound of the voice from heaven but could not grasp Jesus’ words
directed to Saul (Act 9:3-8; 22:6-11). This was similar to the case of the Holy Monday crowd of Jews and
Greeks with Jesus in Jerusalem (John 12:28-30).


Esteem accorded the diseased and worldview on life after death influence how the dead are mourned.
Human observation (eye & ear) and contemplation (mind) have no access to the truth about God’s
provisions for life after death, but the Holy Spirit has revealed these deep things to the saints (1Cor 2:9-10).
Pagan funerals are based on blind speculations and superstitious error. Christian funeral
considerations given towards the dead should not derive from superstition but should be based on
their spiritual status and condition prior and sequel to their decease, as appointed by God and
revealed in the Scripture:
■ The dead in Christ are ABSENT from the body, but their spirit-souls are immediately (Luk 23:43; Act
7:56-60) PRESENT with Christ in HEAVEN’S PARADISE (Php 1:20-24; 2Cor 5:1-10; 2Cor 12:2-4; Rev
2:7) as Souls, prayerfully resting under the golden altar of incense before God’s throne in heaven (Rev 6:9-
11; Rev 8:3; Rev 9:13),
■ The dead (“asleep” John 11:11; 1Thes 4:14) in Christ remain conscious invisible members of Christ’s
Church as Spirits, triumphantly perfected (1Thes 5:10; Heb 12:22-24) and shall be raised with glorious
bodies for vindication and eternal felicity when Christ comes again (John 14:1-4; Php 3:20-21; 1John 3:2-3).
■ The dead without Christ are detained in SHEOL-PRISON till the Day of Judgment (1Pet 3:19-20; 2Pe
2:4; Jud 1:6; Rev 20:7) when they shall rise (or be exposed) inglorious for condemnation and eternal torment
(John 5:25-29; Rev 14:10-11; 20:11-15).
■ The dead in Christ are no longer resting in Abraham’s bosom/bay or the lower ‘paradise’ of hades (Luk
16:22-24; Luk 23:43), as was the case before the Cross of Christ (Mat 27:50-54; 1Pet 3:18-19), nor are they
still abandoned, imprisoned or detained in the sheol’s lower darkness or the pit of nether gloom (Psa 88:3-8;
THE CHRISTIAN AND CULTURE: Biblical Ways To Mourn by I. U. Ibeme 4
Psa 143:3; 1Pet 3:19-20;). Jesus came as the One Who was Anointed (Christ) by God to set the soul-spirits
of His Saints free from the pre-Christian lower sheol-prison (Isa 61:1; Luk 4:18; Heb 13:14) and bring them
into the liberty of His glorious Paradise above (Rev 2:7).
■ The teaching of the Apostolic and Early Church Fathers is that Christ will come visibly from heaven the
only single second time in glory with His Angels, to establish His Millennial Reign on this Earth (1Co
15:23-25; 2Th 1:6-10; 2Th 2:1-3; Rev 5:10; 20:6). At this only single appearing the following shall all
1. when Christ comes from the divine or holy heaven (i.e. the third heaven), past the starry hosts
heaven and reaches the air (i.e. the first heaven), the Archangel shall sound the LAST TRUMPET, the
dead in Christ shall RESURRECT while the living believers shall be TRANSLATED, and together (in their
new glorious bodies) both shall be GATHERED/RAPTURED to meet Christ while He comes through the
air (Mat 24:29-31; 1Co 15:51-53; 1Th 4:15-18; Rev 20:5-6).
2. when Christ reaches ground, He will terminate the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:25-29), destroy
the Antichrist at Armageddon (2Th 2:8-9; Rev 6:12-17; Rev 16:16-21) and REIGN with all His glorified
Saints to physically enforce God's rule over all earthly kingdoms (Rev 2:25-27; Rev 19:11-17; 1Co 15:26-
28) for “1000 years” (Millennium) of Glorious Subjugation (Rev 20:1-6; note 2Pet 3:8).
NOTE: It is important to be aware that some eschatological views popular in the Church today (such
as the Middle Ages doctrine of spiritualised millennium called Amillennialism, modern optimistic
Postmelliannilsm and recent doctrine of double church and duplicate second coming called
Dispensational Premillennialism, etc) were never taught by Christ nor ever believed by the
Apostles and the Church Fathers.
■ After the Millennial Subjugation (Dispensationalists believe that Christ will come twice first for the
resurrection and rapture of the Church before the Tribulation thereafter come again for the Millennium!
while Amillennialists believe that the Millennium actually began with the resurrection of Christ when He
began to reign with triumphant saints and in the militant Church, such that Gog and Magog is same as
Armageddon), there shall be the Final Conflict of Gog-Magog when all living sinners will die (Rev 20:7-
10), thereafter shall be the Great Conflagration of the elements of this old universe (2Pet 3:10-13; Rev
20:11; 21:1) and the Final Judgment of all humanity and demonic spirits at the Great White Bema-Throne
(Rom 14:10; 2Cor 5:10; Rev 20:11-15).
■ After the Final Judgment, the glorified Saints together with Christ will INHERIT the New Eternal
Universe forever (Rev 21:1-8); while the wicked suffer in the Eternal Furnace forever (Mat 25:41-46; Rev
14:9-11; 20:10).
■ The dead outside Christ should be left to their fellow non-Christians to be given non-Christian burial as
one outside Christ (Mat 8:22; Eph 2:1-5).
■ Christians mourning for their dead should mourn in agreement with God’s standards both for the living
and dead as revealed in the Scripture and our standing in relation with God as obtainable in Christ.

When we Christians die while in our walk with God and put off this old carnal body (2Cor 5:1-6);
because the Lord already knows those who are His (2Tim 2:19; Heb 4:13) and those written in (or not
blotted from) His Book of Life (Php 4:3; Rev 3:5):
1. immediately, our spirit-souls without bodies triumphantly pass into Christ’s presence (i.e. third-
heaven paradise 2Cor 12:2-4; Rev 2:7; by the indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom 8:13-17) and through Angelic
ministry Matt 18:10; Luk 16:22; Jude 1:9) to WAIT for the coming resurrection when we will put on our
new glorious bodies (2Cor 5:8; Php 1:20-24; Rev 6:9-11);
2. at the last trumpet when Christ comes in glory, we who are already in the Book of Life resurrect
with new glorious bodies to REIGN with Christ for 1000yrs on this inglorious earth (Rev 20:4-6);
3. at the final judgment (for tribunal implementation of God’s already written and known verdict
for final reward and retribution John 5:28-29), we all give tribunal account to God (2Cor 5:10; Heb
4:13) in our new glorious bodies and enter the new glorious universe for eternal REST of blissful
WORSHIP before God (Rev 20:11-12, 21:1-8). And the wicked in their shameful resurrected form shall be
finally consigned to eternal fiery torment (Rev 14:10-11; 20:13).
Modern distinction between Christ’s royal THRONE (Grk=thronos) and judgment SEAT (Grk=bema) is
in error. In the ancient world, legislating, judging and punishing were believed to be directly vested on
rulers by God (Deut 17:12; John 19:8-11; Rom 13:1-7). Elevated Ruling THRONES of ancient
authorities were same as their elevated Judgment SEATS and the throne room or audience room was
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same as the court room or tribune: e.g. Emperors (Act 25:10), Kings (1Kin 3:28; 2Chron 1:10-12),
Tetrarchs (Act 12:21), Governors (Act 24:10; 25:6), Procurators (Mat 27:19; John 19:13), Proconsuls (Act
18:12-17), City Magisterial Rulers (Grk=archon Luk 12:58), even the Apostles and Saints in Christ’s
Kingdom (Mat 19:28; Luk 22:30; Rev 20:4), etc (Exo 18:13-26; Mark 13:9).
This is the sense in which Christ’s great glorious royal Throne (Mat 25:31; Rev 20:11) is same as
Christ’s glorious Judgment Seat of the Great Day of reckoning (John 5:22-27; 2Cor 5:10; Rom 14:10;
Rev 20:11). The separation of powers into executive, legislative and judiciary are modern check and balance
concepts spearheaded by the Church.

In the same vein, modern twisted distinction between our resurrection and gathering together (rapture) unto
Christ and the Second Coming of Christ has no basis whatsoever in the Scriptures. The Apostles in the
Scriptures and the Early Church Fathers in their teachings never hinted of any such double second coming.
Plain Scripture teaches that Christ will come one single time in glory WITH His Angels (visible
Revelation/Appearing at His glorious Presence/Coming) to resurrect and gather (Rapture) His
Church and destroy the Antichrist, all at the same event (Mat 24:29-31; 25:31; 1Cor 15:20-24; 2Thes
1:6-10; 2:1-8). This single Second Coming to gather (raise and rapture) the Church terminates the “Great
Tribulation” and begins the Glorious Subjugation in the “Millennium”, which leads to the “Final
Conflict”, the “Great Conflagration” and “Final Judgment”.
Christ’s coming or appearing and our gathering together (resurrection and rapture) unto Him are same
synchronous single event in the Scriptures (Mat 24:27-31; 25:31; 1Thes 4:15-17; 2Thes 1:6-10; 2Thes 2:1-3
and 8; 1John 2:28; Jude 14).

See this link for more details:

The Hope which Christ brought into our Nature and Destiny
In addition to their human spirit-soul, Christians are given the Holy Spirit Who awakens and renews their spirit
to eternal life in union with Christ and witnesses assurance of this renewal to their spirit-soul (Rom 8:9-16;
1Cor 2:12; 2Cor 1:21-22; 2Cor 5:1-6).
(1) The spirit-souls of those in Christ, because of the quickening and the 'earnest-firstfruit' of the Holy Spirit
(Rom 8:26-27; 2Co 5:5; Eph 1:13-14), will at death triumphantly “ascend or return” to God (Eccl 3:21; 12:7)
Who preserves them (no longer in the sheol paradise bay of Abraham below Luk 16:22, but now) in His
paradise bosom (or bay Acts 27:39) of His presence for rest and comfort with Christ, pending eventual
resurrection of glory (i.e. bodily redemption Joh 5:28-29; Rev 6:9-11) after the tribulation, for the Millennial
Reign of Restoration-Restitution (Act 1:6; 3:21). This individual transitional consignment (pass/cross over Joh
5:24) to the spirit supraworld (through angelic ministry Luk 16:22) is unto Eager WAITING for the general
tribunal (give account 2Cor 5:10) vindication of ADOPTION AND REDEMPTION (Rom 8:23).
(2) The spirit-souls of those without Christ, because of their divine image, though accursed, will at death
disgracefully “ascend or return” to God (Eccl 3:21; 12:7) Who detains them with chains of sorrow and pain
in the lowest-dark pit or dungeon Psa 86:13; Psa 88:6; Psa 116:3; i.e. tartarus or abyss Luk 8:31: 2Pe 2:4) for
regrets and torment (Luk 16:22-31), pending eventual ‘resurrection’ of damnation (second death) after the
Millennium (Joh 5:28-29; Rev 21:8). This individual transitional consignment (already Joh 3:18) to the spirit
underworld (through demonic ministry Jud 1:9) is unto Fearful WAITING for the general tribunal ( give
account 2Cor 5:10) condemnation of JUDGMENT AND INDIGNATION (Heb 10:27).
2Peter 2:3-5, 9
(3) And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their
condemnation pronounced long ago is not sitting idly by; their destruction is
not asleep.
(4) For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but threw them into hell
and locked them up in chains in utter darkness, to be kept until the judgment,
(5) and if he did not spare the ancient world, but did protect Noah, a herald of
righteousness, along with seven others, when God brought a flood on an
ungodly world,
(9) — if so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from their trials, and
to reserve the unrighteous for punishment at the day of judgment,

■ Before Christ came, both the lower torment PIT and upper comfort BAY of the netherworld were together
“below” in SHEOL or HADES, but separated “afar off” by a “fixed” impassable CHASM. At death transition,
Angels conveyed the saints to the comfort BAY and demons conveyed the sinful to the torment PIT (Luk 16:22-
■ When Christ died, He went and preached the Gospel of His Lordship in sheol-hades (1Pe 3:18-20).
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■ When Christ ascended, He took the saints in Abraham’s paradise bay, from the captivity of sheol-hades to
bring them into the earnest liberty of His own paradise presence in the “third” heaven (Mat 27:52-53; Lk 4:18-
19; John 20:17; Eph 4:8-10; Php 1:21-23).

The First Resurrection is for the Just and shall be glorious and rapturous but not secret (Mat 24:30; Rev 1:7). It
shall not occur except AFTER the Antichrist rebellion (2Thes 2:1-3), when Christ returns openly in glory to
destroy the Antichrist and terminate the great tribulation (Mat 24:21-31; Mark 14:62; 1Th 4:13-18). At Christ’s
coming, the saints shall be glorified and raptured in the clouds to “meet” (i. e. “welcome” as in Mat 25:6; Act
DOWN TO EARTH) as He comes down to destroy the Antichrist (2Th 2:8) and reign with the glorified saints.
As Christ’s priest-kings, the saints shall rule on earth (Rev 5:10) with rod of iron (Rev 2:26-27) in the
Millennium (2Thes 1:5-10; Rev 20:6).


Funeral of a saint is one place of contention between the divine and the demonic as in the case of
Moses (Deut 34:5-8; Jude 1:9); for the death of a saint is “a big deal” and precious before God (Psa
116:15). Cultural funerals are based on pagan beliefs about life after death and cause of death. Such funerals
are all about superstitious spiritism, blame and vengeance rather than consolation and hope. Funerals
should be intended for CONSOLATION to properly assuage the grief of the bereaved and for
INTERMENT to properly dispose the corpse of the deceased. In view of the above Background Bible
Study, Christian funerals should be based on the following principles:
1. The Bereaved should be supported to mourn as he/she is moved emotionally (expressing godly grief
or sorrow) for the pain and perplexity of parting/loss (Acts 20:17-18; Job 1:20-22) and mourn
devoutly (in accordance with the Scriptures): e.g.
- Long for Jacob (Gen. 50:1-10 for 40, 70, & 7days), Moses and Aaron (Num 20:29; Deut
34:8 for 30days) and Saul (1Sam 31:13 for 7days);
- Deep for Joseph and Absalom (Gen. 37:34-35; 2Sam. 18:33);
- Loud for the Children in Ramah (Matt. 2:18);
- Brief for Christ and Lazarus (for 3 or 4days Matt 27:55-60; Luke 23:27; John 11:35);
- Great for Stephen (Acts 8:2).
These were done for varying number of days obviously NOT meant to be dogmatically fixed as three,
seven, or forty, as if the numerology of days has any valid significance. Believers’ spirit-souls depart to
be with Christ the very same day their bodies die or sleep (Luk 23:43; 2Cor 5:6-9; Phil 1:23; 1Thes
Funerals are for consolation of the bereaved NOT for the salvation of the diseased. Even after the
formal two day programme of vigil and interment formalities, it is necessary for relations, friends and
well wishers to watch the grief state of the bereaved to still keep around them and be in touch with
them till they are perceived to be reasonably relieved (Joh 11:19; Joh 11:31).
On their part, the Bereaved should avoid the danger of unduly prolonged grief or refusal to be
comforted (Gen 37:35; Psa 77:2; Jer 31:15).

There should not be absenteeism from Church fellowships after interment and condolences are over,
especially after one had resumed going for work, business, school and market. It is best to start
attending Church on the Sunday next after the burial.

2. The Bereaved should mourn formally (in an organized FUNERAL for CONSOLATION OF
GRIEF) as he/she is able to do: not as compelled by tradition or demanded by people, but as
GRIEVED by sorrow which is aware of scriptural truth and COMFORTED by the hope of the
Gospel (1Thes 4:13, 18). This should be:
- Independent of mourning clothes or baldness;
- Irrespective of dishevelled appearance;
- Regardless of how long, deep, loud, great or brief the lamentation is.
The Scripture forbids certain forms of expression of sorrow during funerals because they lead to
error, sin and bondage. But godly forms of sorrow (mourning with meditation, gratitude and hope,

THE CHRISTIAN AND CULTURE: Biblical Ways To Mourn by I. U. Ibeme 7

NOT with indignation and despair or mirth and merriment or superstition and necromancy) are
encouraged because they edify unto salvation (2Cor 7:9-10).
The Church must ensure that widows are never subjected to any accursed cultural ordeals and
molestation but rather be consoled and protected (Exo 22:22; Deu 27:19; Isa 1:17).

3. The Bereaved should mourn and lament with temperate mannerisms (Matt. 6:16-18; 2Sam 1:11-12)
or lament songs (2Sam 1:26; 1Kin 13:30) and assuage his/her grief with the comfort derived from
the hope of the Saints’ destiny and Christ’s coming (1Thes. 4:13, 16-17) as well as the comfort of
the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures (John 14:26; John 15:26; Rom 15:4).

4. The Church should show condolence to (NOT make demands from) the bereaved by:
- Sympathetic mourning acts (Job 2:11-13; Job 42:11; John 11:33-36; Rom 12:15);
- Comforting words (Gen. 37:35; Matt. 2:18; 1Thes. 4:18);
- Cheering up (John 16:33; Acts 27:22,25,36);
- Singing songs of comfort, hope and thanksgiving (1Thes 5:18);
- Non-pagan funeral testimonies/tributes/dirge in memory of (NOT to pray for) the
diseased (2Sam 1:17-27);
- Prayers for the living (not superstitiously for the dead or culturally but according to the
- Contributing food, cash and other necessities to console and support the bereaved (Job
Note: The provision of Bread of Comfort and Wine of Consolation (Jer 16:6-7).
This should not be occasion to make demands on the grieving family nor be occasion for squander and
squabble; instead it should be done with offering succour to the bereaved and occasion for frugality
and equanimity. The place of mourning and meditation should be allowed to serve its good purpose
and not become turned into a place of mirth and merriment (Eccl 7:1-4). Nor should the Church engage
in vengeful invocations and necromantic rituals of the heathens.
Notice that even the MEMORIAL OF THE DEAD – as done by the Church for Christ (Eucharist/Passion
Week) and for the Saints (Saints’ Days) – is not for repeat funeral mourning but for thanksgiving and
thoughtful recommitment to pursue and propagate all godly virtues of the commemorated (1Cor 11:23-26;
Heb 11:32-40). The memory of the righteous is blessed (Pro 10:7) and everlasting (Psa 112:6).

5. The Bereaved and the Church should be wise to take advantage of the mourning occasion (Eph
5:15-17) to provoke reflections on how they are faring in the Faith (Eccl. 7:1-4); for after we die
once, next comes the divine judgment of all by Christ (Psa 96:13; Eccl 12:14; Joh 5:26-29; Acts
17:31; 2Cor 5:10; Heb 9:27), NOT “cyclical-life” reincarnation, “after-life” purgation, “left-behind”
tribulation or such other form of second chance falsehood and error.

6. The Bereaved and the Church should join together in funeral worship service to God thus:
- Praise/Worship to God – for His sovereign power and wisdom in giving and taking
(2Sam. 12:16-24; Job 1:20-25) and for the consolation of the bereaved; (Heathenish
ceremonies, rituals, masquerading, evil-dancing, talking to the deceased body,
invocations and such necromancies should be abhorred);
- Testimonies/Thanksgiving – for God’s gift of the life and worthy company of the
deceased (Instead of praying, “May the soul of the (faithful) departed rest in
perfect peace”; it is more biblical to pray, “For the life of the (faithful)
departed we thank Thee o Lord”.);
– for tribute/memories of the faith and worthy examples of the deceased (Pro
– for God’s grace in sparing the living (1Thes. 5:18);
– for the hope of future victory and eternal bliss (John 16:22,33; Rev. 21:3).
- Word Ministration/Meditation – to console the bereaved and the grieving with the
Scriptures (1Thes 4:13-18), to exhort the faithful, to admonish the depraved
and the unbelieving (Eccl 7:1-5) for a better walk with God.

THE CHRISTIAN AND CULTURE: Biblical Ways To Mourn by I. U. Ibeme 8

- Prayers/Supplications – for God’s grace and fortitude on the bereaved and for mercy,
protection and salvation on the living (but NOT for the salvation of the dead).

7. The Deceased corpse or bones should be safely disposed of in a proper burial (Ecc 6:3; Jer 22:19)
at community cemetery or family burial place but preferably in a Christian cemetery:
As with - Jacob (Gen. 50:2-14);
- Sarah (Gen 23:19; 25:10);
- Rachel (Gen 35:19-20);
- Joseph (Gen 50:24-26; Josh 24:32);
- Kings of Judah (2Chron 21:20; 26:23; 28:7; 33:20)
- Jesus (Luke 23:50-58; John 19:38-42);
- Stephen (Acts 8:2).
Married Christian women belong together with their husbands (Psa 45:10,16; Matt 19:4-6) and
should be buried with their husbands in their husbands’ family burial grounds or husbands’ Church
or community cemeteries (Gen 49:31) NOT carried back to their maiden homes.
Notice there was - cremation for Saul and his sons and for some disaster victims (1Sam 31:12; Amo
6:10); and
- bonfire (?cremation or ?wake-keep) with songs to honour kings e.g. Asa and Zedekiah
(2Chr 16:14; Jer 34:4-5);
- also embalmment for Jacob and Joseph (Gen 50:3,26).
Absence of bonfire (?cremation/wake-keep) and lament songs seemed to be seen as dishonour for
Israelite kings (2Ch 21:19; Jer 22:18).

Updated April 22, 2023

by Very Rev. Dr. I. U. Ibeme
Copyright © PriscAquila Publishing, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
PriscAquila Christian Resource Centre ;

THE CHRISTIAN AND CULTURE: Biblical Ways To Mourn by I. U. Ibeme 9

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