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Nova Obamaius Faction

A Presidential address
of Nova Obamaius and the United States of Obamerica, President, Defender
of the Obamaians
To all my dear friends of the Nova Obamaius faction - Greeting

The faction hasn’t been doing too well lately if you haven’t noticed, and Teddy and I
have launched Nova Obamaius’ last operation, Operation Hadrian. The faction isn’t
disbanding, but it is my final decision to make the faction dormant and temporarily
suspend its official operations and Discord server.

This is the poorest state the faction has been in ever, even worse than the USSR
attacks and activity decline when school first started in September. The faction
has not fought any recent wars, people are rarely online and even the leadership of
NOVO is too wrapped up in school or flat out unable to play The Wild West.

Recruitment, and any form of expansion or growth has been minimal this winter.
Any plans that we’ve made, SHELVED. Any rallies we tried to do, NO ONE SHOWED
UP. At one point there was even a huge initiative by a couple of NATCO members
to reform and revive the faction, which failed miserably without a single one of its
goals met.

After that, Premier Teddy made a second attempt to revive the faction, with a
different approach, which also failed due to both poor planning and it was never
put into action. We went out with a bang as we hit our record of the most people in
one game in December, however shortly after things started going downhill fast.

The last thing that sealed my thoughts on this was when there were only six
attendees who showed up to an important event in late January, and five of them
were literally the people that organized the event.

But on the bright side, we won the war with the USSR because our faction was so
inactive and dead that they gave up on waiting for us to get online…?
Everyone who does not accept the invitation below or cannot accept the fact that
the faction is dead or at least dying will be let go. It’s so easy to sit back in your
chair and just keep stating that “It's not dead” however if you actually try to write a
list of all the active faction members there are, you would have a completely blank

The faction is going dormant until summer break begins in America. The earliest
date that we think would be appropriate to start up again, is May 27th, 2022 in 3
and a half months. From that date onwards, we will be mass recruiting in-game to
revive the faction, just like I did, back in Summer 2021 when the faction was
originally founded.

But until then, we sincerely invite you to an optional, fun-focused faction Discord
server hangout. We can all talk and have some more good times together while the
main faction is dormant.

We plan to host small, fun events and gaming sessions in TWW and possibly other
games if anyone is interested. During this time you may play TWW on your own
terms without any expectations from the high command at Nova Obamaius.

Also, I’m writing this letter to you in February, a point in the year where recruiting
is hopeless, and activity is at an all time low due to school/other commitments.

This server and this new "dormant" era of the faction, is where Teddy and Obama
wish the faction to be for at least another 3 months. This isn’t a point open for
debate, and neither do we feel like arguing with you.

If you are not interested in this, or are downright no longer interested in Nova
Obamaius, feel free to leave this server and the other Nova Obamaius Discord.

WITNESS, The Honourable Barack Obama, President of our Faction of Nova

Obamaius, this fifth day of February, two thousand twenty-two.


President of Nova Obamaius

Premier of Nova Obamaius

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