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Nama : Ayudiah Ravalini

NIM : 19210823
Kelas : 19.2A.04

1. The benefit of a computer network are :

a. Sharing hardware resources easily
b. Sharing information easily
c. Sharing Input easily
d. A and B True
e. A, B, and C True

2. There are many many types of Computer Network, except :

a. LAN
b. WAN
c. MAN
d. BAN
e. MAN

3. There are many many types of Network Topology, except :

a. Bus and Ring
b. Star and Mesh
c. Ring and Star
d. Star and Bus
e. Bust and Mesht

4. A piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a

computer network is …
a. NIC
b. LAN Card
c. NEC
d. RAN Card
e. A and B True

5. There are the devices to create a computer network, except :

a. NIC
b. Repeater
c. Hub
d. VGA
e. Router

1. What is the function of computer network …

➢ file and data sharing, resource sharing, data protection, ease of administration,
internal communication, distribute computing power.

2. Many types of computer network, explain and mentioned that …

➢ PAN (PERSONAL AREA NETWORK) : computer network organized around
individual person with a single building
➢ LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK) : computer network at a single site,
typically an individual office building
➢ MAN (METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK) : computer network across an
entire city, college or small region
➢ WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORK) : computer network that occupy a very large
area such as entire country or world

3. Give the 5 examples of network topology …

➢ star topology, ring topology, mesh topology, bus topology, and hybrid topology

4. A piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a

computer network is …
➢ NETWORK INTERFACE CARD (NICs) such as networks card, network
adapter, LAN adapter

5. Could you mentioned the devices to create a computer network …

➢ Hub, Ethernet Hubs, Switches, Bridges, Routers, Brouters, Gateways, Network
Card, Network Protocols, ISDN, MODEMS.


1. The art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no-one apart from
the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message :
a. Stenography
b. Stegraphy
c. Steganomy
d. Stagenography
e. All answer are false
2. A steganography message will appear to be something else, the examples…
a. A picture
b. An article
c. A message
d. A and C true
e. All answer false

3. There are some technique steganography, except …

a. Writing a secret message using invisible ink
b. Hidden messages on messenger's body
c. A picture of a message in microdots or microfilms
d. A copy file to another file.
e. In computer era, steganography can be done by inserting a secret document into
other document

4. The origin of steganography from ….

a. Greek
b. Russia
c. England
d. America
e. Germany

5. The steganography usually use for …..

a. Covered
b. Hidden Writing
c. Copy
d. Backup
e. A and B true


1. What is steganography …
➢ Steganography is the technique of hiding secret data within an ordinary, non-
secret, file or message in order to avoid detection; the secret data is then
extracted at its destination.

2. A steganography message will appear to be something else, give examples …

➢ A picture and a message

3. Mentioned that some techniques of steganography …

➢ Digital Watermarking, Voice over Internet Protocol, Detection Algorithm,
Detection Method, Watermarking Technique, and Trojans.
4. The origin of steganography from …
➢ Greek

5. The steganography usually use for …

➢ Covered and hidden writing

6. Make example about steganography as you can …

➢ Writing with invisible ink and Embedding text in a picture


1. The practice and study of creating a secret information.

a. Stenography
b. Crytography
c. Steganomy
d. Stagenoghrapy
e. All answer are false

2. A cryptography is used in applications present in technologically advanced societies,

the examples…
a. Security of ATM cards
b. Computer passwords
c. Electronic commerce A message
d. A, B and C true
e. Hidden Message

3. A machine called Enigma to encrypt and decrypt the messages in worl war II used
a. German
b. America
c. France
d. Italy
e. Russia

4. The example of cryptography …

a. Greek
b. Enigma
c. Enogmist
d. Login
e. A, B and C true
5. The a secret text resulting from encryption process is ….
a. Hidden Writing
b. Chiper text
c. Hidden text
d. A and B true
e. No Answer


1. What is cryptography …
➢ Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to information
security aspects, such as data confidentiality, data validity, data integrity, and
data authentication.

2. What is the different between cryptography and steganography …

➢ The steganography and cryptography are the two sides of a coin where the
steganography hides the traces of communication while cryptography uses
encryption to make the message incomprehensible.

3. How the cryptography works …

➢ Encryption is a modern form of cryptography that allows users to hide
information from others. Encryption uses a complex algorithm called a cipher
in order to convert normal data (plaintext) into a series of random characters
(ciphertext) that can not be read by people without a special key that makes the
data decrypted. Those who have a key can decrypt the data to see the plaintext
of a random string of ciphertext characters.

4. Give the example of cryptography …

➢ Data = HOUSE => Df4574f <= After Encryption

5. Give the example using cryptography in computer technology …

➢ Encryption and Decryption, In the world of information technology,
cryptography is run using a special algorithm to perform data encryption and

1. What is the internet ….

a. A worldwide connection of millions of computers connected to thousands of
different networks
b. Each computer on the Internet
c. Server
d. Browsing
e. All answer are false

2. Many kind of internet services, mentioned that …..

a. Browser
b. World Wide web
c. FTP
d. B and C True
e. Wireless Network

3. There are the examples of search engine ….

a. Google Crhome
b. Mozila Firefox
c. Internet Explore
d. Opera
e. All answers true

4. The examples of search engine ….

a. IRC
b. Yahoo Messenger
c. Google Talk
d. A, B and C true
e. All Answers false

5. What is the function Internet address domain ….

a. The domain name service address
b. Host machine has a special Internet protocol address (IP address) that
uniquely identifies that computer
c. The domain name service address of the IP address
d. A, B and C true
e. All answers false

1. What is the internet …

➢ A worldwide connection of millions of computers connected to thousands of
different networks.

2. Many kind of internet services, mentioned that and explain …

➢ www (world wide web) is an interconnected system of public webpages
accessible through the Internet.
➢ Email electronic mail, allows people to send and receive electronic messages.
➢ Telnet, allows a user on one computer to log onto a remote computer and run
software on that remote computer as if it were on the user’s local computer.

3. Give the 3 examples of search engine …

➢ Google, Yahoo!, and MSN Search.

4. Give the 3 examples of chat service …

➢ Whatsapp, line and wechat

5. What is the function internet address domain …

➢ to identify Internet resources, such as computers, networks, and services, with
a text-based label that is easier to memorize than the numerical addresses used
in the Internet protocols.


1. Method of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text-based human

communications with digital communications systems is …
a. Server
b. Email
c. Attach File
d. FTP
e. WWW

2. The are several part of Email …..

a. Header
b. World Wide web
c. Message Body
d. A and C True
e. Address
3. There are the examples of Email Address, except ….
e. All answers true

4. What kinds of document that could attach file to email ….

a. Images
b. PDF file
c. DOC file
d. Music file
e. All Answers true

5. What is the meaning of BCc ….

a. Bling Carbon Copy
b. Bline Carbon Copy
c. Blink Carbon Copy
d. Blind Carbon Copy
e. All answers false


1. What is email …
➢ Email is any method of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text-based
human communications with digital communications systems.

2. Explain how email works …

➢ Emails are routed to user accounts via several computer servers. They route the
message to their final destination and store them so that users can pick them up
and send them once they connect to the email infrastructure. Email can be
accessed through an email client or a web interface (more about these later).

3. Could you explain several parts of email …

➢ Header, It contains information about the sender, the routing and the time of the
message. The header always contains a subject line. This is a very important
part of the message and you should always include a subject line.
➢ Message body, where you write your message.
➢ Signature, which identifies the sender. This part is optional and must be set up
inside of your email software.
➢ Bcc: Blind Carbon Copy, when recipient does not need to know who else got a
copy of the message.
4. Give the 3 examples email address …
➢,, and

5. Could you explain how to attach file to email …

➢ Click on New Message on the left-hand side of the screen
➢ Type the e-mail address you want to send to on the To: line
➢ Click on Attach on the left-hand side.
➢ This will bring up a window where you can browse your folders and select the
file(s) you want to attach. When you done selecting the file, click on the Open
button. (Alternatively, you can drag and drop file(s) to the Attach section)
➢ You will see the attached file in the Attachments section of the e-mail.
➢ Type your message and click Send when you are done.


1. What is the Website ….

a. A site (location) contains a collection of pages on the World Wide Web
b. A site for information on the World Wide Web
c. A site for search information
d. A tool designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.
e. All answers true

2. The function of website ….

a. Bring information resources to the user
b. Give directions to your place of business
c. Introduction for your profile
d. Searching information
e. A, B and C True

3. A program that searches documents for specified keywords …

a. Website
b. Search Engine
c. Web Page
e. All answers true

4. A document written in Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) ….

a. Website
b. Search Engine
c. Web Page
e. All answers true
5. The examples of search engine ….
a. Bing
b. Google
c. Ask
d. Yahoo
e. All answers true


1. What is the website …

➢ A website is a site (location) contains a collection of pages on the World Wide

2. What the function of website …

➢ Websites are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, such as news,
education, commerce, entertainment, or social networking.

3. Could you explain about html …

➢ HTML (stands for Hypertext Markup Language) is a computer language that
makes up most web pages and online applications. A hypertext is a text that is
used to reference other pieces of text, while a markup language is a series of
markings that tells web servers the style and structure of a document.

4. What the function of search engine …

➢ The three main functions of a search engine are collecting information about
webpages, categorizing those webpages, and creating an algorithm that makes
it easy for people to find relevant web pages.

5. How the way using search engine …

➢ Search engines work by crawling hundreds of billions of pages using their own
web crawlers.

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