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people will try not to spend so much on luxuries and that includes holidays.

don't want to go without a holiday altogether, because holidays are an important break from the
stresses of work and daily life.

go abroad to go on holiday. You can have a staycation instead. These have increased in popularity
in recent years.

it's a bad trend because it means that people discover more about their own country, and at the
same time, they boost the local economy.
me what kind of expenses you cover

it would harm my future career to take time away from work to volunteer

Wouldn't you like to use your skills to help others

if there are organizations which offer long-term volunteering jobs for inexperienced people

It's a bit selfish to volunteer just because you want to travel, isn't it

Surely it's more interesting to see another country as a volunteer rather than as a tourist
If you had a cruise in mind, try one of Lindblad's expeditions.

If you don't mind a bit of danger and excitement, Lindblad cruises are perfect.

I meant to book this holiday, but I've had a lot on my mind lately.

Bear in mind that these are not typical cruises.

I used to think that cruises were for the retired, but I've changed my mind now.

I'm in two minds about going on one of their cruises.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to register a complaint about the meal we were served on our flight home last week
flight UZ332. On the booking confirmation it stated that we would be given breakfast and lunch.
However, breakfast only consisted of a cup of tea and lunch a tuna sandwich. By itself, this would
not have been a problem, but I regret to say that my husband and both suffered food poisoning
from the sandwich.

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