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UNIT 9 Lesson C activity.

Recommending and responding


Create a converation . Open topic

Use the structures used to recommned and respond to reccomendations (pg110)
Use expression to ask someone to wait (pg 111)
Don´t forget that someone needs to be the patypooper in the group

DIANA (me): Hi, Martin!

MARTIN: Hi, Diana!

D: How are you?

M: I'm a little bored. What are you doing tonight?

D: Nothing. Why?

M: I was thinking about going to see a horror movie at the cinema. Would you like to go with me?

D: Of course, that's a great idea! I'll go with my sister but what movie were you planning to see?

M: I thought we could watch the “IT” film. I've heard really great reviews about it. Moreover, one of the

main characters is a clown.

D: It sounds really interesting but I doubt my sister would be interested in seeing a clown movie. She hates


M: Oh, that's bad. Maybe We could watch the Lords of Salem film. It starts at the same time as I.T film.

D: Wait a minute. I'll just ask my sister by message.

M: Ok.

D: Sorry, Martin. My sister says she's not a fan of horror movies. How about going to the theater? It is

supposed to be really good.

M: It's okay!. I'll pick you up at 6 p.m.

D: Oh no! I forgot I was going out with a childhood friend tonight.

M: It's okay. How about tomorrow we go out to a seafood restaurant?

D: Hmm maybe. Hang on a minute, I'll ask my sister.

M: Sure.

D: My sister is suggesting we go to an Italian restaurant in the Valley.

M: Um, yeah! Sounds good. Let's do it!

D: Perfect! See you tomorrow!

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