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1 | English for Fifth Grade

Kompetensi Dasar: Mengenal teks deskriptif tentang hewan-hewan di laut dengan bantuan guru atau
teman dalam bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulis yang dapat diisi dengan kosakata bahasa Indonesia untuk
membantu pemahaman.

Students are able to:
1. read about ocean
2. identify ocean creatures
3. learn and use adverbs to describe actions
4. learn how to write and present an information report

Which ocean nearest to your country?

Can you describe the layers of ocean?
How can we look after the world’s ocean?

2 | English for Fifth Grade

I. Ocean

What sea
creatures live
in the ocean? I Love the
Let’s study and oceans!
find out more
about ocean.

Read the information report about Oceans!

The ocean is important to all living things. More than 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by
oceans. If you saw Earth from outer space, it would look similar to a blue marble. That’s a lot of
water! The ocean is the Earth’s largest habitat.
Scientists divided the oceans into four layers to study them. The top layer is the sunlit zone. Most
living things live in the sunlit zone. Second layer is the twilight zone. This zone is colder and
darker than the sunlit zone. Fewer plants and animals live there. The midnight zone is below the
twilight zone. Sunlight doesn’t reach this layer and there is very little plant or animal life. The
deepest layer is called the abyss. It has trenches, which are like big holes in the ground.

Look and read the layers of the ocean.

Sunlit zone

Twilight zone

Midnight zone



3 | English for Fifth Grade

II. Ocean Creatures
Are you ready to
explore the ocean

The oceans are home to millions of Earth's plants and animals, from tiny single-celled organisms
to the enormous blue whale, the planet's largest living animal. Fish, octopuses, squid, eels,
dolphins, and whales swim the open waters while crabs, octopuses, starfish, oysters, snails crawl
and scoot along the ocean bottom.
It’s important that humans take care of the ocean so it stays healthy for years to come. One way to
help the ocean is to pick up trash on the beach.
Look and read!

octopus flying fish jellyfish seahorse

cuttlefish turtle dolphin shrimp

shell shark eel seaweed

whale starfish crab coral reef

4 | English for Fifth Grade

III. Adverbs

Remember, we use adverbs to talk about how people, animals or things do

something. Most adverbs in English are formed by taking an adjective and
adding -ly.

Pattern 1 Verb + Adverb

This is the most common pattern for adverbs of manner in English.
Example: The turtles crawl slowly along the beach

Pattern 2 Verb + Object + Adverb

When a direct or indirect object follows the main verb, it is possible for the adverb to
follow the object.
Example: The stingray swims through the water gracefully.

Pattern 3 Adverb + Verb

Placing the adverb before the verb is very common with adverbs of frequency
(e.g., I always eat breakfast), but it is a little less common with adverbs of manner.
Example: The dolphin happily plays with its baby.

Adverbs with Another Form

There are exceptions to the Adjective + -ly rule. Some adverbs keep the same form for both adverbs
and adjectives, while others use a different word form altogether. Here are some common adverbs that
don’t end in -ly:
Adjective → Adverb
• good → well
• fast → fast
• hard → hard
• late → late

Adjective Adverb Rules for forming

Clever Cleverly Adjective + ly
Tight Tightly
Graceful Gracefully
Slow Slowly
Careful Carefully
Playful Playfully
Cheerful Cheerfully
Beautiful Beautifully

5 | English for Fifth Grade

Sudden Suddenly
Quick Quickly
Lazy Lazily Adjective ends in -y
Hungry Hungrily preceded by a vowel, we
Noisy Noisily change -y by -i and add ly
Easy Easily
Happy Happily
Angry Angrily
Fast Fast Irregular verb
Hard Hard
Little Little

Late Late
Good Well

IV. Information Report

An information report provides readers with information on chosen a topic by providing them with
facts. Generally, an information report is written to provide facts about a living or non-living object. It
can be an individual object or a group of objects.

How to write an information report:

1. Use question words (what, where, who, why, how) to find out information about it.
➢ What is this passage about?
➢ Where does it live?
➢ What does it look like?
➢ What does is it?
➢ Why is it special?
➢ Who is a threat to it?
➢ How can we protect it?

6 | English for Fifth Grade

2. Use the questions on this page to organize the information you find.
3. Look for useful articles on the Internet, magazines and books.
4. Write notes and then write your information report in your exercise book.

Read the example of information report of ocean animal below!

What is this
Seahorses passage about?

Where does
Seahorse are beautiful interesting fish. They live in warm, shallow waters around the it live?
They breath through gills and have a swim bladder. However, they do not have
What does
caudal fins and have a long snake-like tail. They also have a neck and a snout that it look like?
points down.
Seahorses eat very small sea animals. They suck them up with their long snouts.
When they find food, they suck it up through their snouts like a vacuum cleaner. What does
Their snouts can expand if their prey is larger than the snout. They are not able to it eat?

chew and have to disintegrate the food as they eat it.

Seahorses have excellent eyesight and their eyes are able to work independently
on either side of their head. This means they can look forwards and backwards at
Why is it
the same time! This is particularly useful as they hunt for food by sight. Seahorses special?
have a prehensile tail. This allows them to grip onto eel grass and other weeds and
prevents them from being washed away by strong currents and waves.
Seahorses are endangered animals. Crabs, fish and rays are all common predators
Who or what is
of the seahorse along with humans who harvest the seahorse for use in medicine.
a threat to this
Some people cath them and sell as pets. Pet seahorses often die easily because it is animal?
difficult to care for them.
Let us hope that humans will do more to protect these amazing creatures. How can we
We have to stop people making money from them and let seahorses live in the sea. protect it?

7 | English for Fifth Grade


Skimming means look How do I know which

for information without book has the most useful
information? Let’s read the
What is the reading the whole text
title first
skimming means?

The steps how to skim the articles:

1. Read the title and the headings
2. Read the first paragraph and the first sentence
of other paragraphs
3. Read the keywords
4. Looks at the illustrations
5. Reads the last paragraph
6. Don't necessarily read complete sentences.

8 | English for Fifth Grade

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