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(CBSE-Senior Secondary)
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Affln No.1930411


English ALS Portfolio

Sub Code: 301
2022 - 23

This is to certify that SRI KRISHNA.B of class XII-

A2 has completed his project file under my supervision.
he has taken proper care and shown utmost
in completion of this project. I certify that his project is up to
my expectation and as per guidelines issued by CBSE.

Internal Examiner External Examiner Principal Signature

This is to certify that Ms SRI KRISHNA.B of Class XII-A2of
Jairam Public School, Salem-8 has completed his project file
under my guidance. he has taken proper care and shown utmost
sincerity in completing this project.

I certify that his project this project is up to my

expectations and as per the guidelines issued by CBSE.

Mr. R. Gokul
(PGT ENGLISH/Head of the Department)


Action Plan For The Project:
1. Selection of the topic.
2. Approval of the topic by the teacher in
3. Research work on the given topic.
4. Exploring the content with multiple resources.
5. Analysing the literary work properly which is
given by guide.
6. Preparation of a Detailed Report.
Objectives of the ALS Project:
1. Aims to the check the listening capacity.
2. To encourage the abilities.
3. To stimulate the inter and intra personal skills.
4. To determine the innovation and creativity skills.

1 Cover Page
2 Acknowledgement
3 Certificate of Guide
4 Certificate of Student
5 Action Plan
6 Objective of ALS
7 Silence vs Success
8. Importance of Stillness

9. Introduction of the poem

10. Title Justification
11. About the poet
12. Theme of the poem
13. Message of the poem

14. Literary devices used in the poem

15. Overall view of the poem
16. Bibliography
17. Report of the poem

There are people, who seek success in money and

material possessions, while others seek it in inner peace
and self-improvement.
Almost everyone want to be successful people in
their area of life. Some, seek great success and are willing
to work hard for it, while others, have smaller ambitions.
Staying silent helps give you a reason to speak, to
analyse your situations and yourself, to be aware of how
you are going to react. Silence enriches you.
Silence is one thing. The key to your success is to
have a good mix between the noisy, loud moments of
your life and the silent ones. When you have a good mix
of dynamics, it creates the right level of motivation to
sustain you through the ups and downs.

As we age, the state of our health becomes

more pressing on our minds. While we cannot do
anything to prevent the natural aging process, utilizing
daily moments of stillness can provide some great health
benefits, such as improving sleep, boosting energy levels,
and even enhancing cognitive faculties.
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Provide health benefits
• Refocus on what is important
• Helps you to let things go
• Things become clearer
These are some benefits that creating moments of
stillness each day can bring.
Inner contemplation is ages old and is generally
associated with religious prayer and meditation but
finding your “inner stillness” is not necessarily mean
religious practice.
Find your way to retreat: spend time alone, with
nature, walk in silence, journal, deep breathing or yoga
can all help you connect with yourself and let go of doing
for a while. Interestingly, a purpose of yoga is to practice
various poses or ‘asanas’ to make the body supple
enough so that it can sit in stillness and meditate.
Turning in to our internal world and reducing the
mental noise, even just for a few minutes every day has a
dramatic impact on our coping skills, our sense of self and
our relationships. As Carl Jung so deftly put it: “Your
vision will become clear only when you can look into
your own heart. Who looks when outside, dreams; who
looks inside, awakens;”.

The poem “Keeping

Quiet” written by Pablo
Neruda discusses the need
of maintaining peace and
silence. He stresses upon
being quiet and harmless
to human beings, animals,
and the environment. He
suggests that in order to
maintain peace and
harmony, it is required to
stop and introspect
Originally written in Spanish, the essence of this
poem is based on introspection and retrospection. The
poet feels that being Human, there is a need for us to be
at peace with ourselves and others.
Keeping Quiet has not been addressed to any
specific audience by Neruda. It is one of those timeless
pieces which speak to all humans belonging to all walks
of life, irrespective of their nationality. This has given the
poem a sort of global status which is why even after
being translated into several languages; the impact
which the poem exerts remains constant.
Keeping Quiet’s strongest suit is that it appeals to
the heart of the readers as opposed to the intellect.
Through this poem, Neruda wants his readers to get
thinking and pondering as opposed to stimulating them

The title ‘Keeping Quiet’ has a message of what can

happen as a result of keeping quiet. It stresses the
importance of introspection, solitude, and of stopping our
work or any activity for some time. The title throws light
on the power of quietness in resolving our personal
issues. It is in fact, one of the essential things to live a
peaceful life. Only by “keeping quiet” and introspecting
on our actions can we hope to build a better world.
Keeping Quiet is a splendid poem by Pablo Neruda
that dwells on a quality that seems to have been lost in
the buzz of the 21st century – the quality of silence. In an
age that accepts rush as a celebratory gesture, Keeping
Quiet is a gentle reminder of what life can be like in a
brief moment of a silent pause.


Name: Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí
Reyes Basoalto
Born: 12 July 1904
Parral, Maule Region, Chile
Died: 23 September 1973
(aged 69)
Santiago, Chile
Occupation: Poet, diplomat,
Pablo Neruda (1904 – 1973) was the ‘pen name’
and later, ‘legal name’ of this famous Chilean poet. He
won the Noble prize for literature in the year 1971. He
wrote in green ink which was his personal symbol of
desire and hope. His writings are simple, wherein lies
their beauty.
Neruda is not just a deeply personal poet but is also
vehemently political in his poetry. Any attempt to divorce
his poetry from his politics and the communist ideology is
neither necessary nor desirable. Neruda actively opposed
exploitative practices of big business, a glimpse of which
can be seen in the poem Keeping Quiet.
His vital role in Chilean politics of his time can be
gauged by the fact that he was on the verge of becoming
the Chilean President before he withdrew his nomination
in favour of the Socialist candidate Salvador Allende
whom he actively served as an advisor. His open
opposition to the Pinochet Regime and the fact that his
funeral served as the first major public resistance to the
dictatorship speaks volumes about the political power of
his poetry. Neruda died due to prostate cancer. However,
it has been speculated that he might have been poisoned
by the Pinochet Regime whom he vehemently opposed.

The poem Keeping Quiet is, in essence, anti-war

poetry. The poet is worried about violence, animal
brutality, and the fate of manual laborers. Many of our
social, political, and religious problems can be solved in a
very easy way, according to the poet. Self-introspection is
the answer. It will be the first big step toward bringing
people together if it is implemented. The second phase is
for everyone to examine themselves and determine what
is wrong and who is to blame. This will purify every heart
and elevate everyone.

The message of the poem Keeping

Quiet is fraternity, brotherhood, peace,
and love. Throughout the poem, the
poet is telling us to keep quiet. This will
help us to understand how we are
destroying our environment through
deforestation, pollution, and deadly
Not just the environment, we are killing
animals, hurting ourselves, and killing
each other for selfish reasons. However,
when we will be silent, we will be able to
introspect ourselves. As silence is
understood universally, there will be no language barrier
and thus we all will be one. There will be no hate or greed
in the world and thus it will be a better place to live.
1. Alliteration: It is the repetition of consonant sounds at
the beginning of words. e.g., “we will count”,
“sudden strangeness”, “stop for one second”,
“his hurt hands”, “clean clothes”.
2. Repetition: It is the repetition of phrases in the poem
for poetic effect. e.g., “without rush, without engines “.
3. Symbolism: The poet uses various symbols in the poem.
e.g., “Brothers” symbolize mankind, “green wars” refer
to deforestation, “wars with gas” refers to pollution,
“clean clothes” symbolize a change of perspective,
“shade” symbolizes protection, etc.
4. Antithesis: It is the juxtaposition of opposing or
contrasting ideas. e.g., “count to twelve and we will all
keep still.” Here counting and keeping still are
contrasting activities and are put together.
5. Personification: it is the attribution of human
characteristics to non-human things and animals. e.g.,
“Earth can teach us as when everything “.
6. Metaphor: It is used to make a comparison between
two things that aren’t alike but do have something in
common. e.g. “shade” refers to protection.
7. Enjambment: It is the continuation of a sentence to the
next line/stanza. In the poem, many sentences
continue to multiple lines. e.g., “Now we will count to
and we will all keep still.”, “For once on the face of the
Earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one
second, and not move our arms so much.” Etc.
8. Metonymy: it refers to the concept or word replaced
with a word closely related to it e.g., “not move our
arms so much”.
9. Anaphora: it refers to the repetition of a word at the
beginning of each successive clause, phrase e.g., “let’s
not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second,”.

The poet asks humanity

to count numbers from
one to twelve – twelve
being the number of
hours shown in a clock
or the number of zodiac
signs. He requests
everyone not to speak
because languages
create barriers between
people. The moment
when everyone stops moving their body will be very
special and different as we have never experienced
such a moment before.
The poet says that in this period of inactivity the
fishermen would not harm the whales, the salt
gatherers will not hurt their hands, those who are
busy destroying the nature will adopt a new
approach towards life, The men who are preparing
for wars and victory based on deaths of innocent
people will join their enemy and stand in unity with
them, doing nothing. No one will harm himself or
any other person. Everyone will unite and ponder
upon his acts and realize the results of his deeds.
The poet clarifies his idea and says further that he
does not want that people should stand idle. He
wants that there should be no war because he does
not want to see trucks laden with dead bodies of the
soldiers. He is promoting Universal brotherhood and
The poet says that everyone is working
continuously, to achieve one’s goals. People are
threatened by death and the fear forces them to
work endlessly so that they can achieve everything
quickly. In this mad rush, they do not realize the
repercussions of their acts. He wants us to pause and
come out of the mad rush. He wants us to be happy
about our achievements and celebrate them. He
wants us to overcome the fear of death and relax for
a while. We should know the results of our deeds and
celebrate our achievements.

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