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NIM : 201010650053

I. Using By or With. Complete the sentences using either by or with. (20 points)

1. I dried the dish with a dishtowel.

2. I went from Bandung to Jakarta by train.
3. Is there any way you could touch then ceiling with your foot?
4. Some advertisers try to reach target audiences by mail.
5. Sandra tightened the screw in the corner of her eyeglasses with her fingernail.
6. I called Selly “Suzan” with mistake.
7. The fastest way to send a copy of a piece of paper halfway around the world is by fax.
8. The chef sliced the partially froxen meat into thin stripes with a razor-sharp knife.
9. Andre protected his eyes from the sun with her hand.
10. My grandmother makes tablecloths with hand

II. Error analysis on gerund and infinitive. Correct the error. (20 points)
1. Do you enjoy to go to the zoo?
I enjoy go to the zoo
2. I went to the store for getting some toothpaste.
I going to the store for getting some toothpaste.
3. I usually go to the cafetaria for to get a cup of coffee in the morning.
I usually go to the cafeteria for get a cup of coffee in the morning.
4. I thanked him for drive me to the airport.
I thanks him for my driver to the airport.
5. It is important getting an education.
Is important getting an education.
6. Do you want go to swimming tomorrow?
You want go to swimming tomorrow
7. I was to sleepy to finish my homework last night.
I was to sleepy finish myhomework last night.
8. Last night too tired no do my homework.
Last night no tired, do my homework.
9. My grandmother likes to fishing.
My grandmother likes fishing.
10. Instead of settle down in one place, I’d like to travel around the world.
Instead of settle down on place, I’d like to travel around the world.

III. Change these questions into noun clauses! (10 points)

1. Where are they studying? I don’t know where they are study?
2. What time is it? I would like to know What time it is
3. Why don’t they like to go dancing? I don’t know Why they don’t like to go dancing is a mystery.
4. How many times have they written books? Does he know How many times they have written books?
5. What time did the flight arrive? She would like to know What time did flight the arrive.

IV. Phrasal Verbs. Directions: complete the sentences with particles. (10 points)

1. Last week I flew from Chicago to Miami. I got on the plane in Chicago. I got on the plane in Miami.
2. Sally took a taxi to the airport. She got into the taxi in front of her apartment building. She got in the
taxi at the airport.
3. I take the bus to school every day. I get Put on the bus at the corner of First Street and Sunset
Boulevard. I get Put off the bus just a block away from the classroom building.
4. Mr. Zabidi will look Put on renting a car for his weekend trip.
5. While I was walking down the street, I ran in an old friend.

V. Change the quoted speech to reported speech. (20 points)

1. Santi said, “I am in the hospital right now”.

Santi said, “she was going the hospital right now”.
2. Cindy said, “I don’t need those stuff”.
Cindy said (that) She didn’t need those stuff.
3. Mr. John said, “I have already visited Bali”.
Mr. John said (that) He had already visited Bali.
4. Erna said, “I am going to have dinner tonight”.
Erna said (that) She was going to have dinner tonight.
5. Anna said, “I met my grandmother last night”.
Anna said (that) She meted my grandmother last night.
6. Ms. Lidya said, “I am studying Grammar now”.
Ms. Lidya said (that) She was studying Grammar now.
7. Karina said, “I don’t want to see Bima anymore”.
Karina said (that) She didn’t want to see Bima anymore.
8. Deni said, “I have been sleeping for six hours”.
Deni said (that) He had been sleeping for six hours.
9. Mira said, “I went to Yogyakarta last week”.
Mira said (that) She was going to Yogyakarta last week.
10. Mrs. Claudia said, “I can’t come to Bandung today”.
Mrs. Claudia said (that) She couldn’t coming to Bandung today.

VI. Preposition Combinations. (20 points) Directions: Complete the sentences with correct prepositions.
1. He insisted about knowing the truth.
2. What’s the matter on you today?
3. We separated the ducks on the chickens.
4. I apologized in my boss into my mistake.
5. I’m sorry. Please forgive me about my error.
6. Shh. I am trying to concentrate with my work.
7. I don’t approve about his lifestyle.
8. The official warned us into the danger of travelling there.
9. We’re looking forward with your visit.
10. Does it matter about you what time I call this evening?
NOMOR UJIAN : 007832807027



NIM : 201010650053


No Hari/ Tanggal Waktu Ruang Kelas Mata Kuliah Paraf



Peraturan dan Tata Tertib Peserta Ujian

1. Peserta ujian harus berpakaian rapi, sopan dan memakai jaket Almamater
2. Peserta ujian sudah berada di ruangan sepuluh menit sebelum ujian dimulai
3. Peserta ujian yang terlambat diperkenankan mengikuti ujian setelah mendapat ijin, tanpa perpanjangan
4. Peserta ujian hanya diperkenankan membawa alat-alat yang ditentukan oleh panitia ujian
5. Peserta ujian dilarang membantu teman, mencontoh dari teman dan tindakan-tindakan lainnya yang
mengganggu peserta ujian lain
6. Peserta ujian yang melanggar tata tertib ujian dikenakan sanksi akademik

Tangerang Selatan, 22 Januari 2022

Ketua Panitia Ujian


NIDN. 0418028702

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