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One Word Substitution

1. One who engages in any pursuit for love of it, and not for gain - Amateur

2. A person who is out to destroy all government and order- Anarchist

3. A violent and unreasonable adherent of creed or view- Bigot

4. To talk probably or impiously of sacred things- Blaspheme

5. A picture of a person or thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to

cause laughter- Caricature

6. A willful and persistent resistance to lawful authority - Countumacy

7. Extreme old age when a person behaves like a child - Dotage

8. Like a woman, womanish- Effeminate

9. Art of effective speaking or oral reading - Elocution

10. To pay the penalty of; making amends for Expiate

11. Words inscribed on the tomb of a person - Epitaph

12. Murderer of one's brother- Fratricide

13. List of articles and their description to enquire into carefully- Inventory

14. Given continual talking - Loquacious

15. Declaration of plans and promises put forward by a candidate for election or by a
political party or by a Sovereign- Manifesto

16. Overscrupulous about minute details- Meticulous

17. Medicine for producing sleep- Narcotic

18. Present everywhere - Omnipresent

19. A fictitious name, especially assumed, by an author- Pseudonym

20. To occur at the same time; to be simultaneous with- Synchronise

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