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Practice Test 1 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12)

You hear a cardiologist talking to a patient referred for dizziness. For questions 1-12,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient Jack Thatch

Reason for Referral Dizzy spells

History of Condition

Onset of symptoms: (1)

Effect on daily life: Prone to falls

 Some episodes caused loss of (2)

 Early episodes triggered by physical exertion (3)

 Change in episodic trigger pattern: Patient started to have symptoms

while (4)

Takes about 10 – 15 minutes to recover

 Severity: Enough to warrant intervention by way of calling an (5)

 Third person account: Jack appeared (6) during an episode

 A& E check for (7) came back negative

 Diagnosis and Treatment

Suspected condition: (8)

 (9) detected from most recent ECG

 Stokes-Adams attacks due to (10) heartbeat – cause of blackouts

Electrical impulses telling the heart when to beat are delayed or blocked

 (11) needed (to monitor and control heartbeat)

 Surgery required – although it’s not (12)

Discharge: Usually within 24 hours of the procedure

Practice Test 1 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24)

You hear a GP talking with a patient complaining of lack of energy.

 Patient Mrs Halloway

Reason for Appointment: Lack of energy


Occupation: Solicitor
Growing fatigue over the (13)

Affecting professional life: fell (14) at work a few times

Affecting social life: gave up weekly tennis game

Affecting personal life: sleep patterns disrupted

 Suffered depression (15) years ago (marriage breakdown)

 Physical symptoms: constipation and (16) gain

 Family history of (17)

 Possible Diagnosis
Normal (18) levels (diabetes ruled out)

 Skin: dry and (19)


 Lipid level: (20) (indicating hypercholesterolaemia)

 Early diagnosis: (21)

 (22) interfering with sleep

 Condition ismore prevalent in (23)

Patient’s age is an added risk factor

 Next Steps

Requires (24) tests to be sure of diagnosis

Practice Test 1 : Part B – Q(25-30)

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a conversation between a GP and a patient about recurring
What does the GP ask the patient to confirm?
o AWhether she caught the disease in St Petersburgh, Russia.

o BWhether she was in the vicinity of a place with the disease


o CWhether she had been to the tropics recently as the disease is

common there.
 26
You hear a physician in the A&E department talking with a patient
presenting with abdominal pain.
The physician wants to deal with the patient’s dehydration by...
o AOrdering an x-ray of the patient’s abdomen.

o BHaving blood drawn in order to run tests.

o CHaving an IV put in while other tests are run.

 27
You hear a ward briefing about a newly admitted patient.
What does the doctor conducting the briefing want to confirm?
o AThe reason the patient is in pain.

o BThe reason the condition was triggered.

o CThe reason the patient’s eyes are sore.

 28
You hear part of a training on communication between providers.
What will be the priority of the new role discussed?
o ATo improve communication between doctors and patients

o BTo improve communication between patients and nurses

o CTo improve communication between doctors and nurses.

 29
You hear a trainee doctor discussing stress with a senior GP.
What does the senior doctor identify as the cause of the problem in
general practice?
o AThe unwillingness of younger GPs to work locally or full time.

o BThe number of doctors opting to go into general practice.

o CThe difficulty with balancing the long days with family life.

 30
You hear a conversation between a nurse and a doctor about
scheduling appointments.
Why did the nurse mention that she had already spent an hour on the
o ATo show that she had already put in reasonable effort before
asking for help.

o BTo show that she does not have enough information to complete
the task quickly.

o CTo show that she is also feeling the effect of the hospital being
short-handed at the moment.

Practice Test 1 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36)
You hear part of a presentation about a recent report on podiatry education.

 31
The speaker points out that many of the foot conditions people suffer
o AAre more common among the elderly.

o BDo not necessitate medical intervention.

o CCan be dangerous if handled by someone without skill or knowledge.

 32
What is the main purpose of the project?
o ATo save money by empowering patients with minor conditions

o BTo discharge as many patients as possible for the podiatry service

o CTo focus all of the podiatry service’s efforts on high risk conditions

 33
What types of patients were deemed suitable for self-care?
o AThose with high risk medical or podiatric needs

o BThose able to take care of low risk conditions

o CThose with a medically-trained family member

 34
What was offered to patients considered to be low risk?
o ASmall group educational sessions
o BOne-to-one assessment appointments

o CSmall group assessment sessions

 35
How did the project result in cost savings?
o ABy reducing the total number of patients seen by podiatrists

o BBy reducing the number of podiatrists seeing patients

o CBy reducing the number of appointments involving low risk patients

 36
According to the speaker, the primary benefit to patients was…
o AThe quality of care that podiatry patients received

o BThe amount of time patients had to wait to be seen

o CThe level of satisfaction of all podiatry patients

Practice Test 1 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42)

You hear an interview with a nurse about common problems in hospitals

 37
What is the current role of the interviewee?
o AA leader of an organization that works to promote nursing

o BA nurse with experience working with elderly patients

o CA health practitioner with a background in emergency medicine

 38
According to the interviewee, what is causing the lack of physician
o AThe poor communications systems in place

o BThe lack of permanent physicians at hospitals

o CThe integrated care model recently adopted

 39

Why was the interviewer surprised by the interviewee’s initial response

about challenges?
o ABecause he does not agree with what she has said.

o BBecause he has information that contradicts what she said.

o CBecause he has heard information about another problem.

 40
According to the interviewee, what is the most serious result of short-
o AJob satisfaction and burnout of nurses

o BSignificant turnover in health systems

o CIncreased risks to patient safety

 41

The interviewee notes that long hours can negatively affect…

o AThe mental abilities of nurses

o BThe physical abilities of nurses

o CThe family and social life of nurses

 42
What challenge does the interviewee say might be surprising to many?
o ADomestic violence

o BBullying by physicians

o CBullying by patients

Practice Test 2 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a physiotherapist talking to a new patient called Alice Jackson. For
questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient Alice Jackson

Referral from GP

Initial diagnosis: Tennis elbow of the 1) arm

Patient Description of Condition

No specific injury

Onset: 5 months ago

 Initial pain was 2)

Patient thought she had bumped into something

 Pain increased after 3)

Daily activities disrupted

Turning point was decreasing inability to hold a saucepan of boiling


 Recommendations of GP

Patient refused the 4)

 Instead, patient opted for 5) (ineffective)

Referral to a physiotherapist

 Pain Management Options

 Injection (not helpful as patient has had the pain for more
than 6)
 Acupuncture (to be done 7) and in conjunction with

 Physiotherapy (needs time to take 8) )

Pain Management Options

Exercises done at home

 Pain Management Options

Targets the 9) )

Increases strength

 Start with low 10)

 Signs of overdoing it: More 11)

6 weeks before noticeable improvement

12 weeks for full resolution

Recurrence Rate of Condition

Can include short-term flare-ups or long-term recurrence

Varies between patients

 Generally quite low (if physiotherapy is adhered to and

correct 12) is used)

Practice Test 2 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a gastroenterologist talking to a new patient called Luke
Thomlinson. For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short
 Patient Luke Thomlinson

Reason for Appointment

Extended bout of diarrhea


Severe diarrhea: visited the Emergency Department

Symptoms have been ongoing for 13)

Drastic weight loss (14kg) in 16 days

BMI below healthy range

 Texture of faeces: 14) (without 15) or mucus)

 Patient initially dismissed the symptoms as unimportant

Symptoms intensified (diarrhea up to 10 times per day)

 Notes from the Emergency Department

On admission: Dehydrated and had 16) respiratory rate

 First line of treatment - 17)

 Change of diet to cut out 18) and lactose

Reinforced with thiamine and added B complex

Ruled out overseas infection (no recent travels abroad)

 Negative result for 19)

 Next Steps
Need to rule out 20) (related to 21) in the small

 Initial testing will be painless

To start with a blood test

 To 22) with usual eating habits (to prevent a 23) in

the test results

 A 24) is also advised

 May require endoscopy to get biopsy samples of lining of the small


Patient informed that all results may return as negatives due to rarity
of suspected condition

Practice Test 2 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete
your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a doctor briefing a colleague about a patient.
How does the doctor correct his initial diagnosis?
o ABy looking at the patient’s appearance

o BBy getting images of the problem area

o CBy consulting with another doctor

 26
You hear a nurse asking a doctor for help with a patient.
What does the doctor suggest be done with the patient?
o ATo let him rest and see if the pain continues

o BTo perform an ultrasound to rule out a fracture

o CTo quickly eliminate a more serious possibility

 27
You hear part of a morning briefing in a hospital ward. Now read the question.
What is the plan for the patient today?
o AShe will be given medication to treat her condition

o BShe will be given medication to help deal with a symptom

o CShe will be given a diagnosis based on lab results

 28
You hear a nurse asking a colleague for advice.
What does the colleague recommend?
o ATo refer the patient and his family to a specialist for support

o BTo get the patient long-term follow-up and support immediately

o CTo get the family of the patient involved in his care

 29
You hear a podiatrist presenting a course of treatment.
What type of intervention was chosen?
o ARemoving the problem by cutting back the nail under local anesthetic

o BUsing a chemical to prevent a recurrence ofin-grown toenail

o COpting for a combination of surgery and topical medication

 30
You hear a patient asking a physiotherapist about his current treatment.
What does the physiotherapist clarify for the patient?
o AThat the injury is more severe than originally thought

o BThat the therapy needs to be continued for now

o CThat a new injury might have recently occurred

Practice Test 2 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear an interview with an expert on Angelman syndrome, a rare genetic

 31
Why did Dr Terry leave her career in public health?
o AShe was interested to earn a master’s degree in the US

o BShe was not fulfilled by her work in public health

o CShe was influenced by the diagnosis of her child

 32
How did Dr Terry react to her son’s condition?
o AShe looked for information about the disease

o BShe decided to become more educated about it

o CShe became involved in patient advocacy groups

 33
Why does Dr Terry mention Huntington’s?
o ABecause it is a disorder related to Angelman

o BBecause it is a more familiar disorder

o CBecause she is also interested in researching it

 34
What assumptions about Angelman syndrome have recently changed?
o AWhether doctors know how to properly diagnose the syndrome

o BWhether the disease occurs only in certain places or populations

o CWhether children with the syndrome can attend school

 35
What caused Dr Terry to seek out a diagnosis for her child?
o AHer child was too cheerful and enthusiastic

o BHer child couldn’t communicate or do other common tasks

o CHer child was given a referral to a geneticist

 36
What happened as a result of the conference Dr Terry attended?
o AShe met the person who found a cure for Angelman

o BShe learned about the gene that is responsible for Angelman

o CShe developed an idea for treatment of Angelman

Practice Test 2 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a speech pathologist Kevin Drews giving a presentation to a group of

 37
Kevin says that this training will be particularly valuable for
o AThose interested in becoming a speech pathologist

o BThose interested in a medical career treating children

o CThose interested in a medical career as a general practitioner

 38
Kevin says that children with expressive language delays
o AHave difficulty understanding language directed at them

o BHave difficulty producing oral language

o CHave difficulty constructing sentences

 39
Kevin says that most children with LLE will eventually
o ANever develop language skills similar to other children their age

o BGo on to develop normal language skills by the age of about 5

o CDemonstrate language delays until they reach the age of 7

 40
According to Kevin, which is an example of a child-related risk factor?
o AThe development of motor skills

o BThe number of siblings

o CThe access to learning opportunities

 41
According to Kevin, initial treatment for LLE involves
o ADirect intervention alongside other specialists

o BGiving access to learning opportunities

o CMonitoring development and indirect intervention

 42
What is key for a successful intervention plan?
o AInvolving other specialists

o BWorking closely with the family

o CTaking into consideration culture

Practice Test 3 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear an optometrist talking to a patient called Austin Jacobs. For
questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient: Austin Jacobs

Reason for visit:Eye problem


Onset: 4 days ago

Condition started with the 1) eye.

Described as itchy and irritated

Condition affected both eyes a day later

Presence of yellow discharge in 2) eye.

Difficulty in opening eyes

 Absence of 3) in the eyes

 4) is normal

 Can rule out 5) (no relatives with this condition)

Not using eye drops

Does not wear contact lenses

 Patient takes reasonable 6) of eyes

 Diagnosis

A type of 7)
 Various types but most likely type in this case is 8)

Inflammatory response to infection of the eyes

May also involve upper respiratory infection

 Most likely contracted from: 9)

 Recommendations

10) will not be prescribed

Disease expected to clear up on its own in a couple of weeks

 Can apply 11)

Cool compresses recommended (but cautioned not to rub eyes with


Extra precautions need to be taken with hygiene

Disinfectant techniques advised

 Avoid 12) to others

Practice Test 3 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a GP talking to a patient called George Babsy.

 Patient George Babsy

Reason for Appointment

Sudden onset of severe pain

Sudden sharp pain (while putting away tools)

Waited to see if pain would go away

Accompanied by vomiting (13) times)

 Pain started just below the 14)

Pain then radiates towards the back

 Shift in pain level with different body positions (pain 15)

when sitting forward)

 Medical History

Does not drink alcohol

Patient is a 16)

 Had a problem with 17) in the past

Not on any medication at the moment

BMI within normal range

 Initial Diagnosis and Recommendation

Not likely caused by previous night’s 18)

Pulse elevated and epigastrium tender, so hospital admission required

 Initial tests: Abdominal 19) and 20)

 Possibly gallstones causing inflammation (condition is

called 21) ) inflammation often because of gallstones

 Symptoms only partly consistent with tentative diagnosis (risk factors

include being a 22) , which is not the case
 Requires a further test to determine level of patient’s 23)

 Accuracy is increased the 24) the test is done to the start of

the pain

Practice Test 3 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete
your answers as you listen

 25
You hear an A&E doctor briefing a colleague about a patient.
The A&E doctor
o Athinks that the cough medication is causing the patient’s rash

o Bthinks that the absence of other symptoms is unusual

o Cthinks that further investigation is necessary

 26
You hear a dermatologist in a training session with an intern.
Why does the dermatologist ask about the next step?
o ABecause the patient is in pain due to his condition

o BBecause he wants to hear the intern’s recommendation

o CBecause he wants to hear the intern’s diagnosis

 27
You hear an intern asking a senior doctor about the diagnosis of a patient.
How does the senior doctor deal with the intern’s concern?
o ABy telling her that she is looking at the wrong symptoms

o BBy helping her to reexamine the patient’s symptoms

o CBy telling her to be sure of what the symptoms of Parkinson’s are

 28
You hear a morning briefing in a ward.
What does the doctor prioritise for the patient’s care?
o AHelping the patient with his balance problems

o BGetting a neurologist to confirm a diagnosis

o CLearning more about the patient’s background

 29
You hear two radiologists discussing the possible diagnosis of a patient.
What does the female doctor describe?
o AA plain radiograph showing the patient’s skull

o BA CT scan showing an abnormality

o CA patient with a rare disease

 30
You hear a patient expressing a concern to an occupational therapist.
What does the patient wish to be able to do?
o AWalk up the stairs without using a hand rail

o BSupport herself using her right arm

o CBe able to take a shower by herself

Practice Test 3 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear a presentation by a dietitian about a diet recommended for people
with a certain gastrointestinal condition.

 31
Why does the speaker mention the rate of incidence of IBS?
o AShe wants to show the audience that it is an important condition.

o BShe wants to show that Australians are more likely to have the

o CShe wants to show that women are more likely to develop the

 32
Why are potential IBS sufferers tested for other diseases?
o ABecause there are other diseases more common than IBS.

o BBecause there is no direct way to test for IBS.

o CBecause there are diseases that generally co-present with IBS.

 33
Why does the speaker say IBS is a difficult disease to manage?
o AIt is not possible to know which symptoms will occur or when.

o BIt is not possible to diagnose patients with the condition.

o CIt is not possible to lessen the negative impact it has on patients.

 34
What warning does the speaker give about a low-FODMAP diet?
o AIt can be dangerous for some patients with gastrointestinal

o BIt includes foods that most people do not enjoy eating.

o CIt may not be effective for all patients suffering from IBS.

 35
Why is it difficult to stick to a low-FODMAP diet?
o AThere are many popular foods which are high-FODMAPs.

o BThere are no low-FODMAP products available.

o CThere are few places to buy low-FODMAP foods.

 36
According to the speaker, what effect can high-FODMAP foods have on
the digestive system?
o AThey cause the gut to attract water, release gas and stretch the

o BThey cause the gut to process the food slower than usual and
breed bacteria.

o CThey cause the gut to expand due to high levels of water and gas.

Practice Test 3 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a dermatologist, Derek Evans, give a presentation about the
challenges facing his speciality.

 37
According to the speaker, the most important challenge facing
dermatology is…
o AThe financial aspect of seeking treatment

o BThe low priority placed on the specialty

o CThe lack of contributions made by the specialty

 38
Why does the speaker mention skin cancer and women’s health?
o ATo give examples of priorities in dermatology

o BTo give examples of failures in dermatology

o CTo give examples of the importance of dermatology

 39
According to the speaker, what is needed to increase the number of
dermatology residents?
o AA way to increase the number of residency positions available

o BA way to fund more residency positions in the specialty

o CA way to train new dermatologists more efficiently than currently

 40
According to the speaker, how is dermatology perceived by
o AThere is a perception that the specialty is only for the rich and

o BThere is an old-fashioned perception of the specialty.

o CThere is a perception that the specialty lacks diversity.

 41
Other physicians have responded to the shortage of dermatologists...
o ABy treating dermatological disorders themselves

o BBy not referring their patients to dermatologists

o CBy recognizing the need for more dermatologists

 42
According to the speaker, who or what is overly involved in
dermatological research?
o APharmaceutical industry

o BResearch funders

o CDoctors of other specialities

Practice Test 4 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient called Seth Kelly. For questions 1-12,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient: Seth Kelly

Reason for visit: Routine check up

Medical History

Stage five 1) (diagnosed 2 years ago)

Being treated at specialized clinic for renal problems

 Began haemodialysis 2)

 Also suffers from 3)

No reports of breathing problems

 Current Condition

Feeling 4) and weary (impacting social life)

 5) is not affected

 Shuns 6) meals

 In retrospect, negative feelings can be traced to the

patient’s 7)

 Reports past episodes of emotional and 8) abuse

Had trouble fitting in at school

 Potential Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Likely suffering from 9)

 Requires a 10)

Referral to the clinic where he is currently being treated

 11) therapy - to help with negative thoughts

 Caution to be taken before prescribing an 12) , due potential

side effects of mixing medications

GP to remain in contact with kidney clinic

Practice Test 4 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a dermatologist talking to a patient called Karen Patch. For
questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient Karen Patch

Reason for Appointment

Referral for skin problem


Skin at back of neck has become 13) and heavily lined

Unsure when it started

 14) changes recently to the main area affected

 Cheeks and ears show 15) of excessive solar exposure

 Rough and patchy skin on hands are areas of solar 16)

 Parts where the skin is unaffected by sun damage: 17)
and 18)

 Diagnosis

The 19) of the skin has thickened

 20) has solar elastosis

 Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae (also known as farmer’s or 21)


Damage to collagen and elasticity

 Condition is unlikely to turn 22)

Patient at higher risk of skin cancers

 Recommendation

Not to leave it alone

Should be monitored 23) by a dermatologist

 Wear protective clothing when outdoors

 Use sunscreen, particularly on damaged areas

To ensure better 24) , early detection of skin cancer is crucial

Practice Test 4 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.
 25
You hear an intern in radiology talking with a senior doctor.
How does the intern decide on the diagnosis?
o ABy looking at the patient’s account of events

o BBy taking into account the physical exam in the A&E

o CBy examining the radiograph of the patient’s injury

 26
You hear a GP ask a colleague for advice about a patient.
What does the female doctor confirm?
o AThat the doctor should help the patient get screened for cancer

o BThat the doctor should give more information to the pati

o CThat the doctor should get more information about the guidelines

 27
You hear an intern asking a senior doctor a question after a training
What does the senior doctor clarify for the intern?
o AThe recommendations he made for the patient

o BThe reason for the recommendations he made

o CAlternative recommendations for the patient

 28
You hear a GP discuss a patient with a radiologist.
How does the radiologist respond to the GP’s plan?
o ABy agreeing with the GP’s next steps for the patient

o BBy suggesting an alternative to the GP’s plan

o CBy asking the GP how he came up with his plan

 29
You hear two nurses discussing a patient referred by his GP.
What does the female nurse identify as a cause?
o AThe patient’s recent travels
o BThe patient’s medical history

o CThe patient’s oxygen levels

 30
You hear a patient’s family member expressing concerns to a nurse
What does the nurse say to prioritize in this case?
o AFinding a nursing home close to the patient’s house

o BTaking the patient home for treatment

o CRespecting the patient’s desires

Practice Test 4 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear a presentation by a GP talking about group appointments.

 31
Why does the speaker mention the increase in the demand for GP
o AShe wanted to show that more and more people need to see their

o BShe wanted to show the need for looking for a new type of

o CShe wanted to show that increasing need for more GPs to be


 32
Why is the traditional appointment less effective than it used to be?
o ABecause it isn’t enough time for the types of problems patients

o BBecause it isn’t enough time for the GP to get to know the patient.

o CBecause it isn’t enough time for the GP to see older patients.

 33
Why does the facilitator make certain information visible for patients
during the appointment?
o ASo that the patients can remember the main topic of the
o BSo that the doctor can use the information in the group

o CSo that the patients can use the information to ask the GP

 34
What is the main aim of the group appointment?
o ATo dedicate less time to each patient

o BTo give patients an opportunity to learn

o CTo have patients ask the GP questions

 35
What was the patient’s perception of the group appointment?
o AIt took a long time for the group to get going.

o BNot everyone shared a lot of information.

o CThe group felt connected during the session

 36
It is still best to use a traditional appointment with a patient when..
o Athe patient has a diagnosed, long term illness.

o Bthe patient wants the support of a peer network.

o Cthe patient does not have any particular diagnosis.

Practice Test 4 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a researcher being interviewed about a new class of cancer drugs.

 37
Why is the researcher excited to share the news at this moment?
o ABecause they have just completed trials with the new drug.

o BBecause they have just gotten permission to use the drug.

o CBecause they have just started to review the results of studies.

 38
How are the new drugs different from previous approaches to treatment?
o AThey target genetic abnormalities in the body.

o BThey target a particular area of the body to treat

o CThey target cancer in various parts of the body.

 39
According to the speaker, what is needed to be able to offer the treatment
to patients in the UK?
o AThe approval from European regulators

o BA certain kind of genomic testing

o CAn agreement between NHS and European authorities

 40
According to the speaker, what is the cause of Charlotte’s tumour?
o AThe tumour genes take over and replace the DNA present in the

o BPatient DNA comes together with another and creates an


o CPatient DNA is altered for a reason that doctors do not


 41
According to the speaker, researchers originally feared that Charlotte’s
type of cancer...
o ACouldn’t be treated because of the way the genes were linked to
neurological cells

o BCouldn’t be treated because of the possibility of causing other


o CCouldn’t be treated because of the importance of the genes in


 42
What is the difference in the way children and adults respond to the
o AChildren respond better to the treatment.
o BThere is no difference in the way children and adults respond to
the treatment.

o CAdults respond 94% better than children

Practice Test 5 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a pediatrician talking to a mother about her baby. For questions 1-
12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Alex Johnson

Patient’s age:1 month old


Second child

Full term baby

Mother’s pregnancy: without 1)

 Weight at birth: Below 2) kilos

 Family history: 3) and diabetes

 Current Condition of of Patient

Irregular sleep pattern

Yellow eyes: prolonged jaundice

Condition is getting 4)

 Need to be checked for 5)

 Suspected that 6) remains in the liver

 Needs to check for direct bilirubin concentration

Possibly idiopathic neonatal 7) or biliary atresia

 8) was broken - not due to a 9) but mother’s action

in diaper change
 Patient is irritable

Normal for temperature, respirations and heart rate

Has 10) spleen and liver

 Next Steps

Liver biopsy

11) of the liver

 Specialist required: 12)

Check Vitamin D concentration

Practice Test 5 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear an occupational therapist conducting an assessment of a patient
named Josh Edwards.

 Patient:Josh Edwards

Reason for Asessment:

OT assessment of home 13)

 Background

Injuries caused by 14)

 15) ankle significantly injured

 On-going treatment: 16)

 Current Condition

Reduced mobility
Reliant on crutches

Affected leg remains 17)

 18) visible on affected ankle

 Necessity of keeping the leg19)

 Existing home furniture not supportive of transfers

Dependent on others for physical help

Pain reported in other parts: spine and 20)

 Equipment Recommendations

Requires special chair

Sit-to-stand transfer essential

21) in new equipment is necessary

 22) can help with alignment

 For social health, place new equipment in 23)

 Consider personal tastes when choosing equipment

 Equipment must also meet 24) requirements

Practice Test 5 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a morning briefing on a ward
How does the doctor decide on the next steps?
o ABy looking at the patient’s medical history

o BBy looking at patient’s symptoms and exam

o CBy looking at a scan of patient’s abdomen

 26
You hear a trainee nurse asking a mentor for advice.
Why does the trainee ask his mentor for advice?
o ATo confirm and support possible diagnoses

o BTo help him consider other possibilities like HIV

o CTo explain to him what he should do next

 27
You hear a nurse talking to another nurse about the discharge of a
What does the female nurse tell the male nurse to prioritize?
o AThe right of the patient to receive non-hostile service

o BThe right of the patient to not be judged

o CThe right of the patient to receive care

 28
You hear a nurse talking about a new education program for parents.
Why is the nurse giving information about the new program?
o ATo get ideas on how to improve the areas of focus

o BTo explain why they are developing this program

o CTo invite members of the staff to join in its development

 29
You hear a doctor in the A&E discussing a case with a nurse.
What does the nurse confirm to the doctor?
o AThe patient’s lack of knowledge about his condition

o BThe patient’s response to the current treatment plan

o CThe patient’s continued refusal to contact a family member

 30
You hear a hospice nurse explaining intake protocol for new patients.
The protocol is designed to
o AHelp the patient make decisions about his/her own health care

o BSupport the family of a patient to make decisions about care

o CGive information about the purpose of hospice and palliative care

Practice Test 5 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear an interview about career development in occupational therapy.

 31
What does the speaker say has changed in career development in
occupational therapy?
o AThe number of opportunities available to therapists

o BThe quality of the opportunities available to therapists

o CThe number of new therapists entering the field

 32
According to the speaker, therapists have used their strengths to...
o AImprove the opportunities available in traditional sectors

o BCreate new businesses related to occupational therapy

o CTake the profession into areas outside of traditional sectors

 33
Why is the change in the curriculum particularly important at this time?
o ABecause the field is currently experiencing significant changes

o BBecause there is less stability in employment and careers

o CBecause more and more people are entering the field.

 34
What advice does the speaker give to new practitioners?
o ATo wait for the perfect post to come along

o BTo take posts to gain experience in the field

o CTo first pursue further education in the field

 35
According to the speaker, what career path do the majority of therapists
decide to take?
o AA career that is focused on the clinical

o BA career that combines areas of the field

o CA career that combines different sectors

 36
According to the speaker, continuing professional development can...
o AHelp a therapist to learn about new research developments

o BHelp a therapist to actively contribute to the future of the field

o CHelp a therapist to get from a current post to their ideal post

Practice Test 5 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a radiologists talk about the latest trends in her field.

 37
According to the speaker, the main reason for the increased influence of
technology is...
o ARelated to bigger trends that are currently happening.

o BRelated to the pace at which progress is taking place.

o CRelated to the demand for new solutions to problems.

 38
What example does the speaker give of the current impact of Artificial
o AThe improvement of various types of imaging

o BThe ability to detect changes in images over time

o CThe detection of biomarkers in stroke patients

 39
According to the speaker, how can Big Data contribute to the field of
o AFaster analysis of information, leading to better treatments.

o BMore collection of information, leading to better databases.

o CBetter organization of information, leading to better research.

 40
According to the speaker, how does technology change the role that
radiologists can play?
o AIt reduces the amount of time that radiologists can spend with

o BIt increases the importance of the radiologist in the care of


o CIt makes it more difficult to devote enough time to the care of


 41
Interventional radiology is growing due to...
o AThe spread of its techniques to other areas of medicine.

o BThe reduction in the number of diagnostic radiology residents.

o CThe change in the way that radiology residents are trained.

 42
Radiologists face challenges because…
o AOther providers don’t trust radiologists with imaging.

o BOther providers prefer to hand over all communication.

o COther providers are reluctant to hand over control.

Practice Test 6 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear an obstetrician talking to a woman about her pregnancy. For
questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase

 Patient:Alison Jackson

Reason for Appointment:


 Prior to Pregnancy

Menstrual cycles were 2)

 Pregnancy

Uneventful so far

Minor complications: some tiredness and 3)

 Patient reports absence of 4)

 Examination shows 5) are unremarkable

 Patients reports baby’s gestational age as 6)

 Unusual observation: fundal height does not correspond to baby’s

gestational age – should not be the case after 7) of

 Conception date was not 8)

 Patient’s uterus size warrants a 9)

 Possible Explanations
Amniotic fluid is more than usual - possibility baby may be
born 10)

 Baby’s size could be 11) than expected

 Accuracy of 12) could be affected by position of baby

Hereditary reasons

Other possibilities, which are more serious

Practice Test 6 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a sports podiatrist meeting with a patient referred by his GP.

 Patient:Vance Godfrey

Reason for Appointment:

Ongoing complex 13) in right foot

 Medical History

Plantar fasciitis: 14) case

Diagnosed 2 years prior

 Current Condition

Pain under the 15) of his heel, in centre

 Heel pain usually dissipates within 16) after touching the


Added pain on the side that continues throughout the day

 Recently had three 17) in a short time period

 Previous Treatment Plan

Consulted another podiatrist before this

Application of 18) was advised

Roll the heel on a hard object

 Prescribed 19)

Treatment was unsuccessful

 Further investigation - 20) was also unremarkable

 Assessment & Treatment Plan

Possibly two separate conditions present

Heel pain is consistent with diagnosis

Possible pathology causing pain around 21) of heel

 Affecting the 22) of abductor digiti minimus or the sural nerve

Another ultrasound required for further investigation

Start treatment of existing condition

 23) to be used to allow heel to rest and recover

 To block sural nerve, can opt to inject 24) of xylocaine

Pain monitoring for 24 hours after injection

Practice Test 6 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a training for optometrists.
What does the instructor clarify about the training ?
o AThat it is for optometrists seeking a specialty in the field

o BThat it is for optometrists wanting a review of primary eye care

o CThat it is for optometrists currently still completing their training

 26
You hear a nurse explaining a new protocol for patient handover. .
The new protocol for patient handover prioritises
o Acommunication between the nurses on the case

o Bcommunication between nurses and patients

o Ccommunication between the nurses and the doctors

 27
You hear a nurse talking to a patient about his upcoming hospital stay. .
What does she describe to the patient?
o AA written document about eight main areas of care after surgery

o BA written document about how families can help the patient during

o CA written document about what patients can do to be safe

 28
You hear a surgeon talking about an optional training. .
What does the surgeon explain about the medical problem?
o AIts prognosis is more complicated than that of similar cancers

o BIts prognosis is comparable to that of similar cancers

o CIts prognosis is not as promising as that of similar cancers

 29
You hear a doctor explaining the side effects of a treatment to a patient. .
What does the doctor suggest the patient do?
o APurchase a thermometer to keep track of his temperature

o BTake the prescribed treatment every four weeks

o CAvoid any infections as much as possible during treatment

 30
You hear an intern ask a senior doctor about a patient’s treatment. .
The senior doctor explains to the intern
o AA series of reasons why this particular treatment is being used

o BA series of ways in which the patient is not responding well

o CA series of ways that a patient could respond to the treatment

Practice Test 6 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear a presentation about research on allergies in children.

 31
What does the speaker say has changed in terms of allergies and
o AMore children are presenting with food allergies.

o BMore children are presenting with allergies in general.

o CMore children are presenting with an allergy to peanuts.

 32
According to the speaker, children with this allergy initially
o APresent with a less severe reaction

o BPresent with a more severe reaction

o CPresent with other allergies or conditions

 33
What is the objective of the first treatment approach being researched?
o ATo have children build up tolerance by starting to eat a wider
variety of foods
o BTo have children build up tolerance by starting to eat small
amounts of the allergen

o CTo have children build up tolerance by starting to eat large

amounts of the allergen

 34
How will researchers know how children have reacted to the treatment?
o AThrough observing them for a few hours at the hospital

o BThrough recording them for a few hours at a time

o CThrough phone calls and having them visit the clinic

 35
According to the speaker, why is the current treatment for this condition
difficult for patients?
o ABecause it requires persistent watchfulness

o BBecause many people like to eat foods with the allergen

o CBecause many people are unaware of the condition

 36
What is one reason for the treatment method used in the second study?
o ABecause many patients do not have the time to add the allergen
to their diet

o BBecause many patients have a strong reaction to the taste or

smell of the allergen

o CBecause many patients prefer not to make any changes to their

current diets

Practice Test 6 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a doctor specialising in kidney transplants being interviewed about a
new procedure.

 37
According to the interviewee, what problem was the research trying to
o AThe damage done to the transplanted organ during surgery
o BThe amount of time required to complete the transplant

o CThe loss of blood supply to the transplanted organ during surgery

 38
What factor did the researcher take into account when choosing which
tool to use?
o AThe cost of overall procedure

o BThe cost of the tool itself

o CThe ease of access to the tool

 39
How did the placebo procedure differ from the experimental one?
o AThe blood pressure cuff was tightened more

o BThe blood pressure cuff was not tightened

o CThe blood pressure cuff was not used

 40
According to the researcher, why was the research done over a number of
o ABecause the effectiveness of the kidney declines gradually

o BBecause there were many patients involved in the study

o CBecause it took a long time to analyze all of the information

 41
The interviewer says that the procedure has the potential to…
o AExtend the lifespan of all patients by years

o BIncrease the cost to the NHS by quite a lot

o CMake the lives of transplant patients better

 42
The research would like to figure out why the procedure...
o AHas not always received positive results
o BHas not been thoroughly researched

o CHas not received a lot of attention by doctors

Practice Test 7 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient named Alex Summers about a skin
problem. For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Alex Summers

Reason for Appointment:


History of Condition

Recurring condition

 Current outbreak began 2) ago

 Current outbreak possibly related to 3) ingested less than 24

hours prior

First outbreak was also related to the same medication (taken three
days before)

 First outbreak left residual 4) after healing

 Patient describes pain as a slight 5)

 Possible Diagnosis

Fixed drug 6) (immune-mediated

mucocutaneous 7) to medication)

 Complicates diagnosis when patients do not report taking OTC drugs

Essential to keep record of all drugs taken

 Possible to confirm diagnosis with a 8) (invasive)

 Another option to confirm diagnosis is a 9) (less invasive)

 Recommendations

10) therapy can be used on non-mucosal areas

 11) to reduce pain

Change fever medication

Monitor reaction to any new medications

 12) the condition to any other medical professional

prescribing medication
Practice Test 7 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet
You hear a physician in the A&E talking to a patient experiencing abdominal
pain. For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Mrs Haverson

Medical History

Abdominal pain lasting for 13)

 Prescribed ranitidine - not effective

Pain has been constant

Accompanied by nausea and has started vomiting

Also reports feeling 14)

Pain not associated with food

 Underlying condition: 15) (on medication: glyburide)

 Current Condition

Past GP observation: mild 16) in the mid epigastrium and

right upper/lower 17)

 Blood test: Glucose level the only remarkable result of test

 Radiography: 18) ileus (type of mechanical 19)


 Chronic cholecystitis could have caused an 20) fistula

 Gallstone could have been 21) in a narrow area of the

intestine (size of patient’s gallstone - about 3 milimetres in diameter)

 Quite a rare condition, likely related to patient’s 22)

 Treatment

Recommendation: Surgery

Control fluid and 23) imbalances prior to surgery

 Removal of gallbladder to prevent organ 24)

Practice Test 7 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete
your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a conversation between a physician and patient about pain
What does the physician want to confirm with the patient?
o AThe management of the underlying condition

o BThe continued management of the patient’s pain

o CThe communication with the patient’s family

 26
You hear a trainee doctor asking a senior doctor about a radiography.
The senior doctor explains to the trainee that
o AThere are a wide variety of systems to classify ankle fractures

o BThere is a classification system related to how the fracture occurs

o CThere is a classification system related to how to treat the fracture

 27
You hear a nurse talking to another nurse about a patient’s treatment.
What does the female nurse want the male nurse to correct?
o AHow accurate he is in updating the patient’s file

o BHow often he checks on the patient’s condition

o CHow compliant he is in following instructions

 28
You hear part of a training on infection prevention and control.
Why is the training being given at this time?
o ABecause of the volume of patients presenting with symptoms

o BBecause most of the staff have not gone through the training

o CBecause there are new guidelines that everyone needs to know

 29
You hear a trainee nursing asking a senior nurse for advice.
What does the senior nurse say should be prioritized?
o AThe staffing needs of the ward and hospital

o BThe needs of the patients you are caring for

o CThe needs and safety of each individual nurse

 30
You hear a conversation between a patient and a dietitian.
The patient made the appointment with the dietitian because
o AOf the recommendation of her GP

o BOf her lack of success in losing weight

o COf her lack of success in eating better

Practice Test 7 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a training about the use of radiology in patients with

 31
Who is the target audience of this training session?
o ATrainees hoping to specialise in diagnostic radiology

o BTrainees currently training in emergency medicine

o CA&E physicians looking to specialise in radiology

 32
According to the speaker, the first step that should be taken is…
o ATo compare the different sides of the brain for a shift

o BTo determine if emergency surgery needs to take place

o CTo decide on the course of treatment for the patient

 33
Which of the following is a symptom of the type of stroke mentioned?
o AA bleeding into the space around the brain

o BA sudden onset of a severe headach

o CA ruptured aneurysm

 34
According to the speaker, how might a patient with ventricular
enlargement feel?
o AThe patient may have a headache and see double.

o BThe patient may have a blockage of fluid in the brain

o CThe patient may have a condition like meningitis.

 35
According to the speaker, why is it generally not necessary to order a CT?

o ABecause most headaches cannot be diagnosed with imaging.

o BBecause most headaches are not severe enough to require a CT.

o CBecause most headaches can be diagnosed without a CT.

 36
According to the speaker, it is necessary to order a CT when…
o AIt is requested by a patient.

o BA GP is not able to make a diagnosis.

o CA patient reports a change in symptoms.

Practice Test 7 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear an interview with a dietitian about malnutrition in the elderly.

 37
According to the interviewee, what is the approach taken by the project?
o ATo involve the family members of the patient

o BTo involve other healthcare professionals in care

o CTo involve the general physician of the patient

 38
How did the project come to know about the case that the interviewee
o AThrough the social worker assigned to the patient

o BThrough the care agency of the patient

o CThrough the speech language therapist of the patient

 39
What social barrier prevented the patient from getting enough nutrition?

o AShe eats very slowly.

o BShe doesn’t like to eat alone.

o CShe doesn’t like to prepare food.

 40
What changes were made to the patient’s diet?
o ATo add full fat milk to food and drink

o BTo replace meals with milky puddings

o CTo add butter to the soft texture meals

 41
Which new service did the plan get started for the patient?
o ASpeech therapy

o BSocial service

o CBefriending

 42
Which part of the plan has been the most successful?
o AHaving the patient eat with someone else

o BChanging the texture of the meals

o CMaking the food cheaper for the patient

Practice Test 8 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a general practitioner talking to a new patient called Doug Jones.
For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient Doug Jones

Occupation: 1) (retired)

Having trouble sleeping

 Information Given

Ignored the sleep problem initially – now experiences it 2-3 times a


Described as 2) by the patient

 Coupled with concentration problem

Recounted an incident: Could not immediately recognize 3)

from previous workplace

 Cannot cope with 4) resulting in irritation and frustration)

Has memory problems as well - forgetting simple words and phrases

 5) of physical activity (due to self-isolation)

Hypertension – on medication s

 Initial Diagnosis: Dementia

Potential due to presence of 6)

 Not the same as general forgetfulness but is a 7) brain

Long-term result: death

 Affects thinking, behavior, and daily 8)

 More work needed to identify 9) type of dementia

 Initial Recommendations

Improve general health

Increase 10) of physical activity

 Improve quality of sleep (to eliminate 11) from the brain)

Refrain from using sleeping pills

 Intervene to prevent breathing problems while sleeping, because lack

of 12)

will have a negative impact on memory


to a sleep specialists

Practice Test 8 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear an addiction specialist talking to a new patient called Cheryl Tyson.
For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient: Cheryl Tyson

Reason for Referral:

Addiction to painkillers

Chronology of events

Onset of 13) pain due to physical work in a warehouse

 Had 14) - disrupted daily activities

Initially relied on OTC pain relievers

 Resorted to microdistecomysurgery after 15) did not help

 Only prescribed opioids post-surgery, including 16) and

opiate mix

Developed reliance on the painkillerss

 Led to overdosing on painkillers up to 17) the recommended


Developed breakthrough pain

 Also started taking up to three 18) a day

 Complications of Medication

Severe constipation


19) swingsto the point of being suicidal


 Memory loss (as a result of 20) years of taking painkillers)

 Treatment Plan

First phase: Learn 21) ways to manage pain

Second phase: Progress to 22) therapy to learn how to
handle stress

 Third phase: Learn to slowly reduce painkillers through private session

with a 23)

 Ultimate goal: to no longer see opioids as a 24) (instead, to

use other pain management techniques)

Practice Test 8 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a dermatologist talking to a patient about their skin health.
What is the cause of the patient’s problem?
o Aher recent change in diet

o Ba change in medication

o Ca new treatment plan

 26
You hear a nurse talking about a new program to be introduced on her ward.
What will be the programme’s main objective?
o AThe programme will provide support for nurses dealing with

o BThe programme will provide support for patients dealing with


o CThe programme will provide support for community outreach.

 27
You hear an intern asking a senior colleague about a patient’s treatment plan.
What recommendation has the senior colleague made?
o ATo treat Mr Harris’ balance issues
o BTo have Mr Harris do light physical activity

o CTo get Mr Harris out of bed as soon as possible

 28
You hear a surgeon and an internist discuss the treatment plan for a patient.
The female doctor suggests that the patient could
o Ahave internal injuries not detected by the tests done

o Bhave further damage as a result of the fracture

o Cwait for further tests and scans to be run

 29
You hear members of a hospital discussing a problem in the A&E department.
What problem is the department experiencing?
o AThere are more patients with mental health disorders.

o BThere is no mechanism to get patients into treatment.

o CThere are no staff in the hospital who can help the patients.

 30
You hear a GP talking about opening and managing her own practice.
What does she consider to be the biggest challenge?
o ACreating close relationships with patients

o BBalancing time with patients with other responsibilities

o CMaintaining healthy finances

Practice Test 8 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear a presentation by a radiologist, Allen Jackson, who’s talking about
his own work with artificial intelligence

 31
Why does Allen Jackson give information about how the current system
o ATo emphasize how the research can improve upon the current
o BTo give information that few people are likely aware of

o CTo explain why he decided to take part in this research project

 32
How does artificial intelligence compare to the current system?
o AAI is slightly less accurate than the current system.

o BAI compares favorably to the current system.

o CAI results in more women being diagnosed with cancer.

 33
How did patients feel about the study?
o AThey were not informed about their participation.

o BThey were not concerned about any aspect of the study.

o CThey were worried about the security of their records.

 34
Allen Jackson believes that the results of the research study mean that
o Adoctors can specialize in other areas of medicine

o Bdoctors can spend less time specializing in radiology

o Cdoctors can devote less of their time to diagnosis

 35
How might future patients be affected by the research?
o AThey will not notice any difference as a result of the research.

o BTheir stress levels may decrease because of speedier results.

o CFewer patients will likely be diagnosed with breast cancer.

 36
Allen Jackson believes that international collaboration is important
o Ait will help improve the accuracy of diagnosis for women in the UK

o Bit will help to eradicate the disease around the world

o Cit will help to increase positive outcomes for patients

Practice Test 8 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a presentation by a specialist thoracic called Sally Grasslake, who’s
talking about her work with a patient, John Blake, with a rare condition that
affects his ability to breathe normally.

 37
How did Sally come to take John on as a patient?
o AHe was referred by his regular GP.

o BHe was not helped by a series of GPs.

o CHis GP told him to seek a specialist.

 38
How does John’s condition affect his everyday life?
o AHe experiences pain in all areas of his body.

o BHe cannot do common exercises.

o CHe is not able to stand on his own.

 39
Why was John frustrated by his diagnosis?
o ABecause he felt it was not accurate

o BBecause his symptoms did not match the diagnosis.

o CBecause he was not able to receive medical care.

 40
What was John’s reaction to the response of the GPs he saw?
o AHis outlook on life was negatively affected.

o BHe immediately sought out a specialist for help.

o CHe started to self-medicate for his condition.

 41
How did Sally react to John’s condition?
o AShe believed his symptoms were caused by something else.

o BShe felt that surgical intervention was necessary.

o CShe thought that more research was necessary.

 42
What does Sally suggest about the success of the surgery?
o AThe earlier it is done the more likely it will result in a positive

o BIt is very difficult to reduce the amount of pain it will cause


o CThe severity of the problem will determine the outcome.

Practice Test 9 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a neurologist talking to a patient who has had a traumatic incident.
For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now
have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient :Jack

Reason for Assessment

Was hit in the head while playing football


Sustained 6 hours ago

Impact on 1) of patient’s head (by another player’s knee)

 Patient cannot recall incident

Loss of consciousness for 2) after impact

Patient reports feeling fine after regaining consciousness

 First-line Treatment and Effect

Brought to medical facility

Prescribed 3) due to generalized motor seizure

 Imaging test done: CT scan (with 4) results)

 Currently has nausea and a 5)

 Next steps and probable diagnosis

Another CT scan, in particular of the 6)

Close observation to prevent rapid deterioration

 Initial diagnosis: 7) (indicated by lucent period prior to


 Essentially an 8) of blood between the skull and outer dural


 Cause by head trauma with a 9) object

 Common result: skull 10)

 Differential diagnoses: subarachnoid 11) and subdural


 Prognosis

Damage is not 12) due to minimal injury to the brain)

Needs aggressive treatment

Better prognosis if treatment commenced early

Practice Test 9 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a patient with chest pain. For
questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient: Mrs Frank

Reason for Coming to A&E:

Acute chest pain

Patient reports recurring 13) chest pain over the last 2 years

Previous episodes usually lasted 1-2 seconds

 Previous position of chest pain: Usually on the left but

sometimes 14)

 Current episode

Pain has lasted for 15) hours

 Position of pain: 16) of chest

No shortness of breath

No heart palpitations

 Pain lessens when patient sits up or leans forward

Medication taken: two 17) (ineffective)

 Family History and Recent Illness

Father had 18) in early 50s

Father has high cholesterol level

 Patient’s recent illness: 19) infection

Started 2 weeks ago

Lasted 4 -5 days

 Symptoms: sore throat, blocked nose, sneezing and a

severe 20)

 Diagnosis & Treatment

Likely that the pain is originating in the 21)

Tentative diagnosis: pericarditis with a viral aetiology

 Swelling and inflammation of the 22) surrounding the heart

Commonly viral

 Possible causes: Cold or 23)

Hospital admission not required

 Treatment: Rest and 24)

Run additional electrocardiogram in 4 days

Practice Test 9 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a conversation between a GP and an office manager about staff
What does the GP identify as a negative effect on the practice’s patients?
o AThe quality of care they are receiving.

o BThe amount of time they have to wait.

o CThe level of stress they are feeling.

 26
You hear a trainee doctor asking a senior doctor about a patient’s chest X-ray.

The senior doctor points out the importance of…

o AThe markings and tubular shadows in the upper lobes on the
chest X-ray.

o BThe prominence of the pulmonary arteries on the chest X-ray.

o CThe repeated chest infections that the patient has had.

 27
You hear part of a training about sports nutrition.
Who is the audience for the training?
o AThe training is for professional athletes training for competitive

o BThe training is for general practitioners involved in helping

athletes recover from sports injuries.

o CThe training is for dietitians who may be referred by a general


 28
You hear a morning briefing on a ward.
The doctor explains that a head CT will help…
o ATo eliminate another possible diagnosis.

o BTo assess the neurological deficiencies.

o CTo determine the next diagnostic step.

 29
You hear part of a training on handovers between nurses.
What does the doctor demonstrate with the example?
o AHow to link two parts of the patient handover.

o BHow to give all necessary information.

o CHow to decide which type of information to include.

 30
You hear a conversation between a GP and a neurologist.
The GP has contacted the neurologist primarily because…
o AThere was some information left out of the patient’s file.

o BShe is very worried about the prognosis of the patient.

o CShe was concerned that the notes contradict the patient’s

Practice Test 9 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet
You hear an interview about extended roles in dietetics.

 31
The interviewee says it is important to talk about her profession in order
o AMake people aware of what the profession includes because it is
a small profession.

o BEncourage future professionals in this small field of medicine.

o CEstablish a clear career path in the profession for the next

generation of dietitians.

 32
According to the interviewee, what types of roles do dietitians now have?
o AThey have maintained the same roles in healthcare that they have
always had.

o BThey have fluid and indeterminate roles in modern healthcare


o CThey have added roles traditionally held by other healthcare


 33
According to the interviewee, what big changes in health care have
affected dietitians?
o AEfforts to reduce the cost of healthcare

o BEfforts to make healthcare more modern

o CEfforts to increase job satisfaction

 34
Why does the interviewee discuss the case of a patient?
o ATo demonstrate the increased complexity of dietitian’s cases

o BTo demonstrate the potential of the profession of dietetics

o CTo demonstrate the need for additional training for dietitians

 35
What is the purpose of four pillars of practice?
o ATo guide the career development of advanced practitioners

o BTo help new dietitians in the field to start their career

o CTo guide the profession of dietetics as practice changes

 36
According to the interviewee, what is holding back the profession?
o AThe lack of new professionals in the field

o BThe lack of funding for the extended roles

o CThe lack of funding for basic dietitian services

Practice Test 9 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a presentation about the role of general practitioners in the care of
older adults.

 37
What is the main topic of the research described by the presenter?
o AThe variety of challenges facing general practitioners

o BA particular challenge facing general practitioners

o CA challenge facing the future of general practitioners

 38
According to the presenter, why is it a challenge for GPs to diagnose older
adults with infection?
o ABecause they often don’t go to their GP for diagnosis

o BBecause they often don’t have this condition

o CBecause they often display unusual symptoms

 39
How did the research project gather data?
o AIt invited GPs to a group session to talk about their work.

o BIt invited GPs to individual sessions to talk about their work

o CIt analysed previous comments by GPs about their work

 40
According to the presenter, what is the role of medications in challenges
leading to diagnostic uncertainty?
o AIt can make it easier to diagnose infections in older patients.

o BIt can make it more complicated to diagnose infections in older


o CIt has no measurable effect in diagnosing infections in older


 41
Why have GPs lost their ability to follow up with patients?
o ABecause most GPs change practices frequently.

o BBecause most GPs work less hours than before.

o CBecause of the increased workload of GPs.

 42
What limits the use of investigations to diagnose infection in older
o AThe amount of time that GPs have to wait for results.

o BThe lack of available tests for this population of patients.

o CThe pre-existing conditions of the older patients.

Practice Test 10 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient about recent weight loss. For questions 1-
12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Mrs Jacobs

Reason for Appointment:

Recent weight loss

Current Condition

Primary cause: Loss of appetite

No intentional effort to lose weight

Total weight reduction 1) kg in four months

 Associated problem: 2) (interval after food consumption)

No reports of stomach pain

 Also reports that 3) going up stairs or hill

 History

Diagnosed with 4) two years ago

 4 months ago: Stopped taking prescribed 5)

 High level of urea indicates 6)

Low sodium levels

 Low potassium levels (likely causing the reported 7) )

 Examination, Diagnosis and Next Steps

Suspected: Presence of 8) preventing food leaving the

 Stomach has retained 9)

 Further tests: 10) and biopsy

 Possible causes: 11) or cancer in 12)

 Need to wash out the stomach for clarity

Practice Test 10 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a doctor in the A&E talking with a patient with persistent headaches.
For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Nathan Saunders

Current Symptoms

Failing vision (described as blurry)

Reduced urinary output

Swollen 13)

 Headaches

Never used to have them

On-going for past 14) months

Description of pain: 15)

Simple analgesics not working

Previous Treatment

Two months ago: GP diagnosed 16)

Prescribed codeine (not effective)

Prescription changed three weeks ago - patient unsure of medication name

(not effective either)

 Current Condition

17) : At crisis level

 Also has 18)

Also has papilloedema

Possible renal failure

 Probable diagnosis: 19)

 Next steps

Reduce blood pressure over next 24 hours (Note: 20) : reduction

to prevent arterial thrombosis)

Control fluid intake

Observe for 21)

 Diuretics may not work, possibly start 22)

 Measure kidneys through 23)

 Vision expected to 24)

Practice Test 10 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen
 25
You hear part of a training about patients in ICU wards.
What is the effect of the problem that the doctor describes?
o AAn increase in the number of patients in the ICU.

o BPatients are not admitted at all to the ICU.

o CPatients spending more time in the ICU.

 26
You hear a trainee doctor asking a senior doctor about next diagnostic steps.
Why does the trainee doctor refer to the chest X-ray?
o AIn order to explain a probable cause of the patient’s condition.

o BIn order to explain an unlikely cause of the patient’s condition.

o CIn order to explain what has already been done with this case.

 27
You hear part of a training about eating disorders.
Why does the speaker say the training is necessary?
o ABecause there are very few professionals to give this type of

o BBecause very few medical programs incorporate this type of


o CBecause this type of training has been completely overlooked for

many medical professionals.

 28
You hear part of a training on safety briefings.
What does the speaker say the medical community has learned from
o AThe importance of conducting regular safety briefings

o BThe importance of responding to staff feedback

o CThe importance of changing how often briefings are held

 29
You hear part of a handover between two nurses.
The male nurses asks to go to a different place because…
o AHe doesn’t want to be interrupted during the handover.

o BHe doesn’t want to have problems hearing the other nurse.

o CHe doesn’t want to discuss the case in front of the patient.

 30
You hear a conversation between a GP and a psychiatrist.
How does the psychiatrist feel about the GPs’ call?
o AHe is relieved because the patient’s file does not talk about the
next steps.

o BHe appreciates the call because it will help him to understand the
patient better.

o CHe was expecting the call because context has not been included
in the file.


Practice Test 10 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a presentation on training opportunities in dentistry.

 31
What does the presenter say is his primary motivation?
o AHe wants to inspire dentists to be mentors.

o BHe wants to inspire dentists to do research.

o CHe wants to inspire future practitioners in the field.

 32
According to the presenter, his approach to dentistry is different
o AIt is more focused on the materials than the structure of the tooth.

o BIt is more focused on maintaining the structure of the tooth.

o CIt is more focused on maintaining a strong bond with the tooth.

 33
According to the presenter, what is a benefit of his approach?
o AFewer severe complications for patients

o BMore advanced training for dentists

o CFewer dental procedures for patients

 34
The restorative materials used in the approach try to…
o ADecrease the amount of tooth that remains

o BReplicate the bond that natural materials have

o CMimic the natural structures and look of a real tooth

 35
What is the objective of the second course that the presenter described?
o ATo go over the basic concepts related to the approach described

o BTo review scientific literature related to advanced techniques

o CTo apply basic concepts and techniques previously learned

 36
How are the two types of dentistry described related to one another?
o AThey both require years of advanced training.

o BThey both focus on preserving the natural tooth.

o CThey both focus on applying traditional methods.

Practice Test 10 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear an interview about recent innovations in physiotherapy.

 37
According to the interviewee, what is the role of physiotherapy in health
and wellbeing?
o AIt is primarily a way to help three out of five people in the UK with
their overall health.

o BIt is primarily a way to address the whole person to manage

health long-term.
o CIt is the primary treatment for certain long-term conditions like
Parkinson’s, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.

 38
Why does the interviewer ask about the use of therapy for a particular
o ABecause he was not aware of the use of therapy for this disease.

o BBecause he wants to hear more about an unusual use of therapy.

o CBecause he wants the audience to learn more about the topic.

 39
What does the interviewee say physiotherapy can build in all patients?
o AIt helps to aid the clearance of airways and improve lung function.

o BIt helps to increase patients’ abilities to bounce back from a


o CIt helps to avoid the need to use health care resources in the

 40
What is mentioned as a change in the role that some physiotherapists
o AThey are working more independently to deliver care to patients.

o BThey are working as part of a team to deliver integrated care.

o CThey are working to eliminate the need for other types of care.

 41
The interviewee says that robot-assisted therapy is used...
o AMostly independently of therapists.

o BIn conjunction with a trained therapist.

o CMostly outside of healthcare settings.

 42
What is the main purpose of the second type of robot-assisted therapy
o ATo help patients regain the movement of their upper limbs.

o BTo help patients regain the ability to move their fingers.

o CTo help patients regain the use of their lower limbs.

Practice Test 11 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient about an ongoing problem. For questions
1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient :Stephanie


Chief complaint: Battling 1)

Duration of symptoms: Last few months

Effect: Stopped going to the gym

 Diet/Exercise

Exercise: Regular

Smoking: 2)

Drinking: Occasional

 Diet: 3) , but eats dairy and fish

 Recent Symptoms

Reports no pain in the abdomen

Reports no change in 4) as well

 5) is frequent and large

 Possible condition: 6)

 Family History

Deceased grandmother: died 7)

From Ireland

Reported abdominal issues (but no specifics available)

 Next Steps

To check white blood cell count

To check 8) level

 (as low levels may cause) 9)

To check platelet level

 Possible Diagnosis

Diagnosis: based on family history and symptoms

Possible disease: 10)

 Ireland has 11) more cases than the rest of UK

Genetic link

Routine blood test is not sufficient to confirm diagnosis

 Extended investigation via 12) required

Biopsy needs to be carried out

Practice Test 11 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a patient presenting with pneumonia.
For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient :Mr. Jacobs

Reason for Admission

Admitted with pneumonia

Presence of other health problems

Medical History

Symptoms in A&E: Episodes of persistent 13) (past 6 months)

 Also had episodes of stabbing pain on the right side of

the 14)

 Pain is exacerbated by coughing, sneezing or taking a 15)

 Has additional issue with 16) (ongoing for 5 years)

 Food sometimes gets lodged in 17)

 Has had 18) done (results unremarkable but symptoms


 Recently, 19) and vomiting have started after eating

 No relevant 20)

None smoker, and light drinker

 Observations from Chest X-Ray

Taken upon admission

No gastric air bubble

Oesophagus is dilated and 21)

Sign of food spilling into the lung

Possibly located source of respiratory infection

Next Steps

Possible diagnosis: Achalasia of the cardia

Problem is 22) in nature

 Affects the 23) at bottom of oesophagus

 Other possible causes: acid reflux, malignant structures or an

oesophageal 24)

Practice Test 11 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete
your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of an announcement in a ward.
Why is the announcement being given at this time?
o AIt is a routine announcement given before every briefing.

o BIt is being given because of an accident in the hospital.

o CIt is being because of the rise of a certain infectious disease.

 26
You hear part of a training for nurses on medication errors.
What is the overall topic of the training?
o ABeing able to explain the causes of most medication errors

o BBeing able to acquire knowledge and skill in managing errors

o CBeing able to demonstrate how to investigate medication errors

 27
You hear two nurses discussing a training they took on vaccinations.
What do the two nurses agree on about the training?
o AThe usefulness of a review on certain issues
o BThat it was not necessary to include some topics

o CThat not everyone needed to take the training

 28
You hear part of a conversation between a trainee doctor and a senior doctor.
How does the senior doctor help the trainee doctor to interpret the ECG?

o ABy showing her the different parts of the ECG recording

o BBy asking her to explain the different parts of the ECG recording

o CBy asking her to show him the different parts of the ECG recording

 29
You hear part of a conversation between two dentists.
What do the dentists disagree about in terms of the training?
o AThe need for more medical training for dentists

o BThe need for more safety training for dentists

o CThe need for more legal training for dentists

 30
You hear a handover between doctors in the A&E.
Who is most affected by the problems with handovers?
o AThe ambulance drivers who are working overtime

o BThe patients in the community and in the ambulances

o CThe doctors who are treating the patients coming in

Practice Test 11 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a training for midwives.

 31
What is the main topic of the training?
o AThe role of probiotics in the gutmicrobiome

o BThe role of probiotics pre- and post-partum

o CThe role of probiotics in functional medicine nutrition

 32
Why does the speaker say professional development is important?
o ABecause there are so many things to learn about the topic.

o BBecause it is necessary to review topics from initial training.

o CBecause new areas of study are constantly emerging.

 33
What is the focus of the first topic?
o AThe makeup of the microbiome of human breast milk

o BHarmful species of bacteria found in human breast milk

o CThe supply of beneficial bacteria to the infant gut

 34
The species of microorganisms mentioned have been shown to…
o AHave positive effects on both mother and infant health

o BHave potentially negative effects on infant health

o CHave overwhelmingly positive effects on infant health

 35
During the next phase of the training, participants will…
o ADiscuss their thoughts on the training topics

o BReview articles on topics related to the training

o CReview what they already know about the topics

 36
According to the speaker, what is the role of antibiotics in dysbiosis?
o AThe use of antibiotics can be a cure for dysbiosis.

o BAntibiotics are not generally used for this condition.

o CThe use of antibiotics can be a cause of dysbiosis.

Practice Test 11 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear an interview with a doctor specializing in youth mental health.
 37
Why does the interviewer give statistics about the topic?
o ABecause she wants to show under-diagnosed the topic is.

o BBecause she wants to show how it relates to suicide in young


o CBecause she wants the audience to the gravity of the topic.

 38
According to the interviewee, teenagers are vulnerable to mental disease
o AThey are not equipped to handle the unique challenges they are

o BThey are facing an onslaught of changes in their lives

o CThey are facing peer pressure for greater autonomy

 39
According to the interviewee, how does technology affect teenagers’
mental health?
o AThey are confused between real life and virtual life.

o BThey compare their lives to how they think others are living.

o CThey have more opportunities to bully and be bullied online.

 40
The interviewee says that teenagers with diagnosed mental health
conditions are often…
o ATreated early for their mental health conditions.

o BTreating others poorly because of their condition.

o CTreated poorly by peers because of their condition.

 41
According to the interviewee, what can be done to prevent mental health
conditions in adolescents?
o ABuild healthy habits and supportive communities to support teens

o BLet teens work individually to build resilience

o CInvolve teens in activities in the community and school

 42
What is important in treating teens with mental health conditions?
o AIt is important to look for approaches that do not involve

o BIt is important to involve mental health institutions in the


o CIt is important to define the mental health condition correctly.

Practice Test 12 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient about an ongoing problem. For questions
1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now have thirty
seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Jake Edwards

Recent Symptoms

Ongoing symptoms for a week

Overall feelings of 1)

 Reduced appetite but has 2) once

 Reports slight fever during this time

Reports 3) in joints

 Joints not visibly swollen

4) volume is normal

Bowel movements are unremarkable

 Medical History

Diagnosed with 5) (5 years ago)

 Is a 6) smoker

 Is a heavy drinker

Is a recreational drug user - marijuana and 7)

 Source of drugs recreational drugs: 8)

Not using IV drugs

 Current Condition

Signs of liver problem

Tenderness in right upper quadrant of abdomen

Elevated 9)

 Pallor is a bit 10)

 Possible Diagnosis & Treatment

Preliminary diagnosis: 11)

 Blood tests required

Treatment depends on levels indicated in investigations

Recommended to not consume alcohol or drugs

Referral to a 12)

Practice Test 12 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a patient presenting with back pain.
For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Chelsea

Reason for Admission

Pain across the back


Feeling unwell for past two days

First symptoms: 13) and backache

 Pain has gotten more severe

Frequency of vomiting: 14) in past six hours

 Abdomen tender, particularly in 15)

 Possible Diagnosis

Symptoms indicate presence of 16)

 Likely condition: acute pyelonephritis

Caused by ascent of bacteria into the 17)

 Organ affected: 18)

 Likely related to the 19) patient was diagnosed with 2 months


 Next Steps

Hospital admission required

Blood and urine 20) will be taken

 Will start patient on 21) and medication

 Medication to be monitored depending on the 22) causing the


 23) ultrasound required

 24) of the urinary tract could be present

Practice Test 12 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of a conversation between two doctors.
Why is the male doctor asking the female doctor for her opinion?
o ABecause he wants to tell her about a diagnosis he has made

o BBecause he wants to know what she thinks the problem is

o CBecause he wants to ask her what his next steps should be

 26
You hear part of a training for ward leaders.
Why are the people attending this training?
o ABecause they are interested in taking a course on becoming a
ward leader.

o BBecause they are experienced ward leaders looking to train other


o CBecause they are in a training course to become a ward leader.

 27
You hear a ward briefing on safety.
What does the person say is the purpose of the reporting system?
o ATo know who is making the most mistakes

o BTo know where the team needs improvement

o CTo know who on the team needs improvement

 28
You hear part of a conversation between two doctors in the A&E.
What do the two doctors agree about?
o AHow busy the A&E has been recently
o BThe number of patients waiting for treatment

o CHow the system is handling mental health

 29
You hear part of a conversation between a GP and a physiotherapist.
What does the physiotherapist ask the doctor to do?
o AShow the patient how to do the exercises

o BTell the patient how important the exercises are

o CTell the patient how important exercising is

 30
You hear part of a training for GPs.
What kind of course is being described?
o AA blended course for GPs interested in dermatology

o BA traditional face-to-face general education course for GPs

o CA blended, general education course for GPs

Practice Test 12 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a lecture about an inner ear condition.

 31
What is the main topic of the lecture?
o AAn overview of a disease commonly affecting menopausal women
in the UK.

o BAn overview of a rather uncommon disease in the UK.

o CAn overview of a rare disease affecting geriatric women in the


 32
How is this lecture related to the lectures that came before?
o APrevious lectures talked about the anatomy of the head.

o BPrevious lectures talked about different parts of the ear.

o CPrevious lectures talked about disorders of the outer and middle

 33
Which is a common symptom of the disease?
o AA feeling that the world is rotating quickly around you.

o BA feeling that you are going to fall to the ground.

o CA feeling that something is blocking you from hearing.

 34
What type of hearing loss is not associated with the disease?
o ANerve damage related to abnormalities

o BA blockage of the transfer of sound waves

o CNerve damage related to an injury

 35
What is the most common cause of the disease?
o ALess than adequate of taking in of endolymph

o BOveractivity of the sympathetic nervous system

o CA hypersensitivity to something in the environment

 36
What is often seen with hearing loss associated with this disease?
o AIt is sudden in nature and happens in both ears.

o BIt is gradual and it happens in one ear, not both.

o CIt is gradual in nature and happens in both ears.

Practice Test 12 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear an interview about early detection of breast cancer.

 37
How does the interviewer feel about the topic of the interview?
o AHe is very enthusiastic about the topic because of its widespread

o BHe is very enthusiastic about the topic because the breakthrough

amazes him.

o CHe is very enthusiastic about the topic because the researcher is

going to be famous soon.

 38
According to the interviewer, the topic of the research…
o AHas not been made public

o BIs well known to the public

o CIs unbelievable to the public

 39
According to the interviewee, how was the blood test developed?
o ABy developing sets of antigens associated with breast cancer

o BBy developing sets of antigens found in healthy people’s blood

o CBy developing sets of antigens associated with all cancers

 40
What did the researchers notice about the accuracy of their results?
o AThey were unreliable due to differing results with different panels
of antigens used.

o BThey increased in accuracy when the number of antigens


o CThey increased in accuracy when the number of antigens


 41
What is being done to further develop the blood test the interviewer is
working on?
o AA new study with a larger sample size is being done

o BA new study with other types of antigens is being done

o CA new study with other types of cancers is being done.

 42
What concern does the interviewer raise about the use of these tests?
o AHow quickly they can become available to the public

o BHow much the tests will cost patients around the world

o CHow patients will deal with the results of the tests

Practice Test 13 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient about bruising. For questions 1-12,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now have thirty seconds
to look at the notes.

 Patient:Mrs. Spivey


Bruising that started (1) prior

 Patient initially thought bruises were sustained as she (2)

 Bruises sustained did not(3)

 Started getting (4) bruises

 Recent Symptoms

Patient described bad menstrual cycle

Previous two periods were (5)

 Unexpected (6) while at work

 Family History/Lifestyle

No recent lifestyle changes

No family history of (7)


Consumes alcohol occasionally (social drinker)

 Physical Examination

Multiple areas of purpura

Affected areas: mainly legs and fewer on(8)

Varying in color from black-purple to yellow

Two mouth bullae detected

 Patient confirms occasional gum bleeding when brushing teeth

 Gum bleeding does not (9) as expected

 Results of Investigations

Blood test results received

(10) level: lower than normal

Platelets are far below normal

Suspected: spontaneous purpura

 Next Steps

Immediate referral to haemotology unit

Urgent for (11) required

 Need to reduce possibility of (12)

Practice Test 13 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a GP talking to a patient complaining of increasing tiredness. For
questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient :Sally Helm

Age: (13)

 Symptoms

Tiredness for the past (14)

Also reports loss of (15)

Weight loss: 7 kilos since last check up

Some nausea at times

 Cramping in muscles: on and off since 3 weeks ago

Some (16) of muscles as well

 Medical History

On (17) for high blood pressure (20 years)

Hypertensive controls proving ineffective (BP: 190/110)

Patient compliant with medication.

 Eyes: (18) on occasion

 Sometimes feels (19)

 Next Steps

Further (20) are needed (to check urea and creatinine levels)

 Symptoms indicate (21)

 (22) also needed to check for causes

 May need to commence (23) if kidneys are damaged

 Treatment for damaged kidneys can be in the hospital or

at (24)
Practice Test 13 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet
For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of a ward briefing.
What does the person giving the brief explain is governed by a specific
o AWho you can share confidential information with and how

o BWhen and how it is necessary to ask for patient consent

o CWhen it is more important to give data than protect it

 26
You hear two nurses having a conversation.
What do the nurses agree about?
o AThe value of making patients feel at ease with treatment

o BThat nurses spend a lot of their time talking to patients

o CThat failures in communication are easily overcome

 27
You hear part of a conversation between a GP and a nurse.
What issue does the nurse want to address?
o AHow patients can confirm their appointments through email

o BHow patients can get more out of their consultation time

o CHow patients can use videos to know more about their condition
before their appointment

 28
You hear part of a training on an addiction treatment program.
Why does the speaker talk about the program?
o ATo show the main objective of the initiative

o BTo show the type of research being done

o CTo show the advances that have been made

 29
You hear part of a conversation between a junior and senior doctor.
What is the senior doctor explaining to the junior doctor?
o AHow the night and day teams share their work load

o BHow information about patients is shared within the unit

o CHow to the nurse and consultant divide handover duties

 30
You hear part of a conversation between a junior and senior doctor.
What does the senior doctor point out?
o AAnother possible diagnosis for the patient

o BAnother area of concern on the X-ray

o CAnother possible explanation for the X-ray

Practice Test 13 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of an interview about the use of technology in medicine.

 31
According to the interviewee, why is this research needed?
o ATo better inform how to treat and diagnose patients

o BTo use new methods to do research in medicine

o CTo help broaden the number of treatments available

 32
What is the main focus of the interviewee’s research?
o AUsing diagnostic systems to predict patient response to

o BUsing new ways of analyzing data to predict patient response to


o CUsing a combination of methods to predict patient response to

 33
How did previous investigation inform the current research?
o AIt brought in learning from fields outside of medicine.

o BIt linked brain activity to a person’s reaction to medication.

o CIt helped to measure brain activity using resting state


 34
In what context was the research conducted?
o AIn a small trial with a variety of medications

o BIn a large trial with a variety of medications

o CIn a large trial with one type of medication

 35
How did the method of analysis compare to other methods?
o AIt performed as well as other methods.

o BIt performed better than other methods.

o CIt performed worse than other methods.

 36
According to the interviewer, what are future implications for this
method of analysis?
o AIt is can be used to predict advanced depression in patients.

o BIt can make treatment for depression more personal.

o CIt can be used to make treatment better for all patients.

Practice Test 13 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a presentation about a way to reduce the risk of tooth decay.

 37
Why does the presenter give statistics about tooth decay?
o ATo help the audience understand the scope of the problem

o BTo help the audience understand the cost of the problem

o CTo help the audience understand possible short-term solutions

 38
Why does the presenter introduce the topic of tooth extractions?
o ABecause many people are not aware they take place in a hospital

o BBecause it sets the stage for the presenter’s research project

o CBecause it helps to explain why the research was undertaken

 39
What kind of intervention was developed for the research project?
o AA planned conversation with parents on prevention strategies

o BA planned program to change bad habits in children’s dental


o CA planned training for dental nurses involved in baby teeth


 40
How was the intervention different from the conventional approach?
o AIt focused on parental responsibility over their children’s dental

o BIt focused on helping parents set reasonable targets for their

children’s dental health.

o CIt focused on informing parents on how to measure the success of

their goals related to their children’s dental health.

 41
Did the intervention improve health outcomes?
o AIt did not improve health outcomes because children in both
groups went back to the dentist.

o BIt improved health outcomes because children needed less dental

treatment for cavities.

o CIt improved health outcomes because children did not need

fillings as they had less tooth decay.
 42
According to the speaker, the most important aspect of the intervention
o AThe way it empowered parents to be in charge of their children’s
dental health.

o BThe way it involved trained dental nurses in educating parents

about their children’s dental health.

o CThe way it made dental health care more pleasant for nurses,
parents and children.
Practice Test 14 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a nephrologist talking to a patient. For questions 1-12, complete the
notes with a word or short phrase. You now have thirty seconds to look at the

 Patient Mr. Jakey


Microscopic haematuria

Condition detected (1) months ago

Condition detected through urine sample

Condition assessed by a GP

 No previous symptoms/medical issues

Patient describes general health as (2)

 No family history of (3)

 Results of Investigations

(4) test was ordered by GP

 Haemoglobin, platelets, and (5) :Normal

 Blood pressure reading: High at (6)

Urea: High

 Creatinine: High

Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase: Very high (linked to patient’s alcohol

consumption of more than (7) units per week

Immediate action: Patient to (8) from alcohol

 Possible Diagnosis

High blood pressure and (9) indicate chronic glomerulonephritis

 (10) of the kidney are likely inflamed

 If unchecked, like to progress to (11) renal failure

 Also requires ultrasound to assess the (12) (biopsy may be

needed as well)

Practice Test 14 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a specialist talking to a patient referred by her GP. For questions 13-
24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient Sheila, final year university student


Chief complaint: (13)

Symptoms started 10 days prior

Triggered by climbing stairs

 Symptoms got progressively worse

Patient reports having a (14) illness before symptoms started

 Reported illness had accompanying symptoms: (15)

(recovered in 1-2 days)

 Other symptoms: tiredness, (16) and chest pain

 Lifestyle

Reduced exercise due to university demands

Runs 2-3 times a week

Denies any (17)

 Possible Diagnosis

Normal (18)

 and ECG with (19)

 Tentative diagnosis: (20)

Diagnosis fits symptoms and test results

 Viral causes: Coxsackie A and B, echovirus and chicken pox.

(21) to confirm and investigations

 Predicted severity of suspected condition: (22)

 Immediate management (23)

 Prognosis: (24) expected to return to normal

Practice Test 14 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.
 25
You hear part of a conversation about a patient’s upcoming discharge.
What is the patient’s concern?
o AHe is concerned about whether he has enough medication at

o BHe is concerned that his daughter only has one day off to help

o CHe is concerned about travel arrangements to see his doctor

 26
You hear a nurse doing a pre-admission assessment.
What has the nurse covered prior to this conversation?
o AThe patient’s concerns about the surgery

o BThe patient’s previous and current condition

o CThe patient’s medication and changes to it

 27
You hear part of an information session for the public about when to go to the
Why is the A&E not a replacement for a person’s GP?
o ABecause the GP has more resources and time for the patient.

o BBecause the GP is aware of a patient's prior conditions.

o CBecause the GP can make referrals for specialised care.

 28
You hear part of a training for dentists about easing dental fear.
According to the speaker, what should be the priority of the dentist?
o ATo make a patient feel comfortable and in control

o BTo help a patient get access to treatment quickly

o CTo work with patients with a variety of needs

 29
You hear part of a training for junior doctors.
The series of training sessions will develop...
o ASkills that are important for successful meeting management.

o BSkills that are not typically included in their previous training.

o CSkills that are typically developed later in a doctor’s career.

 30
You hear part of a ward briefing on a mental health unit.
What is the reason for the changes on the ward?
o AThe mismatch between the number of mental health patients and
the current capacity

o BThe increasing number of mental health patients visiting the A&E

o CThe shortage of nurses available who are able to work in other

ward areas

Practice Test 14 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of an interview about problems that junior doctors face.

 31
According to the interviewee, what is one of the symptoms of the problem
being discussed?
o AThe number of people who chose not to become a doctor

o BThe number of doctors choosing not to practice medicine

o CThe number ofdoctors who do not progress in their career

 32
According to the interviewee, what is a solution to the high rate of
o ARecognize that junior doctors are at an increased risk of low
morale, stress and suicide

o BReduce the work-related pressure on junior doctors so that they

have room to learn and reflect

o CEducate junior doctors so that they know they should not be

ashamed if they are stressed

 33
What is the reason mentioned for junior doctor resignations?
o ALack of engagement between junior doctors and the rest of
people in the system

o BLack of experience by junior doctors on how to work within the


o CLack of acknowledgement for the passion and contribution of

junior doctors

 34
Why are junior doctors not becoming involved in research and
o ABecause junior doctorsdo not have enough experience to lead

o BBecause other more senior doctors are reluctant to release

leadership roles.

o CBecause the skills of junior doctors are diverted to meeting the

need of providing care.

 35
What is an example of a positive change being made?
o AJunior doctors becoming more involved in problem solving.

o BJunior doctors becoming more involved in focus groups.

o CJunior doctors becoming more involved in trainings.

 36
How could current educational requirements be improved?
o AThey could be made more easily available online.

o BThey could be standardized for all junior doctors.

o CThey could be made less rigid and more practical.

Practice Test 14 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a presentation about a new infectious disease.

 37
According to the presenter, what is the original transmission pattern for
this type of virus?
o AIt is transmitted from humans to animals.

o BIt is transmitted from animals to humans.

o CIt is transmitted from human to human.

 38
What was a common initial symptom of the first disease discussed?
o AA dry cough

o BPneumonia

o CHigh fever

 39
What was the origin of the second disease discussed?
o AThe origin is unknown at this time.

o BThe origin is a large mammal.

o CThe origin is a small mammal.

 40
How has the spread of the disease changed?
o AIt is currently being spread between humans who had contact with

o BIt is currently being spread between humans who have traveled to

the affected region

o CIt is currently being spread between people who are not sure how
they were infected.

 41
How is the new disease different from the other disease discussed?
o AIts mortality rate is much lower than those diseases.

o BMost people do not need special treatment to recover.

o CIts infectiousness is much lower than those diseases.

 42
How is the new disease similar to one of the other diseases mentioned?
o AThere is no vaccine available.

o BThere is no treatment available.

o CThere are few new cases.

Practice Test 15 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking to a patient about her pregnancy. For questions 1-12,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

 Patient:Maria

Reason for Appointment:

Routine pregnancy check at (1)

 Medical History

Previously (2) male child (8 years ago)

No other pregnancies

 No history of (3)

 Family History

Type 2 diabetes

First degree relative with condition: (4)

 Examination

Pregnancy weight gain

Urine dipstick test

Detected: (5) (high sugar level)

 No evidence of (6)

 At risk for (7)

 Next Steps and possible treatment

Requires (8)

 Self-monitoring of (9)

Dietary & insulin therapy

 Potential effects on Baby & Mother Baby

Possibly (10) than normal

 Increased chance of (11)

Future development of types 2 diabetes mother

 May get (12)

Diabetes may not go away after delivery

Practice Test 15 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a GP talking to a woman about heavy menstrual bleeding.

 Patient:Mrs Peters

Reason for Appointment

Menorrhagia, heavy periods

Interrupting her daily life

Worried about absence from (13)

 Medical History

Menstruation began at (14) (regular cycles)

 (15) started 7 days prior

 No issues with (16)

No spotting

 Married over last 3 years (17) with one partner since)

No history of STI

 Stopped (18) (the pill) 6 months ago

 Normal result for last (19) (2.5 years ago)

No recent changes in health

 Not on any (20)

 Diagnosis

Likely condition: (21)

 Possible cause: (22) (although unlikely due to patient’s age)

 Investigations

Pregnancy test

Blood tests

(23) to eliminate common causes

 Suggested Treatment

Reason for suggestion: Patient is trying to conceive

Treatment option: Tranexamic acid (because it is a treatment) (24)

Practice Test 15 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet
For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear a nurse briefing her colleague about a patient.
What does she warn her colleague about?
o AThe patient may later need additional assistance in breathing.

o BThe patient may have something more than community-acquired


o CThe patient may have been put on the wrong medication since
test results are not out.

 26
You hear a ward leader talking to the nursing staff
He says that not reporting errors make?
o AEfforts to study errors more difficult

o BEfforts to identify errors less voluntary

o CEfforts to reduce errors less effective

 27
You hear part of a morning briefing on a hospital ward.
What is the plan for the patient today?
o AHer diagnosis is still waiting to be confirmed.

o BShe will be transferred to a less specialised unit.

o CA social worker will come to talk with her family.

 28
You hear part of a post-surgery follow-up at a GP practice.
What does the patient want to know about?
o AThe cause of the pain in his belly.

o BThe time period before resuming activity.

o CThe reason he still needs to be taking it slow.

 29
You hear a trainee doctor telling his supervisor about a problem he had with a
The trainee feels that the cause of the problem was…
o AThe patient’s negative reaction to the procedure.

o BA lack of familiarity with the procedure being done.

o CThe amount of treatment the patient has received.

 30
You hear a doctor talking to an athlete with a painful arm.
What is the patient concerned about?
o AThe pain getting worse if he doesn’t warm up.

o BThe pain not caused by a triggering event.

o CThe pain interfering with his bowling.

Practice Test 15 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of an interview with a doctor called Dr Ellen Samuels, an expert
on Lyme disease.

 31
Why does Dr Samuels say the rate of Lyme disease has increased?
o ABecause more patients and doctors are reporting infections

o BBecause of changes in human behavior and the environment

o CBecause of more ticks in different regions of the country

 32
Dr Samuels says that transmission of the disease to humans requires...
o AAny type of body fluids from human beings

o BA tick infected with the bacterial pathogen

o CAn animal host to infect other animal hosts

 33
Dr Samuels says that Lyme disease is a challenge to detect because…
o AThere are no tests to detect the bacteria responsible for the

o BThe bacteria responsible for the disease only attacks lymph


o CEvidence of the disease disappears from the bloodstream quickly

 34
What does Dr Samuels say a person should do if they find a tick?
o AThe person will need antibiotics to prevent the disease if the tick
is attached.

o BThey may need antibiotics, depending on the amount of time that

has passed.

o CThey will need to get a diagnosis before seeking treatment for the

 35
What problem does Dr Samuels identify with current diagnostic tests?
o AThey are not accurate for Lyme disease that is detected early

o BThey are not accurate for all types of antibody responses

o CThey are not accurate for certain types of individuals

 36
What is Dr Samuel’s place of work doing about the problem?
o AThey are working to improve existing diagnostic tests to detect
Lyme disease.

o BThey are working to understand how a person’s DNA responds to

the disease.

o CThey are working to improve the effectiveness of current

treatment of the disease.
Practice Test 15 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet
You hear a psychiatrist called Dr Matthew Andrews giving a presentation to a
group of GPs.

 37
Matthew Andrews says that GPs are not providing mental health services
o AAdolescents do not visit GPs on a regular basis

o BAdolescents with mental illnesses visit specialists

o CGPs do not have the required training in the area

 38
What does Matthew Andrews say is the most effective way to train GPs?
o AProgrammes focused on educational theories

o BProgrammes involving GPs working with specialists

o CProgrammes set in psychiatry or paediatric settings

 39
How were the joint appointments set up?
o APer the request of the patient and family

o BPer the request of the attending GP

o CPer the request of the consultant

 40
What was the objective of the joint appointments?
o ATo come to a diagnosis for the patient

o BTo initiate contact with the parents of the patient

o CTo decide on next steps for the patient

 41
Matthew Andrews says that GPs now report feeling…
o AMore comfortable dealing with certain mental issues

o BMore comfortable working with outside consultants

o CMore comfortable talking to parents about these issues

 42
Matthew Andrews says that child psychiatry specialists describe…
o ALearning more about another area of medicine outside their

o BLearning more about children and adolescents with psychological


o CLearning more about how to handle consultations in a clinical

Practice Test 16 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a man who collapsed on the beach.
For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now
have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Mr Phelps

Taken to the hospital by ambulance

Fell on the beach, while walking dog

Did not display (1)

 (2) for about half a minute

 Witness account: Patient was not confused once recovered

Possible trigger: Ran up (3) before collapsing

 Injuries sustained: (4) on right shoulder from hitting rock but


injury to the (5)

 Overall Health

Reduced: (6) of exercise due to lack of 7)

 Previous similar episode: Happened after a (8)

 Resting heart rate: (9) bpm

 Blood pressure elevated despite being on (10)

Does not drink or smoke

Denies being on (11)

 Further tests

ECG and (12)

Practice Test 16 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a GP talking to a man about back pain. For questions 13-24,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now have thirty seconds
to look at the notes.

 Patient:Thomas

Reason for Appointment

Incident causing sudden back pain: (13)

Patient heard a click before the pain started

Initial pain was sharp

 Now pain is described as a (14)

 Pain will become sharp when patient attempts to (15)

 Self-medicated for pain and also applied (16) but little relief
so far

No other symptoms reported

 Medical History

Takes (17) for high blood pressure

 No (18) for last several years

 Clinical Examination

Observation: Gait is a bit (19)

 Tenderness in (20)

Limited range of movement

 No(21)

 Recommendations/Next Steps

Observe condition for a spell

Medical leave for one week to rest

Patient to totally refrain from(22)

 Requires (23) assessment

Pain medication: Codeine

 Appointment in two weeks if condition (24)

Practice Test 16 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before
you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of a training about prescribing for junior doctors
What does the presenter clarify about certain types of medication?
o AThat the same system is used for medical and legal guidance.

o BThat a different system is used for medical and legal guidance.

o CThat a similar system is used for medical and legal guidance.

 26
You hear a junior doctor asking about how to write a discharge summary
The senior doctor advises the junior doctor to prioritise
o ABeing very thorough and technical in the summary

o BUsing patient friendly language in the summary

o CFocusing on next steps and consequences in the summary

 27
You hear part of a conversation between nurses about a patient with dementia
The male nurse suggests that the female nurse...
o ALearn about communicating with all types of patients.

o BAcknowledge how the patient is feeling and why

o CHelp the patient to understand the facts of the situation

 28
You hear part of a ward briefing on patient interactions
It is important to try to identify how a patient is feeling because...
o APatients may not be able to identify emotions for themselves.

o BIt gives the patient a way to get the negative energy out.

o CIt gives more information about how to direct the conversation.

 29
You hear a senior doctor discussing with a junior doctor how to interpret a test

What aspects of the test does the junior doctor describe

o AThe purpose of the test and its primary elements

o BThe reason for doing the test and potential problems

o CThe types of pathologies that can be identified

 30
You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a medic about a patient with opioid
What does the medic explain to the doctor?
o ARelevant aspects of the patient’s medical history

o BPatient’s current condition and treatment administered

o CPatient’s unexpected reaction to treatment administered

Practice Test 16 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a training for junior doctors about explaining immunisations.

 31
The presenter warns the audience about…
o AFeeling overwhelmed by the number of topics covered.

o BFeeling uninformed about the topic being covered.

o CFeeling unprepared because of high expectations.

 32
Why is it important to be open to parent’s concerns during the
o ATo make sure parents understand the importance of the topic.

o BTo make sure parents do not feel irritated and disengaged.

o CTo make sure parents will keep an open mind and be


 33
What kind of information should be provided about individual vaccines?
o AThe number of patients who have received it so far.

o BThe low incidence of side effects of the vaccines.

o CThe main disease that it prevents.

 34
It is important to explain to parents about what happens before the
vaccination because…
o AIt will allow them to have more confidence in their health

o BIt will allow them to feel more at ease during the appointment.

o CIt will allow them to feel more at ease with possible side effects.

 35
When giving information about side effects, the doctor should also…
o ATell parents how to contact their health care professional.

o BTell parents what to do to make the child feel better

o CTell parents about research related to different side effects

 36
How should doctors deal with incorrect information related to
o AThey should assure parents that the vaccination programme is
very safe.

o BThey should thoroughly explain the source of the misinformation.

o CThey should give basic information about the source of the


Practice Test 16 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear an interview with Dr. Laura Sanders, an Alzheimer’s researcher.

 37
Dr. Sanders says that the research into the drug had been stopped
o AOf poor results in the early stages of trials.

o BOf problems with data analysis during the trials.

o COf problems with how the trials were conducted.

 38
Dr. Sanders points out that research for the drug was…
o AAt a very early stage in development.

o BAt an advanced stage in development.

o CNear the end of development.

 39
Newly examined results showed that…
o APatients on all doses experienced a decrease in decline.

o BPatients on elevated doses experienced a decrease in decline.

o CPatients on elevated doses experienced an increase in decline.

 40
Dr. Sanders states that this research supports the theory that…
o AThe presence in certain proteins is indicative of Alzheimer’s.

o BThe decrease in certain proteins is indicative of Alzheimer’s.

o CThe removal of certain proteins can reverse Alzheimer’s.

 41
Analysis of the data from the trials has been complicated by…
o ANew data from other studies into Alzheimer’s

o BThe attitudes of researchers toward the trial

o CAdjustments made during the clinical trials

 42
How does the scientific community feel about the research?
o AThere is overwhelming enthusiasm about the results.

o BThere is a general lack of interest in the results.

o CThere is some concern about the latest round of results.

Practice Test 17 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a doctor in a hospital talking to a patient presenting with jaundice.
For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now
have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Marie Stevens

Reason for Referral:

Jaundice lasting approximately (1)

Other Symptoms

Stool: (2) in colour

 (3) Normal in amount

Darker in colour

 Stomach pain

Right (4)

 Intermittent but has lasted(5)

 Sharp pain increasing in(6)

 (7) large meals

 Medical History

Two pregnancies

Surgery on (8)
 No(9)

Medication for blood pressure

 Not a candidate for (10)

 Investigations

Full blood count

Liver Function

Serum lipase & amylase (to eliminate (11)

 Coagulation Screen

(12) after results

Practice Test 17 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a man with blood in his urine. For
questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now
have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Mr Andrew Yates, 55

Blood in urine


(13) haematuria

 Turned from (14) to dark red in last 24 hours

 Difficulty (15)
 (16) in urine

 No (17) or similar feeling

No back pain

 Family History

No (18) bladder or renal cancer

 Medical & Social History

(19) on medication

 Heavy (20)

 Possible Diagnosis

At increased risk for (21)

 Next Steps

Bladder washout and (22)

 by way of a (23)

 Urine culture to be collected: To check for (24) cause

Blood test: To check haemoglobin levels (may require transfusion

Bladder scan: To check for clot retention

Practice Test 17 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before
you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of a conversation between a junior and senior doctor.
What is the senior doctor’s stand on painkillers in this case?
o ATriptans can sometimes be ineffective for severe headaches.

o BThey can sometimes be sufficient in the management of the


o CA variety of painkillers can be used to as prophylactic options.

 26
You hear part of a training on the classifications of strokes.
What does the presenter clarify about how diagnosis is determined?
o AThere is a reliance on the results from investigations.

o BThere is a reliance on the patient’s clinical history.

o CThere is a reliance on observation of the patient.

 27
You hear part of a ward briefing about documentation of results.
What does the ward leader warn the team not to forget?
o AThe duration of the last therapy.

o BThe absence of abnormalities.

o CThe details related to treatment.

 28
You hear part of ward briefing on history taking and information giving.
What does the speaker say to prioritize during this type of patient
o AGiving the patient the opportunity to express themselves.

o BGiving the patient the opportunity to discuss medical decisions.

o CGiving the patient the opportunity to ask for medical advice.

 29
You hear a dermatologist reporting results to a GP.
What does the dermatologist explain to the GP?
o AA possible diagnosis for the patient’s lesion.

o BThe risk factors presented by the patient.

o CThe aspects checked during the appointment.

 30
You hear two nurses discussing handwashing.
The nurses agree that...
o APeople have improved how they wash their hands.

o BPeople are better at training others to wash their hands.

o CPeople know what type of cleaning liquid to use.

Practice Test 17 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a training for A&E doctors about a type of suture.

 31
Why does Dr Paduh refer to the previous training?
o ASo that the trainees know that he is not repeating similar content
from a previous training.

o BSo that the trainees can use their previous knowledge to good
use in the current training.

o CSo that the trainees can concentrate on the new information and
worry less about what they already know.

 32
Dr Paduh says that the vertical mattress stitch is often used when…
o AA wound is located in a place where scarring is noticeable

o BA wound is located where skin is particularly tense

o CA wound is located where skin tends to turn outwards

 33
What is a reason not to use the vertical mattress stitch?
o AIt is difficult for doctors to learn to do it well.

o BSuccess depends on the ability of the doctor.

o CIt requires a lot of time to set up the procedure.

 34
Dr Paduh warns that a wound cannot be closed until…
o AA booster of necessary vaccines is administered

o BAn X ray is performed to check for fractures

o CThe limits of the wound are thoroughly cleaned

 35
Dr Paduh says the symmetry of loops is key because...
o AIt will decrease the chances of excessive scarring

o BIt will result in alignment of the edges of the wound

o CIt will decrease the amount of swelling that occurs

 36
Dr Paduh says pulling on the knot excessively will result in…
o AA higher risk of scarring near the edges wound

o BA turning out of the edges of the wound

o CA lack of opposition of the edges of the wound

Practice Test 17 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear an interview with Youyou Tu, a researcher specialising in malaria.

 37
The interviewer mentions Tu’s background in order to…
o AEmphasise the significance of Tu’s achievement.

o BEnsure that the audience have clear expectations of the interview.

o CPrepare the audience for Tu’s lack of official medical credentials.

 38
Tu says that she was motivated to study medicine because…
o ATuberculosis took away two fruitful years of her life.

o BTuberculosis helped her empathise with others.

o CTuberculosis gave her time to think about her future.

 39
What was the focus of Tu’s medical education?
o AFinding a cure for bacterial infections such as tuberculosis.

o BUnderstanding the use of naturally-found compounds.

o CClassifying different types of traditional medicine.

 40
What was a turning point in Tu’s professional career?
o AWhen a war in a neighboring country started.

o BWhen a new drug was developed for malaria.

o CWhen her government started a new project.

 41
Why did Tu’s team start doing research into old texts?
o ABecause the texts had been useful in the past.

o BBecause they had run out of other options.

o CBecause malaria had been previously cured in China.

 42
Tu mentions language as an obstacle to…
o AThe identification of the active component.

o BThe development of an effective treatment.

o CThe spread of theTu’s team’s research findings.

Practice Test 18 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a patient named Alice Knowles who
has come in because of haematemesis. For questions 1-12, complete the
notes with a word or short phrase. You now have thirty seconds to look at the

 Patient:Alice Knowles

Started to feel sick and (1)

Vomited blood

Colour of blood: Described as fresh and red

 Volume: Approximately a (2)

Passed out

First known episode

 Other Symptoms

No changes in (3)

 Medical History

Ongoing (4)

 Takes (5) daily

 Treatment & Investigations

Not (6) stable

 Blood test & (7)

 (8) fluids via IV

 Purpose of blood test: To check

(9) & urea levels ECG

 Clinical Assessment

Blood pressure/low

(10) /high

 Possible Diagnosis & Recommendations

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Possible causes - (11) & oesophageal erosions

 (12) use /risk factor

Practice Test 18 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a physician in the A&E talking to a patient who woke up with
one side of her face drooping. For questions 13-24, complete the notes
with a word or short phrase. You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Mrs Shepherds

Current Symptoms

Weakness on (13) side of face

 (14) normal, no numbness

 Is able to see, and swallow both (15)

 Clear speech, no (16) or problems with words

 No balance issues or (17)

 Recent History

No recent (18)

 Medication for (19)

 Likely Diagnosis

Other symptoms & (20)

 indicate (21)

 A type of paralysis caused by (22)

 Prognosis & Management

Most patients recover in less than (23)

 Important to keep eye lubricated as condition impacts (24)

Practice Test 18 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before
you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.
 25
You hear part of a conversation between a junior and senior doctor on how to
interpret the results of an investigation.
What does the senior doctor clarify about the results of the investigation?

o AThat the results clearly point to portal hypertension

o BThat the results are not sufficient to come to a definite diagnosis


o CThat the medical history allows them to rule out cirrhosis

 26
You hear part of a training about smoking cessation counselling.
The speaker points out that this approach is better than…
o AOne not focused specifically on this behavior

o BOne used by other types of specialties

o COne focused on patient´s worries and desires

 27
You hear a doctor going over an upcoming procedure with a patient.
What does the doctor explain to the patient?
o AWhen they can insert the implant

o BHow they will insert the implant

o CWhy they will insert the implant

 28
You hear part of a conversation between a nurse and a doctor about a patient’s
What does the nurse point out about the patient’s medication?
o AHe took an analgesic before he was admitted to the hospital.

o BHe depends on his wife to get painkillers from the doctors in the

o CHe is mixing over-the-counter and prescribed medications.

 29
You hear two doctors talking about a patient that one is referring to the other.
The doctor referring the patient explains that…
o AThe previous diagnosis was made by a doctor at another practice.

o BThe previous diagnosis was made by a specialist in another field.

o CThe previous diagnosis was made by a doctor who is no longer


 30
You hear a conversation between two ward leaders about administrative
The ward leaders agree that...
o ATheir job responsibilities have changed over time

o BTheir job has become much more difficult over time

o CTheir satisfaction with their job has changed over time

Practice Test 18 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of a presentation by Jessica Stokes on a study related to

 31
Why does Jessica Stokes say it is important to focus on coconut oil?
o ABecause of all of the benefits it is known to have

o BBecause of the recent interest in it

o CBecause of the findings of other research studies

 32
Jessica Stokes points out that previous studies show...
o AConsumption of coconut oil likely has no noticeable effect

o BConsumption of coconut oil likely has a beneficial effect

o CConsumption of coconut oil likely has a negative effect

 33
What limitation did previous studies have?
o AThe duration of the study

o BThe methods of analysis

o CThe number of total studies

 34
Who was not selected to be part of the study?
o APeople living outside of the country

o BPeople with no known medical issues

o CPeople living close to one town

 35
Jessica Stokes says that before the study…
o ADaily food consumption was evaluated

o BThe amount of exercise was evaluated

o CThe medication history was taken

 36
Jessica Stokes concluded that future studies should…
o AInclude a larger number of total subjects

o BBe conducted over a longer period of time

o CAllow subjects to choose their own diet

Practice Test 18 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet

You hear a training by Dr James Coffey about a non-surgical procedure.

 37
Dr Coffey says that the procedure is indicated for patients…
o AWho have any type of severe illness

o BWho are having serious problems with sputum

o CWho are having some respiratory distress

 38
Dr Coffey says extra precautions should be taken with patients…
o AWho have an infectious disease

o BWho are constantly coughing

o CWho have trouble coughing

 39
Why does Dr Coffey give an example of an interaction with a patient?
o AIn order to demonstrate how to explain the procedure

o BIn order to demonstrate how to deal with difficult patients

o CIn order to demonstrate how the patient might feel

 40
What is key to getting accurate results from this investigation?
o AGetting a large specimen from the patient

o BGetting a specimen from deep inside the chest

o CGetting rid of any potential contaminants

 41
Dr Coffey offers several tips in order to help patients…
o ARecover quickly after the procedure is over

o BProduce a quality sample of sputum

o CFeel comfortable with the procedure

 42
Dr Coffey suggests changing the procedure when…
o AA patient is physically not able to cough

o BA patient is taking certain medication

o CA patient does not want to give consent

Practice Test 19 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a doctor in the A&E talking to a patient named Mandy Johnson. For
questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now
have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Mandy Johnson

Now feeling more (1) than when first came in

 Description of Episode


Holding head & losing consciousness

Whole body started (2)

 Made (3) sounds and unable to open eyes

 Bruising & (4) on face

 Before

Severe (5) just before

No weakness or numbness

 Episode of (6)

 No loss of consciousness recently or (7)

No head trauma

 Current Condition
Daily activities resumed as usual

Mild (8) headache & nausea

 Administered (9) for nausea

 No reported (10) disturbances

 (11) neck

 Medical History

No problems or medication

Smokes (12) a day

Does not drink

Next Steps

Head CT

Practice Test 19 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet

You hear a GP talking to a patient about a diagnosis of Cushing's
syndrome. For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short
phrase. You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Mr Thomas


Weight gain, particularly noticeable in the (13) & shoulders

 (14) have spread

Wound healing is slow

 Experiencing (15) & depression

 Frequently feels (16) around other people

 Investigations Results

Urine and blood tests done

24-hour (17) cortisol investigation

 Shows above 3x (18) of normal

 (19) cortisol confirmed Cushing’s syndrome

 Exploration of Causes

Patient not on (20)

 (21) Cushing’s syndrome

 Tumour of the (22)

Problem with adrenal gland

 Investigations to find cause

Test to detect(23)


 Treatment Options

Medications to reduce levels temporarily until (24)

Surgery - if tumour found to be present

Practice Test 19 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before
you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of a conversation between a doctor and a patient about the
results of an investigation.
The doctor explains that the results of the investigation show…
o AThe pathogen causing the disease

o BA combination of coryzal symptoms

o CThe type of condition the patient has

 26
You hear part of a conversation between two doctors about an MRI scan.
The male doctor asks the female doctor to confirm…
o AThe severity of the condition

o BThe possible type of condition

o CThe direction of the malformation

 27
You hear part of a training on suture materials.
Which problem does the presenter identify?
o AA lack of options available in relation to this topic

o BA lack of knowledge about this topic

o CA lack of confidence in this topic

 28
You hear part of a conversation between a trainee nurse and a senior nurse.
What does the senior nurse suggest?
o ATo explain the procedure to the patient

o BTo consult with the patient about the procedure

o CTo change the site of the procedure

 29
You hear two doctors talking about breaking bad news to a patient.
What do both doctors agree about?
o AThe lack of information makes the situation more difficult.

o BThe way patients react to news makes the situation more difficult.

o CThe type of diagnosis can make the news more difficult to give

 30
You hear a ward safety briefing about preventing falls.
The ward leader suggests that patients should…
o ABe encouraged to perform exercises in bed first after an

o BBe accompanied when they need to get out of bed.

o CBe given walkers or canes if they want to walk down the hallway.

Practice Test 19 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet

You hear part of an interview with Dr Christina Salem about diabetic patients
and respiratory illness.

 31
What do Dr Salem and the interviewer agree about?
o AHow difficult it can be to get the right information

o BHow difficult it can be to find any information

o CHow difficult it can be to understand the information

 32
Dr Salem points out that it is not known if…
o ADiabetics have different outcomes from other patients

o BDiabetics have an increased risk of becoming ill

o CDiabetics will experience different symptoms

 33
According to Dr Salem, what causes diabetics to be at a higher risk of
o APoor management that increases the infection rate

o BPoor management that affects blood sugar levels

o CPoor management that weakens the immune system

 34
Dr Salem clarifies that the level of risk for different types of diabetes…
o ADepends more on other health problems than anything else

o BDepends more on other factors, such as age, than anything else

o CDepends more on good management than anything else

 35
Dr Salem says that when contacting a doctor, a diabetic should…
o AKnow their most recent blood sugar levels

o BBe able to say how long they have had symptoms

o CAsk for assistance in getting more insulin

 36
Dr Salem prioritises getting insulin to those…
o AWhose supply is being cut off by large manufacturers

o BWho cannot afford to pay due to financial problems

o CWho cannot find it because of distribution networks

Practice Test 19 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet
You hear a training by Dr Samuel Adams about suicidal risk assessments.

 37
Why does Dr Adams say this training is necessary?
o ABecause many doctors avoid interacting with patients in this way

o BBecause of the impact the lack of training is having on patients

o CBecause of the increased number of patients seeking treatment

 38
Dr Adams prioritises the human connection with patients because…
o AIt will lead to a more-informed evaluation of the patient.

o BIt will allow for a long-term relationship with the patient.

o CIt will give the doctor insight into the patient's thinking.

 39
According to Dr Adams, which aspect is key to determining the level of
impulsivity of the patient?
o AType of self-harm

o BExistence of a trigger

o CEvidence of forethought

 40
Why might part of the interview be modified?
o AIn order to ask more about the method used

o BIn order to ask more about the current mood

o CIn order to ask more about theoretical next steps

 41
Dr Adams explains that risks uncovered while taking the social history
o AResult in further assessments being done
o BResult in other professionals being brought in

o CResult in patients reacting negatively

 42
For the majority of patients, Dr Adams recommends…
o AReferring the patient to specialist

o BPutting together a list of actions points

o CContacting a local support network

Practice Test 20 : Part A – Extract 1 Q(1-12) Answersheet
You hear a GP talking with a woman, Teresa Young, complaining of
worsening tiredness. For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or
short phrase. You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Teresa Young

Started to feel tired (1) prior

 Fell asleep during (2) at work

 Symptoms


(3) increased number of hours (from 7 to 14 hours)

 (4) of sleep is reported as good

 Appetite


No nausea or (5)

 (6) faster than before

 No change in (7)

 Other

No recent colds

Occasional (8)
 Stressed about work

(9) but not taking medication for it

 Areas of (10) on limbs/torso

 Investigations

Symptoms indicate problems with gastrointestinal, (11) &

cardiovascular systems

 Full blood count & (12)

Coagulation studies
Practice Test 20 : Part A – Extract 2 Q(13-24) Answersheet
You hear a doctor in the A&E talking with a woman, Emily Campbell,
presenting with chest pain. For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a
word or short phrase. You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

 Patient:Emily Campbell

Current Symptoms

Chest pain & (13)

 Took (14) for symptoms

 Recent Symptoms

Sharp, constant pain on (15) of chest

 Pain becomes worse after a (16)

Not able to do physical activity

 No coughing, fever or (17)

 Recent Medical History

A (18)

 3 weeks prior with (19)

 Possible Diagnosis

At risk for (20)

 ECG & CT (21) to confirm

 Treatment Options

Open pulmonary embolectomy (rare)

(22) treatment (common)

 Until confirmation, (23) heparin will be administered

 Goal is to achieve (24)

Practice Test 20 : Part B – Q(25-30) Answersheet

For questions 25 to 30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best
according to what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before
you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

 25
You hear part of a conversation between two nurses about a blood transfusion.

What does the female nurse tell the male nurse to prioritise?
o ABuilding rapport with the patient

o BFollowing protocols closely

o CReviewing procedures regularly

 26
You hear part of a conversation between a junior doctor and a senior doctor
about how to interpret a cardiotocograph.
The senior doctor confirms the….
o AClassification of the pregnancy

o BAbnormality in the heart rate

o CPresence of contractions

 27
You hear part of a conversation between a nurse and a doctor about an angry
The nurse explains that the patient likely suspects…
o AThat the staff is avoiding treating him

o BThat his spouse doesn't want to see him

o CThat he is going to wait a long time

 28
You hear part of a training on arterial blood gas interpretation. .
What is the main aim of the training?
o AA review of the basic aspects of a difficult topic

o BAn introduction of a difficult-to-understand topic

o CA way to think about a difficult-to-understand topic

 29
You hear a doctor taking a medication history of a patient.
What is the doctor explaining to the patient?
o AThe action plan developed during the consultation
o BConcerns about the patient's medication regimen

o CThe best way to contact him after the appointment

 30
You hear part of a conversation between a junior doctor asking for assistance
with a recently admitted patient.
The junior doctor is suggesting the other doctor…
o ATell him how to take over the patient's treatment

o BTell him what to do until another doctor arrives

o CTell him if current treatment is appropriate

Practice Test 20 : Part C – Extract 1 Q(31-36) Answersheet
You hear part of a presentation by Dr Neil Gore about cauda equina

 31
Dr Gore points out that noticing patterns of who is affected is limited
o AThe small number of patients that doctors see

o BThe difficulty in diagnosing patients with the condition

o CThe lack of knowledge of the cause of the condition

 32
Dr Gore recommends first collecting information related to…
o ARecent medical history

o BRelevant symptoms

o CRelevant family history

 33
Dr Gore points out that all known causes of the condition are related to…

o ADamage to a part of the anatomy

o BPrevious medical interventions

o CDamage caused by infection

 34
According to Dr Gore, clinical examination should be done for patients…
o APresenting with certain known symptoms of the condition

o BIn certain groups considered at high risk for the condition

o CPresenting with symptoms or a history related to the condition

 35
The clinical examination is primarily focused on……
o ADetermining characteristics related to the pain

o BDetermining level of feeling and muscle response

o CDetermining the risk of experiencing incontinence

 36
The type of CES a patient is diagnosed with has...
o ANo bearing on the urgency of the situation

o BSome influence on the next steps to take

o CA lot of influence on how urgent the situation is

Practice Test 20 : Part C – Extract 2 Q(37-42) Answersheet
You hear an interview with Dr Julia Schneider, an expert on Crohn's disease.

 37
What is the nature of Dr Schneider´s work with Crohn's?
o ALeading a new research study

o BWorking with patients as a physician

o CConsulting on cases as a dietitian

 38
What does Dr Schneider clarify about treatment options?
o AThey only serve to manage the disease.

o BThey are focused on the digestive tract.

o CThey are not often very effective.

 39
Dr Schneider explains that genetics plays a role…
o ABut other factors are more influential in the development

o BBut this does not eliminate risk of developing the disease

o CBut not much research has been done on this topic

 40
Dr Schneider explains the potential role of the immune system because…
o AA specific virus has recently been identified

o BNot much is known about how this process works

o COf the primary system affected by this disease.

 41
Why does the interviewer ask Dr Schneider to talk about one of the
o ABecause it is relatively new compared to the other

o BBecause it is less well-known than the other

o CBecause it has been researched less than the other

 42
Dr Schneider explains that the diet has been used to treat…
o ADiseases with similar symptoms to Crohn's

o BDiseases that affect children and adolescent

o CSensitivities to certain types of ingredients

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