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Vocabulaire :

Rebellious = going against the rules

Obedient = following someone else’s rules
Charming = attractive and persuasive
Bawdy = funny but quite rude and uneducated
Deceitful = lying or cheating
Dependent = needing the support of another
Virtuous = innocent and pure
Scheming = making dangerous plans
Passive = needing the support of another

Shakespeare :
Shakespeare, otherwise known as the Bard is most famous for his
tragedies, history plays and comedies and his sonnets. He is mainly
asssociated with the Elizabethean where only men could perform.
Female roles were played by young boys because of their high-
pitched voices. (voix aigues)
At that time, the playhouses were built in special way. Today’s Globe
is perfect recreation the original one. It’s a round shaped theatre
with a curved auditorium and rooflers top so that the daylight could
some in.
Shakespeare’s plays deal with universal themes such as :
Love / grief (chagrin) / joy / jealousy and envy / greed (avidité) /
bereavment (deuil) / fate (destin).

Otherwise known as : autrement connu comme

High pitched voices : voix aigues
Special way : de manière spéciale
Rooflers top : haut de toit

Romeo and Juliet :

Long ago in Verone, two families hated each other worse than death.
The rivality between the Montagues and the Capulets caused this
tragic love story.

Roméo Montaigu and Juliette Capulet are in love, but their two
families have been rivals for generations. While her father is
destining her for a forced marriage, Juliette decides to swallow a
narcotic, pretending to be dead. Romeo finds her before he wakes
up, and commits suicide out of sadness.

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