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Live Case Assignment

Mapping Brand-Contact Points for a Product/ Service Offering

To integrate the class discussion with real life market conditions, Live Case
assignments have been designed. This assignment is about identifying the brand
contact points for a pre identified product or service class.

As discussed in class, brands and customers (or prospects) communicate with
each other (it’s a two-way process) in hundreds of ways (some are structured,
many not controlled and structured by marketer like Word-of-mouth, website-
auctions). As a marketer (or marcom professional) starting point of any
communication exercise must be mapping Customer-Brand Contact Points.
Once these channels/ points are identified, we can plan to tap these channels
of communication to meet marketing/IMC objectives.

Process for mapping brand-contact points:

Once a product/ service has been identified for the study, following steps should
be taken:
 Identify the core target customer: Define this clearly like ‘housewife living
in metro centers, who care for their family more than anything else. Age
30-45 yrs, with kids’ etc. Definition should have both demographic and
psychographic details.

 Do a qualitative research to map brand contact points: Before we

measure, we should know what we are measuring. Hence, talk to 20
sample customers, to identify all possible channels. Probe these sample
customers in detail. In depth unstructured interviews recommended.
Record these conversations using a voice recorder.

 Create a questionnaire to measure brand contact points: The

questionnaire should measure how many customers believe/ agree that
pre listed contact points are relevant in their purchase decision-making.
Use BOTH aided and un-aided checks (check what customers initially tell
you without prompting, and then check other channels after prompting.)
This is important step. Please report data on both aided and un-aided
responses. Also check HOW relevant do consumers believe is each
channel for the given product category buying process. Use a 5 point
scale (from Not Important at all to Very Important).
Imp: As you carry out research, RECORD (take pictures, record voice,
scan ads, photocopy other material etc) ALL EXAMPLES that you come
across where brands and customers are talking to each other.

Take pictures of Mall, sampling exercise, Flea market, Cinema Halls, local
Kiranawallah, Posters on wall, SMS/ Emails/ pop ups/ banners etc by
brands on Internet, Door to Door sales man, Delivery wan, Delivery Boy/
Girl, virtually anything where brand and customers are getting in touch.

Sample size should be close to 50 customers. Give their contact details.

Presentation Plan:
Submit detailed project report (with all charts, ref material) by the Deadline
discussed in class.

Groups will be chosen randomly for presentation. All members will be quizzed

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