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Individual Assignment (15 marks)

(Deadline 12th Dec 2023)

Recording Duration (15 minutes)
Submission model: through your YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Starting from
• Download any screen-recording software from the Internet and Install it into
your computer!
• Self-Introduction and Your University (Faculty and Department).
• Explaining Java-Programming Language and its capabilities).
• Creating GUI Application project during your video presentation.
• Implementation of your activity (Coding).

▪ Container (JFrame1) that holds the below components

• JPanel
o JLabel (User Authentication)
o Username Label
o Password Label
o JTextFields (Username)
o JPasswordFields (Password)
o JButton (Login Button)
▪ Container (JFrame 2) that holds the below components as well
• JMenuBar (JMenuFile and Items)
o File (Open, Save and Exit)
o Edit (Same as the above)
o Tools
o Help
• JPanel
o JTextArea
o JButton (Next Button to let you go to the next Frame)
o JButton (Reset Button)
o JButton (Exit Button)
o JButton (Logout Button to take you back Frame1)
Your activity work should cover the below terms..! Including (Class, Public-mode,
Javax-Swing-package, the Symbols and remember always explain your actions!!)

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