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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Al Hikma University College
Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques

Ultrasound Device


Israa Kareem Mahmoud Jumana Abdulrazak

Roqaya Kadhim Israa Majid

Baneen Muhaned Maryam Ali

Fulfillment Of
Medical Communication Systems
Lect. Dr. Bashar Abbas

NOV.2023 Jummada 1445


Ultrasound device Page No.

General introduction of the device 3

1.1 General introduction 4

1.2 parts of the device 5-6
1.3 uses of the device 7
1.4 working principle of the device 8-10
1.5 models of the device 10-12

General introduction of the device

Ultrasound devices, also known as ultrasound machines or sonography
equipment, are medical imaging devices that use high-frequency sound waves
to create images of the inside of the body. The process is known as ultrasound
imaging or sonography. Ultrasound is a non-invasive and safe imaging
technique that is widely used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in
various medical fields.

1.1 General introduction

Ultrasound Includes diagnostic techniques(mainly imaging techniques)
using ultrasound, as well as therapeutic applications of ultrasound. In
diagnosis, it is used to create an image of internal body structures such
as tendons, muscles, joints, blood vessels, and internal organs, to measure
some characteristics (e.g. distances and velocities) or to generate an
informative audible sound. The usage of ultrasound to produce visual images
for medicine is called medical ultrasonography or simply sonography,
or echography.

The practice of examining pregnant women using ultrasound is

called obstetric ultrasonography, and was an early development of clinical
ultrasonography. The machine used is called an ultrasound machine,
a sonograph or an echograph. The visual image formed using this technique
is called an ultrasonogram, a sonogram or an echogram.

Ultrasound is composed of sound waves with frequencies greater than

20,000 Hz, which is by approximation the upper threshold of human hearing.
Ultrasonic images, also known as sonograms, are created by sending pulses
of ultrasound into tissue using a probe. The ultrasound pulses echo off tissues
with different reflection properties and are returned to the probe which records
and displays them as an image.

A general-purpose ultrasonic transducer may be used for most imaging

purposes but some situations may require the use of a specialized transducer.
Most ultrasound examination is done using a transducer on the surface of the
body, but improved visualization is often possible if a transducer can be
placed inside the body. For this purpose, special-use transducers,

including transvaginal, endorectal, and transesophageal transducers are
commonly employed. At the extreme, very small transducers can be mounted
on small diameter catheters and placed within blood vessels to image the walls
and disease of those vessels.

1.2 parts of the device

Ultrasound imaging, also known as sonography, is a medical diagnostic
technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the
inside of the body. The key components of an ultrasound system include[2]:

1. Transducer: This is the main component that generates and receives

ultrasound waves. It is a handheld device that is moved over the body
part being examined. The transducer contains piezoelectric crystals that
emit and receive sound waves.
2. Probe or Wand: The transducer is often referred to as a probe or wand.
It is the part of the ultrasound machine that comes into direct contact
with the patient's body. The design and shape of the probe may vary
depending on the type of examination and the area of the body being
3. Display Screen: The ultrasound machine is equipped with a monitor or
display screen that shows real-time images produced by the ultrasound
waves. The images help healthcare professionals visualize and interpret
the internal structures of the body.
4. Control Panel: This includes buttons, knobs, and other controls that
allow the operator (typically a sonographer or healthcare professional)

to adjust settings such as depth, frequency, and gain. These controls
help optimize the quality of the ultrasound images.

5. Processing Unit: The ultrasound machine contains a processing unit that

interprets the signals received from the transducer and converts them
into visual images. Advanced signal processing techniques are applied
to enhance image quality.
6. Printer: Some ultrasound machines are equipped with a built-in printer
to produce hard copies of the ultrasound images for patient records and
medical documentation.
7. Gel: A gel is applied to the patient's skin before placing the transducer.
This gel helps to ensure good contact between the skin and the
transducer, facilitating the transmission of sound waves.
8. Cables and Connectors: The ultrasound machine has various cables and
connectors that link the transducer to the processing unit. These
components transmit the ultrasound signals between the transducer and
the machine.
9. Power Supply: Ultrasound machines require a power source to operate.
They can be powered by electricity, and some portable units may have
battery options.
10.Storage and Archiving System: Modern ultrasound machines often have
the capability to store and archive images for future reference. This is
especially useful for tracking changes in a patient's condition over time.

These components work together to create detailed and real-time images of
internal structures, allowing healthcare professionals to diagnose and monitor
various medical conditions.

1.3 uses of the device

Sonography (ultrasonography) is widely used in medicine. It is possible to

perform both diagnosis and therapeutic procedures, using ultrasound to guide
interventional procedures such as biopsies or to drain collections of fluid,
which can be both diagnostic and therapeutic. Sonographers are medical
professionals who perform scans which are traditionally interpreted by
radiologists, physicians who specialize in the application and interpretation of
medical imaging modalities, or by cardiologists in the case of cardiac
ultrasonography (echocardiography). Sonography is effective for imaging soft
tissues of the body.[3] Superficial structures such
as muscle, tendon, testis, breast, thyroid and parathyroid glands, and
the neonatal brain are imaged at higher frequencies (7–18 MHz), which
provide better linear (axial) and horizontal (lateral) resolution. Deeper
structures such as liver and kidney are imaged at lower frequencies (1–6 MHz)
with lower axial and lateral resolution as a price of deeper tissue penetration.

1. Anesthesiology
2. Angiology (vascular)
3. Cardiology (heart)
4. Emergency medicine
5. Gastroenterology/Colorectal surgery
6. Gynecology and obstetrics

7. Hemodynamics (blood circulation)
8. Otolaryngology (head and neck)
9. Neonatology
10. Ophthalmology (eyes)
11. Pulmonology (lungs)
12. Urinary tract
13. Musculoskeletal
14. Kidneys
15. Venous access

1.4 working principle of the device

The working principle of ultrasound involves the use of high-frequency

sound waves to create images of the internal structures of the body. Here's a
step-by-step explanation of how ultrasound imaging works [4]:

1. Generation of Sound Waves:

Ultrasound machines use a transducer, which contains piezoelectric crystals.

When an electric current is applied to these crystals, they vibrate and generate
high-frequency sound waves.

2. Transmission of Sound Waves:

The transducer is placed against the skin or another medium, and the sound
waves are directed into the body. The gel is commonly applied to the skin to
ensure good contact and the efficient transmission of sound waves.

3. Reflection of Sound Waves:

When the sound waves encounter boundaries between different tissues (e.g.,
between fluid and soft tissue, or between soft tissue and bone), some of the
waves are reflected back to the transducer. The amount of reflection depends
on the density and acoustic properties of the tissues.

4. Detection of Reflected Waves:

The transducer functions as both a transmitter and a receiver. It detects the

reflected sound waves as they return. The piezoelectric crystals in the
transducer convert these returning waves into electrical signals.

5. Signal Processing:

The electrical signals are sent to the ultrasound machine's processing unit.
Here, the signals are processed to create detailed images. The machine takes
into account the time it takes for the sound waves to travel to and from
different tissues, as well as the strength of the returning signals.

6. Image Formation:

The processed signals are used to generate real-time images on the ultrasound
machine's display screen. The images represent the boundaries between tissues
and can reveal internal structures such as organs, blood vessels, and

7. Adjustments and Optimization:

The operator (usually a sonographer or healthcare professional) can adjust

various settings on the ultrasound machine, such as the frequency of the sound

waves, depth of penetration, and gain, to optimize image quality for specific
diagnostic purposes.

8. Real-Time Imaging:

One of the significant advantages of ultrasound is its ability to provide real-

time imaging. As the transducer is moved over the body, the machine
continuously updates the images, allowing healthcare professionals to observe
dynamic processes, such as the movement of organs or blood flow.

In summary, ultrasound works by emitting high-frequency sound waves

into the body, detecting the reflected waves, and using the information to
create detailed, real-time images of internal structures. This non-invasive and
radiation-free imaging technique is widely used in medical diagnostics for
various applications, including obstetrics, cardiology, and musculoskeletal

1.5 models of the device

When discussing "models of ultrasound," it's important to clarify whether you

are referring to different types or categories of ultrasound machines or if you
are asking about mathematical or computational models used in ultrasound
imaging research. I'll provide information on both aspects[5]:
1. Types of Ultrasound Machines:
a. 2D Ultrasound: Traditional two-dimensional ultrasound provides flat,
black-and-white images of the internal structures in real-time. It's commonly
used in obstetrics and general medical imaging.

b. 3D and 4D Ultrasound: Three-dimensional ultrasound provides volumetric
images, adding depth to the visual information. Four-dimensional ultrasound
includes the element of time, creating real-time 3D images. These are often
used in obstetrics for detailed fetal imaging.
c. Doppler Ultrasound: This type measures blood flow by assessing the
Doppler shift in the frequency of reflected sound waves. It's commonly used
in cardiovascular studies.
d. Portable and Handheld Ultrasound: Compact and portable ultrasound
devices are designed for point-of-care use, offering flexibility and ease of use
in various clinical settings.
e. Elastography: Elastography assesses tissue stiffness, providing information
about the elasticity of tissues. It is useful in liver and breast imaging, among
other applications.
f. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS): CEUS involves the use of contrast
agents to enhance the visualization of blood vessels and the perfusion of
organs. g. Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS): IVUS is used in cardiology to
visualize the inside of blood vessels, providing high-resolution images of
coronary arteries.

2. Mathematical and Computational Models:

a. Wave Propagation Models: These models simulate the behavior of
ultrasound waves as they propagate through different tissues. They are used to
optimize imaging parameters and understand wave-tissue interactions.
b. Finite Element Models (FEM): FEM is used to simulate the mechanical
behavior of tissues under the influence of ultrasound waves. It's employed in
elastography and tissue biomechanics studies.

c. Monte Carlo Simulations: Monte Carlo methods are used to model the
interactions of ultrasound with tissues at a microscopic level. These
simulations are valuable for understanding scattering and attenuation.
d. Image Reconstruction Algorithms: Various algorithms are employed to
reconstruct ultrasound images from raw data collected by the transducer.
These include beamforming and advanced image reconstruction techniques.
e. Simulation Platforms: Some research involves creating software-based
simulation platforms that allow researchers to simulate ultrasound imaging
scenarios for training and testing purposes.


1. Aldrich, John E. (May 2007). "Basic physics of ultrasound

imaging". Critical Care Medicine. 35 (Suppl): S131–S137.
2. John Pellerito and Joseph F. Polak, "Introduction to Vascular
Ultrasonography", Elsevier; 7th edition (November 21, 2019).
3. Izadifar, Zahra; Babyn, Paul; Chapman, Dean (June 2017).
"Mechanical and Biological Effects of Ultrasound: A Review of
Present Knowledge". Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
4. Frederick W. Kremkau, "Diagnostic Ultrasound: Principles and
Instruments", Saunders; 7th edition (November 4, 2005).
5. K. Kirk Shung, Michael B. Smith and Benjamin M.W. Tsui, Principles
of Medical Imaging, Elsevier Inc.(1992).


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