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Malaysian Public Policy Overview

The public policy process in Malaysia involves various stages and mechanisms to ensure
effective policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. These stages typically include
problem identification, policy analysis, policy formulation, legalizing and legitimizing the
policy, implementation, and evaluation. During the problem identification stage, issues or
problems that require government attention are recognized, understood, and articulated. This
is followed by policy analysis, where comprehensive assessments are conducted to determine
the causes, impacts, and possible solutions to the identified problems.

In the policy formulation stage, public officials and stakeholders work together to develop
policies that address the identified issues.

This involves the formation, preparation, and formulation of public policy based on the
understanding of the public interest. During the policy formulation stage, public officials and
stakeholders work together to develop policies that address the identified issues.

After the policy is formulated, it goes through a process of legalizing and legitimizing, where
it is reviewed and approved by relevant authorities. Once the policy is legalized and
legitimized, it is then implemented through various means such as legislation, rule-making, or
program development. During the implementation stage, public officials and relevant
agencies are responsible for executing the policy and delivering the intended programs,
services, or resources. Finally, the policy is evaluated to assess its effectiveness, impact, and
sustainability. This evaluation process helps identify areas for improvement and informs
future policy-making decisions. Source: Public policies in Malaysia undergo a
comprehensive process that includes problem identification, policy analysis, formulation,
legalization, implementation and evaluation.

Source: The Malaysian public policy process follows a comprehensive approach that includes
problem identification, policy analysis, formulation, legalization, implementation, and
evaluation. During the policy formulation phase, there are four distinct stages in Malaysia:
problem formulation, policy agenda development, selection of policy alternatives, and
decision-making based on negotiations and compromises among policy actors(Sari & Damanik, 2021)

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