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Common Reasons

 learn – widen\broaden\expand my horizon – instructive and informative – mental

development – real-life experience – share knowledge – education – gain experience
 personal development – promote the sense of (responsibility) – know and identify their
interests and talents
 money – cost, price – cheap\expensive – afford – economical and affordable – charge a fee
– discount – job – income – payment
 health – mentally or physically harmful – damage to our body or mind – organic food – hectic
lifestyle – sedentary lifestyle – physical activities – busier – disorder – diseases – treatment
 convenient – easy to use – comfortable – demand less effort – straightforward
 waste of time (efficiency) or energy (productivity)
 relax – gain peace of mind – release stress and anxiety – depression – positive attitude
and mood – meditations – refreshment
 entertain themselves – enjoy – joy – fun – recreation – amusement – exciting – please
 socialize – make new friends – teamwork – network of connections – interaction, idea
exchange and discussion – deal with conflicts – synergy – leadership – enhance\strengthen
self-esteem – cooperation – have much in common
 avoid conflict and tension – decision making – get along well – reach a consensus and
 motivation – encourage – competition – incentive – self-esteem
 focus – disruption – concentration – silence – disturbing or distracting factors – interruption
 facilities – technology – state-of-the-art – brand-new – the Internet and advanced
technologies – social media\networks
 environment – limited natural resources – harmful effects and negative consequences -
pollutants and pollutions – toxic
 Personality
 impractical
 Lacking
‫ذکر و بسط طرف مقابل‬ -

‫مثال شخصی یا فرضی‬ -

)--- ‫ دانشمندا و‬،‫ استادا‬،‫ کارکنا‬،‫ والدین‬،‫ دوستا‬،‫ حکومت‬،‫دیدن موضوع از زوایای مختلف (مثال شهروندا‬ -
Students and university cases

 Which one is more important for teacher of high school?

- the ability to help students plan for their future
o in the stage of making important decisions \ field of study \ university \ immigration and
town \ may determine and direct the rest of their lives
o contribute more in their career path \ a required skill from employers \
- the ability to find the student who need the most help and to give that help
o no: less outcome if allot time to just one person
- the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside the classroom
o become independent \ learn fishing rather than give a fish to each of them \ required in
universities and prepare them \ thesis and final projects \
o more demanded skill in the workplace \ work without much supervision \ responsible
o contributes indirectly to improve their social skill and network of connections when they
are looking for learning materials or answers to their questions \ ask other for information

 It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn
- agree
o how to think in a logical way \ deduction, drawing a logical conclusion, and argumentation \ more
fundamental \ not accepting an argument mindlessly \ critical thinking
o more difficult to learn \ more memorable \ facts are attainable easily by a simple search \ give a
fish instead of learning fishing \
- disagree
o more relevant to their career \ practical uses \ e.g. academic theories of human behavior vs. a
practical case studies of implementation a HR system in a real organization in an interview \
hard skills
o concept are easier to learn by tangible and practical facts and examples \ experience in lab

 Some people prefer to take small classes (fewer students), such as professors can remember
students names. Other like big classes (lots of students).
- small
o more personal and closer relationship that leads to better paying attention to the lectures and
understand them \ better learning
o more motivation to show myself \ get project or recommendations in the future
o more efficient discussions \ easier to reach a consensus
o be more comfortable to ask questions and ask to repeat explaining again \ not hesitate
o more free time of professors and easier to schedule a meeting
o more silence and tranquility \ focus and concentration \ less noise and interruptions
- big
o exchange ideas in discussions
o more chance to find friends with whom we are a better match \ in mutual and group projects
o attract less attention so I can leave or be absent or not well-prepared \ not pressure

 students arrive and start school

- later
o some students come from farther distances and it’s difficult to arrive on time \ public
transportations do not still begin to work \ haven’t private cars \ night and before sunrise \ cold
and frigid
o time to eat breakfast \ energy to absorb\grasp the lessons \ if late, will skip
o more time to sleep \ anyway families are awake until late at nights so if early, less time to sleep
o better mood \ being discouraged and hatred \ more motivation to attend classes \ stress to arrive
on time
- earlier
o before rush hours \ less waste of time in traffics and being exhausted \ for evening and comeback
o mental power and capacity \ more prepared \ fresh and sharp
o learn and get accustomed to wake up earlier \ have enough time in the evening for entertainment
or studying but if later, just will sleep more and waste it

 Teachers should not make their social or political views known to students in the classroom.
- agree
o make them biased \ are more likely to follow them mindlessly \ not because they are basically
and essentially right, but because somebody with a higher status has declared them \ should
find and conclude themselves and by their own \ still their opinion is not formed \ charisma
o allow them to feel free and comfortable to express their opinions and preference and discuss
them and not hesitate to declare
o totally irrelevant and waste the class’s time \ disrupt and distract them and lose concentration \
deviate from main topic
o may result in conflict, tension, debates and arguments \ become upset
o negative impact on accepting their lessons because of political disagreement and difference \
cognitive errors \ unconsciously \ also teachers may pay more attention and care less about
students whose inclinations are different and behave unfair
- disagree
o make them more motivated to think about them and form their inclination
o challenge them and learn how to criticize an opinion and participate in a discussion \ control their
emotions and excitement in an argumentation or debate

 To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on salaries for
university professors.
- agree
o more motivation \ be in a positive mood and attitude \ like their jobs more and make more effort
to perform better \ eventually leads to higher quality of education \ entertain and gain peace of
mind and relax \ job satisfaction \ communicate this feeling with students and inspire them
o prevent from being concerned about financial matters and issues outside the class \ minds busy
with troubles, during classes \ after that should prepare themselves \ prevent and discourage
them from taking a second job besides university
o have money to spend on resources to update their knowledge \ premium account in libraries and
tutorial resources on the Internet \ buy books and educational instruments
- disagree
o they will become financially independent on their university job \ being discouraged from make
less effort to improve in and progress in that job \ are not concerned to be fired or exterminated
o spend their spare time in a less productive manner \ on entertainment, travel to foreign countries
but if they don’t have enough money, they will stay at their home and do related tasks to their
o create financial limitations and troubles for the university to spend on other areas \ other more
effective alternatives such as laboratories \ professors nowadays are not a fundamental key in
the educational system but facilities play a more crucial role

 Prefer to ask questions from fellow students

- feel more comfortable to ask stupid and basic questions \ want to repeat their explanation \ explain
step by step
- allocate more time and available \ professors are busy with their projects and hard to set a meeting
and find a free time
Prefer to ask questions from professor
- more knowledgeable and expert and experienced \ exactly know and identify the issue and address
that quickly \ students may have not still understood the concept and mislead me and explain the
idea in a wrong way
- develop a relationship and show off myself \ chance of cooperation in a project \ get
recommendation in the future
 Nowadays, many high schools and universities require students to work on projects in
groups, and all members of the group receive the same grade (mark) on the project. Agree or
disagree that is a good way to evaluate students?

- disagree
o eliminates motivation \ tendency to show themselves and compete and get higher grade \ being
compensated for their amount of efforts \ work more than average
o not fair, each person different amount of effort \ some exhibit free-riding behavior
o intensifies conflict and tension among team members \ debate about their share \ waste their
time that is supposed to be spent on their tasks
o encourage them to be more concerned about the quantity not quality \ hours of time spending \
pages of reports \ not importance or value of results
- agree
o promotes responsibility in a teamwork \ conscience \ conscience
o practice and simulate real occasions in society \ each person make different effort but the outputs
and results are almost the same for all the people e.g. safety, social freedom
o more convenient way of grading for the teachers \ evaluate the entire project once \ find a certain
formula for calculation that may be subjected to debate
o prevent conflicts and waste of time among team members \ be evaluated based on time or their
outputs? \ different tasks such as programming or typing the report? \ determine their shares

 When classmates or colleagues communicate about a project in person instead of by e-mail,

they will produce better work for the projects.
- disagree
o more time to think and organize their thoughts and part \ in-person communications need
immediate responses that are not necessarily accurate
o the history of discussion remains, as a piece of evidence that can be referred to \ cautious to not
send anything wrong and make their best effort to say as accurate as they are able
o available more often \ not need to spend time and energy to find a time for a meeting \ ask and
solve vague aspects whenever that is demanded immediately \ availability
o time-efficient \ doesn’t require time to set and participate in meetings \ prepare and transport
o more convenient to share files in a focused and central place \
- agree
o personal relationship \ oblige and commit to be their best version \ may be criticized \ machine \
don’t care about the quality or exactness and correctness of their reports because they just click
on send and don’t see the audience
o enough time and better context for discussion \ in e-main may feel bored to type all the points
and omit them

 It’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’t
believe music education is important.
- is important\essential
o promotes\enhances their mental abilities \ imagination and innovation and creativity \ control
their fingers and organs \ contribute to skills that are useful for their career and educational
o more fun \ make a change \ refresh their mind \ peace of mind and release stress and anxiety
o make new friends \ widen\broaden their network \ get help in their lessons or emotional support
o motivation \ be acclaimed in front of a large group of people and get energy \ be proud of
themselves when gain an achievement
- is not essential
o not relevant to their main major \ pointless
o waste their time \ disruptive and distraction \ engage their minds and demands mental energy
even in other occasions
o may disappoint them if they fail to perform well \ one failure in one area leads to unpleasant
feelings in other aspects of our lives \ not all the people have the talent to play music so it’s likely

 you are given a choice: write a long report or give a speech

speech \ lecture \ presentation:

- Share the results with more students \ learn and inspire them \ more people benefit \ the report
just the professor may take a brief look at and put it away
- easier \ because I’ve already done the assignment\project and should just prepare some slides
and explain what I did, nothing more and new
- learn and practice the skill of giving and speaking in front of a large group of people \ gain self-
esteem \ need in the future
- more showy \ show off myself \ my abilities and competency \ how well I’ve done my assignment \
attract attention


- lasts, students and others that aren’t present in the class can benefit \ file can be preserved
- hard to give a speech and requires courage \ anxious \ hesitate
- learn extra things while preparing the report \ some topics are clarified \

 All children should be required to learn a second language in school.

- agree
o promotes and enhances their mental abilities, recall and memory, analysis, even calculus
o fun
o learn, new culture and nation and literature, first-handed science from countries that are well-
known and more developed and progressed in a certain field or industry \ useful for their career,
networking and negotiation, international relationships
- disagree
o not useful and required in every fields, waste of time and interruption, some are not interested
o it’s not know that what language will possibly be required in their future, at that time

Types of courses to take:

1. 
- in a variety of subject areas
o become all-rounded and be familiar with different aspects of problems \ technical and financial
and management aspects simultaneously \ multidisciplinary
o networking advantage and new connections in different areas
o identify their interests and talents \ trial and error
o make a change among boring lessons that all of them are in a single area \ refresh minds
- in a single subject area
o irrelevant, useless and a waste of time \ interruption and prevent from focusing
o become expert in one main major and gain in-depth knowledge in one area \ know all of its
2. 
- online and over the Internet and online platforms
o tools such as recording the voice or video of lectures to review later, share slides and video clips,
search the related material simultaneously
o convenient, stay at home and sit at the back of my laptop and wear comfortable clothes and eat
while I’m listening to the lectures
o save money and time due to transportation
o access from distant and remote areas that do not have educational infrastructures and facilities
o students don’t hesitate to ask questions in front of a large number of people
- traditional classrooms
o more motivations due to personal relationship between teachers and students that leads to more
efficient learning
o socialize and make friends and personal and face-to-face interactions
o better context for efficient discussions
o not that much interruptions and distractions \ notifications of social media platforms \ game
3. 
- math and science
o more relevant and useful to pursue a prosperous career \ e.g. financial services that require
calculations and statistics  make more money
o promotes more our mental abilities such as analysis power and problem solving
- art and literature
o culture \ keep alive and transfer to next generations
o develops minds innovation ability and promotes the sense of imagination
o some major don’t have any other opportunity to know and learn in their main field

 take a course
- own country’s culture
o more interested because feel their own, commitment, attachment, and concerned \ connection
with places and people and races \ have previous knowledge organize it
o preserve it an maintain it and keep it from being forgotten \ if they don’t, nobody else will \ transfer
to the next generations and hand off \ descendent
- other country’s culture
o learn totally new things \ with their own are familiar and boring and not interesting – repetitious \
literature, philosophy, art, and history \ broaden horizon \ more fun and interesting \ basics of a
new language
o use them in their future interactions with people from that country \ business negotiations \
connection and impress by demonstrating cultural elements \ avoid tension and being
disrespectful \ avoid racial discrimination

 Just the students who are taking math-related jobs after graduation need to take math
courses in the university.
- agree
o required mathematical calculation and knowledge have been taught in the high school \ no more
will be required in their field of study and career
o discourage and boring \ low grades
o availability and easy-to-use alternative tools and applications if required
- disagree
o indirectly develops their mental abilities that is beneficial for their method of thinking and mind
model \ boost their creativity and problem solving skills \ thinking out-of-the-box
o every major requires math eventually \ thesis and statistical analyses \ machine learning that
has become prevailing in all disciplines regardless of their relevance to pure math theories \ e.g.
a businessman should know about accounting and technical stuff
 require all the students to take history courses, regardless of their main majors
- agree
o useful, informative, instructive, learn about failures of nations and causes of prosperity \ mental
ability to analyze current events and forecast \ broaden horizon
o fun, like a story, persons and occurrences, make a change and shift gears
o history is culture and should be passed from one generation to another
o network and connection
- disagree
o irrelevant and useless so is waste of resources, unnecessary and excessive \ distract students
from their main lessons
o demands extra resources that could be spent better \ hire instructor and classes and facilities

 Younger school children (5 to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to
math, science, history, and language.
- agree
o fun and amusement and entertainment \ make change \ more motivated \ boring lessons \ be
o know interests and talents \ not every student should be an engineer or other ordinary jobs \
society needs artist too
o promotes their mental abilities both soft and hard skills \ imagination and innovation and creativity
\ control fingers and analysis \
o network connection \ social
- disagree
o irrelevant and useless \ make their minds busy and interrupt them from their main lessons
o waste the resources of the school \ require hiring teachers and infrastructures such as classes
and instruments \ keep classes open until later in the evenings

 attend college full-time versus part-time

- full-time
o shorter overall time to accomplish the program and get the degree \ more intense schedule \ more
credits in a certain and given time period
o more focus and concentration  efficient
o miss campus events and be deprived from making friends
- part-time
o work and have a job in the same time \ earn and save money to afford costs of living and
education \ independency \ self-esteem \ gain practical knowledge and skills
o less intense schedule and time for other activities (art, entertainment, and so on) \ leisure \ release
stress \ boosts their energy and more motivation \ change\shift gears and mood in different
activities \

 university provide funding for entertainments or only academic purposes

- entertainment
o relax and peace of mind  enhance efficiency \ refresh
o socialize and make new friends, exchange ideas \ group sports such as basketball  help
improve academic performance \
o improve social skills such as practical problem solving, conflict management, and team work
o save money due to lower fees since it’s on-campus \ not have enough money off-campus
- academic
o main purpose of a university \ students go there for the sake of education not entertainment \
o waste time in lower priority activities \ distraction \ kill time
o exhaust energy and make them tired \ not enough energy is remained for lessons

 a university’s academic reputation is the most important factor in choosing a university

- agree
o the reputation is in direct relation and has correlation with its educational quality level, better
professors and organized schedules
o more chance and likely to get better job positions, facilitate career path
o better facilities, such as laboratories, sport centers, and neat dorms
- disagree
o facilities \ laboratories \ entertainment and recreational \ dorms \ sport complex
o city \ business center \ cost of living \ culture and people and community
o relation with companies and job opportunities

 A university wants to require all the students to have their own laptop computers.
- agree
o more convenient alternative to traditional books and methods, e-books rather than printed and
hard copies of books, slides and presentations, online course, educational movies, multi-media
o entertain themselves by playing online games, watching movies
o organize their files and coursework
- disagree
o cost, expensive, afford, higher priorities such as books and entertainments \ poor and
underdeveloped countries
o waste their time, disturbing, social media, play game
o already available computer sites, wasting resources
o hurt body and back, heavy, carry back and forth

 the university assign your roommate or choose yourself

- assigned
o know more persons, get out of my comfort zone, enter to new network of people \ learn new
things from different persons
o learn how to get along well with a stranger
- choose
o similar major  practice and help lessons
o behavior and personality, get along well, avoid conflict

 students should take a long vacation before entering the university or directly = immediately
after high school

- vacation
o rest, refresh mind, university could be exhausting and difficult
o know and identify their interests and talents and the major that they want to study \ work
- directly
o forget related lessons \ need time to recall \ waste
o become lazy and detached from education \ discouraged
o separate from and lose friends
o avoid waste of time and graduate sooner\earlier

 Students benefit more from classes with a large number of students rather than they do from
smaller classes.

- agree
o more chance and choices to find friends with similar interests and preferences
o practice and learn social skills, such as handling conflicts and networking
o learn from each other, share and exchange ideas
o get less attention and be less-known and anonymous \ less effort \ be absent \ not-prepared
- disagree
o concentration and silence, less noises, hear the voice of the teacher and focus on the lectures
o more efficient discussions and reach a consensus and conclusion
o don’t hesitate to ask questions
o get more attentions and more motivation, personal relationship with the teacher \ get
recommendation and chance of mutual work with the professor

 teachers that are kind and friendly to the students

- are kind and friendly

o listen more carefully and more enthusiastically to the person who we like, motivation
o comfortable and don’t hesitate to ask their questions  not unsolved questions in their mind \
set meeting and get advice \ define a mutual project
- are not kind and friendly
o a strict teacher can control and manage the class in a better way, more silence, not distraction,
more focus, not allow to talk without permission
o not deviate from the main topic of the lessons to irrelevant and personal issues

- take difficult classes in which you might not get a high score
o more learning because of a wide variety and numerous assignments and projects
o challenge me, practice hard work and learn time management
- take easier classes in which you can get good grades
o more free time, peace of mind, relax, spend on extracurricular activities, such as playing a
musical instrument or a sport
o better job opportunities
o motivation and enthusiasm

 Students shouldn’t be allowed to bring their cellphones to the classroom.

- agree:
o distraction, notifications from social media, messages and calls, persuasion to kill time and play
o teacher won’t be that comfortable and will scare to talk about some sensitive but important facts
or their personal stance because of the possibility of being recorded and then published on the
Internet or social networks
o cheat on exams, by searching on the Internet, share the picture of their answers by Bluetooth,
review and look for the answers in the electronic version of their notes and pamphlet
o harmful waves to their brain and health
- disagree
o record the voice or the video of the lecturer or the teacher and then review the presented
material and help to remember  better learning
o search and check the presented facts and related information on the Internet, such as graphs
and pictures which are hard to describe orally
o play some games when they are bored or they already know the presented materials, or in dead
moments, such as when the teacher is trying to fix the video projector
o impractical, first, it’s hard to check that they have not a phone with them, second, they should
leave or give their cellphones to somebody before the class and give back after each class

 Children should be required to learn practical skills in schools, in addition to academic


- agree
o as important as academic subjects, prepare them for the real life, help them to become
independent sooner, handle personal stuff when they go to university and should live in dorms
o shift gears and make a change, have fun, break among boring and rigid lessons (mathematics,
chemistry, and physics)
o help them and provide them with the opportunity to identify their interests and talents
- disagree
o danger and risk of harming themselves
o require skilled tutors and instructors that demands more money and tuition
o interrupt them and waste their time that should be spent mainly on their lessons
 sit in assigned seats, in same place every day \ students should be allowed to choose where
they will wit and allow them to sit in different seats on different days
assigned and fixed:

- avoid chaos and disorder \ more organized \ conflict

- easy to remember for teachers when want to evaluate their class contributions and activities \
discussions \ answer to quiz \ present or absent

choose and change:

- near their friends that are more comfortable to ask questions and get help  better learning
- some demand certain situations e.g. weak sight in front of class, blow lights, near window, close
to heat radiators or air conditioners
- make a change \ boring in one place all the yearlong \ pay more attention in new place  efficiency
- make new friends

friends and relationships

 It’s impossible to be completely honest with your friends.

- agree
o not always agree and absolute match \ tendency to conformity and approval \ if express out
internal thoughts and perspectives, they may be annoyed or think that we are different and
hesitate to approach us \ may make them upset
o privacy \ personal matters that we’re not willing to tell the others \ may end some day and be
used against us
- disagree
o close friends understand each other, no matter if their opinions are different \ real friends
welcome any criticism and feedback that their friends give them \ to develop and improve themselves
o will become upset and lose trust if they know that we’ve lied them

 Competition among friends usually has a negative effect on friendship.

- agree
o use any means to win and defeat the other person \ potential conflicts and tension
o memory of stressful situation and pressure
- disagree
o motivates them to make more efforts
o make memorable memories and moments that makes their relationship deeper and stronger

 Some believe that family members are the most important influence on young adult. Others
believe that friends are the most important influence.

- friends
o spend more time together, university classes, free times, go outside and watch a movie \
teachers have a little time for each student and it’s hard to set a mitting with them \
o much in common and similarities, tend to imitate each other’s traits \ age, major, interests, and
taste, hobbies \ mutual activities
o more like \ family members that we select ourselves
o closer relationship \ more comfortable to express our feelings and state secrets \ emotional
support \ teacher just a formal relationship and giving some lectures and reviewing assignments
not concerned about their feelings and issues and internal \
- family members
o spend more time \ dinner \ sleep in the same place
o respect, support, and obey them specially parents \ traditional authorities
o personality formation in our childhood
- teachers
o acknowledge them as an older and more experienced and knowledgeable person
o respect their status as a source of inspiration and paragon and role model

 The ability to maintain friendship with a small number of people over a long period of time is
more important for happiness than the ability to make many new friends easily.

- maintain
o comfortable with and feel emotionally secured, trust, loyalty
o know each other and understanding \ consider my preferences and constraints
o het help and support \ borrow money, get advice, help in troubles
o have mutual memories and happy moments
- new
o new people offer something new to learn \ satisfactory
o old ones usually are not accessible, migrate, reluctant to have interactions, change workplace
\ if not able, will be alone and depressed
o new occasions and situations require us to make new connections \ get help and emotional
 having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances to spend time with versus spend time
with small group of close friends:

- wide variety:
o if some are busy and aren’t available, I can still others that have free time
o a wider variety of friends have wider interests so I can learn more and make progress and do
diverse activities, more diverse social network
o develop my relationship with those with whom we have much in common and have mutual
- same small group of close friends
o I feel more comfortable with my close friends that are just a few number and a small group, enjoy
more because I don’t have to pretend like someone different from who actually I am, don’t have
to care too much about what you say
o easier coordination, set a meeting time with fewer troubles, follow up and being aware of their
mood and problems, call, meet all of them
o know each other better so it’s less likely that we annoy each other \ vegan diet and prepare food
o keep secrets \ express internal emotions

 have a friend who is similar to you or different from you:

- similar
o more comfortable, get along well
o less conflict, not argument and dispute
o same activities
- different
o learn, sports
o know my personality traits and behavior better in conflict and contrasts
o introduce me to their network of friends

 Friends are the most influential persons on in our lives

- agree
o similarities and accept each other’s opinion and interests and try to imitate them, have a lot in
o spend the majority part of our free time together, party, go outside
- disagree
o personality is formed in our childhood when we spend most of our time with our family
o we trust to our family the most
 Face-to-face communication vs. letter, phone call, or email:

- face-to-face
o avoid misunderstanding and misconception
o personal intimacy
- other types, such as phone, e-mail, or letter
o convenient, no need for meet or travel, cost, long-distance communication
o save and keep and refer to later
o time to think and organize thoughts and use the best wording
Children and parents

giving money
+ spend time in a more useful manner and avoid wasting it
+ contribution to their mental development (deduction and
+ help to identify their talents, interests, and abilities
+ learn to use in the future
+ an opportunity practice communicational and social skills
+ get familiar with technological advancement
- may cause disruption from studying
- physical inactivity and health issues
- may use money in a harmful way
- they don't recognize their best interest

 The best way for parents to teach children about responsibility is to have them care for

- agree
o fun and interesting and amusing \ play \ connection \
o need meticulous care and is sensitive
- disagree
o harms for themselves and the animal \ not ethical
o not demand that much care

 Home school, educating children at home

- agree
o decrease the troubles and burdens for schools \ decrease the load
o not being educated in a uniform and similar way \ each their own taste and style \ creativity and
multi perspectives
o convenient for students \ stay at home and avoid cost and time of transportation \ access to food
and their tools and stuff \ comfort \ more fun and amusing
o being misled and harmed mentally and physically by other students
- disagree
o not supervision \ chance of misconception and mislead them \ learn incorrectly
o burdensome and troubles for parents \ balance home and education
o difficult to evaluate remotely
 In order to become financially responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money
at young age.

- agree
o practice earlier
o know the difficulty of earning money and how to spend it more efficiently
- disagree
o too soon \ are not still able to distinguish between correct and wrong \ may lose a huge amount
of money to learn \ don't know the difficulty of earning money and how to spend it
o other priorities instead of financial matters \ lessons \ being seduces \ distract
o risk of being stolen or buy harmful stuff
o discourage from lessons and education \ decrease their enthusiasm

 One of the best ways that parents can help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to
courage them to take a part-time job.

- agree
o know their interests and abilities \ try and test multiple areas and fields \ choose the best major
and field of study \ adjust their career path accordingly \ practice and experience is far more
worthwhile than theory
o develop social skills \ create a network of connections that may be useful in their future, finding
a job or getting help and advice \ learn to take responsibility \ negotiation for payment raise \
how to make new friends \ conflict management in a group \ teamwork
o more successful in their career path \ learn practical and soft skills \ have a practical mindset
and ideas when starting education \ work experience in their resume that differentiated them in
finding a secure and permanent job
o gather money \ learn financial management \ how to budget their money, save, and spend it \
independency \ self-esteem
o avoid waste of time \ have excessive and free time after school and in summers \ can spend it
in a more effective and productive way \ may contribute in harmful activities
- disagree
o mental and physical harms \ risks in the workplace \ being in contact with adult workers \ adult
jokes and destructive behaviors such as smoking and drinking \ not appropriate for their bodies,
too fragile to do lift heavy loads \
o discourage and interrupt from lessons \ exhausting and demanding and energy-consuming \
may persuade them not to continue education and leave \ money is more attractive that school
o other activities that are more appropriate for their age \ too soon for job \ do certain activities
such as entertainment and learning how to play a musical instrument to develop their mental
abilities and sense of innovation and imagination \ will not have opportunity later

 Some people think that children should be allowed to watch whatever television programs
they choose to. Others think that parents should exercise control over the television programs
their children watch.

- allow
o identify their interest and talents, musical or sport shows
o promotes the sense of dependency and avoid the sense of insecurity of being controlled that is
an upsetting feeling
- control
o harmful content especially adult, violent, and horror scenes, damage to their personality and
o waste of time, be used in more useful manners
o physical health harms especially their eyesight and backbones, lead to obesity, blood pressure

 When busy parents do not have enough time to spend with their children,
- have fun playing games and sports
o promotes more the sense of intimacy between them
 have fun and pleasant moments and create memorable memories
 the need for a close relationship cannot be addressed anywhere else or doesn’t have any
alternative, instead they can hire a tutor to help their children in their coursework
 lessons are too impersonal and rigid
 support emotionally
o get to know each other better
 talk about dreams, plans, feelings, and opinion on various topics
o rest and gain peace of mind
 beneficial for both of them
 release stress and anxiety
 more energy for their main works
 doesn’t require concentration and mental efforts
o more significant outcomes in the less time
 any sport and game at maximum takes two hours, but improvement in lessons requires
more time spending, but parents are too busy
o learn things that are not taught in regular lessons
 social skills such as teamwork
 problem solving
 strategic and systematic thinking
 conflict management
o contributes more to their physical health
 always sitting at the back of computers and school desks
 avoid sedentary life activities in physical games and sports
- doing things related to their schoolwork together
o more useful outcome
 solve problems and ask questions in a short time
 games are waste of time
 lead to higher scores

 Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade (mark) they get in
the school. Do you think it’s a good idea?

- agree
o prepare them by practicing financial management, planning, and budgeting \ learn how to save
their money and omit transient joys to buy something noteworthy and useful in the future \ how
to pursue a target \ shopping and bargaining with sellers
o more motivation because of getting tangible rewards for higher performance \ better award
because it provides them with a wider freedom of choice \ get an immediate feedback
o promotes a sense of independency because they can buy some small stuff based on their own
preferences every time that they want
- disagree
o demand and expect external rewards and incentives and stimulus for each of their
achievements and weakening internal incentives for any progress \ will not have motivation if
they know that there won’t be any financial reward
o makes them greedy and think that the ultimate goal if every activity is money \ neglect the joy
of doing something right or helping others or contribute in the progress of society
o buy harmful and detrimental stuff with the money such as cigarettes and knife or useless things
and waste it \ they have not still the sense of discriminating between good and bad \ online
shops that have made it easy to order anything anonymously
o make them lazy and less enthusiastic to earn money by themselves \ know their responsibility
and default duty

 help with household works as soon as they can

- agree
o learn to take responsibility, useful for their future career, managerial positions
o learn routine chores, shopping, cleaning the house, washing the clothes \ become independent
o learn and practice multi-tasking and handling multiple task in one time
o parents need help, job and busy
- disagree
o lessons or learning an art it more important, play a musical instrument rather than waste their
time by those useless works
o harmful to their health, damaging cleaning substances (detergents) to their respiratory system,
cause asthma when they grow up

 parents should be involved in the process of choosing their children’s career

- agree
o wider knowledge and experience, about job market, industries, macro trends
o know talents and interests of their children better because they’ve grown them from childhood
o love them and want the best for them
- disagree
o new jobs and business setting \ obsolete knowledge of parents
o impose their own interests that may be different from their children’s
o more motivation because it’s their own decision
o learn making important decisions and taking responsibility of themselves

 showing advertisement of candy and junk food should be forbidden in the TV commercials
to protect children
- agree
o they are harmful and unhealthy and cause diseases
o they affect their preference and make them interested and persuaded to buy and consume
- disagree
o impractical - anyway they are available and children see and can obtain them
o children should internally know that they’re harmful
Past vs. present

 comparison

- + better facilities
o transportation, safer, faster, and more available, more precise schedule, different options for
each purpose, economical
o educational centers, various fields, more free seats available, more educated professors, state-
of-the-art laboratories, facilities such as dorms and sport and health
o shopping centers and markets, a wide variety of products all the time in the year, accessibility,
free delivery, luxury and amusing, parking
o gyms and sport complexes, more number, more choices and diversity, educated coaches, well-
equipped gyms
- + more and wider entertainment and recreational options, augmented reality, play-station consuls,
movie theaters, travelling abroad and tours
- + more jobs and prosperous economy, more income, variety of jobs (past just by hand), competition
- - demanding jobs, being on-call even after working hours, more responsibility and likely losses
- + health, equipped and state-of-the-art hospitals, expert staffs, longer life expectancy, medicines,
organic foods, supervisory institutions and standard, gyms, health-tech applications
- + widespread communicational devices and social networks, convenient, video call, lower cost,
from all around the world, share moments and experiences, become aware of each other’s status,
know and make new friends
- + the Internet and access to a wide array of information sources, online courses and education,
real-time stream of data, online and cloud services, eliminate need for transportation,
- - busier and less free time, hectic life, waste of time in crowded places and heavy traffic, more
working hours, spend after work for development,
- - unhealthy life style, non-organic food, fast-foods, fried and processed and additives, inactivity, air
pollution, stress, inadequate quality sleep, be awake until late at nights
- - less personal communication, more individualistic, by telephone or the Internet, even video
conferences, e-mail, cost, time, health
- - less respect to adults and older people, respect expertise and money and status, new generations
are more negligent and indifferent
- better access to information: communicational technologies, the Internet, smartphones, more news
agencies, libraries
- + more educated people and culture, informed parents who care about upbringing children,
- environmental pollutions including air, noise, water, and light
- more anxiety due to being exposed to terrible news, casualties and fatalities and losses, being
disappointed is being promoted more

 Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.

- agree
o easier to solve each of their problems that potentially might have been a trial for their innovation
\ tools and applications rather than solving by their own calculations
o lots of examples and samples that they get their idea from them and just imitate them \ not
depend on their own thoughts \ prepared answers \
- disagree
o games promotes their sense of imagination \ solve problems and mind puzzles in an innovative
way \ movies
o get idea and inspirations from different resources of information

 People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment doing things they like to do rather
than doing things they should do.

- agree
o need more recreation and relax and rest \ busier and more demanding jobs and pressure \
o more entertainment options that persuade them seduce \ pop-up in websites \ shopping centers
and advertisements and TV commercials
- disagree
o more demanding jobs \ increased working hour \ be on-call even in free times
o value development in their career path more \ define their identity with their jobs \ nothing
meaningful else

 Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping communities.

- agree
o basically don’t have enough free time \ busy with their assignments and lessons \ more intense
competition \ the rest of their free time to leisure and relaxing activities
o individualistic culture \ promotes being selfish and prefer to pay more attention to themselves \
more need and dependent on each other, sense of community in the past \ define their identity
by themselves, not their community \ lazy, ignorant, apathetic, indifferent \ intensified by
contagious corona virus
o more institutions that their main missions are helping society, so it’s not demanded that much \
keeping and taking care of elder people \ corporates that pay for their social responsibility for
preserving the environment
o disappointed and pessimistic \ prefer to leave the community and migrate to a place that already
doesn't have that much issues
- disagree
o more awareness \ through social media \ share info about needy people and problems that need
help \ cultural change in their attitude and mindset toward \ campaigns to make free some
prisoners who have committed unintentional crimes for example becoming bankrupt and fail to
pay their obligations
o more non-governmental organizations \ that are concerned about social, political, and
environmental issues \ activists in universities
o more opportunities because the level of economic prosperity has been increased and people
are less concerned about their basic needs \ so they can allot their free time and excessive
money to non-beneficial activities

 Parents today, are more involved in their children’s education than were parents in the past.

- agree
o more educated, informed, and knowledgeable and have idea \ they’ve experienced this path
before and know how to advise and guide them \ past: some were illiterate and others thought
that it’s totally useless
o more concerned about their upbringing \ the culture of society has improved to the extent that
parents think that they are more responsible for their children’s future \ spend more time and
money on developing their skills
o educational centers inform their parents more than before \ demand more engagement to
improve and motivate them \ give feedbacks and require their signatures on their results
o closer relationship \ ask about their progress \
o more free time \ the majority of people have office works and come back early in evenings so
they can spend time with their children and follow up their lessons \ past: farm all the day and
after bored and no energy
- disagree
o less time and busy \ jobs are more demanding \ commuting time between home and office \
exhausting and no more energy to follow up their children’s lessons \ more financial pressure
o more selfish \ prefer to spend their time on their own plans and preferences and entertainments
\ past: their main target was their children’s success and sacrificed for them
o gap between generations \ don’t understand them
o other alternative institutions \ take the entire responsibility \ doesn’t require any further effort
from parents
 Nowadays, people are more willing to help people who they don’t know (e.g. by giving clothes
and foods to people who need them) that they were in the past.

- agree
o relationships between people have been decreased \ fewer relatives and persons who know
o development of a culture of donating regardless of the person \ doesn't matter \ quench an
internal thirst for donating without any expectation \ social media \ more sense and definitions
of community \ limited to their instant neighboring

 People will spend less time cooking and preparing food in twenty years.

- agree
o busier \ more demanding occupations \ financial pressure
o more specialized restaurants and food providers \ address various demands \ vegetarian or
o advertisement
o smaller houses without kitchen
o decrease cost as a result of improvement in cooking methods and infrastructures
- disagree
o cost considerations
o demand healthier and more organic foods
o as an art and entertainment to release stress

 In the past, young people depended too much on their parents to make decisions for them.
Today, young people are better able to make decisions about their own.

- agree
o more effective alternative information resources
 the Internet and social media and networks
o wider gap between generations
 industries and the essence of the economy has changed fundamentally \ sophisticated jobs
and career and fields of study
 the knowledge and experience of elders has become obsolete
o cultural changes
 have more courage and are more independent and individualistic
 question the fallacious traditions, such as choosing the wife for girls by their fathers
 more tendency to become independent and free
o more educated
 know their own merits

 Educating children is a more difficult task today than it was in the past because they spend
so much time on cell phone, online games, and social networking websites.

- agree
o these modern technologies have made it hard for them to concentrate on their lessons. now,
they are disrupted by the notifications from those social networking websites or persuasion and
attraction, that are far more fascinating and interesting than those boring lessons and courses
\ their minds are constantly busy and engaged in them even when they are physically present
in the class \ education is a full-time and demanding deed and task \ mental disorders
o waste their time on useless activities, kill any free and spare time that they find by wandering in
those social websites or playing online games that there is nothing useful in them, ultimately
they become exhausted and don’t have enough energy to spend on their lessons
- disagree
o use these new facilities as education methods and means, online tutorial websites that make
teachers able to define some interesting and attractive and fascinating games to create a sense
of competition among students and encourage and motivate them to learn lessons while they
feel that they are playing a game. gamification \ define some assignments that should be done
by using their phones \ remote and far places where don’t have any access to teachers and
educational facilities
o they are smarter fresher minds \ start to solve complex problems and puzzles in games that
improves their minds’ capacity and capabilities \ also promotes their sense of innovation and
thinking out of the box \ so they are more prepared to learn lessons that require similar skills
and capabilities
o they get familiar with and accustomed to new technologies that inevitably is necessary for them
to accomplish their assignments for example searching for a specific information, using
applications and websites, connecting with someone in social networks and learn how to
communicate with them in that context \ IT literacy besides traditional and conventional literacy

 The extended family (grandparents, cousins, and uncles) is less important now than it was
in the past.

- agree
o live in scattered places and distant cities \ in the past most of them lived in one small or moderate
village or town but now it’s typical that every member of a big family lives in a different city or
even a different country and due to this distances they rarely meet each other; so they rarely
do play a role in each other’s life \ for education or jobs
o less dependent to each other \ despite just a few centuries ago, now, people no longer rely on
each other for survival \ in the past they relied on each other for example for obtaining their raw
material, preparing their food, taking care of children and safety, but now these needs and being
addressed by governments and specialized service providers \ machines
o busier and less time to be spent with relatives \ jobs have become more demanding and require
employees to spend more time and put more energy into it. As a result, they have less energy
and time to allocate to their instant family, let alone the extended relatives. so they are in a lower
priority and play a less important role in our lives.
o gap between generations \ nowadays younger generations are totally different from their
parents, not to mention their grandparents so they rarely have something in common and don’t
understand each other \ the insight and knowledge of older ones is useless for youngers
o they have replaced other samples such as celebrities and cinema heroes with their family
o family has lost its function of educating youngers because of advent of educational centers

 In the past it was easier to identify what type of career or job would lead to a secure,
successful future.

- agree
o dramatic changes with higher speed that makes predicting the future conditions more and more
complicated and even impossible, thanks to the advent of modern technologies, the most
prominent of which is information technology and related tools \ It’s absolutely likely that some
jobs are replaced by automated machines and robots and no longer humans are required to
accomplish them. So, more people are concerned about the security and stability of their jobs
because their jobs may no longer exist. That’s while in the past, just a few jobs such as farming
or transporting were available because of a far more simple economy. At that time, one could
claim that a job which is prosperous now, will still be successful until far future. \ change in the
taste of customers more quickly
o less competition among job-seekers
o There were not a significant gap between generations so parents could give some pieces of
advice about a decent job to their children, based on their knowledge and experience.
Nevertheless, nowadays, it’s hard for parents to become aware of what their children do exactly
so they are don’t have the competency to give them pieces of advice and recommendations.
- disagree
o more access to sources of information including online forums, specialized social networks such
as the LinkedIn in which people can find and communicate with experts from different industries
and positions, and websites in which people share their experience about their careers’
challenges, interview guidelines, and requirements \ facilities to support decision making
o a well-developed literature in the area of job and career path advisory services. For example,
there are lots of related fields of study such as human resources management, industrial
psychology, and business management and some firms that give advice about job based on
their clients’ talents and their understanding of different industries. \ trends of macro and micro
events and requirements in industries and institutions that gather, analyze, and publish these
pieces of information

 lifestyle:

- healthier in the past

o sedentary lifestyle that causes heart diseases versus regular activities that include physical
affairs, such as farming \ not physical activities \ sit at the back of their desk and computer all
day long
o organic food versus mass production foods = processed foods that include harmful additive,
fast-foods, frozen, premade and fried foods that have proven to cause cancer and serious
illnesses \ fat and sugar
o today stare at the screen of phones and monitors that causes damage to our vision and
o stress of hectic life in big cities \ has been proved
o stay awake until late in nights for watching TV or surfing the Internet
- healthier today
o pay more attention to work out and exercise

 Young people today have no influence on the important decisions that determines the future
of society as a whole.

- agree
o power is exclusively in hands of policy makers who are old, they don’t allow youngsters to
participate in policymaking processes because either they don’t trust in youngsters or they feel
that their position or status could be threatened by the presence of some competent new
candidates \ what happens today, is not an exception.
o they are reluctant or are not interested in or concerned about serious movements and have a
contribution in social activities that determine their society’s future, they are busy playing with
their fc devices and social media\networks \ they little do care about the society
o busy with their lessons and concerned about their career path and future
o they are disappointed about having any impact because of unpleasant and negative previous
- disagree
o The paradigm of power has been changes thanks to the advent of social media and network
platforms; now, each person, including younger people can contribute in social activities and have
influence on macro policies by sharing information and running campaigns in those social media.
For example, they can assert and show their support of a certain decision about an environmental
challenge by signing an electronic letter by thousands of users and impose their preference or
disclosing a corruption, directing public’s attitude toward their future
o enforce and put decision makers under pressure to consider their preferences in their actions \
occasions in which after that a decision is made, and afterward people figured out its negative
consequences for their future, but by publishing and criticizing it on social media politicians
eventually convinced to undo it
o pressure thereby small non-governmental organizations, independent activities, small steps that
lead to a huge movement
o decisions are being made with the assumption that those young people will contribute in their
execution, so having enough number of young and well-educated people plays a crucial role in
making decisions
o elections \ the majority part of the entire population are youths \ determine the future
o are more concerned about the environment because they will live longer and need those
resources \ react more radically \ more sensitive \ enact law and restrictions \ use bicycle

 Because the world is changing so quickly, people now are less happy or less satisfied with
their lives than people were in the past.

- agree:
o compare their quality of life with others \ wellbeing is more of a relative concept rather than an
absolute one : it couldn’t be evaluated without considering others \ for example cars and horses
\ tendency and inclination to show-off especially thereby social media and networks
o industries and jobs demand more efforts and hard work \ need to learn continuously to adapt
with new situations and technologies \ more working hours and stress \ less time to rest and
have peace of mind \ uncertainty about their future and losing jobs and being replaced by
automated machines and robots
o people have become more greedy and desire and demand more products to consume to be
satisfied \ notwithstanding more recreational options
- disagree
o higher quality of life \ progressive changes and new facilities such as state-of-the-art hospitals,
transportations, and communications \ life expectancy and be with parents \ public services
such as distribution of gas and drinking water pipelines to rural areas
o entertainment and recreational options such as travelling to far countries, computer games
through the Internet, car race fields, huge stadiums and sport complexes \ can gain peace of
mind and rest and spend time with each other and be happy \ commercial shopping centers,
social networks, and state-of-the-art movie theaters
o consumption of various products \ exercise equipment, clothes in different styles, cars, and so
forth. \ replace them with new ones \ smartphones with new features for example network data
generation and quality and speed that enables them to have video calls from all around the

 Read books in the future:

- more
o people are becoming more literate and educated \ demand more to read \ especially in
underdeveloped countries
o topics are going to be more specialized and sophisticated and need more reading to learn to
stay up-to-dated and advance in their career path
o easier access to electronic versions of books \ cheaper
- fewer
o busier, more working hours, more demanding jobs, so, less time to spend on reading \ pressure
of economic issues
o books will be replaced by short passages on social media or online weblogs \ more convenient
and up-to-dated than traditional books
o wider choices for spending time, such as entertainments and other distractions and temptations
\ watch movies and kill time in social media and networks
more educated: more specialized jobs \ more state-of-the-art educational centers \ wider access to
resources especially through the Internet \ social level and prestige \ developing countries and
increased literacy

pursuing enjoyment: busier \ pay more attention to the work and life balance \

 Parents in the past vs. today, regarding upbringing children:

- busier today and have less free time
- more educated and informed parents
- more cognizant and considerate parents that care about their children
- more free time today, due to better financial condition
- advanced educational centers that undertake parts of their responsibility
- wider gap between generations

 Modern technologies has made people’s lives simpler or more complicated:

- simpler:
o communication, call and send files from all around the world
o transportation, airplane, faster
o facilities such as online shops
- more complicated

 Teacher were more appreciated and valued by society in the past than they are nowadays.
- agree
o now, more alternative sources of learning are available \ educational video series, self-study
books, online and electronic materials \ more direct need for a certain person \ not the only
source of learning \ less significant role
o sophisticated fields and study areas \ it’s not possible for each teacher to be expert in all areas,
but in the past, it was feasible
o seem old-fashioned because of traditional teaching styles \ young generations are used to work
with new technologies \ have totally different concerns and hobbies \ not have adjusted
themselves with new technologies
o less personal interactions \ online classes and no face-to-face connection \ such as a machine
o society’s attitude toward jobs has been changes \ judgments based on monetary value
o increased number of people who are able to teach \ more educated people
- disagree
o now fields are becoming more sophisticated and the demand for expert teachers is increasing
o people’s appreciation about integral roles in society has been increased \ social media

 Eating healthy foods is easier or more difficult today than it was in 40 years ago.

- today
o transportation – delivery, order and procure from far distances
o technology, packaging, using machines and robots instead of human hands
o standards and supervisory institutions
o more intense competition among food producers to satisfy customers by providing them with
higher quality products
- past
o advertisement today \ encourage and persuade consume junk food \ past no
o more organic raw materials available
o cooking method, not additives that cause cancer and health issues in the long term \ pristine
Activities and entertainment:

 People should not participate in activities in which they are not talented.

- agree
o harm themselves \ physical exercises flexibility and damages \
o damage their reputation \ being ridiculed \ other’s attitude may change as a stupid person
o exhaust themselves and waste their time and energy \ better to invest in activities in which they
are competent \ quicker promotion and development \ match with their tendencies
- disagree
o deprive themselves from new experiments and excitements
o learn new things and know more people
o jobs are become more demanding and require employee to have a wide set of skills regardless
their talents and abilities

 traveling

- own country
o cheaper
o know more and respect their own culture \ sense of possession and commitment
o know their pains and issues and help them in the future or consider in their policies \ help them
gain a more realistic decisions
o fewer risks
- foreign country
o identify totally different business opportunities \ different jurisdiction and governing law \
essence of the economy and customers’ demands \ export
o know other cultures and more diverse lifestyles \ go out of their comfort zone and the frames
that we are used to accustomed to \ know other languages \ enforce themselves to learn
o wider and more freedom of choice \ weather, religion, history
o get ideas about macro policies and economic structures \ facilities and public services and
demand to perform in their own domestic area

 The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.

- agree
o avoid any argument and conflict \ making decision \ disagreement \ freedom of choice
o the opportunity to solve issues in our mind \ organize thoughts \ not any disruption and concern
\ absolute concentration without need to care for anybody else
- disagree
o emotionally support \ empathy \ be perceived and understood \ enjoy the company of others \
make memorable memories
o do mutual games and activities \ go on a trip \ share car and costs \ divide and assign and
distribute tasks

 When some people visit a city or country for the first time, they prefer to take an organized
tour. Other people prefer to explore new places on their own.

- tour
o more efficient schedule and less waste of time \ already know the destination and can plan the
schedule in advance in a more efficient way \ prevent and avoid waste of time \
o avoid dangers of unknown places \ safety issues
o give information about places and their background
o more cost-efficient \ economical \ share price of renting the car, preparing food, group discounts
o convenient \ do chores instead of me \ coordination with drivers \ get license \ reserve hotel
- own
o learn more \ search the Internet and gather information from other resources about the historical
background of places and their stories \
o provides me with more freedom of choice \ decide to visit places which I’m interested in and
skip others \ schedule my visiting plan by myself \ launch, rests, and stay places based on my
own preferences
o closer and more real experience of the everyday lives of local people \ walk in ordinary streets
that are not mainly tourism attractions \ gain a more realistic image \ be in a closer contact
o probability of not getting along well with all the members and conflicts
o waste of time in waiting gatherings and plans

 Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young
people behave.

- agree
o are not still able to distinguish between correct and wrong \ youngsters are more likely to imitate
mindlessly their role models, because their identity and convictions are not rigidly formed yet
o promote violence and adult content \ as a way of attracting audiences and boost their ratings
o promote and advertise harmful habits such as smoking and drinking and unconventional
relationships \ celebrities' gestures in their pictures, relationship with cigarette manufacturers
o mental and physical health \ sedentary lifestyle and lack of activities \ make their minds lazy 
o waste their time and become addict to those fascinating and attractive movies  don’t allocate
enough time to their main tasks of lives  decrease self-esteem and unhappy and show
destructive and aggressive behaviors
o unrealistic and luxurious lifestyle  try to imitate, depressed if unavailable
- disagree
o learn about relationships without need for experience \ common issues, even in their private
lives that nowhere else can find \ behave better in social occasions
o become interest in a certain field \ for example physics by watching science-fiction genre
o fun and amusing \ rest and relax \ release stress
o become familiar with different cultures from all around the world and their traditions \ respect
more when confront them \ adopt more appropriate ones
o the content is controlled by some supervisory institutions based on age of the audience \ rules
and standards that prevent producers to violate minimum standards and rules

 enjoy themselves at concerts or films when they go alone or with a group of friends:

- alone:
o not involve anyone else in decision making, avoid conflicts between people with different
preferences that is common in group activities, such as choosing the topic of the movie, its time,
or a restaurant to have a meal
o enjoy silence while watching a movie, not disruptions and annoying comments
o fewer troubles in coordination, waiting for others who are late to arrive and join the group, less
waste of time and energy
- with a group of friends
o talk about it and discuss it, ask each other’s opinion, exchange ideas understand better its
o make good memories, hanging out, walking in a park, having launch

 You might encounter a problem that requires creativity, for example you’re given a task that
is very different from other task you usually do, would you prefer to work:

- alone
o focus and concentration \ silence, noise, and interruptions , interrupting factors \ deviate and
deviate my thoughts and mind \ biased
o freedom of choice \ pressure of conformity in a team leads to a conservative and less-risky
options and solutions \
o motivation to show-off myself \ the whole work in done solely by myself \ be praised and
- with others
o brainstorming and a wider variety of thoughts and ideas \ stimulate
o get help from people who has different expertise and backgrounds
o more motivation due to the competition among team members \ peer pressure \

 Some people enjoy taking risks and trying new things. Others are not adventurous, and they
are more cautious and try to avoid danger.

- take risk
o more risk, more return, financial investment \ comfort zone, regular payment and status \
o more fun and exciting \ bunjijumping of jumping from a high dive into water \ energy and
motivation \ deprived of \ short life \ joy
o learn new skill \ how to survive in nature, find food and water and shelter \ challenge and improve
- avoid danger
o possible health issues and damages
o promotes a feeling of insecurity

 Success

- comes from careful planning

o forecast and predict possible occurrences and outcomes and act accordingly
o work hard for a certain target, if no plan, no effort
- comes from taking risk and chance
o lots of unpredictable occurrences such as meeting a person, exam, job opportunity
o family in which the person is born \ their level of education and wealth \ how much they care
psychological and emotional development
o risk-return \ no risk: at best an ordinary person not successful \

 Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they know how
to do well.

- agree
o more return requires more risk \ go outside their comfort zone \ ordinary awards for ordinary
o learn new skills \ challenge themselves to develop and improve \ social and hard \ being all-
o develop network of connections \ help them and support them
o identify the best position that suits their talents and interests the best
- disagree
o waste of time in the beginning \ learning the basics and developing deep and strong
relationships \ being trusted \ start from senior and entrance level \ lose the current position and
networks \
o being known and expert \ know all the details and have a broad knowledge \ reputation \
negative impression as an erratic and unstable person who suffers from decision making

 In today’s world, it’s more important to work quickly and take risk making mistakes than to
work slowly and make sure that everything is all right.

- agree
o not enough time \ changes are quick \ launches and introduction of new products \ lose the
market and opportunities \ legal and political changes \ policies tariffs and fees \
o intense competition \ lose the market are making their best efforts \ pursue opportunities \ if we
don’t take the risk, somebody else will and will gain the results. in that case if we wait until
reaching a precise conclusion, it will become useless
o too sophisticated and almost impossible to model occurrences and identify right and wrong \
complex system of interacting factors \ game theory \ unpredictable \ capital market crash \
hidden and unpublished information
o learn and practice how to react in an intense schedule and short period of time \ gather required
data and analyze faster \ get accustomed to it gradually
o learn lessons from mistakes \ because we’ve paid resources in terms of money, efforts, and
time we are more likely to remember them and utilize them in our lives
- disagree
o lose money by wrong decisions \ limited resources \ irreversible and hard to recover \ fall behind
in competition \ exact evaluation and estimations
o feeling of security and more satisfaction \ less stress \ all the matters are in control and outcomes
are predicted \ enjoy
o reputation risk \ be known as someone who makes wrong decisions and is hasty and
unorganized not competent and eligible and wise \ market memory \ indirectly affect \ not trust

 Work on a project or task, in which case they learn more efficiently

- group
o social skills, networking, conflict management, leadership, teamwork, make new friends
o learn from other team members that each of them are expert in a certain area and have their
own especial talents and skills such as computer programming, graphical design and
negotiation \ more comfortable to ask the questions that they hesitate to ask from the teachers
in front of the class
o exchange ideas and consider different aspects of a project \ brainstorming \ more likely to result
in better solutions combine various skills and capabilities such as graphic design, computer
programming, research, negotiation and so forth \ hardly all the required skills can be found in
one person,
o synergy and doing tasks in parallel so quicker, and then share the results of their part
o more motivation because they push each other and require themselves to address their own
part on time, competition \ more commitment to deadlines \ reject interrupting offers and plans
- alone
o waste their time and energy to reach consensus or solve conflicts through decision making
o silence, less interruptions, and concentrate better \
o freedom of choice based on own preferences \ independency
o not learn all the areas because of dividing tasks between different members, in-depth learning
o free riding and not accomplishing their responsibilities by some members
o motivation, show-off themselves, competition

 spend free time

- alone
o avoid common issues of social situations such as conflicts in decision making
o learn something in depth, there’s not any interrupting or disrupting factor, focus better, waste of
time in useless things in group activities
o concentration \ organize my thoughts and plans \ more pleasing and security and feel order
o personality, introverted type, takes me a lot energy to communicate with others
- group and shared activities
o far more fun, relax, make a change and shift gears, boring hours of sitting at the back of my
desk and laptop \ group games \ make memories
o learn from other people with a wide variety of interests and experiences, share information and
experiences and exchange ideas
o provides me the opportunity to learn and practice social skills, how to make new friends and
start a conversation with a stranger, handle conflicts that are likely in social situations
o make new friends, become familiar, bring their friends and introduce them to each other
preference in the type of activities

- museum: instructive and informative \ culture \

- physical vs. mental:
o physical
 make my mind free of overthinking, organize thoughts, not demand mental engagement
 self-confidence and motivation by being in shape
 health \ sedentary
o mental
 learn something new

 planning in advance or keeping it open:

- schedule activities and specially plan in advance

o more efficient use of time and avoid waste of time
o avoid and prevent conflicts in groups
o predict\forecast possible occurrences, such as weather condition
o save money, early registration discount
o learn organization and management and planning \ crucial for job
- keep their choices of spending free time open
o unexpected occurrences \ unable to predict
o change mind and mood \ ne information

 Go shopping:

- when I have a specific purchase to make

o save time and money, prepare a list
o avoid and prevent bad feeling of buying useless things
- just for the sake of pleasure and regardless of my needs
o fun, watch people, excitement of owning something new \ as an entertainment
o don’t know what exactly I want in advance, see something interesting which I’ve not aware of

 sometimes do things that they don’t enjoy

- agree:
o challenge \ learn \ manage a meeting, prepare for exam, project \ anyway they are needed
o practice endure tolerate difficulties, no gain no pain
o know talent , may it’s just a misconception and change your idea
- disagree:
o waste our life \ life is too short, seize the moment, just one opportunity to live, live once \ job
hate left
o negative and harmful effects such as depression \ motivation

 Experience difficulties and hardship to learn lessons for the future:

- know one's characteristics better

- become stronger and patient personality
- self-esteem and confidence

- irreversible and irrecoverable mental and physical damages and permanent consequences \
- waste current moments in hope of just a potential pleasant life in the future
- discourage and bad attitude

 Eat at restaurant or prepare and eat at home:

- healthy
- save time
- enjoy cooking
- enjoy the time by talking to friends
- cost
- expert staff

 The approach you prefer to do a task or project:

- begin as early as possible:

o less stress and more joy
o time to edit, review, revise, and apply changes
o deeper learning \
- postpone it to the very last minutes:
o less overall time spending
o more concentration and efficiency under pressure
o being able to get help from others who have accomplished the task

 study in public places where there are other people around

- motivation, show-off
- get accustomed to and practice focus in noisy places
- fun
- ask for other’s help
- talk to myself loudly, explain, walk and

study in places where there are just a few or no people around

- quite, concentration, disruption, interruption, distraction

- wear comfortable clothes

 agree\disagree: Because people are busy doing so many different things, they do very few
things well.

- agree
o focus, concentration, distraction, interruption, waste of time in switching between tasks that
leads to less efficiency \ shallow knowledge and expertise in each filed
o become known as an unreliable and unstable person \ damage their reputation
- disagree
o gain wide and multidiscipline knowledge and consider different aspects of a problem when
approaching it \ \ all-rounded
o develop their mind to be more active and agile \ in learning \ multi-tasking \ parallel processing
while doing other things for example computer programming
o secure and alternative job opportunities
o make a change and not becoming bored of the same thing every day and continuously

+ higher priority of eliminating poverty, illiteracy, and hunger

+ promote scientific researches and advancement

 Government can reduce the consumption of oil and electricity by increasing their price.

- agree
o motivation to save more money \ eliminate unnecessary usages \ wandering around without any
purpose \ cars just with one or two passengers \ turn off devices when they’re not needed
o less economical to illegally transportation from borders without paying their tariffs

 Governments should support the scientific research even if there’s no practical use.

- agree
o infrastructure to promote scientific atmosphere and culture \ build modern research centers and
o attract scientists and students from all around the world and earn money in an indirect manner
o possible and potential uses in the future \ when is needed in an emergency situation \ backup
critical situations such as wars and urgent project
o national pride and international reputation and rankings \ self-esteem \ loyalty of people \ prevent
from immigration and lose brains and talents because of satisfaction \
- disagree
o other necessities with higher priority \ hunger \ basic facilities and utilities such as roads and
electricity \ waste of money \
o buy or imitate if they are proven to be practical in other countries

 support art institutions (such as museums and theaters) or not:

- agree
o preserve (preservation) the cultural elements \ hand off to the next generation \ no other
supporter, not enough donations and monetary resources \
o investment and returns \ attract international tourists from foreign countries, that is a flourishing
industry and contributes to the economy’s prosperity, need hotel, spend for transportation, food,
and so forth \ can be sold by a much higher price \ entrance fee \
- disagree
o they will expect to promote their ideas and opinions and obey what the power owners intent \
art should be independent \ come from the heart if society \ without censorship \ biased \ be
dominated by a certain genre to please the government and justify their policies \ lose people’s
o not contribute in economic progress \ not financially feasible \ other priorities such as public
education and transportation and infrastructures such as the Internet are more essential \ just
have a few and limited audiences \ private investors

 Governments should spend more money in support of the arts than in support of athletics
such as state-sponsored Olympic teams.

- athletics
o more return on investment \ awards in the competition \ advertisement incomes from clothes or
the right of broadcasting the matches
o contribute more to the level of society's happiness and national pride among other countries
because is showier
o encourages sports among the people and contribute to public health level
o more amusing and exciting for the general public \ more advocators and followers
- art
o no other supporter \ corporates are willing to pay for the sponsorship of the teams in exchange
for advertisement and promotions \ athletes already earn enough income from private sources
o culture should be preserved and be handed off to the next generation \ indicate the historical
background of the nation to foreigners and tourists
o require less money to create more significant outputs
o a tribune for ordinary people to express their thoughts and feelings \ a reflection of social
movements \ environmental concerns that are warned in paintings and movies

 It is more important for governments to spend money to improve Internet access than to
improve public transportation.

- Internet
o a more efficient way of improving communication \ video conferences and meetings that
eliminate the need for in-person and face-to-face visits and transportations and trips
o more people can benefit by spending less money \ public services to remote areas \ heavy
infrastructures to build a railroad that just connects two points but a satellite can cover a wide
o contribute to less traffic by eliminating the need for in-person meetings and reduce its negative
consequences such as environmental pollution
o decrease costs of goods and increase the return on investment
o online education that leads to more rate of progress
- Public Transportation:
o less traffic and air pollution \ higher quality of life \ fuel limits and natural resources
o the majority part of industries still demands tangible goods
o require more investment and private companies cannot afford it
o increasing population and number of travels
o both the literate and illiterate people can benefit from \ also, who cannot afford a private car \ is
a necessary demand not an excessive luxury \

 For the successful development of a country, it is more important for a government to spend
money on the education of very young children (five to ten years old) than to spend money on

- agree
o require less amount of investment and spending to educate larger groups of students. in other
words, educating children at that age just requires some empty classes and a number of desks
with minimum pieces of equipment and paying for hiring a number of teachers who are not
necessarily expert and highly-educated, compared to professors of universities, so with a
certain amount of budget, more people can benefit
o education at that age forms the foundation of the students’ attitude toward education and it can
encourage them to pursue their education in any direction that they want \ that’s while if they
experience an unpleasant quality, they will be dissuaded to pursue this path \ as a result the
economy will suffer in the long run
o it’s the duty and responsibility of governments to provide all the people from all around the
country an equal access and opportunity of education, so until there are some children that do
not have access to educational institutions, it’s unnecessary to spend resources on something
else and higher levels for those who live in big cities and already have consumed more
o the budget for higher-educational centers can be funded by private corporations and even partly
by students themselves \ corporates define some practical projects that addresses their
problems in the industry and for that purpose they may establish laboratories to do required
investigations and experiments \ it acts like an advertisement method too and creates a rapport
between universities and corporates which want to hire and recruit their workforces in the future
that is beneficial for both of them \ also the students may be willing to pay part of their tuition
that could be spent on development and renovation of equipment \ on the other hand, there is
not any benefit for any private company to provide funding for elementary schools and the only
available resource is the government
- disagree
o demands more investment and budget because of expensive pieces of equipment and
o more beneficial and immediate outputs that leads to more production of goods and a prosperous
o parents of children in that age are more willing to pay for their children’s education and can pay
part of costs \ they feel that little kids demand more support than their adults one who can work
and pay for their own expenses
o can return its investment by attracting international students and receiving money as tuition fee
from them
Living place

 Big city:

- access to health facilities \ hospitals that are equipped with state-of-the-art devices \
professional and skilled staffs \ ambulance and transportation services, as soon as possible just
by one call with a short and memorable number \ pay after treatment \ insurances \ 24 hours of
the day even in the midnights \ in town: not always open and some basic devices and for serious
issues should go to a nearby big city
- life facilities \ educational centers, entertainment and recreational options, public and
transportation choices \ modern and convenient and higher quality
- wider variety of jobs and higher income \ business centers \ more population and
opportunities \ government institutions \
- more privacy and be less-known \ people don’t interfere with each other \ don’t interfere and
aren’t curious to know about others because of their own concerns \ large population \ even don’t
know their neighbors because they are too many and demand a great deal of time to know and
socialize with them \ in town: everybody knows others and their families and want to know about
their personal status
- lively nights and nightlife \ even in the nights city is alive \ some play music beside streets \
some wander around and hang out with each other \ some go shopping \ wandering the streets
and listen to music \ energetic and warm-blooded \ in town people go to sleep just a few hours
after sunset \
- hectic life and more stress \ demand more working hours \ jobs are more demanding and
tough \ changes are extreme and quick \ competition is intense \ crowded cities and traffic and
noise \ find place for parking, seat in a restaurant or café, or a bench in a park \ always concern
- crowded \ waste of time in heavy traffics \ rush hours \ should wake up too early \ nervous \
health issues \ air pollution \ noise \ mental issue \ waste time and being exhausted \ conflicts
and tension
- clubs and groups with similar interests \ more people and options to know and make a
relationship \ find people that have much in common \ mountaineering team, whenever they want
to plan a trip \ political tendencies and activities \ town: just a few ordinary people

 Town or countryside:

- healthier \ access to organic food raw materials and methods of cooking rather than processed
and fast-foods \ lifestyle and more physical activity, walk
- less cost of living \ rent, buy raw material \
- more security and fewer crimes \ better and healthier atmosphere for upbringing children
- meeting relatives and friends more \ distances are not far but close \
- tranquil atmosphere, peace of mind, slow pace of life \
It is better to live in one town or city all your life than to move from one place to another.

- agree
o know places \ critical occasions such as emergencies hospitals \ know rush hours and light
traffic ways \ entertainment options and our preferences
o know people and connections \ help in different occasions \ feeling of community \ emotional
support \ social interactions
o avoid change costs and troubles \ sell the house and buy a new one and its risks \ transportation
and furniture break and be stolen \ time to find a new house and prepare it \ time to become
familiar with new people and places
- disagree
o become familiar with new cultures \ new people \ still keep the old ones, more in total \
o fun and amusing \ boring to stay all the life in one place \ exciting to get to know and live in new
places \ more motivation and enthusiasm to explore \
o better facilities \ test and experience and choose the most appropriate \ education and health \
job opportunities \ out of comfort zone

Share a house or live in a small apartment alone:

- share with several other students

o lower my share\portion\part of cost, economical \ lover cost of living, house’s rent, food, utility
charges, insurance \ save money
o motivate and encourage each other, see each other’s effort \ competition
o help in lessons, discuss, assignments, the same major \ everyday chores and household tasks
such as doing the dishes \ when the other person is busy
o safety considerations \ steal \ if one wants to go on a trip and leave the house for a couple of
days, still there are others present in the house
- small apartment alone
o silence, focus more \ no disruption
o conflict in decision making, place of furniture (s), taking responsibility for household works, get
along well \ common in social situations and not the case if I chose to live alone
o freedom of choice \ do certain activity such as inviting friends and holding party, watching TV,
and playing musical instrument \ design of furniture

live in a large and brand-new house that is far from the university, or a small and old house that
is close to the university
- large and new
o enjoy, convenient, better mood, small house leads to depression, hold party and gathering with
o less maintenance cost, roof, ceiling, windows, pipeline, cost-effective, economical option
o health, walking or biking (riding my bike)
- small and close
o closer to the university  less waste of time
o less exhaustion in the way commuting between the home and the university  more productivity
o less cost of transportation
o easier keep neat and clean and cheaper charges and maintenance
o health, walk to my destination

 printed paper will be always popular or will be replaced by electronic version

- Agree:
o convenience of use: tools for editing and highlight, comment, and taking notes \ carry and
transport many in one device PDF files \ able to read in dark and dim places
o cheaper \ because of lack of need for physical transportation and manufacturing \ not need for
raw materials such as paper, glue, packaging and so on
o more environmental-friendly \ require cut off trees \ limited amount of natural resources that need
to be preserved
- Disagree:
o devices are not still prevalent in some places \ undeveloped or underdeveloped countries \
o health issues \ damage of stare to the screen lights to eyes (vision) \ emit waves (radiations) that
are harmful to our brain and nervous system
o no need for electric charge
o expensive \ small amount of initial cost \ pay for updating and upgrading the device and
o no need for maintenance and repair \ if broken
o concentration and distraction \ notifications while reading that disrupts \ persuasion to check
social media or kill time by surfing the Internet
o not all books are available in electronic formats

 Primary schools should no longer teach students to write by hands, and instead teach them
how to type on a computer. Others believe this is still important to tech children to have a good

- should teach
o tangible paper and pen won’t be obsolete and replaced entirely by computers, at least in the near
future \ still a necessary skill in the future \ not electronic devices are available in all occasions,
may they are discharged or broken \ underdeveloped countries \
o promotes and boosts mental abilities \ control fingers \ is the same ability which is responsible for
mathematical analysis so its side-effects are beneficial too \ in an experiment and research all
parts of mind are connected and improvement in one art leads to the empowerment of the others
o could be viewed as kind of an art \ promote the sense of imagination and innovation \ use for their
career path and educations \ fun and release stress \ meditation
- should no longer teach
o paper and tangible methods of writing will be replaces entirely by computer devices \ waste of


 Childhood is the best time of a person’s life.

- Agree:
o freed from real-world challenges \ not obliged and forced to go to work and deal with earning
money \ freed from responsibilities and concerns \ deal with
o everybody likes them and cares for them \ are paid attentions and took care \ playing with them
and being kind toward them
- Disagree:
o dependency (not have freedom) to their parents \ get permission for going outside \ comeback
late at nights
o not income and money \ financially \ spend by their own will
o boring school and classes – obligatory – rigid and inflexible schedules and teachers and staffs

adolescence = period between childhood and adulthood = youth (= related to youngsters)

best stage\time\part\period of a person’s life,
adolescent guy = young boy = youngster \ child ~ kid \ teenager \ parents ~ adults
dependent ~ dependency ~ free ~ obliged ~ obligatory ~ compulsory ~ rigid and inflexible ~ boring ~
freedom ~ permission ~ own will

 Government should pass a law to fine people who use mobile phones when passing the

- agree
o decrease casualties \ less pay attentions to their surroundings \ texting or listening the music
with a loud sound and don’t become aware of cars \ cause accidents \ their own safety
o decrease traffic jam \ blocking the way of cars \ deterrent prohibitive restrictive
o income resource that could be invested and spent on the traffic education instead \
- disagree
o impractical \ how to identify the person and whether they are using phones or not \ probability
of making mistakes and false positives
o it’s not a problem if they pass certain places and when the light is green for pedestrians

 TV advertising directed towards young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.
- agree
o they lack the ability of understanding and judgment
o pressure on parents to buy useless goods
- disagree
o not practical to control \ anyway they will be exposed to \ while parents are watching, in the city
billboards \
o eventually they parents should decide to buy or not
o its effect doesn’t have any difference in comparison to for adults \ if it’s supposed to be banned,
they should be banned for every one

 To be successful, a business must spend a lot of money on advertising.

- agree
o introduce their products to potential customers \ show features \ their advantages over their
competitor’s products \ persuade and convince them \ increase sales \ successful
o brand value \ intangible emotions and feelings attached to the product \ customers are willing
to pay more
o indirect impact on brand as an employee \ hire and attract expert and talents with lower payment
\ stock price in the capital market
- disagree
o quality matters more \ word of mouth \ satisfied customers recommend themselves \ if the
message doesn’t match with the actual product, has more negative consequences
o cost makes a more important role \ they compare and evaluate and select the best

Eighteen-year-olds are not mature enough to vote.

- agree
o still not enough information and knowledge about the candidates’ background and their political
parties \ their opinion, reaction to critical historical events and resume \ are not able to make a
correct choice
o can be easily influenced by other \ are too emotional and immature \ be cheated and misled \
changeable and erratic opinion and attitude
o not enough experience to distinguish between feasible or impractical plans and promises \ not
knowledge about economics and public policy and international relations
Another reason in support of my opinion is that opinions and attitudes of those young individuals,
I mean eighteen-year-olds, can be changed easily and quickly. That makes them an easy pray
for politicians to mislead or misuse or cheat them to win the election and gain power.
- disagree
o attain information about the candidate from different sources such as the Internet \ more
complete and thorough data than oral discussions
o have the experience of critical decision such as choosing their field of study and destination
university \ so they are mature enough and have this ability

be entitled to vote \ vote right \ eligible \ judgment \ propaganda

To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.

- agree
o learn new lessons
o not being disappointed and continue making effort \ not depressed
o more likely to be upset
- disagree

 Most advertisements make products seem much better than they really are.

- agree
o intend to persuade and encourage customers to buy \ some cheat customers
o hard to keep in the initial shape and pristine and well-preserved \ ice-cream be melted and
- disagree
o more negative influence and consequences if any inconsistency or difference occurs \ be
published in social media
o be sued and raise a lawsuit \ complaint against \ standards and supervisory institutions

 In order to be well-informed, a person should get information from many different resources.

- agree
o some of them are biased and cover events just from a certain point of view \ supported by
especial organizations to approve their policies and perspectives \ censorship
o each of them are expert and specialized in one area and narrate the occurrences from a certain
view \ economic or social or cultural \ some good and narration, some at multimedia and some
at analyses
o being familiar with various analyses and criticisms \ increase media literature \ learn how to
respect different opinions and accept criticisms
- disagree
o some are not authentic and publish fake information \ waste time \ being misled and cheated \
repetition \ deviate us from the truth \
o too much information \ become confused
o get accustomed to a certain format and tone of writing and know where to look for certain
information \ columns in a newspaper or time of a TV news program

Some people like to keep a record of their own experiences by uploading pictures and other
information to social-networking sites. Other people prefer not to create such records.

- agree
o get other's feedback \ improve \ e.g. in yoga exercise others see and give some hints and
guidance \ while if alone may misunderstanding that is hard to correct if it’s fixed and established
o others may use them \ ask me to give more information \ from where they should begin and
what should they do \ introduce a person
o being motivated \ show-off out abilities \ e.g. in yoga practices some positions in which I stand
on my head others praise me and appreciate my efforts \ likes and emoji \ want to be better to
be more praised and complemented \
o find persons with whom we have much in common \ define mutual activities \ find friends with
same interests \
o fun
- disagree
o safety \ privacy \ sharing private information with the public \ may abuse them \ kidnaping \
o feel jealous \ intend to harm us
o make them upset because they want but cannot \ have not access
o waste time \ are persuaded to watch other’s activities \ may contribute in useless debates \
o external motives vs internal

Students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely to succeed that students
who don’t.

- agree
o are more likely to be disciplined and well-organized in other areas as well \ indicator and sign \
know how to organize their schedule and thoughts \ success require being organized \
o less distraction and more focus \ learn better \ less stress
o less waste of time for finding lost things
Sports teach people lessons about life.

- agree
o social skills \ teamwork \ communicate \ conflict management \ taking responsibility \ make
connections \ making decision under pressure and react quickly \ leadership \ obey the coach
o planning and pursuing a target \ preparations \ forecasting outcomes
o how to deal with challenges \ exercise and hard work \ not being disappointed \ endurance \
- disagree
o not real and just a game \ basically different

Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habitats.

- agree
- disagree
o busy \ stress \ nervous
o lack of time \ fast-foods \ hectic life
o delicious and attractive

Telephone has greater influence on people’s lives than television has.

- agree
o facilitate communication \ reduce cost \ make it possible and more convenient \ socialize more
and being aware of each other’s status \ broaden their network of connection
o eliminate need for in-person meetings and transportation
- disagree
o educational programs \ equal opportunity for everyone, even from remote places
o fun and entertainments \
o cultural interactions \ understand each other \ better communication in work tasks
o news and promote political and social inclinations \ support government’s policies

Having power and money is the best definition of success.

- agree
o fun and entertainments options \ satisfying and happiness \ travel to foreign countries
o be appreciated and respected by others \ other may feel jealous and long for that position \
indicator and sign of our value in the minds of others
o do whatever they want even beyond worldly things \ donating money to create a hospital
- disagree
o useless without body health \ cannot enjoy
o not feel happy without pleasant relationships \ family and friends \ alone
o power and status and meaningfulness of work

It’s more important to read or watch news presented by people whose views are different from
your own that it’s to read or watch news presented by those whose views are similar to your

- different
o gain more accurate information and analyses \ know different perspectives and more thorough
picture of events \ may my own view is biased and incorrect \
o promotes learning critical thinking skill \ how a prominent view can be criticized \ analytics
- similar
o more likely to trust and believe \ see others with a critical attitude
o more mental and psychological security and peace of mind \ knowing that something else which
can challenge my fundamental principles make me nervous

Being well-informed by news resources:

- many: being aware of different aspects and views \ biased stance or beneficiary \ specialized in
certain subjects
- one or just a few: limited time \ check validity and authenticity

The rules that societies today expect young people to follow and obey are too strict.

- disagree
o are beneficial to both themselves and society e.g. work and economic activities \ be more
productive \ not being lazy and dependent on their families till they become adults
o follow and obey ethical rules and disciplines that have developed throughout several millennia
\ not lying and not have unconventional sexual relationships \ respect adults \ more experience
and knowledge \ pillar of society
o more dangers threaten them and some rules should be defined for their own safety \ stay nights
at home and come back early at nights \ more thieves and criminals \ more poverty that leads
people to criminal activities
o It seems like that just because they are at the early stage of being socialized and are not still
accustomed to them.
o necessary for controlling and managing society
o based on their cultural and traditional background and easy to follow because people are
accustomed to them
- agree
o need their freedom of choice
o should experience themselves to understand thoroughly \ smoking marijuana and cigarette

Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan
and organize.

- agree
o increase the chance of reaching to a target when it’s clearly defined and the path toward it \
predict likely upcoming events, scenarios, trends, market movements
o save time \ avoid errors and trials
o these skills are demanded from job applications
o decrease stress and increase confidence
o more competitive atmosphere
 one mistake can lead to a situation which is hard to recover and fall behind and lose

It’s important to know about events happening around the world, even it’s unlikely that they will
affect your daily life.

- disagree
o waste of time \ not useful and relevant
o addictive
o distraction \ concentration \ make your mind busy
o stress and negative thoughts \ become disappointed
- agree
o learn new things e.g. cultures
o feel empathy and help poor and miserable countries
o value more their current advantages and facilities

In a classroom or a meeting, the teacher or the meeting leader says something incorrect. Which
of the following is the best thing to do?

- interrupt and correct the mistake right away

o prevent further misconceptions and waste of the audiences’ time
o show-off and introduce myself as a wise, informed, and watchful person
o engage other audiences in the discussion and increase their level of attention
- wait until the class or meeting is over and the people are gone, and then talk to him
o may perceive as an upsetting reaction and be annoyed when is challenged in front of a group
of people
o more likely to accept
o enough time to discuss
- say nothing

 Some people think it’s inappropriate that celebrities announce their political view, while
others like to know what the political views of their favorite celebrities are.

- agree
o fun and amusing \ like to have more material to kill their time and discuss in social situations
o judge them more precisely and based on facts \ know if they are worth following or not
o more engagement and motivate people to think and be concerned about these subjects
- disagree
o they are not expert in political issues \ people are likely to follow them mindlessly not because
of their logic and knowledge but their unconscious influence
o people will lose their trust \ lose their followers and advocators who have different views \ lose
o safety issues from crazy and radical and biased people and group

 The opinions of celebrities, such as famous athletes and entertainers are more important to
younger people than they are to older people.

- agree
o youngsters are more trendy and spend more time following sports and entertainments
 more influential
o elders’ belief are already established and formed during their lifetime
o prevalence of promotions and advertisements
o not mature enough to distinguish between right and wrong

 Current celebrities (like musicians and actors) set a good example as a role model for the
young people.

- agree
o exemplar of hardworking and striving for and sticking to a target \ not giving up \
o most of them are expert and knowledgeable in their fields and can imitate their path \ get
inspiration \ use their experience
- disagree
o some of them are famous just by relations and spending money \ not because of their efforts \
mafia and family relationships \ powerful individuals’ children and politicians \ the wealth of their
o just expert in one field not all the aspects of life \ not wise enough to give advice
o some have toxic personality and promote harmful behaviors such as smoking and drinking and
gambling \ young people are more likely to imitate them mindlessly

Television has had negative or positive influences on society.

- positive
o obtain up-to-date news from all around the world \ follow events \ a recent earthquake casualties
o educational and instructive programs \ cooking recipes from different nations
o entertainment and fun \ rest after work and gain peace of mind \ shows and matches
o a subject for gathering members of families
- negative
o waste time on useless programs \ could be spent in a more useful manner
o physical harms and damages \ eye sight and backbone
o biased and promote a certain political inclination

It’s important to read about other cultures:

- agree
o learn new things, religion, literature, poem ~ poet
o sympathy and help in relationships with people from other cultures, business, consider their
- disagree
o unnecessary and other important things
o our own is more important \ national identity

 fiction and stories or not

- works of fiction such as novels and stories

o promote imagination \ a variety of imaginary characters and stories and occurrences \ think
themselves as a certain characters and follow the occurrences that happens for them \
innovation and creativity for their career in the future
o fun amusing entertain themselves \ nonfiction such as physics are too boring an exhausting \
refresh and get energy
o we are not alone in our problems and some other people had similar feelings and issues 
inspiration and motivation \ emotional support
o feeling of kind of leaving this world with all the problems  relax and peace of mind \
- nonfiction (scientific)
o learn concrete and tangible facts \ use in career future \ not waste time \ useless \ useful for
their career and education \ e.g. negotiation tricks use in job interview or attain power in an
organization, method of thinking and approach to the problems and problem solving

buy items on the Internet or magazines or catalogs

- convenient, stay at home and order online or by using the phone, free delivery service
- easier to find thereby search engines from lots of stores, more options
- collect enough information, compare, read other users’ reviews and ratings and experience of
using, choose the best and desired option, online shops

shopping in a store

- test and experience its functions and performance, real shopping center
- frauds and cheatings
- funny, go outside and talk to people, watch people who are wandering around and the bustling
atmosphere, enjoy, entertainment

- which changes people’s lives: airplanes, automobiles, bicycles
o airplanes: fast – safe – services
o automobile: cheap – available \ private and control and freedom

 artists and musicians are important to a society

- agree
o entertain and enjoy by their works of art, relax, and have peace of mind \ release stress \
amount of conflicts and tensions \
o remind us meanings beyond this ordinary and material life and make us think about the
philosophy and meaning of life \ beyond our everyday chores and routine tasks
o huge industry and contribute to economic prosperity \ attract tourists \ pay for concerts
and galleries \ movie and theatre tickets
o integral element and component of the culture \ indicator \ maintained and hand off and
passed to the next generations and be preserved \ identity of a nation
o means of the society’s wills and state
- disagree
o do not contribute

how to learn about current events:

- watching TV news programs

o convenient, general overview without much effort, lie in front of TV on a bench
o no cost (Internet connection or order a newspaper)
o do other things simultaneously, cook or iron the clothes
- reading about current events in newspapers or on the Internet
o ability to follow a certain and specific event that I’m interested in and gain in-depth
information about that
o know about the event from different standpoints and narrations, gain an unbiased view,
political inclinations of each media
o anytime I want, in comparison to TV programs that are broadcasted in certain hours and
it’s probable that I miss them

Making a decision:

- think carefully before

o consider different aspects \ collect data that takes time
o predict and forecast possible outcomes of various scenarios
- make it quickly
o the situation demands an immediate and swift reaction
o practice react quickly
o the situation changes and data and assumptions become misleading

It’s important to remember and learn from the past.

- agree
o avoid repeating mistakes and losses,
- disagree
The impact of cloths on behavior:

- symbol or representative of certain social class

- appropriate for certain activities
- scientific findings about impact of cloths' color on one's mood
- influence on others' reaction

constant and unchangeable personality

Children and parents:
- independency soon: sooner career succeed \ less friction, conflict, and tension \ identifying their
interests and talents sooner
- live with family for a longer time: take care of them \ complete education without interruption

Know others by their favorite books and movies:

+ : impact on their thoughts and lifestyle \ know fields of interest \ unconscious inclinations \ trivial and
shallow vs. sophisticated thoughts
- : just out of curiosity \ complicated personality

Obligatory wearing uniform at school:

- feel equal and same status
- discipline and organization

- cost
- hard to adjust with to different weather condition
- boring and repetitious
- ugly and uncomfortable

The influence of TV and movies:

- dominate and promote one version of a decent lifestyle
+ experiences
- mind control and engineering
- promotes violence, aggressive, and destructive behaviors
- heighten and elevate expectations
+ education
+ entertainment
Characteristics of a good leader\manager:

- take care of his or her staffs and know their needs \ pay attention to their development
- make energetic speech and inspire
- excellent communicational skills \ networking and relations
- expert in his or her field and relevant education
- assign and delegate responsibilities
- organizational skills and have discipline
- wear neatly and look tidy

Having a job in youth:

- know interests and talents earlier and direct their field of study
- job experience for starting from a higher position (differentiate themselves in competition)
- mental and physical damage
- disrupt from classes
- discourage from studying
- financial independency
- benefits to the economy

Making decision alone:

- less uncertainty and pessimistic thoughts

- consider more aspects of the issue in hand and use other's experiments without any cost (broaden
one's view)
- less stress (feel to be supported)
- more time to reach to a consensus

Change in your hometown:

- promote the sense of community (make people more connected)

- improve facilities (health and hospitals, entertainment and recreational centers, education,
- engagement and involvement of people in decision making or management supervision
- air pollution

Settle and live in or outside the university's dormitory:

- cost
- safety
- access to facilities
- distance
- community and synergy with other students

art sources in school or university:

- release the stress and anxiety

- know more people
- disruption from main courses and waste of time and reduce efficiency
- change the gear and more efficiency \ make a change
- wider perspective towards problems
- national identity

co-ed or separated classes:

- waste of resources
- gender discrimination and inequality
- focus better
- competition and motivation
- communicate and know each other better

get up early or late in mornings:

- silence and tranquility in nights

- working hours of offices
- mental readiness in mornings
- biological clock
- internet speed

Because people are busy doing so many different things, they do very few things well.

- agree

o doing an item well requires to be expert in that field that demand that person to concentration
and gain in-depth knowledge in that area, so if people continuously skip from one filed to
another, they won’t have the opportunity to learn none of them completely \ the more skipping
from one branch to another, the less chance to become expert and do the job well

o if a person spends all of his time on a single project and field, everybody will know him with that
field and acknowledge him by that certain field of expertise, so he will gain a much greater
chance to be recommended to others to get a similar project by another vendor. this leads the
person to become increasingly experienced and skilled and do the job better and better

o waste a part of their time in switching between different tasks that leads to less efficiency \ to
remember where were they in the last session, or open required files and applications and run
required codes \ forget ideas that may have led to some innovative solutions

o it’s possible with good scheduling and time management to handle a few programs
simultaneously in an acceptable manner \ reject useless plans and prioritization and allocate
more resources to more important deeds

- disagree

o become all-rounded and gain a wider perspective to all disciplines and view various aspects of
a subject \ for example know about computer programming and financial aspects \ overally more
efficient \ quality is far more important than quantity, I mean doing lots of activities in a shallow
manner \ jack of all trades and master of none

o make a change and refresh mind \ it’s boring to spend all of one’s time on a single item \
sometimes our minds can perform better when we are not directly and consciously think about
it \ more motivation and energy

Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to have more privacy than they have now.

- agree
o too much interferences, troubles, and interruptions, especially from social media \ they are
ordinary humans as well and have the right to have their own tranquility and silence to
concentrate on their personal stuff but notifications from social media channels, calls from
friends and coworkers, and messages from their fans really interrupt them \ even sometimes
journalists interfere with their personal lives to create any content for their media that makes
them some troubles such as crowds of people that create a traffic jam
o they are humans such as other people and may commit a crime or make a mistake, in such
circumstances they should be punished and sentenced accordingly but some journalists
pay more attention to those events and occurrences and broadcast them and offer an
exaggerated picture of them to the public that they don’t deserve it and it’s not comparable
to their mistake
o negative impacts on their family and children \ they should care more about upbringing
their own children and spend more time on it but sometimes the media, enthusiastic fans,
and curious journalists seek information about their family and they are persuaded to involve
their children too \ for example wearing weird clothes and making up their faces and require
them to do adult kinds of stuff that are not obviously appropriate for their ages
o raise legal cases and sues \ some fans make them angry in a public place while they are
stealthy recording a video then publishing the reaction of that celebrity intentionally to ruin
their status \ vicious competitors of fans of other celebrities
o violating their privacy increases the risk of being in danger and threatens their safety \ some
information about their living place, entertainment places, and families are published so one can
misuse these pieces of information to steal their property or make some troubles for them
\ thieves that seek opportunities on online platforms or kidnaping
o harmful and negative impact on kids because they are not necessarily appropriate role
models and sources of inspiration for people, especially younger ones \ some of them are
not competent and knowledgeable and have become famous because they merely had
money or a beautiful face, not the art or literacy of acting \ cognitional mistakes and the Hallow
effect \ they may promote unhealthy behaviors and lifestyle such as advertising fast-foods, or
smoking cigarette, or luxurious furniture
- disagree
o they already have an adequate amount of privacy if they want \ they can share little or no
information on the Internet or social media, use their private cars to commute between their
homes and workplaces, and be completely anonymous \ it’s the choice of some of them to
communicate more with their fans and appear more in public places \ compare two actors
o their advocators expect and are entitled to know more about their personal life \ they are not
ordinary persons and exemplar for some generations so it’s rude to don’t have interaction
with the media

Leadership comes naturally; one cannot learn to be a leader.

- agree
o some required behavioral characteristics are related to the personality and are inborn and are
not attainable or possible to alter them \ are attributed to our genetic features
o self-intensifying and vicious loops and cycles
- disagree
o personality and character could be changed and adapted to be appropriate for a certain role \
the major part of our character is attributed to our genetic and part of it is developed when we
were children but still, we can change with strive and regular efforts \ more open to people and
feel sympathy, be aware of our emotions and their causes, and control and manage them \ alter
it in the long run
o required skills can be learnt by practical experience or educate and read others’ experiences
and imitate their path and consider their recommendations toward becoming a competent leader
\ specialized majors and educational centers and well-organized programs that can convey
these methods and strategies and practices

Get up early in the morning and start the day’s work, or get up later in the day and work until
the late at night?

- early:
o fresh and prepared mind  more efficiency
o biologic and internal clock
o silence and concentration
o traffic, before the rush hours in the morning
- late at nights
o silence and no interruptions
o speed of the Internet


prepare by myself or buy prepared food

- buy food that is already prepared

o less waste of time, faster, delivery, do rest of my work
o more experienced and specialized cook=chief better taste
o diversity: fast-foods, from different cultures and nations, appropriate for vegans
- buy fresh food and prepare by myself
o healthier cooking process and raw materials (ingredients), addictive and preservative
o relax and peace of mind, release stress and anxiety
o lower cost

Private cars are allowed to go to the center of big cities:

- agree:
o heavy traffic, use public transportation instead, not enough parking place
o already is crowded, people suffer from annoying noises
- disagree:
o emergency cases
o not sufficient alternatives

 Shop in large grocery stores versus small specialty stores

- large stores
o purchase and procure all goods from one place, wider variety of products  save time and energy
o offer gifts and lower prices (discount), economic of scale, more efficient processes, and stronger
marketing practices  save money
o higher quality, thanks to marketing efforts that try to maintain their customers satisfied and loyal
o other facilities such as parking, entertainment center, and food-courts  joyful, amusing
o test, read the properties on their packages, and select more carefully
- small stores
o find unique products
o contribute to promoting small businesses and more individual sellers rather than a few wealthy
o personal, purchase by credit
o free delivery

 extra money:

- spend right away on something I enjoy

o release stress \ gain peace of mind \ take a break and rest \ go on a short trip and be refresh
and gain energy to continue my career and academic matters
o motivation \ I know that I’ll give myself a little award so I will be more enthusiastic to do it better
and with a more pleasant mood and mentality \ boring doing repetitious tasks \ avoid depression
and mental health issues
- save extra money
o buy something more useful with higher quality that usually are expensive and require more
savings \ such as a camera \ use more times
o learn and practice planning and financial budgeting \ planning for a goal and pursuing it in the
long term
o saving acts as a buffer to cover unexpected occurrences, such as an illness that leads to the

Most businesspersons are motivated only by the desire for more money.

- agree
o tangible award \ motivates them \ feedback \ indicator of success
o buy anything that they want \
o gives power and self-esteem \
- disagree
o power and status, social prestige
o being useful for society and people \ have a meaningful job and result and outcomes \ internal
motives and incentives
o being appreciated and acclaimed \ acknowledged as an expert \ intangible awards \ fame

a job with more vacation but a low salary

- physical health \ harm backbone and eyesight

- release stress and rest \ peace of mind
- more efficiency \ motivation \ job satisfaction

a job with a high salary but less vacation

Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players don’t deserve the high salaries
that they are paid.

- agree
o leads them to do harmful and destructive behaviors \ night clubs and smoking and cigarette \
o just part of a team and other team members should be paid more because they contribute to the
success too
o discourage youngsters from participate in more productive occupations \ guide and deviate kids
o some of them are not there because of their own talent and competency \ just relationships and
being recommended \
- disagree
o entertain lots of people \ people like them and want to see them
o gains and values that they have for the team or even the country \ incomparable scales \ national

learn from real-life experience and mistakes or in the classroom

- real-life:
o memorable, engage, keep in mind, deeper learning
o fun, versus boring monotone monologue lectures
- classroom
o less cost
o get immediate help or feedback
o shorter time, efficient
o share and know other’s knowledge
o safety and health issues, dangerous, harm, injury, damage myself, endanger my life, hard to
recover, irrecoverable, irreversible

Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.

- agree
o real and everyday issues \ without filter
o instructive reports and overviews
- disagree
o present just an exaggerated view of attractive places and facts \ to persuade and attract
o not interactive \ talk to a native person or one who’ve visited that country

The Internet and social media:

- efficient communication (quick and affordable and economical and convenient)

- disturbing by notifications
- mental harm by the means of electromagnetic waves
- waste of time – nothing insightful
- networking and finding friends by their characteristics and interests
- distribution of rumors and false signals
- advertisement for businesses
- up-to-date data and educational resources
- online education
- infrastructure and speed of lines
- eliminate the need for transportation
- discourage face to face communications
- an alternative option in cases such as pandemic and wars

get information for a research project:

- the Internet
o more up-to-dated information, real-time data directly from websites, takes a time to be published
o convenient, from home, without need for going to the library, switch easily between different
o multimedia \ tutorial videos \ codes and files
- printed materials such as books and academic journals
o more authentic, have been approved by certified juries and professors, compared to websites
that are being created and edited by ordinary people
o more in-depth and detailed information and content, in comparison to general contents and
Job and work

For success in a future job, the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying
hard in school.

- agree
o become expert and learn hard skills
o network without expertise is useless and will be reviled
o become independent of others’ help
o competition \ differentiate oneself \ indicator of being organized and hardworking
- disagree
o get recommendation
o being trusted easier \ get promotion \ teamwork \ get a new job
o know more people to ask help in challenges \ inevitable \ a wide variety of people from various
fields that can help
o being aware of opportunities \ job positions and projects

A person needs to attend a college in order to have a successful career. Others believe that a
collage education is not necessary for success.

- necessary
o learn basics and fundamentals in an organized manner \ e.g. different aspects of business such
as marketing, HR, and finance
o develop a wide network of connections with people in a same field \ help them to find a job and
solving challenges is the workplace and cooperation opportunities in the future
- unnecessary
o not all the courses are relevant \ waste of time
o not practical \ actual and real-life experiences are more valuable for a successful career

Have classes during the day and do part-time jobs in the evening.

- more job opportunities in evening hours that provide me with more freedom of choice
- learn better because I’ll have enough energy to concentrate on my lessons and not be exhausted

Have classes in the evening and do part-time jobs during the day.

Workers are more satisfied when they have many different types of tasks to do during the
workday than when they do similar tasks all day long.
- agree
o learn new skills and fields
 feel more useful
o interact with new people
 know more people from different departments and units, find individuals with common
interests, feel more secured, find friends
o make a change and shift gears, motivation
 it’s boring to do the same job all the day long, fun
o enhance their change to get other jobs with batter conditions
 higher payment, feel more mental security and self-esteem
- disagree
o be acknowledges as an expert and proficient in one area
 be appreciate for their high skill, perform tasks quickly, and known how to handle all the
possible problems
o stress and anxiety of new situations
 go outside their comfort zone
 unknown situations brings about anxiety
o difficult to learn new skills and fields
 are accustomed to their familiar situation and regular job
 require much more effort

People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one
skill only.

- agree
o better performance in projects that are multi-disciplinary \ become all-rounded and consider all
different aspects of a problem
o develop network and more useful connections in learning a new skill
o development of their mental ability and gain the skill to learn a new topic more efficiently
o interaction, synergy, and impact on each other \ e.g. mathematics background, financial
analysis, and programming tools
o identify their talents and interests and pursue and spend time on the best one
o more satisfaction and happiness because more occasions happen that they are able to be useful
and be acknowledged and one of their skill be appreciated by the others
o more job opportunities \ job security
o more chance of getting a promotion to a managerial position because they have a sense of
different departments’ operations \ finance, marketing and sales, human resources and so forth
- disagree
o more satisfaction \ expert, proficient, and know in-depth \ be appreciated by others as an expert
and professional
o become known for that specific field \ be referred and get more works
o avoid waste of time to learn foundations and basics of a new skill

- choose prepare for career that have more job opportunities

o find a job easier, guaranteed and secure career path
o clearer target
- study subjects that interest them regardless of job opportunities
o more enjoy life, more motivation
o quicker progress and advancement in life

stick to one career throughout life

- become expert and familiar with all of its aspects \ in-depth and narrowed knowledge in that field
- avoid wasting time for learning basics and foundations of a new area
- avoid losing established relations and connections with coworkers and experts of that area and

have different kinds of work at different point in our lives

- become all-rounded and familiar with different disciplines \ financial, tech, marketing, and business
- widen and broaden network and connections in various areas and industries
- make a change and shift gears \ motivation in a new workplace and learn new things and discover
new atmosphere
- get promotion to managerial positions (because there is already someone who has more experience
in our present workplace and as a result a higher chance to be promoted to a higher position) and
get payment raise

ww. Agree\disagree: It’s more enjoyable to have a job where you work only three days a week
for long hours than to have a job where you work five days a week for shorter hours.

- agree
o more free and off days and vacations  travel and rest, peace of mind, relax, mental health
o less waste of time on the way while commuting between home and workplace
o more efficiency because of fewer pauses and starting again
o provide them with the opportunity to have a second part-time job in cases that their income is
not sufficient to afford their regular expenses
- disagree
o less efficiency in the last hours of the day due to exhaustion
o unable to do anything else after work in those working days \ help our spouse in household
works such as taking care of children and washing the dishes
o mental and body harms and damages \ sitting at the back of desks for longer hours
uninterrupted and continuously \ cause serious health issues in the long term
o anyway they should be on-call even if they are not at work, jobs are demanding and require
employee to be responsive even during their vacations, so there is not any point in it \ it’s not
acceptable for customers to wait until that employee is back to work
o lack of consistency \ they should spend some hours to remember what were they doing and
what was the project’s las state

- Get a secure job right away:

o the probability of losing opportunity and not finding the desired job later \ higher mood and more
self-esteem in the process of looking for a new position \ depression and becoming disappointed
o earn money in this process \ may take a time much longer than we what we expect \ lower our
criterion and standard \
o have the chance to change the job later \ start work earlier and gain more money \ develop their
network of connections and be offered more satisfying jobs then \
o lack of enough motivation \ chance of being fired \ less pleasant feeling
- Wait for a more satisfying option
o avoid adverse impression of changing workplace and direction \ conveys a sense of
irresponsibility and lack of commitment
o more motivation and enthusiasm \ more chance of getting promotion and advancement that
compensate for the delay in starting the job

- similar to their parents'

o get advice and learn experiences \ path \ solving real problems and challenges \ be more
successful and have competitive advantage against other colleagues \ avoid trial and error from
the beginning in a totally unknown situation
o strengthen the relationship between them \ need more engagement and communications and
interactions and exchange ideas
o connections and network \ recommend and find a position \ feel more secure
- different from their parents' job:
o match with their own talent and interests
o become stronger by tolerating hardship
o appreciate and value more because it's the pure result of their efforts
- three long days:
o more off and free days
o less waste of time for commuting
o more efficiency due to fewer pauses and restart tasks
o less traffic and pollution
o being accustomed to rest for several days that makes it hard to get up early every day
- five short days:
o being fresh and not frustrated even in the last hours of the day and more efficiency
o free time within working days \

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