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6. STORY DEVELOPING Tips for Students to Write a Guided Story Read the given outlines carefully to find out the subject of the story. Have a clear and definite idea of the plot of the story. Think of a title and write it on top before you begin to write the story. Begin your story with: 1 Once upon a time. 1 Long -long ago. B® Once there + v?/had been... Link the outlines using all the points given and adding other suitable points of your own imagination if necessary. Be careful in forming dialogues if necessary. Generally, use past tense. 3. Write moral of the story. ou oo uo SPECIMEN 1 A thirsty crow - flies here and there for ice - finds a jar in a garden - but little water at the bottom - hits a plan - drops pebbles one after another water rises up - drinks the water - Moral. Answer: A Thirsty Crow Long-long ago there was a crow ina forest. One day, he flew to and fro in search of ice because he was very thirsty. But, he couldn’t find any ice. Then he retumed sadly to his nest. While he was returning to his nest, luckily, he found a jar in a garden. He flew down and tried to drink water, but he couldn’t because there was little water at the bottom of the jar. Then, he looked around and saw pebbles lying on the ground. Suddenly, he got an idea in his mind and collected some pebbles and dropped them one after another into the jar. He saw that the water level was gradually rising. After some time, he drank water and quenched his thirst and flew away. Moral: Where is will there is a way. SPECIMEN 2 A fox falls into a well - can’t get out - goat looks down - asks why fox in well - fox says water very sweet - invites goat to come down - goat jumps in - fox climbs over goat's back - leaves in the well - Moral. Answer: Scanned with CamScanner ‘212 Readmore - English Practice Book -8 A Foolish Goat Once, a fox fell into a well. He tried to get out of it but he couldn't. Meantime, a goat appeared there. He looked down and saw a fox into the well. He felt surprised and asked the fox why he was in well. The fox praised the water. He added, “The water is so sweet and cool.” The fox invited the goat into the well to drink the sweet water. The goat then jumped into the well without thinking how to get out of it. The clever fox leapt upon his back and jumped out. The foolish goat was left in the well. He couldn’t get out and was left there to die whereas the fox ‘went to the forest happily. Moral: Look before you leap. SPECIMEN 3 A wolf swallowed a fishbone - stuck in the throat - went to a heron to pull out - to pull out - promised a big reward - heron pulled out the bone - wolf thanked and went away - heron asked for reward - “You put your head in my mouth but I didn’t bite. What could be the best reward?” Answer: A Greedy Wolf Long-long ago, there lived a wolf in a forest. Once, while he was roaming in the forest, he found a fishbone and swallowed it. But unluckily the bone stuck in the throat of him. He tried to pull it but he couldn't. Then he went to a heron and asked him to pull it out. He promised to give him a big reward if he pulled it out. The heron in the hope of getting a big reward Pulled it out at once. As soon as the heron had pulled the fishbone out of the wolf's throat, the wolf thanked him very much. As the wolf was about to go away without giving him the reward, the heron asked him for reward. “You put your head in my mouth but I didn’t bite. What could be the best reward?” remarked the wolf before he went away. The heron felt sorry for his help. Moral: Cut your coat according to your cloth. OR, Never be so greedy. SPECIMEN 4 An old farmer - three lazy sons - old man dying - tells sons treasures hidden in the fields - dies before spotting the place - dig the ground - no treasure - plant crops - more crops - realize truth - labour productive - Moral. Answer: An Old Farmer and His Lazy Sons Once upon a time there lived an old farmer in a small village. He had three sons. They were lazy. They didn’t work in the field. The farmer was worried about his sons thinking that they would suffer much after his death. One day he became ill. He knew that he was dying. His sons stood round his bed. Then, the farmer told his sons that he had hidden treasures somewhere in the field. He died before he told them the exact spot where the treasures were buried. After the father’s death, the sons began to dig up field in search of hidden treasures. But they couldn’t find the treasures anywhere. Instead, they planted crops there. The barren field in the past yielded plenty of crops. They understood that the crops were the hidden treasures. They became more active and tilled the land, reaped plentiful harvest every year and lived happily. Moral: The fruits of toil are sweet. ET Scanned with CamScanner Readmore - English Practice Book 213 SPECIMEN 5 ‘A young git] going to market - a pot of milk on her head - sell it - make plans - buy chickens - then goats and cows - expensive jewellery and clothes - choose the best boy to marry ~ tip ona stone and milk spill - Moral. Answer An Ambitious Girl Once upon a time there lived a young girl in a village. She was very ambitious. One day she was going to market with a pot of milk on her head. She wanted to sell it there. On the way she began to make plans. She thought that she would buy some chickens with the money that she would get by selling milk. They would produce many chickens from the eggs. She would sell them in order to buy some goats. Then after some months, the goats would produce many kids. When they would grow up and become large goats, she would sell them in order to buy some cows. After some time, she would sell all those cows to buy some expensive jewelries and beautiful clothes that would make her beautiful. She hoped that many young men from the town would come to propose her to marry and she would choose the best boy and marry to him. Meanwhile, she tripped on a stone and all her milk spilled over the ground. Moral: Don’t make a castle in the air. OR, Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched. SPECIMEN 6 ‘Awoodcutter - cutting a tree on the bank of a pond - his axe falls into the deep pond - he cries ~a stranger appears with a gold axe - refuses - the stranger appears with silver axe ~ refuses - finally the stranger appears with an iron axe. The woodcutter bursts into tear with joy - the god of water - happy with the woodcutter - gives all three axes - rich at once - poverty becomes history in his life. Answer: An Honest Woodcutter Long-long ago there lived a woodcutter in a village nearby a forest. He was very poor. He didn’t have anything except an axe in the name of his property. He used to cut firewood and sell them in the nearby market for a living. Once, while he was cutting a tree on the bank of a pond, suddenly, his axe fell into the pond. The pond was deep. He had no way to regain the axe. He started crying, He kept on crying for a long time. Meantime, a stranger appeared and asked him why he was crying. The woodcutter told him everything. Hearing it, the stranger dived into the water and appeared with a gold axe and gave it to the woodcutter. But, the woodcutter refused to take it since it wasn’t his. The stranger dived again and came out with a silver axe and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter again refused to take it. Finally, the stranger came out with an iron axe and gave it to him. As soon as he saw his axe, he burst into tears with joy and accepted it happily. The stranger, who was, in fact, the God of Water, became very happy with him and his honesty. Then, he gave all three axes to the woodcutter and disappeared from there. The poor woodcutter, at once, became rich and poverty became history in his life. ‘Moral: Honesty is the best policy. Scanned with CamScanner 214 Readmore - English Practice Book - 8 SPECIMEN 7 ‘A woman - two servants - worked hard - the woman - a cock - the cock used to crow very carly - the woman used to wake up - she wake up and work - they killed the cock - situation was still worse - the woman - up whenever she liked and made them work hard - Moral. Answer: Two Unlucky Servants Once there was a woman who had two servants. The servants had to work hard every day from early the morning to late evening, The woman had a cock too. The cock used to crow very early in the morning. The woman used to wake up with the first crowing of the cock and made the servants work hard. They thought the cock was the reason why the woman woke up s0 early and made them work hard. So, they decided to kill the cock and have a sound sleep in the morning. One day, they killed the cock when the woman was not at home. But, after that the situation became much worse because she started to wake up any time she liked and made them work hard. Sometimes, she woke up before mid-night and made them work hard. The servants cursed themselves at their folly. Moral: Think before you act. SPECIMEN 8 ‘Once a boy - falls into a bad company - his mother asks him to leave the company ~ does not obey - thinks of a plan - gives good apples - also a rotten one - set together in a basket - after some days - all the apples found rotten - the boy improves - Moral. Answer: A Bad Company Long-long ago there was a boy in a village. Once, he fell into a bad company. His mother asked him to leave the company but he did not obey his mother. Then, she thought of a plan. She gave him some good apples with a rotten one and told him to set them together in a basket. The boy did so. After some days, when the boy looked in the basket, he found all the apples rotten. The boy then realized that the one rotten makes all the other rotten. He left the company and got improved himself. Moral: A rotten potato makes all good ones rotten, too. SPECIMEN 9 ‘A wicked shepherd boy - grazes his flock of sheep near forest - a farmer working in a field nearby - boy hits a fun - cries, “Wolf! Wolf!” - farmers run to help him - the boy laughs at them - no wolf -he does so again and deceives them again - a wolf really comes - the boy cries in fright - no farmers to help - he loses all his sheep - his folly - Moral lesson. Answer: A Wicked Shepherd ‘Once upon a time there was a wicked shepherd boy in a village. He used to graze his flock of sheep near a forest. Farmers were working in the field nearby. The boy was tired of grazing the flock of sheep. So, he decided to hit a fun and cried, “Wolf! Wolf!” Hearing the boy's cry farmers ran to help him with a stick in their hands. When they reached the forest, they discovered that there was no wolf. His sheep were grazing and the boy was laughing at them. Scolding the boy, they returned to their field and continued their work. After sometime, the boy did so again and deceived the farmers. The farmers then scolded him and retumed to ee Scanned with CamScanner Readmore - English Practice Book - 6 25 their work. But, once, a wolf really came and started to kill his sheep. This time also, like in the past, the boy cried in fright. The farmers heard the boy's cry but this time no farmers ran tohelp him thinking that the boy hit a fun. As a result, he lost all his sheep because of his folly. Moral: Be always true, never deceive others. SPECIMEN 10 {A farmer with several sons - sons always quarreled - the farmer was sad - fel ill and taken to hospital - dying - called his sons and gave a bundle of sticks - told them to break the sticks - all tried - could not break the sticks - untied the bundle - gave the sticks separately - easily broke each stick - moral. Answer: A Grieved Farmer and His Sons Once upon a time there was a farmer in a small village. He had several sons. They always quarreled with each other. The farmer was grieved, One day, he fellill and he wasimmediately taken to hospital. He was dying. He called his all sons. His sons came and stood around him. ‘Then, the farmer gave them a bundle of sticks and told each of them to break he sticks. They all tried in turn but no one could break the sticks. After that, the farmer united the bundle and gave the sticks separately to his sons. They easily broke each stick. They realized that unity is strength. Since then, they lived together without quarrelling each other for ever. Moral: Divided we fall, united we stand. OR, Unity is strength. SPECIMEN 11 ‘A man - a brave and faithful mongoose - master and mistress go out - small child alone in the house - a big snake come up - is killed - the mongooses mouth covered with blood - kill it- find the child safe and sound - Moral. Answer: A Brave and Faithful Mongoose ‘Once there was a mongoose lived in a family. His master and mistress had a child. One day, his master and mistress went out leaving their small child alone in the house. Suddenly, a big snake came up. As soon as the mongoose saw it, he jumped over it and killed it. The mongoose’s mouth was covered with the snake's blood. ‘After some time, his master and mistress came home. When they saw mongoose at the door way mouth covered with blood, they thought he killed the child, Thinking s0, they killed the ‘mongoose at once and entered the house. They found their child safe and sound. They also saw a snake lying dead near the child. They then discovered that the mongoose did not kill the child but save the child from the snake bite. They regretted a lot. Moral: Think before you act. EXERCISES FOR YOU Develop a readable story from each outline given below and give the story a suitable title and a moral: 1. Athungry fox - sees a garden in a village - sees ripe grapes - thinks of satisfying hunger - jumps again and again - can’t reach the grapes - gives up attempt - goes away saying “The grapes are sour’. Scanned with CamScanner 216 10. 1. 12. 13. Readmore - English Practice Book - 8 A fox falls into a well - can't get out - goat looks down - asks why fox in well - fox says water very sweet - invites goat to come down - goat jumps in - fox climbs over goat’s back leaves in the well - Moral. ‘An old farmer - three lazy sons - old man dying - tells sons treasures hidden in the fields - dies before spotting the place - dig the ground - no treasure - plant crops - more crops - realize truth - labor productive - Moral. ‘A boy - steals a book from school - mother very much pleased - next steals a watch - then ‘a purse - the mother is very happy - the boy becomes a robber - one day catches and produces before a judge - on the day of hanging, the boy wishes to see his mother - prayer granted - bites off mother’s ear - explains why he did so - Moral. A barber shop - near the jungle - a barber - people visit - shaving everyday - nearby a monkey on a tree - watching - shaving finished - the barber goes to river - the money climbs down - tries shaving - cuts mouth and nose screams with - Moral. ‘A woman's only one son is dead - goes to Lord Buddha - begs to bring her son to life - Lord Buddha asks to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where nobody has died - she gets no such house - Moral. A king defeats for many time - hides in a cave - sees a spider climbing the wall - falls several times - gets success at last - the king collects enough courage - attacks enemies - succeeds - Moral. (Once a well educated man - traveling in a boat - talked with the boatman - asked him ifhe ‘was literate - he wasn’t - lost his half of life - a big storm began - boat about to sink - the boat man asked if the man knew to swim - he didn’t- lost whole life. A farmer - an amazing goose - laid a golden egg daily - the farmer greedy - thinks to be rich at once - kills the goose to get all the eggs inside her - great disappointed - gets a single egg - Moral. Acat kills many mice - mice hold a meeting - discuss how to be safe -a young mouse says, Let's tie a bell around its neck’ - all agree; happy - a wise old mouse says, ‘But who will bell the cat?’ - all quiet. - Moral. A woodcutter - cutting a tree on the bank of a pond - his axe falls into the deep pond - he Beginning a story ; There are many different ways to start a story. Here are some story openings: Description of a character Once there lived an old lady in a small town. Her name was Mrs Brown. In spite of her old age, she was living there alone. The villagers often talked about her cleverness and prosperi % Description of setting: In a small town, there lived an old lady in a small house which was quiet as she lived there alone. Her house was full of precious furniture. a Description of setting and character: An old lady lived in a small town. Her name was Mrs Brown. She had a beautiful house with {full of precious furniture. In spite of her old age, she was clever and... on Action: Mrs Brown sat on her beautiful sofa and remembered her grandchild pulling her white hair and making fun of her poor eye-sight. Since yesterday she couldn t see anything and was thinking 10 Geb ersresseesnie Dialogue: “I'm going to get my eyes checked,” Mrs Brown said to herself, sitting on a beautiful sofa in her room, “but how do I get an honest doctor?” Mrs Brown, who recently lost her eye-sight feared of hiring a doctor as the town was full of Jake doctors. Finally she decided to call ina doctor on condition that A question: | Mrs Brown, who lived all alone in a small town, became blind all off.a sudden. Would she get her eye-sight restored? Would she find an honest doctor who could cure her? Middle of the story This is where the plot begins. The plot answers the questions what happened? When did it happen? In what order did the events happen? What is the story about? The plot states the problem the characters have to resolve. These problems are followed by solutions, In most stories the problem or conflict is solved at the end of the story, this is called the climax. You can have a happy or sad solution or you can leave the problem unresolved. The time factor and the sequence of events are important in the development of the plot. While describing the sequence of events, you need to change paragraphs when there is the change of: 3 setting: The action in the story happens in another place. > time: ‘The story moves on to another time that day or the next day, ete. > person: Anew character is introduced, they may say something or just be described: 2 event: Something new happens in the plot, 2 speaker: Include some direct speech in your story, Use speech marks to show where someone is speaking. A new speaker needs a new line, Ending a story The conclusion of a story is really important. Here are three ways to end a story: 2 Conclusive: Draw to an end all the events that have happened in the story. Cliff hanger: Leave the reader in suspense, wondering what will happen next. lective: ‘The narrator or character thinks about something that has happened i 1 he story, this can be done with direct speech, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Once upon a time... ‘Once upon atime, wh Inthe beginning... ital started when.. Long ago inthe mists of ime.. One day, not too long ago... This sa story | heard along tme ago.. Ithad all happened so quick. Iwas a dark and aisma night. ‘We were alone in the house one morning when... {im going to tell youa tale about... There was nothing | could do to stop it hppening... Iwas afresh and bright early momning in summer when... Exige «and they lived happily ever ater. «ithad finshed, at ast --and that was the end ofthat. -soithad tured out alright in the end. never want to stay alone in the house again! .and 80 we'll never know what relly happened. -»we had supper and went to bed, tred but happy. lhe horor was over and we were al safe. and it was a wonderful way to end things. ‘and | can't wait to doit again! ..and as the night drew i, | was glad it was al over. Writing a story using guidelines or skeleton: Look at the skeleton of a story: old lady becomes blind — calls in a doctor — agrees to pay large fee if if not — doctor calls daily — puts eyes on lady’s furniture — delays the cure ay furniture — at last cures her — demands his fees — lady refuses to pay. mplete — doctor brings a court case — judge asks why she will not pay it properly restored — she cannot see all her furniture — judge gives verdic 1. Ask yourself the following questions while you go through the guidelines: Who or what is the main character? Who is going to be in the story? What sorts of characters are they? Where and when is the story going to take place? (setting) What is going to happen in your story? What type of story is it? What are the important events? (plot) How is the problem solved? How does it end? What type of ending does it have? Happy? Sad? Read the beginning, middle and ending of a story and think carefully about the following Points while writing a story: a 5 Story writing in the SEE examination is not simply a gap filling exercise. * Guidelines are usually given in the present tense. Use the past tense to describe the events in a story. Describe them in sequence. Write an interesting title that explains the main theme of the story. ; Remember a good story has a beginning, a problem, a solution to the problem, an ending. % Think of a good starting in the first paragraph. Introduce the main characters; use some adjectives to describe them. To bring your characters to life, you must describe them: ir appearance; their personalities; their strengths and weaknesses. wig Think of a good setting that expresses the time, place, and even the weather in which a Story occurs, | = Keep the sentences in inverted commas if it is needed to quote directly Write a moral of the story. euerruyyy Scanned with CamScanner Read the sample story: A Clever Old Lady Title Once there lived an old lady in a town, Her name was Mrs. Fis Brown. In spite of her old age, she was living there all alone.) Pi The villagers often talked about her cleverness and prosperity. "Condition!” the doctor, whom she called in, said doubtfull Adverb Mrs Brown replied, “I'll pay a large amount if I’m cured, but nothing if not.” The doctor agreed and visited her house daily for treatment, The furniture in Mrs Brown’s house lured him. He delayed the cure and began to take away an item of furniture everyday he came there. Finally he cured her and demanded his fees. Although the old lady got her eyesight restored, she refused to pay to the doctor. She just said, “I still can’t see well.” The doctor was sure that she could see well. So he brought a court case. The judge asked the lady, “Mrs Brown, why are you not | Paying to the doctor?” “Your Honour! My eyesight is not properly restored, I still cannot see all my furniture,” the lady said to the judge, Mid Paragraphs | Brown won the court case with her honesty and wit, and her eyesight restored as well, Moral: To know when to be generous and when firm- that i “] Moral The judge understood and gave verdict in her favour. Mrs) Last 80l-" Paragraph wisdom, (Asvodston tas) —p (clanations (dialogs) words that appeal all the senses of the readers ) ae ot Scanned with CamScanner {XERCISE readable stories with the help of the outlines (Skeletons) given below: ‘Two neighbours ~ one, hardworking with a shop ~ the other, a gambler with no sense of economy ~ one day they go to town —to sell goods from the shop — while returning, the gambler kills friend for money — buries the corpse ~ after a fortnight, hears a rattle — comes froma skeleton dancing ~it wants to help him get money =plays the flute — the skeleton dances - King hears ~ wants to see ~no dancing in front of the king —tells the king that the fute player was his friend, who Killed him to get his money ~punishes the gambler — moral. - mother very much pleased ~ next steals a watch — the boy becomes a robber — one day caught and 10 see his mother- prayer 1. Aboy ~ steals a book from school > then a purse ~ the mother is very happy | produces before a judge — on the day of hanging, the boy wishes t | granted - bites off mother’s ear ~ explains why he did so- moral. he can't hear very well ~ decides to buy a hearing aid ~does not to the store — asks the price ~ the salesman: from ten rupees to the ten rupees model” ~ the salesman hangs a string around the dd stick this string in your pocket” ~ “How But when people sec it on you, they'll 3. Agreedy man ~ reali | want to spend much ~ go | ten thousand — “Let me s man’s neck — “Just put this button in your ear an does it work?” asked the man ~ “It doesn’t work. speak louder.” — moral. Aking gets disappointed — his people lazy ~ 0 tes inthe middle of the road at night ~ next day merchants PA 7 driving his ear did the same ~ a young soldier came cycling, did the same — all cursed for not removing it ~ then the king had the stone box, marked, “For the man who — the people were ashamed — ach them a lesson he had a big stone put and go round it —an officer the stone and blamed the government under it was an iron Temoved — many people watched it s a purse full of money Moves away the stone” — inside wa moral, a old lady becomes blind ~ calls Mot doctor calls daily — puts ey unite ~at last cures her ~ dema iplete ~ doctor brings a court case — I 5 4 maProperly restored i a not see all her Furniture ~ jude B1¥eS ver oral. * Atich tad , ye him all the land he can walk around in one day — - _ offers to give him a! ; haya neighbour fe as by SUDO ro make Out— no food plans w cover six square miles ~’ginishes the frst six, decides to make it Aine, then ak i “4 " ‘een, more. BY oom, Covers. thirty miles ~ 00 food or fie ies \ Vier — the seedy ms set gathers ‘all his energies~ es on time to that lady — falls ‘wn ~ dead — to set vet by two for his grave~ MO”: : » ing Ses ee aes ee el ry mothers with two babies come to him ~ one baby living one yee a ine ee pored by accident - bolt mothers claim the living baby ne dead ~say one bay ETE tothe 0 his the real mother of living child? each says dead baby belongs © the OF be cut in half each woman to have or — agrees to pay large fee ifeured, but nothing ve - delays the cure - everyday takes Indy refuses to pay ~ saying cure not asks why she will not pay — she says sight ee rdict in her favour — in a doct c fes on lady's furnitu demands his fees ~ ~ Solo oS A parelomon thought — given decision — O° °F Sys aby must no) De killed — let the other one woman agrees ~ the othe eer es rays he isthe mother ~ gives her the * w ive have it rather than that ~ S "8 baby- moral, Scanned with CamScanner Three artists compete — one paints a wreath of flowers, a bee comes and sits on the Picture another paints a basket of fruit — an ox tries to seize it — the third paints a curtain —all the three pictures placed before the judge — the judge tries to raise the curtain — the picture judged the best — it deceives a man — other only insects and animals — moral, An old woman’s cottage — a cock and some hens living there — cock proud — hens obedient ~ a hen has an evil dream — tells the cock — asks him to be carefil - the cock does not care — a fox comes up — praises the cock for his kingly look and sweet voice —asks him to sing — cock raises his head, closes his eyes, and crows loudly — the fox jumps upon him — the old woman hears the hens make a noise — rushes out ~ moral. . Birds and beasts go to war — the bats remain neutral — tide of war turns against the birds at first — they request the bats to join — refuse saying they are beasts — they join the victors instead -soon the victors become vanquished — the bats desert the beasts — go over to birds — war comes to an end—a truce is made — both take revenge on the bats ~ moral. . Amerchant riding home from a fair—a large some of money with him — sudden heavy rainfall - merchant gets wet — his grumblings — shortly after attacked by a robber — robber’s attempt to shoot — failure — powder damp — the merchant escapes — moral. . A miller — he and his son — going to a fair — their donkey for sale — a girl makes a remark —an old man makes a comment — another man says — they do as he says — the donkey falls down the bridge — moral. . A wolf swallowed a fishbone — stuck in the throat — went to a heron to pull out — to pull out promised a big reward — heron pulled out the bone — wolf thanked and went away ~ heron asked for reward — “You put your head in my mouth but I didn’t bite. What could be the best reward?”, A woman’s only one son is dead- goes to Lord Buddha— begs to bring her son to life — Lord Buddha asks to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where nobody has died —she gets no such house — moral. . Ahard working ant and a grasshopper — ant worked all summer and collected food for winter — grasshopper spent by singing — went to the ant — to beg food in the winter — the ant told him to go and dance - moral. Read the beginning of each story and complete it. 2. 3. Once a merchant was riding home from a fair, He had a large sum of money with him. After some time, he reached a dense forest. All of sudden, it started raining heavily and the merchant got wet. He took shelter in a hut. Shortly after he heard the sounds of gun firing, Long ago an old cat lived on a farm. He was too old to catch any mice. He got no food to eat. He was weak and tired. He made a plan to trap rats. One day he hid himself under a rag and scattered some pieces of cheese on it. Then he started ringing the bell Once two goats came to a narrow bridge. They came from two opposite directions and wanted to cross the river at the same time. Both reached in the middle of the bridge and say ‘let me go first’ he Scanned with CamScanner A a anda daughter were lazy and did not like to work. One day the daughter said to the mother, “Let's not work next year, I'll get married and you'll die.” Mother also agreed. Both of them finished eating everything and sold everything. Neither the daughter got married nor the mother died. . Long ago, two brothers lived in a village. They were farmers and grew a lot of grain. The elder brother was careful to use up the grain, whereas the younger brother unwise to use up the grain. . tead the ending of each story and complete it. FE ‘After the fox praised the appearance Gf the crow, he requested the crow to sing a song. The crow was much pleased and started to sing. The cheese fell down from the crow’s beaks and the fox ate it happily. jot of money, He started spending it uselessly. He also started gambling and drinking, He thought that his magic pot would give him money every time he asked. But it disappeared because of his bad habit. He became poor aga “many tried but failed to make get prizes. But when the king’s daughter saw Tom the king’s daughter laugh. They didn’t ‘ould not stop laughing, The king gave Tom a carrying a donkey on his shoulder, she c box of golden coins as a reward. the shepherded thought the tiger heard the shouting, “Kneel down, kneel down!” It was a ointing his gun at the tiger. I knelt down quickly and he but it ran away. I thanked the soldier for saving my would gobble him up. Then soldier, running towards me, po!" fired. The bullet didn’t hurt the tiger life. wing titles. Writ tory for each of the follo He a reser G °2, The wise monk and the angry farmer . d the brave warrior > mont ear Sensis 5. The lion and the mouse 6, The stupid donkey 7. The brave farmer 8. The dove and the ant . 10, The lazy son 9. The boy who cried wolf following morals. Write a readable story for each of the 2, Wickedness ruins, 1. Work is worship. ing i 4. Excess of anything is bad. ‘ Look before you a 6. Honesty is the best policy, =. Hard ork p eh Sr 8. A one ever suffers. ; ; rst. 10. Friendship is a strong weapon. 9. Always be prepared for the wo 12, United we stand; divided we fal 11, Take as much as you can hold. Scanned with CamScanner {Paragraphs pegin your paragraph with a good topic sentence that covers the content of the entire yaragraph. All the supporting examples and details of the paragraph must fit under the topic sentence. When you are writing a paragraph, first decide what your topic sentence jsand what sentences and ideas you are going to write to support your topic sentence. Never include more than one idea in one paragraph. ; {There are a number of things to keep in mind when you visit a Topic _-FFiemple, The first thing is that you make sure that you are not wearing sentence | any leather things. If you are wearing leather things, you need to take 9 | them off before you enter the temple. The second thing you need to Supporting | | consider is that you should take some flowers with you to worship. Sentences | -You may sometimes do not get chance to buy flowers at the temple. Thirdly, you have to stand in queue if there are many people waiting Ly for worshipping, Pollution means substances that make our water, air and soil dirty. Topic Our surroundings get polluted from many factors, Our rivers are sentence olluted with dirty water from our homes and factories. Smoke resming out of vehicles and factories pollute the air we breathe, ssopoing | | Polluted water causes water bome diseases like chats typhoid, xeeaing | | eto, Air pollution leads to breathing problem. Chemical pollution Sentences | | CF ots the soil, Polluted fruits and vegetables that grow pollution must, therefore, be checked urgently, only then we can lead a beat and happy fife, Sample paragraphs: Why Should Children Go to School? Ctizen should go to schoo! for various purposes. First and foremost i education, At The ol, they learn reading, writing, maths, science, history, physical education and more. They eam languages and necessary life skills. Schoo! efvetion Set complements the ins es rom their family members. Another purpose behind sending ie tae ation, At school, children lear (0 get along with peers and Adults, They lear to get adjusted with students from different communities. They make frend. oat es geese things, Moreover, children should goto school to lear to stay Thy? 1m home. When they are at School, their parents do not have to look after them, @ S allows their parents to do their jobs even staying away from home. Thus, school is a "Y important place for children. Scanned with CamScanner Preparation for the Final Exam The hostel students are working hard to get through their final exams with good prac, They are spending most of their time revising their subjects, ignoring all other activi, no matter how important they are. Whenever they have any difficulty at any point, they an, consulting their friends. If there is no solution, they consult their teachers. At the end of the day, they evaluate themselves how many lessons they have learned. All of them hay made their study plan and they are moving according to it. In short, the hostel students ar, buming the midnight oil to pass their final exams with high marks. My Favourite Hobby Although I have several hobbies, painting is my most enjoyable pastime activity, While am painting, this is the time I express my deep love to natural things. My paintings ofa show the essence of saving nature for the existence of human life. People are destroyi natural elements like forests, rivers, lakes, etc. Whenever I am free, I visit to an area wit cuistanding natural beauty and spend my spare time there. I usually visit such places ce Saturdays and do a painting sketch. While I am drawing, I feel very relaxed and happy My happiness increases when my friends see my paintings and realize the message that! ‘Want to convey through my painting. I have been painting for three years and have msl a lot of paintings. Most of my paintings have often attracted the attention of visitors int art exhibitions. In this way, I also get a chance to make some money. I am convinced Painting will always be a great leisure-time activity for me, = EXERCISE 1. Do you live in a town or following clues: Town facilities, entertainment, opportun Village : peace, co-operation, leisurely life, Village? Write about life in your town or village, using ities, noise, pollution, rush. iteracy, poverty, lack of facilities. 2. Write a short paragraph about how you will spend yo belp of lus given below or add your idea also, ien holidays begin? - what do 2 g wih? ow lng how mach ou spond 2 29827 Whom do you 3. Write a couple of Name and age: Physical Features height, colour of eyes, etc, Other attributes: intelligent, hopeful, likin, . Write a couple of paragraphs about Use the clues; Carries news and views from all directions Politics, economics, education and knowledg and direct it; it should not twisted n ur holidays. You may take th Paragraphs about your teacher, use the clues: ig and disliking in hinvher, “The Rising Nepal’ + national daily newspaP™ €s entertainment, public awarene* * People can say to the government be controlled by the political Parties; no misleading am Scanned with CamScanner Story Writing Story writing is a piece of writing which helps the students develop their writing skill. One can get perfection in story-writing only by practice. Writing a story with the help of the outlinesis first step of story-writing, Here are some hints to write a story with the help of outlines: © — Gothrough the outlines given and havea clear idea of the plot and various incidents of the story in your mind before you begin to write. — Trytoconnect the points given in the outlines sensibly. © Amange the points in the story in properand natural order to make it more interesting and readable. © Think ofa good title to the story and find out its moral. © The outlines ofa story are generally given in the present tense but the story has to be written in the past tense. © — The outline of the story is as follows: Title © Main character ina story le One or two sentences to describe the main character ina story. © Many incidents in a story (plots) © Conclusion le Moral Some stories with outlines, 1. Write a readable story with the help of the following outlin: An old lady becomes blind — calls in a dactar ~ agrees to pay large fee if cured but nothing if not — doctor calls daily ~ put eyes on lady's furniture ~ delays the cure at last cures her ~ demands his fees ~ lady refuses 10 pay ~ saving cure not complete ~ doctor brings a court case — judge asks why: she will not pay ~ she says sight nut properly restared ~ she cannot see all her furniture judge gives verdict in her favour ‘An old lady and a clever doctor every day takes away furniture moral “There was an old lady who was blind. Once she called in a doctor for treatment, The doctorinspected her eyes and charged aheavy amount for teatment. The old lady areca ta COCR D>> A Manic Grammar op Fratn Scanned with CamScanner 4 LE ETD pay the large sum if and only if the doctor was able to cure her blindness. The doctor accepted the term of payment. So the doctor came to treat her everyday. The room , in which the old lady lived, was decorated with valuable furniture. The doctor was lured at the items of the furniture and began to take away one by one thinking the old lady could not see. Not only that he delayed in her treatment so as to carry all the valuable furniture. After a few days, she was cured and the doctor demanded his charge but the old lady refused to pay saying her eye sight had not been restored yet. She told that in as much as she was not able to sec her valuable furniture in the room. She knew it was taken by the doctor. The doctor brought the case in the court and he explained everything, The judge questioned the old lady. She told that her eye sight had not been restored yet because she couldn’ t see all the valuable furniture of her room. The judge knew the matter and gave the verdict in her favour. Moral: You will be deceived, if you try to deceive. 2, Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: A king disappointed — his people lazy ~ to teach them a lesson he had a big stone put in the middle of the road one night ~ next day merchants pass and go round it ~an officer driving his car did the same ~ a young solider came cycling, did the same — all cursed the stone and blamed the government for not removing it — then the king had the stone removed ~ many people watched it — under it was an iron box, marked, “For the man who'moves away the stone” — inside was a purse full of money — the people were ashamed — moral. The lesson Lorig long ago, there lived a king who was very much worried about his people, The people were so lazy and didn’t participate in any work or development activities. The king, who thought of teaching the people a good lesson, had a big stone put in the middle of the road one night. Next day merchants passed and went around it. An officer ‘who came driving car passed the stone without caring it. A young soldier came cycling but he also did the same. None of the people tried to remove the big stone from the road instead all of them cursed and blamed the government for not removing the stone. Knowing that no one is going to remove the stone, the king with a few of his courtiers had the stone removed. people watched the incident. Under the stone there was an iron box, marked. who moves away the stone” and many r “For the man y The king opened the purse and there was full of money. The people watching it were ashamed of themselves for not Temoving the stone, Moral: We have to do the work ourselves rather than blaming 3. Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: King of Scotland, Robert Bruce ~ gets defeated by the English — hides in the cave ~ sees a spider trying to reach the ceiling ~ it makes eight attempts but fails ~ gets success on ninth attempt ~ Robert Bruce gets a lessa, : . eo eee Sets a lesson ~ tries again or complaining about others. gives up hope ~ Robert Bruce And the spider, Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, was defeated by the English and his country was A Basie Grammar of Enalish << RGSS Scanned with CamScanner ae me os He tried many times to free his country but got into hot water and was in Parte fe was discouraged and ran to shelter in a cave, One day, while he was sitting Sen im ona stone, he saw a spider hanging by a fine thread and trying to reach the peat a le nine attempts without success but was not discouraged. It went on and | acl ied the ceiling. King Bruce, who was watching the spider, got a vivid lesson by he spider’s persistent effort. He smiled to himself and said, “I must try and try until I’m successful”. He made another attempt to free his country and this time he shot the target. Moral: Try hard again and again hard to claim your target. 4. Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: Three artists compete ~ one paints a wreath of flowers — a bee comes and sits on the picture — another paints a basket of fruit — an ox tries to seize it~ the third paints a curtain — all the three pictures placed before the judge — tries to raise the curtain ~ this picture adjudged the best — it decieves a man — other only insect and animal. Moral. THE THREE ARTISTS Once there was an art competition held in the town of Kathmandu in which three accomplished artists participated, cach confirmed to claim the prize. The three artists who were absolutely skilled were competing for a prize. One painted a wreath of flowers anda bee came and sat on the picture thinking that it was a real one. ‘The other artists painted a basket of fruit which appeared so real that an ox tried its best to seize some oft. The third artist painted a curtain. All the three paintings were presented before a judge and the judge got off his chair and tried to raise the curtain. The picture was adjudged the best and was be the real winner of the prize. The judgment was made so because the other deceived an animal and an insect but the third deceived aman with good announced t0 two paintings only sense. Moral: All people are attracted by art. write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: Woia Roghupal ~a son i born the mother des — a nurse is appointed ~ the aja eoeiyon baby — nurses both babies together enemies ofthe king plo o kl se es ae or ne 10 the guards ~ inter te palace ~ the nurse knows about it — his 50” Br esss dress ~ lives her own child dressed as prince and flies with real changes Oe Orie ner te room and kill the child left behind —so the prince is yaved Prince ene nurse rewards ~ she refeses them and Kils herself — the King © the Hind ects ‘splendid tomb for the faidhfil nurse. gree ‘THE FAITHFULNURSE wasa king, After many years of marriage, a son was bom to Raja on ornately, the moter datetime ofthe chil bith, So, to ookaferthe Fae ppointed a young mother witha baby as anurse. The nurse was so faithful baby, the poth the babies equally. ‘The enemies of Raja Raghupal ploted to kill his son. They and love’ guard and got into the palace. The nurse was warned just in the nick time. She ped tht , CCCBD D> Long long ago there A Basic Grammar of English Scanned with CamScanner quickly changed the children’s dresses. She left her own child dressed as the prince and ran away with the real prince. The murderers entered the room and killed the child. They thought that they had killed the real prince. But the real prince was saved. On knowing the fact, Raja Raghupal was very much pleased and thought of giving good rewards to her but she refused. Instead she Killed herself because she was the cause of her own child’s death. Raja Raghupal grieved on her death and erected a splendid tomb for the faithful nurse. The prince was alive in the palace because of the nurse. Moral: Honesty and faithfulness is the best to remain alive forever. 6. Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: A hard working farmer — many sons — they are lazy — fight with one another — farmer is worried — he becomes ill — is taken 10 hospital — all sons come there ~ the “farmer gives each of them a bundle of sticks to break — no one can ~ a single stick to them to break- each of them can break — learns a lesson ~ unite together. Moral. THE FARMER’S SONS ‘At the length of Ramechhap district, there was a farmer who had many sons but he was always worried about his sons because it was observed that there was not unity among them, They always fought with one another. Neither they shared any material nor accepted suggestion of one another. Once the farmer was seriously ill and he was taken to hospital. He had a great desire of teaching the lesson of unity to them before dying. He called all his sons. All of them came to him quite stunned. The old man gave @ bundle of stick to one of is sons and asked him to break it but he could not. Then he gave the bundle to his another son and asked to do the same. In the same way he gave chance to all of them but none could break the bundle. Then he united the bundle and gave one-one stick to each of them and asked them to break it and they broke it easily. The old man’s sons knew what their father meant to show them and all the brothers united together. They started working together and soon they found much more happiness than they acquired before. Moral: Unityis strength. 7. Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: Tiger kills a girl - eats her body — sees her gold bangle ~ keeps it thinking it may be useful — he hides himself in a pool ~ a traveller comes to pool, dusty and tired ~ strips and baths in pool water ~ sees the tiger in bushes watching him ~ terrified ~ tiger grects him with a mild voice ~ says he is pious ~ as a sign of goodwill ~ offers the jraveller the gold bangle — traveller's greed overcomes his fear ~ crosses pool to take the bangle — tiger springs on him and kills him, Moral. ACLEVER TIGER Oncea girl of thirty traveling through the jungle was killed by an enormous tiger. The tiger was very clever. As he was devouring the lady's body, he noticed her gold bangle. The tiger kept that thinking that it might prove him useful. Next day, he was roaming around fo" prey. He hid himself by the pool. 7 A Basic Grammar of English — << CBSE) D> el) Scanned with CamScanner ra A toveler came to the pool. He was dusty and tired. He sat under a tree for some ee his wear and striped into cold water. Meanwhile his eyes fell on the tiger in -s that was watching him. The traveller lost his hope and was much terrified but the 'iger greeted him with a mild voice saying, “I am pious and spend my time in prayer. I don’t eat man or animal, [cat grass only.” And asa sign of good will, the tiger offered the traveller the gold bangles. Seeing the gold bangles in the tiger’s hand, the greed in the man overcame the fear of the tiger. The traveller at once crossed the pool to take the bangle that the tiger had swore to give. When the traveller crossed the river, he clever tiger sprangon him and killed him. The tiger ate him and took back the bangle thinking that it might make him another fortune. Moral: Avarice is the root of all evils. 8. Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines: Three men find a bag of money — agree to divide the money — all very hungry — one sent to buy food ~ he wants all the money himself — poisons the food — the other two plot to murder him ~ so they murder him — they now eat the poisoned food ~ both die — moral. THREE FRIENDS “The three friends forcefully pushed themselves upon the hill and banged themselves on the mud. They were breathing rapidly, as they had climbed a small hill. Soon one of them saw something and yelled out, * Hey, chaps, what's that?”, pointing to. small bag, They all rushed forward to itand found a bag full of money. They agreed to divide the money equally. Sooner they realised that their packed foods were at home. So, one of them went to me food from the small shop underneath of the hill. He wanted all the money for ned the food. Meanwhile, the other two planned to kill him on lis retum. so as to have more share. When the man returned with food, the other two murdered him and happily went to cat food. They ate the food which was poisoned and died. The bagful of ney remained on the hill beside the Hamlock tree and a crow kept crowing on the tree. he greediness killed all of them. Moral: Gr s leaves us in such a place where we can find none to help. Greediness leads to an unhappy ending. readable story with the help of the following outlines: A — a dove flies past ~ drops a large leaf inio the water — the flies away —a hunter takes aim at the dove ~ the bee buy sot : himself. So he poisor mol So. 1 write a A bee falls into a tan son to the leaf climbs a — the dove is saved. hit ATRUE FRIEND bee which was on its way to search nectar, fell in a tank and tried its. ee cach time it failed. Fortunately, a dove, which was es me ed aaa come ‘d felt pity on the little bee struggling hard to save his life. The dove in flew Bast by! an ged up a TaTEe leaf with its beak and dropped into the water. The bec fee ter and pif fand the dove took the leaf out of waterand the bee was saved. Thedo nee a re ; — A Basie Grammar of English Scanned with CamScanner A A

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