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RC Number date marks

1 7/2/2023 15/18
2 7/3/2023 7 out of 15
3 7/4/2023 10 out of 18
4 7/5/2023 8 out of 24
5 7/6/2023 6/21
6 7/7/2023 -4/12
7 7/8/2023
8 7/9/2023
9 7/10/2023
10 7/11/2023
11 7/12/2023
12 7/13/2023
13 7/14/2023
14 7/15/2023
be confident for your ans
try elimination method, select the least wrong
try elimination method, select the least wrong
read, comprehend properly. You tend to get confuse with two ans that might be the two best option
you tend to not get correct ans because you didn’t get gist of the passage as you have turned overconfident after the first rc
utterly disgusting. You couldn’t comprehend difficult. Please start reading again.
total correct incorrect skipped
6 5 1 0
5 3 2 0
6 4 2 0
8 4 4 0
7 3 3 1
implied accuracy Actual acuracy
83.3333333333333 100
60 100
66.6666666666667 100
50 100
42.8571428571429 75

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