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Q1: The main MySQL program that does all the data handling is called?

a None

b Mysql.exe

c Mysqld

d None

e Httpd

f Mysql

Q2: Which of the following is not a services in Kubernetes??

a Container Proxy

The correct Answer is: None

c Cluster IP

d Node port

e External name

f Load Balancer

Q3: Which of the following IS NOT true regarding ER modeling?

a ER models act as non technical communication tools

b ER models can be converted into a database

c ER models waste the database developer's time

d None

e ER models increase the database developer's productivity

f None

Q4: A Docker container is an instance of an image with a specific configuration.?

a None

b None

c True

d None

e False

f None

Q5: Which command is used to remove all rows from a table??

a Delete

b Both Delete and Remove

c Drop

d None

e Remove

f Truncate

Q6: Which of these commands let you view current jobs being handled by Shell??

a show

b jobs

c execute

d None

e view

f None

Q7: How to check the current disk usage on Linux??

a None

b usage
c free

d None

e df

f uptime

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