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Q1: Gif and Jpg are the two main types of what ??

a None

b None

c Animated Effects

d None Of The Above

e Videos

f Images

Q2: How can you pass a variable by reference??

a None

b $var1 == &$var2

c $var1 === &$var2

d None

e None

f $var1 = &$var2

Q3: Which command will delete a table called 'test':?

a DROP test WHERE Confirm = "YES"


c DROP test

d None

e None

f DELETE test WHERE Confirm = "YES"

Q4: What is Solaris??

a Sun microsystems UNIX

b None


d None

e Microsoft’s UNIX


Q5: How to list all the docker containers are running with container details.?

a None

b $ docker details

c $ docker ps

d $ docker ls

e None

f None

Q6: How to retrieve the join token for manager nodes in Docker Swarm??

a docker swarm join-token manager

b None

c docker swarm token manager

d docker print join-token manager

e docker get join-token manager

f None

Q7: Which command shows merged kubeconfig settings??

a kubectl config view

b kubectl config list

c None

d None

e kubectl config show

f kubectl config print

Q8: What is the meaning of "overhead" in MySQL??

a Temporary diskspace that the database uses to run some of the queries

b None of the above

c None

d The size of a table

e A tablespace name

f None

Q9: Ansible playbooks are the basis for a really simple configuration management and
multi-machine deployment system, unlike any that already exist, and one that is very well
suited to deploying complex applications.?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e true

f false

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