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Q1: How do you create a docker container from an image??

a None

b None

c None

d docker run -it -d <image_name>

e docker --run -it -d <image_name>

f docker run it d <image_name>

Q2: Intensity of a color can be described through?

a Hue

b None

c Grayscale

d None

e Lightness

f Saturation

Q3: Is JavaScript case-sensitive??

a None

b None

c False

d True

e None

f None

Q4: What is the Commit command is used for??

a To restore the old values

b None

c To save the current table

d To save the current transaction

e To recover the old table

f None

Q5: In a LIKE clause, you can could ask for any value ending in "qpt" by writing?

a LIKE ton$

b LIKE *ton

c None

d LIKE ^.*ton$

e LIKE %qpt

f None

Q6: Write a command to create deployment??

a kubectl create –f Deployment.yaml –record

The correct Answer is: None

c kubectl create f Deployment.yaml –record

The correct Answer is: None

e kubectl --create f Deployment.yaml –record

The correct Answer is: None

Q7: Which data type is used to store a sequence of characters in Python??

a Boolean

b None
c None

d Float

e String

f Integer

Q8: To inspect the the boot process of a Linux system, which command can be used??

a dmesg

b None

c None

d cat /var/log/start

e boot

f cat /var/log/boot.txt

Q9: What is the prefix of WordPress tables by default??

a wp_ in

The correct Answer is: None

c _wp_

d wp_

The correct Answer is: None

f wp_ default

Q10: How to delete an image from the local storage system??

a None

b None

c $ docker rmi <image-id>

d $ docker rmin <imageid>

e $ docker --rmi <image-id>

f None

Q11: What is the default size of a file set in upload_max_filesize??

a 300 MB

b 2 MB

c None

d 10 MB

e None

f 500 MB

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