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Q1: What does PHP stand for??

a None

b PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

c Personal Home Page

d None

e Personal Hypertext Processor

f Private Home Page

Q2: Where is thewp_config.php file located??

a Inside the wp-admin folder

b None

c Inside the wp-content folder

d In the root directory of the WordPress installation

e None

f In the wp-content/config folder

Q3: How to stop a docker container immediately??

a $ docker terminate

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d $ docker kill

e $ docker stop

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: How many error levels are available in PHP ??

a None

b 16


d None

e 19

f 20

Q5: Which of the following will provide additional Information about something??

a None

b Label

c Jumbotron

d Label-danger

e None

f Item

Q6: What Python library can you use to perform array and matrix manipulations??

a math

b Numpy

c None

d Algorithm

e None

f Numarray

Q7: What command is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters
contained in a file??

a None

b count p
c countw

d None

e wcount

f wc

Q8: What is the purpose of $_SESSION[]??

a Used to store variables of the current session

b none of the above

c Used to initialize a session

d None

e None

f Used to register a global variable

Q9: What is Gravatar??

a A Plugin

b Profile Image

c WordPress core functionality


e None

f Globally Recognized Image or Photo

Q10: How to list all Kubernetes pods in the current namespace, with more details??

a kubectl get pods -o wide

b None

c kubectl get pods -f more

d kubectl get pods -o details

e kubectl get pods -v

f None

Q11: Gif and Jpg are the two main types of what ??

a Animated Effects

b None

c None

d Videos

e Images

f None Of The Above

Q12: What are the components of Docker architecture??

The correct Answer is: None

b The components of a Docker architecture are the Services, Auth, and Prod.

The correct Answer is: None

d The components of a Docker architecture are the host, client, and registry.

The correct Answer is: None

f The components of a Docker architecture are the Server, client, and Images.

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