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Q1: What are the API versions available??

a Alpha level, Beta level and Stable level. All these version features are in multiple

The correct Answer is: None

c Pod level, Stage level and Sigma level. All these version features are in multiple

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Single level, High level and Multi level. All these version features are in multiple

Q2: What is the Commit command is used for??

a To save the current table

b To recover the old table

c To restore the old values

d None

e To save the current transaction

f None

Q3: What will the following command do - $ chmod 888 file?

a None

b None of the above.

c None

d It disables r,w,x premissions for all users

e It enables r,w,x premissions for all users

f It enables r,w,x permissions only for owner of the file

Q4: __________________ is responsible for health check of the pods running on individual nodes?

a Kubelet

The correct Answer is: None

c Kube scheduler

The correct Answer is: None

e Kubectl

f Kube controller manager

Q5: How can we initiate a session in PHP??

a None

b session_start()

c None

d None

e $session_start()

f $_session_start()

Q6: Which command can be used to count characters in a text file??

a wc

b None

c ccount

d fsize

e count

f None

Q7: Choose the correct HTML element to define important text?

a <i>

b <b>

c <strong>

d <important>

e None

f None

Q8: What is Docker Swarm??

a Text document that contains all the commands

b None

c Container registry

d None

e Container orchestration tool

f None

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