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Melnikova Valeria RZ-12

Lesson 1

Ex 1 p.8
He claims that one thing dominates this environment: choice. Technology and
globalization are opening up more and more opportunities for individuals and companies
to gather information and conduct economic activities outside of traditional structures.
While the age of mass production reduced the cost of products by limiting choice, today's
"flexible" production systems simultaneously reduce costs and increase choice.
Consumers have more choices about where they spend their money.
Manufacturers have more choice in what suppliers to use. Shareholders have more
choices about where to invest their money.
Given this choice, future companies will be highly flexible to quickly adapt to a changing
environment if they want to survive.
Ex 2 p.8
1. These were hierarchical and bureaucratic organizations that produced large series of
standardized products. They introduced "new and improved" varieties with
predictable regularity; they gave their workers jobs for life and had pretty good
industrial relations with the giant unions.
2. Giant US corporations have either disappeared or been transformed by global
competition. Most of them changed their production systems from high volume to
high value, from standardized to individual. And they smoothed out their
management hierarchy.
3. This means that they began to produce less of their own products, and so that the
income did not decrease, they increased the cost of their product.
4. The author mentions the following types of future companies: 1. Companies
engaged in silent absorption of the world. 2. Large companies are a thing of the past
3. Companies are being replaced by "networks".
5. All companies will be different and compete with each other. Manufacturers have
more choices about which suppliers to use. Shareholders have more choices about
where to invest their money.
6. Ability to be highly flexible to quickly adapt to a changing environment.

The modern world offers many opportunities for workers in the field of information
technology and business. One of the most important business decisions is choosing
between freelancing and office work. Each of these options has its advantages and
disadvantages, and the choice depends on the individual preferences, needs and goals of
the employee.
Advantages of freelancing:
Flexibility and autonomy: Freelancers have the ability to work from anywhere with
internet access. They determine their schedule and choose the tasks they want to
complete. This gives them greater autonomy and control over their work.
More opportunities for self-development: Freelancers can work on a variety of projects
and participate in different industries. This gives them the opportunity to learn and
develop their skills quickly.
Saving time and money: The absence of the need to travel to work and the restrictions
associated with the workplace can save a lot of time and money.
Cons of freelancing:
Unstable income: Freelancers often have unstable income as it depends on the number of
orders and projects. This can be financially unbalanced for some individuals.
Loneliness: Freelancing can lead to feelings of loneliness, as it is usually done alone
without colleagues and extreme communication.
Lack of social benefits: Freelancers do not have access to corporate social packages, such
as health insurance and pension contributions, that are provided by office-based
Advantages of office work:
Income stability: Office jobs usually provide stable income and financial security, as
workers are paid even when there is not much work.
Community and communication: The office has the opportunity to communicate and
collaborate with colleagues. It promotes communication, exchange of ideas and social
Benefits: Office workers typically have access to corporate benefits packages, including
health insurance, vacations, and other benefits.
Cons of office work:
Limited flexibility: Office work usually requires a fixed work schedule and presence at
the workplace. This can limit flexibility and autonomy.
Commuting: Some employees spend a significant amount of time commuting to the
office, which can be too tiring and unprofitable.
Limited opportunities for self-development: In an office environment, employees may be
limited in their ability to independently choose projects and develop.
У 1967 році Джон Кеннет Грелбрі «Нова індустріальна держава» стверджував, що
США керували жменькою великих компаній, які планували економіку в ім’я
Це були ієрархічні та бюрократичні організації, які виробляли великі серії
стандартизованих продуктів. Вони вводили «нові та вдосконалені» сорти з
передбачуваною регулярністю; вони надавали своїм робітникам довічну роботу і
мали досить хороші виробничі відносини з гігантськими профспілками.
Той світ тепер мертвий. «Гігантські корпорації США або зникли, або були
трансформовані глобальною конкуренцією. Більшість з них змінили свої виробничі
системи з великих обсягів на високу вартість, зі стандартизованих на індивідуальні.
І вони згладили свою управлінську ієрархію. Мало хто в наші дні очікує, що
витратить своє життя, просуваючись сходинками однієї санації. Відбуваються
кардинальні зміни. Але куди саме вони нас везуть?
Куди рухається сучасна компанія?

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