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Hand-out Title: Energy Flow in the Ecosystems

Prepared by : Jennifer M. Sunga, LPT, MATS

If matter is the material of which things are made, energy provides the force to hold
structures together, tear them apart, and move them from one place to another.

Our world is overflowing with life because of the continuous flow of energy that goes
through a cycle. Therefore in an ecosystem, energy flows while nutrients cycle.

What is Energy?

Energy is the ability to do work such as moving matter over a distance or causing a heat
transfer between two objects at different temperatures.

It is a fundamental property of the universe. Energy is the most essential requirement for
all living organisms.

Energy can take many different forms or it can exist in many different forms. Heat, light,
electricity, and chemical energy are examples that we all experience. Generally, energy
is classified into potential energy (stored energy) and kinetic energy (energy in motion).

Where does the energy needed by living organisms come from? How is it captured
and transferred among organisms?

The sun is the ultimate source of energy.

For nearly all life on earth, the sun is the ultimate energy source, and the sun’s energy is
captured by green plants. Solar energy is the only source to our planet earth.
Solar energy is transformed to chemical energy in photosynthesis by the plants
(producers). •

Some amount of chemical energy is used by the plants for their growth and the remaining
is transferred to consumers by the process of eating.

Thus the energy enters the ecosystems through photosynthesis and passes through the
different trophic levels or feeding levels.

We all know that photosynthesis is the base of all ecosystems. Organisms that produce
organic material by photosynthesis, mainly green plants and algae, are therefore known
as producers.

Green plants are often called primary producers because they create carbohydrates
and other compounds using just sunlight, air, and water.

Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms
transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants,
light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into
oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

carbon dioxide + water + sunlight -> oxygen and glucose. (6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight ->
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2)
The importance of photosynthesis is very important in the maintenance of life on Earth. If
photosynthesis ceased, there would soon be little food or other organic matter on Earth.
Most organisms would disappear, and in time Earth’s atmosphere would become nearly
devoid of gaseous oxygen. The only organisms able to exist under such conditions would
be the chemosynthetic bacteria, which can utilize the chemical energy of certain inorganic
compounds and thus are not dependent on the conversion of light energy.

Figure 2.15

Figure 2.15 Energy exchange in ecosystems. Plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce
sugars and other organic molecules. Consumers use oxygen and break down sugars during cellular
respiration. Plants also carry out respiration, but during the day, if light, water, and CO2 are available, they
have a net production of O2 and carbohydrates.

Laws of Thermodynamics

The flow of energy in an ecosystem follows the laws of thermodynamics or energy is

governed by the laws of thermodynamics.

A. First Law of Thermodynamics - “Energy neither can be created nor destroyed,

but it can be converted from one form to other.”

This first law states that energy is conserved; that is, it is neither created nor destroyed
under normal conditions. Energy may be transformed, for example, from the energy in a
chemical bond to heat energy, but the total amount does not change.

Energy for an ecosystem comes from the sun. It is absorbed by plants, it is converted into
chemical energy. This chemical energy utilised by consumers transform into heat

Examples : melting of ice cubes

When ice melts, it absorbs heat from its surroundings. This heat is used to break the
bonds between the water molecules, allowing them to move more freely and become
liquid. The total energy of the system (ice + surroundings) remains constant, but the
energy is transferred from the surroundings to the ice.

burning of wood
When wood burns, it releases heat and light. This energy comes from the chemical bonds
in the wood molecules being broken and reformed. The total energy of the system (wood
+ air + surroundings) remains constant
but the energy is transferred from the wood to the air and surroundings

B. Second Law Thermodynamics

“Whenever energy is transformed, there is a loss of energy through the release of heat.”
It states that with each successive energy transfer or transformation in a system, less
energy is available to do work. That is, energy is degraded to lower quality forms, or it
dissipates and is lost, as it is used.

Example: When you drive a car, the chemical energy of the gas is degraded to kinetic
energy and heat, which dissipates.

Food Chain

Everything is a cycle in life. The way organisms consume their food also follows a cycle.

Food chain

The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is known as food chain” (or)
“Transfer of food energy from the plants through a series of organisms is known as food

A food chain is a group of organisms that are consumed in a linear order, passing
nutrients and energy along the way.

Each organism in a food chain is at a particular trophic level which is determined by how
many energy transfers distance it from the chain’s primary energy source.

A feeding hierarchy in which organisms in an ecosystem are grouped into (nutritional)

levels and are shown in succession to represent the flow of food energy and the feeding
relationships between them.

Most food chains have only about four to five links since too many links in a food chain
will result in high demand, and less supply of food and therefore energy.

Trophic levels are classifications of organisms in food chains.
Trophic Levels of Food Chain

Autotroph – Trophic level one (1)

Green algae and plants (the producers), often known as autotrophs, make up the first
stage. They rely on solar energy for photosynthesis and do not rely on other animals to
meet their dietary needs. Heterotrophic organisms devour autotrophs .
Primary Consumers – Trophic level two (2)
This trophic level of the food chain is occupied by herbivores. They rely on autotrophs to
meet their dietary needs and include species such as insects, cows, and pigs.

Secondary Consumers – Trophic level three (3)

Secondary consumers, sometimes known as carnivores, usually eat other animals but
are smaller in stature. Rats, spiders, and fish are some examples of this group of

Tertiary Consumers – Trophic level four (4)

Tertiary consumers eat primary and secondary consumers to meet their nutritional
demands. They get their energy from meat, making them generally carnivores. This
typically includes the smaller but dangerous land animals like hyenas as well as animals
like dolphins, and sharks which live in the sea.

Quaternary Consumers – Trophic level five (5)

Apex predators, also known as quaternary consumers, are at the top of the food chain.
Humans fall into this category as well as land mammals like wolves, lions, and marine
organisms such as orcas are all examples.
By understanding trophic levels, we can decode the mysteries of the natural world. This
knowledge is not just academic; it has profound implications for conservation,
sustainability, and our very survival.
For instance, disruptions at any trophic level can lead to cascading effects throughout an
ecosystem. Overfishing, which targets specific trophic levels, can destabilize marine
ecosystems, leading to unforeseen consequences. Similarly, the decline of pollinators, a
specific trophic level, has ramifications for our food systems.
In essence, trophic levels offer a lens through which we can view and appreciate the
interconnectedness of life. They remind us that every organism, from the tiniest plankton
to the majestic blue whale, is part of a larger whole. And by understanding this
interconnectedness, we are better equipped to make decisions that benefit not just us,
but the entire planet.
Types of Food Chain
 Detritus Food Chain
 Grazing Food Chain


 includes a variety of organisms and plants such as algae, bacteria,
fungi, protozoa, mites, insects, and worms etc.
 begins with decomposing organic matter and goes to decomposer food chain
through herbivores and carnivores
 The detritus food chain is essential for the recycling of nutrients in ecosystems.
Decomposers break down dead organic matter into its basic components such as
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These nutrients are then released back into
the environment where they can be taken up by plants and used to grow new


 begins with green plants and progresses through herbivores and carnivores. The
lowest trophic level in this food chain obtains energy from photosynthesis.
 The grazing food chain is a fundamental mechanism that regulates energy flow
and nutrient cycling within ecosystems. It highlights the interconnectedness of
species and their roles in maintaining ecological equilibrium. For instance, an
imbalance in herbivore populations can lead to overgrazing and depletion of plant
resources, ultimately affecting the entire food chain.

 These are the biosphere’s living components.

 It is a representation of organisms in an ecosystem that is connected via the
transfer of energy and nutrients.
 It also shows how organisms are related to one another via the food they
 We are all reliant on food to survive.
 It is a system for identifying who eats whom in a biological community or ecosystem
to obtain food.
 A food chain is a diagram that depicts the transfer of energy from one organism to
the next, and so on.
 Scientists can gain knowledge more about ecosystems and how to keep them
balanced by studying food chains.

Food chains are complex and interconnected. When one part of the food chain is
disrupted, it can have cascading effects on other parts of the chain. It is important to
protect all parts of the food chain in order to maintain healthy ecosystems and ensure
food security.


 are complex networks of interconnected food chains in an ecosystem.

 they are maps of life's interdependence.

A food web represents multiple pathways through which energy and matter flow through
an ecosystem. It includes many intersecting food chains. It demonstrates that most
organisms eat, and are eaten, by more than one species.

Food webs are more accurate representations of how organisms interact in an ecosystem
than food chains. In food webs, it show that most organisms are part of multiple food
chains. For example, a grasshopper might eat grass and be eaten by a bird, but it could
also be eaten by a lizard or a frog.

Importance of the Food Web

 Food webs show plants are the foundation.
Food webs are important tools to realize that plants are the foundation of all ecosystems
and food chains. Photosynthesis is only the beginning of the food chain. Plants that have
photosynthesis are supplying us with the first product of the food chain for nourishment.

 Natural Selection
Food webs help in the understanding of natural selection, showing the hierarchy of
species, with carnivorous, omnivorous and tertiary animals at the top of all food chains. It
is the physical and behavioral adaptations of plants and animals by representing a pattern
of consumption-based upon natural survival attributes and instincts.
Food webs also explain how food scarcities due to over-hunting, poaching, global
warming and habitat destruction disrupting populations leading to extinction.

 The movement of energy and nutrients

Food webs serve as the primary pathways for energy transfer within an ecosystem.

 Maintaining ecosystem balance

 Regulating the climate

Impact of Human Activities on Food Chains and Food Webs

Human activities have a significant impact on food chains and food webs, mostly
disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems and leading to a cascade of unintended
consequences. These impacts can affect the individual species or entire food chains.

 Habitat Destruction. Clearing of forests, converting land for agriculture and urban
development are destroying habitats, deprive organisms of their sources and
shelter. These can lead to species declines and disruptions in food web
 Overfishing (overexploitation), overhunting and the harvesting of wild plants
significantly reduce the populations of species within a food web, which disrupts
energy flow and altering predator-prey relationships.

 Pollution. Pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides and industrial waste can harm
organisms at all levels of the chain. They can accumulate in tissues, causing health
problems, reproductive impairment, and even death.
 Climate Change. It alters temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea levels,
affecting the distribution, abundance, and behavior of organisms within food webs.
 Introduction of invasive species. Introduction of non-native species into an
ecosystem can disrupt food chains and food webs. Invasive species may compete
with native species for resources, prey on native species, or transmit diseases.

Food Chain vs Food Web

Ecological Pyramid

A graphical representation in the shape of a pyramid to show the feeding relationship of

groups of organisms, and the flow of energy or biomass through the different trophic levels
in a given ecosystem.
Types of Ecological Pyramid

 Pyramid of Numbers
 Pyramid of Energy
 Pyramid of Biomass
Pyramid of Numbers

 can be used to show the number of organisms at each stage of a food chain.
 the pyramid of numbers can be both upright and inverted.

The ecological pyramid that is made by organizing the number of living individuals at
various trophic levels in an ecological system is known as the pyramid of numbers with
producers at the base and top carnivores at the topmost level.

Example in a grassland ecosystem

Pyramid of Energy

 shows the amount of energy flowing through each trophic level.

 it is always upright.
 As indicated by Lindeman’s 10% regulation law, only 10% of the energy gets
transferred from one level to another as the 90% is lost as heat energy.
Pyramid of Biomass

 It represents the total amount of biomass (mass or weight of biological material or

organism) present in each trophic levels.
 can be both upright and inverted.

e.g. the ocean ecosystem is an example of inverted pyramid

Importance of Energy Flow in Ecosystem

 The ecosystem's essential existence depends on energy flow and materials

 It maintains ecological balance.
 Through energy flow, the ecosystem sustains itself and achieves stability.
 A food web is a collection of interconnected food chains. The ecosystem or
environment's stability is maintained via the food web.
 The sun is the most powerful generator of energy. An ecosystem is a functional
unit in which energy is efficiently transferred between biotic and abiotic

Cunningham W., Cunningham M. 2011. Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications. 6th
ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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