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Scientists have identified 11 universal pillars or traits of human malignancy that give it the
capacity to grow, invade surrounding tissues, survive in the circulation, and spread to distant
organs. Collectively, these are called the “hallmarks” of cancer, and therapeutically targeting
them can enhance standard treatment and improve your chances for achieving remission and
long-term survival:

Apoptosis is a protective mechanism by which cells are
programmed to die if they become damaged and potentially
harmful. Cancer cells bypass this mechanism..

Normal cells die after a finite number of cell divisions. Cancer
cells bypass this limit and are capable of infinite divisions
(immortality) and sustained proliferation.


Cytotoxic T-cells (CTCs) and natural killer (NK) cells are the
main anti-cancer immune cells. CTCs and NK cells can be
rendered impotent by immunosuppressive cancer-associated
fibroblasts (CAFs), tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), and
T-regulatory cells (Tregs) in the tumor microenvironment.

DNA is damaged thousands of times during each cell division. That
damage must be repaired, including in cancer cells. Otherwise, the
cells may die due to this damage.


The metabolism of cancer cells and the tumor stroma is different from
normal cells. Cancer and stromal cells use alternative metabolic
pathways to generate energy and building blocks to fuel malignant
growth and spread.

Local or systemic inflammation induced by the tumor
microenvironment acts as a major driver of cancer.


A growing tumor soon outstrips its oxygen and blood supply and needs to
grow new blood vessels to deliver oxygen and nutrients. To orchestrate
this, cancer cells boost the production of growth factors that stimulate


Cancer cells invade surrounding tissue and spread (metastasize) to distant
sites in the body.

Cancer cells can permanently activate signaling pathways that promote
excessive growth. It’s like the accelerator pedal is stuck.


To prevent overcrowding, normal cells have mechanisms that prevent
excess cell growth and division. In cancer cells, tumor suppressor
proteins are altered so they don’t prevent cell division. It’s like the
brakes don’t work.

In normal cells, the intracellular environment is more acidic (lower
pH), and the extracellular environment is more alkaline (higher pH).
In cancer cells, this is reversed, where the intracellular environment
is more alkaline, and the extracellular environment is more acidic.
This condition enables tumors to grow and spread, resist the effects
of chemotherapy, and inhibit immune attack.

Copyright 2021 Dr. Daniel Thomas, Inc.

The path to good health starts with finding the right doctor. My
name is Dr. Daniel Thomas. I exemplify what intelligent people
want most in a doctor: Excellent credentials, years of experience,
and the skill to find the root cause of illness rather than always
resorting to drugs to manage symptoms. I am a leader in
metabolic and nutritional medicine, and over the past 30 years, I
have been tackling our greatest health threats in order to help my
patients become more resistant to disease and live longer.

Here are my promises to you: I will listen closely to understand

your needs. I am committed to revealing the truth about your
health and providing the tools you’ll need to regain and keep
control of it. I will give you straight answers so you can make
intelligent decisions about your health. And I will provide you
with a personalized, effective, and practical treatment plan to
help you achieve and maintain good health.

Before you consult with a doctor, you should know their credentials. Here are mine: I earned my
medical degree from Des Moines University and served my hospital internship at Northwest
General Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Because medical education only begins in medical
school, I didn’t stop there. In addition to a medical degree, I earned a post-doctoral Master of
Science degree in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine from the University of South Florida
College of Medicine. This advanced degree provided a deeper understanding of biochemistry,
physiology, and cellular biology than was taught in medical school.

The master’s degree gave me a greater understanding of how metabolic dysfunction and faulty
nutrition drives aging and chronic disease. Most importantly, it allowed me to provide even
better care to my patients by giving me the knowledge on how to use the science of metabolic
and nutritional medicine to prevent and reverse age-related disease, and stimulate metabolism,
immunity, and cellular rejuvenation. Out of the 900,000 physicians in the United States, less than
0.01% have this extremely important and cutting-edge degree.

In addition to a master’s degree, I have a post-doctoral Graduate Certificate in Metabolic

Endocrinology and another in Brain Fitness & Memory Management—both from the University of
South Florida College of Medicine. This was followed by a fellowship in Integrative Cancer
Therapy with the Metabolic Medical Institute. I also have a Bachelor of Science degree in
Biochemistry from Andrews University as well as a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from
Cornell University. And I am currently serving a fellowship in Metabolic Cardiovascular Medicine
under the tutelage of Drs. Mark Houston and Stephen Sinatra.

Training to become a doctor is one of the most intellectually, financially, and emotionally
demanding things a person can do. Why have I pursued so much additional education? Because
medical school and residency are no longer enough. With scientific research proceeding at a pace
that grows ever more rapidly, by the time a doctor enters practice, medical knowledge has
advanced at least a decade. To stay on the cutting edge of integrative medicine and provide the
most effective, evidence-based therapies for our patients, a handful of conscientious and
forward-thinking doctors like myself have chosen to go back to school.

In my medical practice, I see patients 3½ days per week. Because of my commitment to learning
and respect for the wellbeing of my patients, I spend the rest of the week reading scientific
journals and medical textbooks, listening to lectures, talking with scientists, collaborating with
colleagues, writing health blogs, and attending medical conferences. As an active translational
researcher, I have spent over 35,000 hours poring over the latest scientific information and
translating that information into promising new medical therapies.

Those who don’t practice what they preach are not worth your time in my opinion. All my
credentials as a physician would be meaningless and my professional integrity would be lacking if
I did not live by my words. Because my health is important to me, and because I believe in leading
by example, I practice what I preach. Despite poor genetics, the excellent health I enjoy is a result
of the same proactive, preventive approach I provide my patients. I have never been healthier or
in better shape, been more productive, or had more passion and purpose than I do now!

My unique and home-like office is warm, relaxing, and inviting. The individualized attention I
provide is almost unheard of in today’s high-volume, profit-driven healthcare system. While
many doctors see 30+ patients per day, I see no more than 10-12 per day. I treat my patients with
a level of care, compassion, and respect that can be difficult to find nowadays. I believe our
purpose in life is to help others, and I have dedicated my life to using my extensive expertise to
help others enjoy healthier and longer lives.

Here are the 10 words that nobody wants to say on their deathbed: “I really should have paid
more attention to my health.” Sadly, most people are too busy living their lives to stop and
imagine the regrets they might have when they are about to die. For many, by the time they
realize that they should have taken better care of their health, it’s too late. Don’t let that happen
to you. We all have been given the gift of life, but without good health, we have nothing. If you
wish to be on the right path with your health and longevity, I invite you to contact my office after
reading my website.

Wishing you health and strength,

Dr. Daniel Thomas, DO, MS

P.S. If you or a loved one are being treated for cancer, to improve your/their chances of beating
the disease, be sure to ask the oncologist how many of the above hallmarks of cancer he/she is
targeting. If it is not all eleven hallmarks, to address the ones that are being ignored, I urge to you
seek the services of a physician who possesses a deep understanding of the complex biology of
cancer and is educated and experienced in integrative therapies.

Copyright 2021 Dr. Daniel Thomas, Inc.

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