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G8 Physical and Health Education

Action Plan For Fitness (Summative)

Criterion A- KNOWLEDGE HRF, FITT principle, training zones. (change to research & health)
Criterion B- Set SMART Fitness Goals that reflect the needs of the Fitness Appraisal
Criterion B- Create/design a session plan according to the goals
(use and adapt last year’s warmup and cool down)
Criterion D - Complete a reflection on all three strands (i, ii, iii)

Task 1: Criterion Bi
(Cardio, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, and Flexibility) you would like to improve.
You must identify a minimum, two health or skill related components of fitness.

(Example: I would like to improve my Cardiovascular endurance and achieve a 3km run by the end of the school year.
I only achieved 1km on my continuous run and want to improve. I will achieve this by running at least 4 times a week
and increasing my distance and time during each run. I will have this completed by March.)

Fitness and Health Goal #1:

Specific: What is the component of fitness you will try to maintain or improve? Why do you want to do this?
I want to improve my muscular strength to help me with my karate lessons. I will achieve this through exercise with 5kg

Measurable: How will you know you have reached your goal?
When my biceps will be visible, then my goal will reached

Achievable: How will you apply the general FITT principles of training to achieve this?

Realistic: Is it likely you will reach this goal by the end of this unit? .
Of course, everybody can increase their muscles
Time: How long will it take to reach this goal?
I think 3-4 months of training

Fitness and Health Goal #1:

Specific: What is the component of fitness you will try to maintain or improve? Why do you want to do this?
I want to improve my muscular endurance to help me with my karate lessons I will achieve this through bench press and

Measurable: How will you know you have reached your goal
I will reach my goal, when I will have abs
Achievable: How will you apply the general FITT principles of training to achieve this?

Realistic: Is it likely you will reach this goal by the end of this unit? .
Everybody can have abs
Time: How long will it take to reach this goal?
I think 3-4 months

Fitness Training Session

TASK 2: Criterion Bii: Create / design a session plan according to the goals
✓ Takes resting heart rate & identifies training plan session for each day
✓Plan identifies the exercise & type of training.
✓The student identifies the FITT principle in the plan.
✓ The student explains how the plan will enhance performance through the SMART goals.
Week When is this training session plan for:

Thursday 16 Feb: 90 RHR

Training Session:
muscular strength

1 Monday 20 Feb: 92 RHR Wednesday: 22 Feb: 80 RHR Friday 24 Feb: __RHR

Training Session: Training Session: muscular Training Session:muscular
muscular strength strength strength

2 Tuesday 28 Feb 90 RHR Thursday 2 March: 96 RHR Monday 6 March: __RHR

Training Session:muscular Training Session: Training Session:muscular
strength Formative submission strength
(Criteria B: Plan & C Performing)

3 Thursday 9 March:__RHR Tuesday 14 March __RHR Thursday 16 March:__RHR

Training Session:muscular Training Session: Training Session:muscular
strength muscular strength strength

4 Monday 3 April: __RHR Wednesday 5 April: __RHR Friday 24 Feb: __RHR

Training Session:muscular Training Session:muscular Training Session:
strength strength Summative submission
(Criteria B: Plan & C Performing)

Health and safety considerations:

Fill this in describing any actions and considerations you think you should take before, during and after
your training session.

Warm-up (time: ___mins)

Pulse raiser
Exercise & type of Space or equipment Time: Intensity:
training system needed Duration in mins Level / Speed / RPE

Jumping jacks none 10 times

Lunges 5kg dumbbells 15 times

Push-ups none 15 times

Squats 5kg dumbbells 30 times

Sit-ups none 30 times

Plank mat 1 minute

Main Body of Training

Cardiovascular training (time: ___mins)

Exercise & type of Space and equipment Time: Intensity:
training system needed Duration in mins Level / Speed / INTENSITY

Muscular endurance and muscular strength training (time: ___mins)

Type of training system(s) used

Muscular strength training

Exercise Intensity: Time: Rest time

Resistance / Weight Duration / Reps & Sets

Bicep curls 5kg dumbbells 20 times / 2 sets 10 seconds

Shoulder raises 5kg dumbbells 20 times 10 seconds

Lateral raises 5kg dumbbells 20 times 10 seconds

Bent tricep row 5kg dumbbells 20 times 10 seconds

Abdominal bench none 30 times / 2 sets 10 seconds

Back extensions 10kg 20 times / 2 sets 15 seconds

Russian twists 3kg medicine ball 15 times 10 seconds

Plank none 1 minute 10 seconds

bench press 30kg 10 times / 2 sets 10 seconds

deadlift 30kg 5 times 10 seconds

Other training (time: ___mins)

Exercise & Equipment Type Intensity Time Rest

Cool Down (time: ___mins)

Pulse Reducer
Exercise & type of Space or equipment Time: Intensity:
training system needed Duration in mins Level / Speed / RPE
Hamstring stretch 15 sec (each side) light
Neck (R & L) (both legs)
Shoulder rolls 15 sec (each side) light
10 forwards & 10 back Seated back twist (R&L)
On back knee to chest 15 sec (each side) light
Shoulder stretch (behind lift
back / in front of body) (R & L) leg x2

Arms (R over L) On back lift both legs x 2 15 sec (each side) light

Side bend (R&L) Sit & reach x 2 15 sec (each side) light

Runners lunge (R&L) Butterfly 15 sec (each side) light

Calf stretch (R&L) 15 sec (each side) light

toe to ceiling Figure 4 (R&L) x 2


Components of Fitness
Those factors that are related to how well the systems of your body work
Cardiovascular Fitness: The ability of the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels) to supply oxygen
to working muscles during exercise.
Body Composition: The relative percentage of body fat compared to lean body mass (muscle, bone,
water, etc.)
Flexibility: The range of movement possible at various joints.
Muscular Strength: The amount of force that can be produced by a single contraction of a muscle.
Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle group to continue muscle movement over a length of time.


Those aspects of fitness which form the basis for successful sports participation
Speed: The ability to move quickly from one point to another.
Agility: The ability of the body to change direction quickly.
Balance: The ability to maintain an upright posture while still or moving.
Coordination: Integration with hand and/or foot movements with the input of the senses.
Reaction Time: Amount of time it takes to get moving.

Power: The ability to do strength work at an explosive pace. Adapted from
F.I.T.T. Formula (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type) Principles
Cardiovascular Flexibility Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Body
or Aerobic Composition

3- 5 times/week - daily warm up and 3-4 times/week -3 times/week -daily exercising

F cool down -Canada food

I - 60-90% of age - hold 12-20 sec. -Less than 50% max. - 70-75% of max. lift -light to moderate
max heart rate. - total body. weight - 1 - 3 sets
- 1-3 reps. -1-3 sets - 10-12
-15 reps plus - 8-10 exercises
-8-12 exercises

T -20-60 min. of -10-20 min. -30-45 min. -15-45 min. -30-60 min.
continuous -progressive - progressive -progressive

T -Large muscle - static stretch -resistance training -resistance training -aerobic activity
groups. - controlled dynamic (free weights/weight (free weights/weight -walking, cycling,
-Continuous stretching machines) machines) running,
exercise -yoga -body weight swimming
-circuit training

Fitness Related Resources

Examples of Keywords that could be relevant to your choice:

Agility Coordination Teamwork

Balance Strength Precision

Speed Creativity Timing

Power Confidence Flow

Depth Level Power

Energy Flexibility

Criterion B: Planning for performance MYP Year 3

U2: Health & Fitness (Individual Training Plan) Maximum: 8

Achieve Level descriptor Student descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student: You:

1–2 i. states a goa(s)l to enhance i. state a goal for workout that has goal, time, exercise purpose of
performance training session Plan is missing key components and unrealistic
exercises. Limited FITT information on what training to be done and
difficulty in identifying the type, time, heart rate and repetitions.
ii. outlines a plan to improve
physical performance and health. ii. outline a simple plan that improves your fitness and health in using a
training method stating a (health component of fitness)

The student: You:

i. lists goal(s) to enhance i. List SMART goals for each workout that has, time, exercises and
performance purpose of training session. Plan has some necessary and realistic
3–4 exercises. Basic FITT information on what training to be done and
ii. outlines a plan to improve sometimes identifies the type, time, heart rate and repetitions.
physical performance and
health. ii. outlines a basic plan that improves your fitness and health in using using
two different training methods (health components of fitness)

The student: You:

i. identifies goals to enhance i. identify SMART goals for each workout that has time, exercises and
performance purpose of training session. Plan has necessary and realistic exercises.
5 – 6 Has all FITT information on what training to be done and identifies the
ii. designs a plan to improve type, time, heart rate and repetitions.
physical performance and health.
ii. design a plan that improves your fitness and health in using two
different training methods (health components of fitness)

The student: You:

i. outlines goal(s) to enhance i. outline clear SMART goals for each workout that has time, exercises
performance and purpose of training session. Plan has necessary and realistic
7–8 exercises. FITT information on what training to be done and clearly
ii. designs and explains a plan to identify the type, time, heart rate and repetitions.
improve physical performance
and health. ii. design, explain a plan that improves your fitness and health in using
three or more different (health components of fitness)

Criterion C: Applying and Performing MYP Year 3

U2: Health & Fitness (Individual Training Plan) Maximum: 8

Level Level descriptor Student descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below

The student: You:

i. recall and apply limited coordination, timing, control when performing
i. recalls and applies skills and your individualized training sessions.
techniques with limited success
1-2 Ii. demonstrate and apply by using limited use of space while moving
from one exercise to another when training in your programme,
ii. recalls and applies skills and training method and/or area throughout your session.
iii. recall and apply training session using limited techniques, movements
iii. recalls and applies limited and timing when performing your training session. Difficulty responding
information to perform. to
feedback and make appropriate decisions to adapt training sessions.
3-4 The student: You:
i. demonstrate and apply by using some coordination, timing, control
i. demonstrate and applies some when performing your individualized training sessions.
skills and techniques
ii. demonstrate and apply using of space while moving from one
station to another sometimes when training in your programme,
ii. demonstrate and applies some training method and/or area throughout your session.
techniques with limited success
iii. identify and apply by using some correct techniques, movements and
iii. identifies and applies information to timing when performing your training session. Sometimes respond to
perform. feedback to make appropriate decisions to adapt training sessions.

5-6 The student: You:

i. demonstrate and apply correct coordination, timing, control when
I. demonstrates and applies a range of performing your individualized training sessions.
skills and techniques
ii. demonstrate and apply by using of space while moving from one
ii. demonstrates and applies a range of exercise to another when training in your programme, training method
techniques and/or area throughout your session.

iii. analyse and applies information to iii. analyze and apply training session by using correct techniques,
perform effectively. movements and timing when performing your training sessions. Often
respond to feedback to make appropriate decisions to adapt training

7-8 The student: You:

i. demonstrate and apply correct coordination, timing, control
i. demonstrates and applies a range of throughout your individualized training sessions.
skills and techniques
ii. demonstrate and apply by consistently using of space while moving
ii. demonstrates and applies a range from one exercise to another when training in your programme, t
of strategies training method and/or area throughout your session.

iii. analyse and applies information to iii. analyze and apply correct techniques, movements and timing when
perform effectively. performing your training sessions. Effectively responds to feedback
and make appropriate decisions to perform correctly..

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