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5 Step Wealth Manifestation Program

Learn to bend the Law of Attraction to your will!
A simple, yet highly effective manifesting technique, based on science.

Utilizing this powerful 5-Step Wealth Manifestation Program to learn tap into universal Law
of Attraction and create wealth, abundance, and financial stability in your life.

Step 1: Set an intention

Setting clear intention is like planting the right seed. When you are clear about what you
want to grow, then you have to be clear about what you put in the soil. It is the same for
manifestation. To begin, have a clear idea about the type of wealth and prosperity you want
to manifest. It is money into your bank account? Is it growing your business or starting a
new, successful one? Is it a new job opportunity? How about a promotion at work or a raise?
Write down as many details as you can about the type of abundance, financial prosperity or
wealth creation that you want to attract. You may even set a SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) guidelines for your goal.

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Step 2: Visualize it
The next step is to envision the outcome of manifesting this abundance. Visualization is a
powerful technique that is used to create the images, sensations and feelings associated with
the financial success or prosperity goal you have identified. Through visualization, you can
experience the positive vibration of the goal prior to it happening. This creation of this mental
image is critical. Visualization works to alter your energetic signature to make it more closely
matched with the wavelength of the abundance intention you have set, turning your body
into a literal magnet of attraction.

As we know, one of the first rules of the Law of Attraction is that energy attracts like energy.
The more intensely you visualize your abundance intention, the more you realign your
energetic signature to match whatever you desire and command the universe to create it in
your life.

Close your eyes and begin to visualize the wealth in your mind’s eye. Allow yourself to soak in
the positive feeling of achieving the goal. Sit with this visualization technique for a few minutes.
Continue to imagine more and more detail for the mental picture you are conjuring. The more
you can allow the images, feelings and sensations of money in your bank account or a job
promotion to come into a vivid form, the more you are able to align yourself to the vibration.

To use this technique effectively, practice it daily, during a time of the day when you are
most relaxed and least distracted so that you can focus your mind adding great detail to the

◃ Important: this should be done after listening to the Create and Attract Wealth and
Abundance ThoughtOpera guided meditation which utilizes brainwave entrainment
and hypnotic suggestion to dismantle subconscious abundance blocks, eliminate
limiting beliefs, and elevate your frequency to the wavelength of abundance. For
an ever greater effect, also listen to the 7-Chakra Abundance Pathway for Success
to realign your seven chakra energy centers to allow the creational energies of the
universe to flow through you with ease.

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Step 3: Let go of your desire and attachment
The essence of any manifestation technique lies in our ability to detach from the outcome.
Once you have planted the seed, allow it time and space to come into fruition. Do not be
fixated about how or when your goal is going to happen. Also try not to ruminate about what
must be done right or what has been done wrong. Just put yourself in the mode to receive.
Better still, carry on with your everyday life as if you have already received it. This works
to shift your consciousness from a poverty mindset, or a mindset of lack and need into a
millionaire mindset.

Step 4: Create a purpose to your wealth

If you are trying to manifest more wealth in your life, perhaps it is time to give it a purpose.
If you treat wealth merely as a means to paying off debts, funding your next car or buying
groceries, your wealth will show up in the way you intended, and you will squander it in
no time. Remember again that everything is energy, even your money. If the intention of
your money for spending, then it will flow out in the way that you intended. However, if you
choose to harness your wealth and give it a meaningful purpose such as saving for retirement
or investing in a business, it becomes a lot more difficult to it squander away. This is because
the money that you manifested with a purpose carries a vibrational energy that is meant for
investing and saving, not for spending.

Step 5: Express deep gratitude and take action!

Your manifestation starts with an attitude of gratitude. When you have a grateful heart, you
are opening yourself to receiving more of what you have. The more you can make connections
between your intention and visualization to your gratitude, the higher the chance that you
will repeat this manifestation in the future. This is due to one of the central rules of the Law of
Attraction: whatever we given attention to, we attract more of. If you are already expressing
gratitude and thanks for the abundance you have received, you are aligning yourself with
similar vibrational energies of prosperity and encouraging the process of wealth creation to
repeat itself.

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© Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Our mission is to
transform lives by helping people unlock their unlimited potential
for abundance, love, health and prosperity. We offer information
designed for educational purposes only, and is intended for a
general audience. Please do not rely on this information as a
substitute or replacement for professional financial advice, legal
advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any
questions or concerns about your health, you should always consult
with a physician or other health care professional. Do not disregard
or delay obtaining medical or health related advice because
of something you read in this document. You are encouraged
to discuss any opportunities or questions with your attorney,
accountant, financial or other professional advisor.


©2019 ThoughtOpera | All Rights Reserved

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