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Sudarshan Gurjar

Dear Learners

As you know that from the last two years,

UPSC has got into asking Prelim MCQs about
the habit of the animals such as
1. How does Hedgehog protect itself
2. Why do Bees dance
3. Behaviour of Elephants and Chimpanzees

Hence we have complied this PDF for you.

1. Which of the following organisms perform 4. Consider the following fauna:

a waggle dance for others of their kin to 1. Lion-tailed Macaque

indicate 2. Malabar Civet
the direction and the distance to a source 3. Sambar Deer
of their food? How many of the above are generally
(a) Butterflies nocturnal or most active

(b) Dragonflies after sunset?

(a) Only one

(c) Honey Bees
(b) Only two
(d) Wasps
(c) All three

2. Consider the following statements (d) None

regarding the Indian squirrels:
5. Certain species of which one of the
1. They build nests by making burrows in
following organisms are well known as
the ground.
cultivators of fungi?
2. They store their food materials like nuts (a) Ant
and seeds in the ground.
(b) Cockroach
3. They are omnivorous. (c) Crab
How many of the above statements are (d) Spider

(a) Only one

Sudarshan Gurjar
6. Consider the following animals
(b) Only two
1. Hedgehog
(c) All three
2. Marmot
(d) None
3. Pangolin

To reduce the chance of being captured by

3. Which one of the following makes a tool
predators, which of the above organisms
with a stick to scrape insects from a hole
rolls up/roll up and protects/protect its/
in a tree or a log of wood?
their vulnerable parts?
(a) Fishing cat
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) Orangutan (b) 2 only
(c) Otter (c) 3 only

(d) Sloth bear (d) 1 and 3 only

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A cephalopod is any member of the Common raven
molluscan class Cephalopoda such as
a squid, octopus, cuttlefish, or nautilus
Octopus Fight By Picking Things Up And
Throwing Them

Ravens Mimic A Wolf Howl To Bring Them To

Potential Prey And Then Steal The Meat To
compensate for their lack of skill in that area,
Underwater cameras captured the cephalopods ravens mimic wolves to call to them when
collecting shells, silt and algae with their arms there is a chance of a catch. Once the wolves
and hurling them at one another by using jets dismember the prey, the ravens grab their part
of water from their siphon to propel the scraps. of the meat and fly away.
The researchers even observed the receiving
octopuses ducking to avoid a hit.
Army Ants Walk Themselves To The End

Sudarshan Gurjar
Since army ants are blind, they use chemical
(pheromone) trails to navigate their
environment. If the trail they follow gets
looped in a circle, army ants will all continue
to follow the looped trail until they die from
exhaustion. This phenomenon is called an ant
mill or “death spiral.”
A jumping display that a prey animal uses to
signal its fitness to a predator. Stotting is used
by prey to show off their musculature. It also
indicates how fast they can run, in hopes that
predators will give up the chase before they start

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phonotaxis Chameleons

The movement of an organism in relation to a

sound source. For example, females are often
attracted by the courtship song of a potential Chameleons have pigment cells in their skins
mate (i.e. positive phonotaxis), or animals may known as chromatophores that allow them to
flee from the sound of a predator (i.e. negative alter their colour to match their environment or
phonotaxis). display their mood.
Chameleons are known for their remarkable
Honeybee dance colourchanging ability, which contrary to
popular fiction, goes beyond camouflage

Chimpanzees using tools

The intricate dance of honeybee is called

the waggle dance, which it uses to convey
detailed information about the location of
food sources to other members of the hive.

Sudarshan Gurjar
Through the intensity of the dance, direction,
and duration, foraging honeybees inform their Chimpanzees using tools Chimpanzees have
hive mates about the distance and direction been observed to use sticks to extract termites
of nectar-rich flowers. from the ground and use leaves as sponges to
drink water.
Wolves hunting in packs

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Territorial marking by felines and canines including predator avoidance, increased
foraging efficiency, and improved reproductive

Bats using echolocation for navigation

Territorial marking is an innate behaviour

found in felines (cats, tigers, and leopards) Bats use echolocation as an advanced sensory
and canines (dogs, wolves, and foxes). Both mechanism for the purpose of navigating and
domestic and wild cats show this behaviour hunting in the dark. They emit high-frequency
and mark their territory with the help of scent sound waves while flying and map the
glands on their face, paws, and tail base. surrounding area by interpreting the returning
By rubbing against surfaces or scratching, echo.
cats deposit pheromones that communicate
territorial boundaries and establish ownership.
Coelomate Examples
Similar behaviour is displayed by tigers and
dogs who use urine and faeces to mark their

Fishes swimming in groups

Sudarshan Gurjar

Coelomates are characterized by the presence

of a fluid-filled body cavity called a coelom
(derived from the Greek word “koilos,” meaning

Fishes such as herring, tunas, and anchovies

when staying in coordinated groups, they
display shoaling behaviour. When they swim
together in one direction, they are said to be
schooling. Shoals provide numerous benefits,

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Acoelomate Examples Galapagos finches


The term acoelomate is often used in the

context of certain simpler invertebrate animals
that do not possess a coelom.

Adaptive Radiation Examples Australian


Sudarshan Gurjar
Adaptive radiation is a process in evolution in
which one ancestral species gives rise to many
different descendant species, each suited to
different environments.
Mimicry is a remarkable example of animal
Madagascar Lemurs adaptation through which species have evolved
to resemble other organisms, objects, or
features in their environment, often for survival

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Koala fingerprints are so close to humans The dimlight makes prey less likely to be
caught, but there is still enough light for
herbivorous animals to locate food.


Diurnal: are mainly active during the daytime.

Nocturnal: are mainly active during the night.
Crepuscular: are mainly active at twilight.
Cathemeral: can be active at irregular points
during day or night.
Foraging is searching for wild food resources. It
affects an animal's fitness because it plays an
important role in an animal's ability to survive
y Active at dawn and dusk. The advantage to and reproduce.
being active at those times of the day is Honeybees are well-known for their ability to
that it is cooler than the middle of the day. find pollen and nectar from flowers

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