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Aayushi Bakshi

Prof. Satyaki Kanjilal

BA Liberal Arts and Humanities

You lie when you write the truth- Introduction to writing fiction

14th November 2023

Ink-Stained Hearts

In a quiet corner of the city sun field, bathed in the gentle glow of sunlight filtering through

the foliage, stood the Sunshine Paws Dog Orphanage. A haven for abandoned dogs seeking a second

chance, this refuge became a symphony of wagging tails, the pitter-patter of paws, and the

occasional bark echoing through the air. The walls of the orphanage's heart, a small and cozy room,

were adorned with vibrant paw-print artwork that seemed to encapsulate the warmth and

compassion within. Lily, a girl with short hair framing her face and spectacles adding an intellectual

touch. Despite her petite stature, her presence exudes warmth and kindness. Her eyes, filled with a

mixture of sorrow and hope, reveal the emotional turmoil within, stepped into the dog orphanage,

her heart heavy with her own problems. She had come to volunteer to distract herself from the pain

of her failing relationship with her boyfriend, Alex. The one person she thought she could always

count on had let her down. Yet, the fractures in their relationship hinted at a yearning for something
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more profound, something Lily herself couldn't articulate. As she navigated the intricacies of her

emotions, Lily found herself wandering into the dog orphanage, where fate would weave the

threads of her destiny.

The dog orphanage was a small, one-room building filled with the sound of barking and the smell of

wet fur. Lily glanced around, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of animals in need. She

sighed, wondering if she had made the right decision by coming here. But then Lily sat in the room,

her gaze tenderly fixed on a playful litter of puppies, the door swung open to admit a burst of energy

and enthusiasm. Ben, a tall and slim guy with a passion for writing and dogs, Ben's physicality

mirrors his gentle nature. His slim, muscular frame suggests an artist's soul within. He seemed like a

ray of sunshine with an infectious grin, entered the room. His effervescent personality seemed to

illuminate every corner, as if he carried a piece of the sun within him. Ben, an extroverted spirit,

wasted no time engaging with both the dogs and fellow volunteers, darting around the room, and

talking to everyone possible. He was clearly a regular volunteer, and his energy was contagious.

As Lily watched Ben interact with the dogs and the other volunteers, she felt a sense of warmth and

hope to blossom within her. She approached him tentatively and offered to help with the daily tasks.

It wasn't long before Ben noticed Lily and approached her with genuine curiosity. "Hey there! I'm

Ben. Haven't seen you around here before. New volunteer?"

Lily, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, nodded. "Yeah, just started. I'm Lily."

Their introduction marked the beginning of a connection that transcended the bounds of the room

and its four walls. The spark of a shared passion for poetry became the initial kindling for their

budding friendship. They found that they shared a love for poetry, dogs, and their families. They

discovered solace in the rhythm of words that resonated with their emotions, discussing the nuances
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of their favourite poets. Ben, with his raw and unfiltered love for Chester, found a kindred spirit in

Lily, who cherished the timeless quality of Rumi's verses. The room, once filled with the echo of

barks, now reverberated with the harmonious exchange of thoughts and feelings.

One day, as they sat together taking a break, Ben turned to Lily and said,

"Hey, have you ever heard the song 'Blackbird' by The Beatles? It's one of my favourites, and I think

it captures the feeling of hope and freedom that we all need sometimes."

Lily smiled and nodded. "I love that song. It's so beautiful and full of meaning. My mom used to sing

it to me when I was little, and it always made me feel safe and loved."

They shared stories of their childhoods and the songs that had shaped their lives, finding comfort in

their shared experiences. As they talked, Lily felt herself opening to Ben in a way she hadn't with

anyone else.

Another day, as they walked some of the dogs in the park, Ben said, "You know, I've always found

that dogs have a way of bringing people together. There's something about the way they love

unconditionally that just melts your heart."

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Lily nodded, feeling the truth of his words deep in her soul. "Yeah, they have a way of making you

forget your problems, if only for a little while. I guess that's why I keep coming back here, to find

some sense of peace and connection."

Ben looked at her, his gaze soft and understanding. "I'm glad you found your way here, Lily. It's been

really great getting to know you."

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long, golden shadows across the park. Ben and Lily sat side by

side on a weathered wooden bench, their hushed conversation mingling with the gentle rustle of

leaves. They had met two days ago, but it felt like they had known each other forever.

"Ben, do you remember the first poem that truly spoke to you?" Lily asked, her eyes bright with


Ben's gaze wandered to the nearby pond, his thoughts flowing like a river. "It was Whitman's 'Song

of Myself.' I felt like it was speaking directly to my soul like he was reaching across time and space to

say, 'You're not alone.'"

Lily's face lit up. "That's incredible. For me, it was Frost's 'The Road Not Taken.' It made me realize

the power of choices and how they shape our lives."

They shared a knowing smile, their connection growing stronger with every word. These two days

had been a whirlwind of shared confessions and whispered secrets, a stolen escape from their
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everyday lives. The park bench had become their sanctuary. Ben ran his fingers along the spine of a

worn book nestled in his bag.

"You know, Lily, when I read poetry, I believe in the magic of words. I believe in love."

Lily's eyes softened, her voice a gentle cadence. "Love, to me, is like the pages of a well-loved book.

You never know what's written on the next page, but you keep reading, hoping the story will

surprise you."

Ben nodded in agreement, the connection between them growing stronger with every shared

sentiment. "These little moments, like sitting here with you, make my day worthwhile."

Lily's gaze met his, her brown eyes reflecting the setting sun's warmth. "It's true. Moments like these

are what I cherish most."

There was a pause as they both seemed lost in thought, reflecting on the intimacy of the

conversation they had shared over the past two days. The park had become their haven, a place

where they could express themselves without fear of judgment. Ben broke the silence, his voice soft

but filled with conviction.

"You know, Lily, I've always believed in the idea that the right person at the wrong time can be

changed. Morals, they're just a result of human construct. Choosing what you want isn't morally

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Lily's brow furrowed as she considered his words. She sighed, her breath carrying the weight of her

own convictions. "Morals are what make us human, Ben. They help us fit in and coexist. For

someone like me, they mean a lot."

The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the park. The world around

them seemed to fade, leaving only the two of them in that bubble of time and space.

Lily is taken aback when Alex, an average height guy with a well-built, muscular body. His smart

appearance reflects a successful professional life, as he works in a prestigious company. His attire

and demeanour suggest both reliability and ambition. unexpectedly shows up at the dog orphanage.

The air thickens with tension as he and Ben, exchange nods. The collision of Lily's past and present

creates an uneasy atmosphere, setting the stage for the conflicts that will unfold. This is the first

encounter of hers with both Alex and Ben together in the same room, she goes and hugs Alex and

gives him a kiss on the cheek. Alex gives her a reassuring smile and hugs her back. Alex then goes to

shake hands with Ben.

“Hey, I’m Alex. I’ve heard a lot about you from lily. It’s so nice to finally meet you”.

Ben smiles back at Alex, “likewise”

Alex fixes lily’s hair “anyways I was just in the neighbourhood and thought of coming and saying hi,

I’ll go now. I’ll see you later my love.” He kisses lily’s forehead and leaves.

A few minutes pass by with both sitting awkwardly after their unexpected encounter with Alex.
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Ben reached out and took Lily's hand, his fingers gently entwining with hers. "I know it's

complicated, Lily. I understand that you can't change the path you're on. But I had to tell you how I

feel. These two days with you have been nothing short of magical."

Lily turned to him, her eyes glistening. She squeezed his hand, a silent acknowledgment of the

connection they had forged. "Ben, I've cherished every moment we've spent together. You've made

me believe in the beauty of poetry and love all over again. But my path is already set, and I can't

change it. You deserve someone who can be with you without reservations."

Their fingers slowly untangled, and they both knew the unspoken words that lingered in the air.

Their connection was undeniable, their feelings real, but the timing was extremely wrong. As they

sat there, bathed in the fading light of the day, they shared one last, bittersweet smile. The right

person at the wrong time had woven their paths together, if only briefly, before fate would pull

them apart.

Lily stood up, her resolve firm, and said, "I should go. Thank you for these beautiful moments, Ben."

Ben nodded; his heart heavy but understanding. "Thank you, Lily, for sharing this piece of your world

with me."

And with that, they parted ways, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that the right person at the

wrong time could be a fleeting, beautiful, and painful thing. The days turned into weeks, and Lily and
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Ben found themselves unable to stay apart. They exchanged messages, their conversations a mix of

shared book recommendations, favourite poems, and personal stories. They met in secret, in hidden

corners of the city where they could be themselves, where time seemed to stand still. Their

connection deepened, each stolen moment only intensifying their feelings for each other. One crisp

autumn evening, they found themselves on the rooftop of a forgotten building, surrounded by the

twinkle of city lights and the distant hum of traffic.

Ben handed Lily a worn leather-bound journal filled with his own poetry. "I wrote these for you," he

said, his voice full of emotion.

Lily flipped through the pages, her eyes misty with tears. "These are beautiful, Ben. You have a way

with words that touch my soul."

Their hearts spoke in the language of poetry, and he knew her gentle demeanour hides a reservoir of

strength, and her love for books and dogs aligns seamlessly with his interests., and as the night wore

on, they read their favourite verses to each other. Underneath the vast expanse of the star-studded

sky, they recited lines that echoed their love and longing. But their stolen moments couldn't erase

the reality of Lily's life. She was in a committed relationship, and Ben was the secret she couldn't

share. They both knew that eventually, the truth would surface, and their world would come

crashing down. The rooftop encounters continued, their love growing stronger with each stolen

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One chilly evening, wrapped in each other's arms, Ben whispered, "Lily, I can't help but believe that

love is worth the risk. Morals are a result of human constructs, and choosing what you want isn't

morally wrong. We can find a way to be together."

Lily, her head resting on his shoulder, sighed deeply. "I want to believe that, Ben. I truly do. But they

mean a lot to me. I can't imagine breaking the promises I've made."

The dilemma weighed on them, but their love remained strong. The rooftop moments, filled with

love and shared poetry, became their refuge, their own secret world. As the seasons changed, their

love endured, but the guilt and fear that had been festering beneath the surface began to take a toll

on Lily. Lily faces a profound internal conflict as she realizes the need to end her relationship with

Alex. The difficulty lies in the fact that leaving him would require abandoning the life she

meticulously built. The conflict revolves around summoning the courage to embark on a journey of

uncertainty and change. She would have to leave her life here to start a new one. The questions

people would ask her, the way people would see her for abandoning her relationship for a guy is

what they’ll think. Is it worth giving up a whole life, she wondered.

One evening, tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Ben, her voice trembling.

"I can't do this anymore, Ben. I love you, but I can't betray the person I'm with. I need to end this."

Ben's heart ached, and he knew that this day might come.
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"I understand, Lily. I'll always cherish what we had, even if it was the right love at the wrong time."

Their love had been a beautiful, painful chapter in their lives. The Right Person at the Wrong Time

was a love story that couldn't be rewritten. They shared one last passionate kiss on the rooftop,

under the watchful gaze of the stars. Lily walked away from the rooftop and from Ben, her heart

heavy with the knowledge that she was choosing the path.

Days pass-by and lily and ben manage to stay apart, but lily still felt unhappy with her life. One day a

heated conflict erupts between Alex and Lily, showcasing the depth of their emotional struggles.

“Lily, you have been acting off for quite a few days now, what is wrong?”

“I don’t know Alex, but do you remember what we talked about earlier the problems we discussed

with our relationship, I think we need to talk about that”.

“Lily, I understand that you feel left out of my life, but I have a job and I am busy most of the week

you can’t expect me to be there for you all the time.”

Lily sighs “that is exactly what the issue is Alex, I expect the person that I love to do the things I need

on their own, and if not that at least to change after we have a conversation about it, but I don’t see

that happening here. I think we should end this.”

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“Lily you can’t be serious about this after all that we’ve been through?”

“Alex, I still want you in my life, but I don’t think we should stop each other from moving on and

being restricted isn’t the solution. I hope you understand that”.

“I understand, but I think I want to take some time off and once I think I’m okay I’ll talk to you. I’m


They both give each other a last hug and despite Alex's efforts to change, Lily, unable to suppress her

true feelings, reaches a breaking point. In a moment of vulnerability, Alex cries, and they mutually

agree to split up, marking the end of their tumultuous journey together.

Lily takes the next few days off and thinks about how to deal with this situation. Ben becomes a

catalyst for Lily, helping her understand her true feelings and worth. His unconditional support and

shared passions create a space where Lily feels seen and valued, aiding her in realizing the depth of

her emotions. Lily's journey is marked by a drastic decision to leave behind the familiarity of her life

with Alex. Her internal conflicts are a tempest of emotions, contemplating the courage it takes to

chase after the love she found with Ben. The conclusion for her seems gaining the strength to

confess her love. Lily, after much contemplation and internal conflict, decides to leave everything

behind and be with Ben. Her considerations involve evaluating her true feelings, the worth of the

love she desires, and the courage required to step into the unknown. In a moment of revelation, she
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gains the courage to confess her love to Ben. She runs to the bench where they used to sit, and she

wasn’t surprised to find ben there sitting alone with a diary in his hand looking at his old poem.

“Just like the birds are drawn to the sky to be closer to the universe, and the leaves in autumn fall to

the ground to be closer to the flowers.

like the stars shift through the sky to be closer to the moon; I am drawn to you. I don’t believe in

love, there’s just something about you and me.” Lily narrates the poem she wrote.

Ben instantly recognises her voice and turns around. Through the words of her poem, he gets what

she’s trying to tell him, that she’s here to be with him, leaving everything she had behind she chose

him and is ready to be with him for whole lifetime, a maybe even more.

She is ready to be his forever. Without saying anything he runs to her and hugs her, tears falling

from his eyes an unspoken feeling of love flooding them paving the way for a new beginning, for

their own love story full of love, laughter poem and dogs all the things they love and cherish.

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