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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. White Hart
b. !Red Lion
c. King's Head
d. Royal Oak
Q2: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??

a. Spades
b. !Hearts
c. Diamonds
d. Clubs
Q3: What is the name of the very first video uploaded to YouTube??

a. tribute
b. !Me at the zoo
c. Her new puppy from great grandpa vern.
d. carrie rides a truck
Q4: Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style??

a. !Niagara Mohawk Building

b. Taipei 101
c. Westendstrasse 1
d. One Detroit Center
Q5: According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking??

a. Twenty
b. One hundred
c. Ten
d. !Five
Q6: Who is the founder of "The Lego Group"??

a. Gerhardt Kirk Christiansen

b. !Ole Kirk Christiansen
c. Jens Niels Christiansen
d. Kirstine Christiansen
Q7: Which of the following carbonated soft drinks were introduced first??
a. !Dr. Pepper
b. Sprite
c. Coca-Cola
d. Mountain Dew
Q8: Computer manufacturer Compaq was acquired for $25 billion dollars in 2002 by which company??

a. Toshiba
b. Dell
c. Asus
d. !Hewlett-Packard
Q9: Where did the pineapple plant originate??

a. Asia
b. !South America
c. Hawaii
d. Europe
Q10: The architect known as Le Corbusier was an important figure in what style of architecture??

a. !Modernism
b. Baroque
c. Neoclassical
d. Gothic Revival
chitectural style??

o smoking??

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