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NAME : Yuni Wijayanti

NIM/CLASS : 202120042/PBI-4B

1. List the name of the characters in the story? And who is the antagonist?
Answer: - American wife - Hotel-keeper
- George (husband) - The maid
The antagonist is George (husband)

2. From what point of view this story is being told? What’s the benefit of it?
Answer: From a third person point of view. How important it is for us to know what other people want
and to be sensitive to other people's feelings.

3. What country are they visiting? How do you know?

Answer: Italy, from the sentence Italians came from a long way off to look up at the war monument and
‘You must not get wet,’ she smiled, speaking Italian.

4. How does the relationship between George and her wife in the story?
Answer: Their relationship is like a married couple in general. But the wife had no fun with George. For
example when he wants long hair and a cat but he can't get it. And George instead told him to
be quiet and look for other activities such as reading a book.

5. Why is the American wife most likely looking out of the window at the beginning of the story?
Answer: Because she saw a cat crouched under one of dripping green table in the rain and she felt
sorry for the cat.

6. Mention some symbols found and the character’s representation according to the story?
Answer: "the cat caught in the rain" as a metaphor for the main characters feelings at this point in his
life. This becomes clear through the use of the phrase, "It's no fun being a poor cat in the rain,"
which concludes that American women are uncomfortable where they are and want a
different lifestyle than they are today. Unaccustomed to her husband's affection, she feels
unappreciated and tries to find happiness in material things rather than meaningful

7. Name of several characteristics that the American wife liked about the hotelkeeper?
Answer: She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints. She liked his dignity. She liked
the way he wanted to serve her. She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper. She liked
his old, heavy face and big hands.

8. What do you think the reasons of her liking to the hotelkeeper?

Answer: The reason she liked the hotelkeeper was because the hotelkeeper tried to serve she very well
and seriously. Not letting herself get rained on by bringing an umbrella.
9. Why does she want to let her hair grow?
Answer: Because she fells bored and tired of short hairstyles like a boy. She also wants to feel her hair
pulled back tight and smooth and make big knots at the back.

10. Hemingway uses repetition effectively in his story. Find one as the example of repeated word (including
the number of times something is repeated) and give the reason!
Answer: “It was raining”. Hemingway repeats to mention “the rain” nine times in the story. I think “the
rain” symbolizes the obstacle between the American couple; it seems to foreshow their
pessimistic future. On the other hand, the “raining” day strengthens the atmosphere of
gloominess and the wife’s isolation feeling.

11. Do you think that at the end of the story the wife's problems are solved? Why?
Answer: Yes, finally the wife's problem was solved, because there was a maid who came to their room
with a cat in her arms to give to her.

12. What is the name of the American wife?

Answer: No one says what the name of the American wife is neither the husband nor the author.

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