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1 ENGLISH *Language/ Grammar* : 1. Comprehension; 2. Determiners;3. Tenses;4. Modals
5. Reported Speech;6. Formal Letter; 7. Analytical Paragraph
*Literature* FIRST FLIGHT :1. A letter to God; 2. Nelson Mandela walk to ; freedom
3. Two stories about flying ; 4. From the diary of Anne Frank 5. Glimpses of India
6. Madam rides the bus.
POETRY :1. Dust of Snow; 2. Fire and ice ;3. A Tiger in the zoo ;4. How to tell wild animals
5. Ball Poem ;6. Amanda ;7. The trees
FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET: 1. Triumph of Surgery; 2. Theif's Story;3. Midnight Visitor
4. A question of trust; 5. Footprints without feet; 8. Bholi

2 HINDI क्षितिज गद्य खंड:1-नेताजी का चश्मा ;2-बालगोविन भगत ; 3-लखनवी अंदाज काव्य खंड:1-सूरदास के पद;2-रामलक्ष्मण परशुराम संवाद;3-आत्मकथ्य
कृ तिका:1-माता का अंचल व्याकरण:वाक्य भेद, वाच्य, पद-परिचय, अलंकार (श्लेष, उत्प्रेक्षा,मानवीकरण,
अतिशयोक्ति) ;लेखन कौशल;पत्र लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन, ई-मेल लेखन,संदेश लेखन, विज्ञापन लेखन, स्वावृत लेखन।

3 MATHEMATICCh1 Real number; Ch2 polynomial; Ch3 Linear equations in two variables; Ch4 Quadratic equations ;Ch5
Arithmetic Progression;Ch6 Coordinates geometry;Ch7 Triangle;Ch8 Circle
Ch10 Trigonometric ratios;Ch11 trigonometric ratios of some particular angles;Ch13 trigonometric identities

Chemistry ;Ch.1 - Chemical reactions and equations; Ch.2 - Acids, Bases and Salts;
Ch.3 - Metals & Non-metals Biology ;1-Life process (Nutrition and
digestion ,respiration , excretion , circulation );
2-How organism reproduce. Physics;1- Electricity ;2-
Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current;
5 SOCIAL History: Ch 1- The rise of Nationalism in Europe;Ch 2 Nationalism in India;
SCIENCE Geography :Ch 1- Resources and development;Ch 2 - Forest and Wildlife;Ch 3- Water Resources;Ch 4- Agriculture
Civics: Ch 1- Power Sharing;Ch 2- Federalism
Economics :Ch 1- Development;Ch 2 Sector of the Indian economy
6 COMPUTER CH1 Internet Basic; CH2 Internet Services; CH3 Basic HTML Elements
SC. CH4 Images, Links, and Tables

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