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‭Narrative Plan:‬

‭ itle: Smells like trouble‬

‭Setting: A rundown building used as a drug empire‬
‭Characters: The protagonist and a man in a suit‬
‭Conflict: The protagonist has discovered a drug empire and is caught by a member‬
‭of the organisation.‬
‭Climax: The man in the suit points a gun at the protagonist, but the police arrive just‬
‭in time to save them.‬
‭Resolution: The protagonist realises that they've uncovered something much bigger‬
‭than they anticipated and knows that they'll have to continue to navigate dangerous‬

‭Smells like trouble‬

"‭ I can't believe it," I mutter to myself as I sift through the evidence in front of me. "This whole‬
‭time, they've been right under our noses." I couldn't believe my eyes as I surveyed the‬
‭shoddy surroundings of the building. The walls are littered with graffiti, and the floors are‬
‭coated in grime and filth. The air is thick with the pungent scent of drugs and a chill runs‬
‭down my spine as I realise where I am.‬

"‭ You're not supposed to be here," a voice behind me interrupts my thoughts. I turn to see a‬
‭man in a suit, a scowl on his face.‬

"‭ I'm sorry, I didn't realise anyone was here," I say, trying to sound apologetic. "I was just‬
‭looking for my friend's place."‬

‭ he man narrows his eyes at me, clearly not buying my excuse. "You're not fooling anyone,"‬
‭he says, his voice cold and menacing. "You're a cop, and you're here to bust us."‬

I‭ take a step back, my heart racing. I know I'm in over my head, but it's too late to apologise‬
‭now. I've come this far, and I can't turn back.‬

"‭ I don't know what you're talking about," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm just trying‬
‭to find my way out of here."‬

‭But the man doesn't believe me. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun.‬

‭"You made a big mistake coming here, kid," he says. "Now you're going to pay for it."‬

‭I try to run, but he's too fast. He tackles me to the ground and points the gun at my head.‬

‭"It's too late to apologise,"‬‭he says with a sneer.‬

I‭ close my eyes, expecting the worst. But then I hear a loud bang and feel a weight lift off of‬
‭me. I open my eyes to see a group of police officers swarming the area, guns drawn, all‬
‭pointing at the mystery man.‬

‭ ike a flash of a camera the man in the suit was handcuffed and dragged away. I let out a‬
‭sigh of relief, knowing that I've narrowly escaped with my life. But I also know that this won't‬
‭be the last time I cross paths with the drug empire.‬

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