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Gred 3 Question

1. List 4 Yugas.

2. Each Yuga born and last how many years? And what are the things came along existence into

3. How’s discovery of arts? From where and how Man come into world and mad life cheerfull.

4. List Trinity of Gods and their functions.

5. Draw the magnificence of Panchana Shiva? Label with all 5 faces of Lord Shiva with functions.

6. How’s formation of 7 swaras and draw it and label it.

7. Draw the SAPTHA SWARAS Division and label it.

8. Who is discovered the 72 Melakartha Ragas?

9. What are the 16 swaras name?

10. Which Swaras having same Sruthi?

11. Please describe the Nadham, Noise, Sound (each 2 marks)



12. Draw the brief musical sound links.

13. What is division of Nadam and describe.

14. What is Shruti/Matha/Laya/Pitha.

15. How’s formation of 22 Shrutis? And Draw it.

16. List all 22 Swaras with Sruti and Raga.

17. Choose 3 types of Classification of Carnatic Music and describe it.

Each type (5).

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