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1. Present your learnings about this topic by filling out the table below:

Meaning Division of Major Languages Factors in

Parts Interpreting the Bible
(Old Testament and
New Testament

The word Bible comes Divided into two The Bible was The factors
from the Greek word Testament, the Old originally written I interpreting the Bible,
“ta biblia”, it is a Testament, and the several languages, is the Historical
plural noun which New Testament. with the Old context:
means, “the books”. Testament primarily understanding the
When translated into in Hebrew and some historical context in
Latin, it becomes portions in Aramaic, which a particular
singular, the Bible. and the New passage was written is
Testament in Greek. crucial for
interpretation, and as
for me a Personal
Beliefs, how I
interpret the bible.

How does this knowledge deepen your relationship with God?

-This knowledge deepens my relationship with God, due to the fact that through my daily
instances I always feel the presence of God, by this knowledge it brings me closer to what I
always believe for him. By consuming his words and wisdom it promotes me the better version
of who I am.

2. Cite a concrete way on how to develop your love for the Word of God by coming up
with a #statement (hashtag statement).
Nowadays, there are some instances that God may nod off by other people, a concrete way
how to develop my love for the Word of God is, by simply eating, reading, consuming his
words in order for me to live in a harmonious life, and also by putting those words into
action and application through my daily living, and as well as by obeying God in his words.
The Bible is one way of God’s self-manifestation or revelation, as an expression of gratitude and
faith to God, write a reflection paper about your personal experience of God’s revelation.

In my 18 years of existence in this world I can say that I fortunate, glad, and grateful for God’s
existence to me, in my family, loved ones, and others. I am always grateful for all opportunities
that God gave me, the opportunity of healthy body and mind, opportunities to learn more in
life, the realizations, excitements, and so many opportunities that God grant me. With this, I
should be grateful enough to him, because I know to myself that if without him in my daily
existence I would nothing, I will not be able to stand enough to fight for life’s endless battle.
And at the same time, I am also grateful for the trials, hindrances, challenges, and tribulations
that God let me experience, by that, I have come to realize that these trials I have been faced,
God made me a courageous, brave, and strong person to fight, stand alone, and be brave
enough despite the hardship I encountered. Moreover, I very fortunate to all the happenings in
my life right now even if there are some things that I do not like, one of most important is my
life that God gave me, to accomplish my mission, and to attain my vision with God. I do believe
in the quote “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13. What
good happenings happens to me right now, the accomplishment from the past, and my
determination to be a good follower of him were belong to him.

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