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The debate over the significance of natural ability versus hard work in determining

success has been a controversial topic of discussion. While some argue that innate
talents play the major role, others would rather emphasize on the importance of
consistent effort and perseverance. In my opinion, both of these characteristics
play critical roles, the key to achieving succes being the right combination of the

Natural abilities, often referred to as talents or aptitudes you’ve innately acquired,

play a big role in the journey to becoming successful. Some people that have
innate talent in a particular field may find it easier than others to excel in that
domain. For example, a person that has a natural ability to understand math will
grasp complex concepts much quicker than someone who doesn’t have this
aptitude. Therefore, talent can provide a head start and increase the chances of
becoming successful.

However, relying solely on talent can be quite risky. A saying that goes “Hard work
beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” highlights the fact that innate
abilities aren’t enough and must always be accompanied by a great effort.
Through hard work, people that aren’t gifted with innate talent can reach or even
surpass the success a of person with such qualities.

All in all, I believe that, although natural capabilities bring an undeniable

advantage, it is hard work that determines the success. While talent offers a solid
foundation, consistent effort is the one that propels individuals towards their
goals. Most successful people have achieved greatness by having a balanced
mixture of the two and by knowing how to utilize their every skill to the fullest.

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