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School of Engineering & Technology

Department: CSE Session: 2023-2024

Programme: BTECH CSE Semester: 1st
Course Code:ENCS101 Number of students:70
Course Name: Fundamental of Faculty: Dr. Megha Gaur
Computer Programming

Assignment Number: 1
COs QN Assignment Details
CO1 1. i)Convert the decimal number 245 into binary

ii) Represent the binary number 11011011 in decimal and hexadecimal.

CO` 2. Define computer security and its importance in the digital age. Discuss the concept
of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA triad) in the context of computer
CO2 3. Create a program that takes a user input string and prints its length, converts it to
uppercase, and checks if it contains a specific substring (input by the user).
CO6 4. Write a Python program that incorporates various operators into a single program.
The program should perform arithmetic operations, demonstrate assignment
operators, compare two numbers using comparison operators, check if a given
number is within a specific range using logical operators, show the use of identity
operators, check for membership using membership operators, perform bitwise
operations on two integers,
CO3 5. Write a Python program using "if" and "else" to determine whether a given
number is even or odd.
CO3 6. Implement a nested loop structure to print a pattern, such as a pyramid.




Faculty Signature: Dr. Megha Gaur Approved by:

Date: Date:
Faculty Signature: Dr. Megha Gaur Approved by:

Date: Date:

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