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Pablo Neruda

Cem sonetos de amor

Title: Cem sonetos de amor

Author: Pablo Neruda


Language: Portuguese

Pages: 118

Publisher: , 0

ISBN: 8525406384

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 6.8 MB

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If you've ever wished for a fresh and imaginative way of saying "I love you" to your beloved,
peruse Chilean poet Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets. This intimate bilingual collection
overflows with the master poet's signature sensuality and inventive imagery. Written in the
1950s for his cherished wife Matilde Urrutia, Neruda's earnest adoration leaps off the page in
poem after poem: "Your heart is a clay toy shaped like a dove"; "Your kisses are clusters of fruit,
fresh with dew." Thanks to translator Stephen Tapscott, Neruda's dreamy images carry over
vividly from the Spanish and dance in the mind for days after they're read.

Neruda pays only loose tribute to the sonnet by employing a 14-line structure for each poem. As
he says, his sonnets are made of wood, rather than the "silver, or crystal, or cannonfire" of a
more refined sonnet. Neruda's humility is apparent as he refers again and again to the natural
landscape of Isla Negra (the Pacific island where he and his wife lived) to describe his simple
dedication to Matilde: "...I am like a scorched rock / that suddenly sings when you are near,
because it drinks / the water you carry from the forest, in your voice."

Journeying from the erotic celebration of the body to the spiritual depths of eternal union, 100
Love Sonnets shows why "two happy lovers make one bread" and "waking, they leave one sun
empty in their bed."

Insightful reviews
Amey: Matilde, where are you? Down there I noticed,
under my necktie and just above the heart,
a certain pang of grief between the ribs,
you were gone that quickly.

I needed the light of your energy,

I looked around, devouring hope.
I watched the void without you that is like a house,
nothing left but tragic windows.

Out of sheer taciturnity the ceiling listens

to the fall of the ancient leafless rain,
to feathers, to whatever the night imprisoned:

so I wait for you like a lonely house

till you will see me again and live in me.
Till then my windows ache.

~ from the book

When I die I want your hands on my eyes

When I die I want your hands on my eyes:
I want the light and the wheat of your beloved hands
to pass their freshness over me one more time
to feel the smoothness that changed my destiny.

I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep,

I want for your ears to go on hearing the wind,
for you to smell the sea that we loved together
and for you to go on walking the sand where we walked.

I want for what I love to go on living

and as for you I loved you and sang you above everything,
for that, go on flowering, flowery one,

so that you reach all that my love orders for you,

so that my shadow passes through your hair,
so that they know by this the reason for my song.

~ from the book

Emily: I'm willing to admit that it's possible that other people in the world have been as in love
with someone as Pablo Neruda was, but no one has ever expressed it so beautifully or ardently.
With the eloquence and passion of a hundred poets, Neruda crafts lines that honor love so well
that most people don't even know that love could BE so consuming or so light, so natural or so
still. What Pablo Neruda does for love poetry- and for all poetry, for that matter- is a gift to the
world. Muchas gracias, Senor Neruda.

Anita Kelley Harris: Oh, Pablo, my first love. I used to think I'd never fall in love with a real guy
because I was so in love with this dead poet. Now I have and I am trying to choose selections
from Neruda's poetry to read at my wedding to said real life guy. ;) The choice is so hard
because I love so many different poems by Neruda!

"100 Love Sonnets" is clearly the best selection of Neruda's love poetry in one volume. All of the
poems in the book were obstensibly written for Neruda's third wife Mathilde, and many of them
call her out by name. The poems are grouped by "morning," "afternoon," "evening," and "night,"
and tell the story of their love from its early stages to the end, when the poems become slightly
dark and death-themed. The poems are very rooted in the earth, and deal with the seasons, the
harvest, the ocean, the moon. I've picked up this book to read random poems time and again,
but this is the first time I've sat down to read them all the way through from cover to cover. It
was a passionate experience that I would recommend to anyone, especially anyone in love!

Simona Bartolotta: «Amo il pezzo di terra che tu sei,perché delle praterie planetariealtra stella
non ho.»Non si può fare a meno di tremare di fronte a una visione dell'amore come quella di
Neruda: totalizzante. Nei suoi versi, il sentimento (quanto riduttiva mi sembra adesso questa
parola!) amoroso diventa soverchiante, inebriante, conquistatore, è panico perché diventa tutto:
terra, cielo, mare, «colomba e geografia». E il lettore amante non può a ways altro che chiudere
gli occhi e inchinarsi.

miaaa: Di Pagi aku melihat gairah cinta yang meluap dan berkelimpahan untuk seorang Matilde.
Seperti sepasang remaja yang jatuh cinta dan mengarahkan seluruh emosinya pada sang
pujaan hati. Lalu di Senja sang pujangga mulai menikmati ketenangan dan keromantisan
cintanya laksana senja itu sendiri. Memasuki Petang aku takut. Cinta sang pujangga seakan tak
terkendali dan takut akan sesuatu yang tak terlihat namun seperti bayangan terus
mengikutinya.Dan aku tahu di Malam bahwa sang pujangga akhirnya bisa menerima ketakutan
cintanya itu. Berusaha mengekalkan waktu tersisa yang ia miliki dan menuliskannya dengan
indah,Aku tak ingin tawamu, atau jejak langkahmu sangsai;aku tak ingin warisan
kebahagiaanku mati;jangan memanggil ke arah dadaku: aku tak di sana.Hiduplah dalam
ketakhadiranku bak di sebuah rumah.Ketakhadiran adalah sejenis rumah besardi sana kau
melangkah lewati dinding-dindingnya,lukisan-lukisan yang tergantung dalam udara
tipis.Ketakhadiran adalah sejenis rumah yang transparansehingga bahkan meski sudah mati
aku akan melihatmu di sana,dan bila kau sengsara, Kekasih, aku akan mati kedua kalinya.

erry: “Kini saat aku mendekarasikan fondamen-fondamen cintaku, aku persembahkan alaf ini
kepadamu: sonata-soneta kayu yang lahir hanya karena engkau memberinya kehidupan”
(Pablo Neruda dalam Ciuman Hujan)Cinta, cinta dan cintaTerpana oleh cintaTerpesona dalam
kataDerasnya ciuman kata dari bibirmuBasahi kering hatikuBanjiri kerontang jiwaku Hujani
dahaga dirikuSepanjang hari, ayat-ayat cinta itu terus bertasbihSepanjang waktu, tarian kata itu
terus bernyanyiTanpa hentiEntah itu pagi, senja, petang ataupun malam hari.Panas, membara
dan bergeloraHangat seperti mentari musim semiTetapi sekaligus tajam seperti duri Oh No.
Cinta. Satu kata ajaib dan misterius yang bisa membuat banyak orang terpesona dan
kelimpungan dibuatnya. Manis, pahit sedu dan sedannya. Sakitnya, indahnya, suka dan
dukanya. Cintalah yang mewarnai dunia. Menjadikan dunia tak hanya hitam, putih dan abu-abu.
Kumpulan seratus sonata ini merangkai dgn begitu indahnya kata-kata cinta. Walaupun
terkadang liar, panas dan menggelora. Dan terkesan terlalu gombal dan lebay. Tetapi,
perempuan mana sih yang ga suka dirayu? Selama dia masih perempuan normal. Pasti tetap
terpengaruh sama yg namanya rayuan dan kata-kata manis. Walupun hanya sedikit. Bahkan
walaupun tahu kalau rayuan itu hanyalah palsu belaka. Kalau si penulis masih hdp di jaman
sekarang, dan seumuran (bukan aki2 pastinya), ada di depan mata dan menuliskan soneta2 ini
untuk saya, sepertinya saya akan jatuh cinta padanya ^^Lelaki adalah buaya, binatang. Tetapi
perempuan adalah penyayang binatang :P itulah kenapa saya tak suka sama yang namanya
perempuan. *Barbie yang masih klepek-klepek baca kumpulan rayuan buaya Opa Neruda*

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