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Pat is hosting his own podcast. In one episode, he chose to invite Steve and Dwayne as guests.

In the course of their conversation, the guests got engage in a very animated conversation that
the topic already drifted away from the original topic.
As the host, what should Pat say or do?
Kathy and Isa attended their class reunion. Both in their semi-retirement years, they started
reminiscing their elementary school days. They laughed at their happy memories, but Kathy
soon realized that Isa often mixed up names of their friends, and even make mistakes in
remembering events.
Without slighting Isa’s feelings, what can Kathy say or do?
Jonathan and Nick are classmates. Jonathan had earlier planned to go straight home because
he needed to complete his assignments that are due on the following day. But as he was going
out of the classroom, Nick joined him and narrated to him what happened in the basketball try-
out. Jonathan couldn’t possibly cut Nick’s story right away as Nick was full of enthusiasm in
telling his story.
What should Jonathan say or do?

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