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Faiq Qodama Almer A320220043

Dimas Bagus Julians Valentino A320220044
Dimas Adi PutraA320220060
Syafiq Syahlevi Nadirachman A320220072
Fatan Ariful Ulum A320220058
Queen Hawailda A320220163

Abstract. As an insignificant aspect of the educational journey, completing college on time has a
number of significant benefits for graduates. First, graduating on time minimizes the stress and worry that
often arises from piling up assignments and deadlines. By completing courses on time, students can feel
relieved and focus on the next step in their career or education. Second, the opportunity to start your career
early is one of the main benefits of completing college on time. Graduates who successfully complete
college quickly have a competitive advantage in this competitive job market. They can start their careers
early, gain valuable experience, and build positive momentum for their professional future. Third,
completing college on time allows graduates to build strong social networks. They have the opportunity to
get involved in relevant alumni-events, professional meetings, and industry forums. This network can be
an important resource in finding career opportunities, obtaining mentorship, and establishing valuable
business relationships.
1. Introduction
In the world of college, the question of whether it is more important to graduate on
time or graduate at the right time is often an interesting topic to discuss. These two
concepts have their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Graduating on time is an achievement that is considered important by many
parties. This shows that students are able to complete the study program within the
specified time period. This success reflects the efficiency of the education system
and student discipline. Graduating on time can also allow students to enter the
workforce sooner, giving them an edge in finding work and starting their careers
earlier. In addition, graduating on time can also help reduce the financial burden
for students and their families, because they do not have to bear additional costs
that may arise due to extending the study period.
2. Methodology
The smart and effective way to graduate college on time is that you have to
understand and also be aware of the purpose of college. Of course, your job as a
student is to study so you can focus more on things related to your studies.
Avoid a number of activities that are not very important and also disturb your
lecture time. You also have to know that in order to graduate on time with good
results, you need to make a lot of sacrifices. So now focus on your task so you can
achieve it easily.
3.Result and Discussions

For a result and discussion section in your research, follow these guidelines:
1. Clarity in Presentation:
- Clearly present your results using tables, figures, and concise text.
- Ensure that the data is organized logically and is easy for the reader to follow.
2. Link Results to Objectives:
- Explicitly connect each result to the research objectives or hypotheses outlined
in your proposal.
3. Interpretation of Findings:
- Provide a thorough interpretation of the results, explaining their significance in
the context of your research questions.
- Discuss unexpected outcomes and potential reasons behind them.
4. Comparison with Previous Studies:
- Compare your findings with existing literature. Highlight similarities,
differences, or new insights your study brings.
5. Addressing Limitations:
- Acknowledge any limitations in your study. Discuss how these limitations may
have influenced the results and what implications they have on the interpretation.
6. Discussion of Patterns and Trends:
- Identify patterns or trends in the data. Discuss their implications and relevance
to the broader field of study.
7. Relate Findings to Theory:
- If applicable, relate your results to theoretical frameworks discussed in your
literature review.
8. Practical Implications:
- Discuss the practical implications of your findings. How might they be applied
in real-world situations?
9. Future Research Recommendations:
- Suggest areas for future research based on your findings. Identify any
unanswered questions or areas that warrant further investigation.
Remember to maintain a balance between presenting your results objectively and
providing a thoughtful discussion. This section is an opportunity to showcase your
understanding of the data and contribute to the academic discourse in your field.
In conclusion, implementing effective strategies, such as detailed study planning,
regular mentor communication, and the use of productivity tools, is crucial for
ensuring timely study completion for FKIP students. By fostering a supportive
academic environment, staying proactive in addressing challenges, and
collaborating with peers, students can enhance their chances of completing their
studies successfully. This conclusion emphasizes the importance of a well-
structured approach to meet the goals outlined for the Research Methodology
Course (RMC) proposal.

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