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Q1: Following Docker command: docker push user_name/repository_name is used to:?

a None

b Build an image

c None

d Push changes done in an docker image into Docker Hub

e Activate default VM machine

f Commit changes done in a Docker image

Q2: What is a Headless Service??

The correct Answer is: None

b Headless Service is similar to that of a ‘Normal’ services but does not have a
Cluster IP.

The correct Answer is: None

d Headless Service is similar to that of a ‘Normal’ services but has a Cluster IP.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: Function which causes retrieval of any kind of data from database is considered as?

a None

b Interface or Signature

c None

d Conceptual signature

e Logical signature

f User friendly signature

Q4: Which of the following is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker
a Docker Cloud

b Docker Hub

c None

d Docker Hub

e Docker Swarn

f None

Q5: Which SQL statement is used to extract data from the database??


b None





Q6: What is the default session time in PHP??

a None

b None

c The default session time in php is until the closing of the browser

d None

e The default session time in php is until the closing of the system

f The default session time in php is until the closing of the page

Q7: The kube-apiserver on Kubernetes master is designed to scale:?

a None
b Horizontally

c None

d kube-apiserver is not used for scaling

e Vertically

f None

Q8: What is the correct HTML for making a text input field??

a <textfield>

b <textinput type="text">

c <input type="text">

d None

e <input type="textfield">

f None

Q9: ________is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the
command line to assemble an image.?

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Docker Cloud

d Docker Compose

e Dockerfile

f Docker Kitematic

Q10: What is the correct HTML element for playing audio files??

a <sound>

b None

c <audio>
d <mp3>

e None

f <type "mpr3">

Q11: Which of the following is not true??

a PHP applications can not be compiled

b None

c PHP can not be embedded into html.

d PHP can be used to develop web applications.

e None

f PHP makes a website dynamic

Q12: Normalizations is...?

a a database design technique that eliminates relationships from a database

b None

c a database design technique that encourages storing data in multiple databases

d None

e concerned with the physical implementation of the database

f a database design technique used to minimize data redundancy and duplication

Q13: If you wish to have something mounted when the server is booted in which file would
you need to add it:?

a /etc/grub.conf

b /etc/boot

c /etc/fstab

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f /etc/boot.conf

Q14: How do you create an array in PHP??

a $cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");

b $cars = array["Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"];

c $cars = newarray("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");

d $cars = "Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota";

e None

f None

Q15: What does the PHP error 'Parse error in PHP - unexpected T_variable at line x'

a This is a PHP syntax error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and
executing the program.

b None

c None

d This is a PHP logical error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and
executing the program.

e This is a PHP warning error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing
and executing the program.

f None

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