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Q1: Which of the following are commonly found in web pages??

a None

b None

c all of the above

d hyperlinks

e intranet

f internet

Q2: What Is The Role Of Kube-scheduler??

a kube-scheduler is responsible for discovering the newly created pod and selects
an optimal node for them to run on

b kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a node to old created pods.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a cluster to newly created pods.

f kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a port to newly created pods.

Q3: Why wouldn't you see Docker in Plesk installer's list of components??

a Docker is available as an extension and you can only install it from the extensions

b Your Plesk license doesn't have a Docker add-on

c The server does not satisfy Docker system requirements

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold??
a <black>

b None

c <emp>

d <dar>

e <strong>

f None

Q5: Which command can be used to determine file type by its content??

a None of the above.

b type

c file

d None

e ls –l

f None

Q6: How is the ternary conditional operator used in PHP??

a Expression_1?Expression_2 ? Expression_3;

b None

c Expression_1?Expression_2 : Expression_3;

d None

e Expression_1:Expression_2 : Expression_3;

f None

Q7: What does SQL stands for??

a Separate query language

b None

c Strong question language

d Structured question language

e Structure query language

f None

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