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The Healthy Body Plan

Mindset, Menu & Movement to help with your weight loss and improved health!

at least 5 minutes a day of:
Positivity NAKED TRUTH
Belly fat is associated with brain
Affirmations shrinkage and increased risk of
Meditation dementia!

Focus on:
Aim for 1 hour of moderate activity (e.g.
walking, jogging, cycling) 6 days a week. If
your doctor permits include 2 to 3 sessions At least 5 serves 2 serves of fruits
of weight training a week (work with a of non-starchy a day! (can have
professional for best results). Free workout vegetables a day more if focus on
here: (1 serve = ½ cup berries)
Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep cooked veggies or
y is
each night.
o n s istenc rly 1 cup salad)
Emphasis on
C a
regul o
key – hese tips s wholegrain
ing i cereals, pasta,
includ ecome a h for Make friends with
they b rd yoursel i lentils, soybean or
w a m in
To lose around 1/2 kg or 1 pound & re ing your other legumes (at
e e t g
a week perform 1 hour moderate m alon least ½ cup most
activity as above plus the following: goals ay!! days) Moderate amount
the w
of proteins such
as eggs, dairy,
eat regularly (every 3-4 hours) & have Include good fats lean meats &
some fruit, yogurt or sandwich about e.g. 100g salmon vegan options
1-2 hours before your workouts 2-3 times a week,
Substantially limit foods high in calories, 2 tbsp of chia
sugar and saturated fats seeds, avocado
Have at least 8-10 cups of water a day or walnuts, daily
Your healthy eating plan needs to or a balanced oil
be sustainable; increasing protein & supplement daily
having moderate amount of good fats
combined with plenty of fibre can help
you feel full for longer
Always have a low sugar muesli or
protein bar with you & some dark
chocolate (2 squares) in the fridge for
Focus eating mainly whole, unrefined
and unprocessed foods. Aim for foods as
they appear in nature!
The Healthy Body Plan is copyright of Dr Liz Isenring, 2020.
It is intended as a general guide only. If you have specific medical
conditions or require personalised advice please organise an appointment
with Dr Liz on 0434 635 090 or

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