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A joint analysis of market indexes in credit default

swap, volatility and stock markets

José Da Fonseca & Peiming Wang

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Published online: 09 Nov 2015.

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A joint analysis of market indexes in credit default swap, volatility and

stock markets
José Da Fonseca and Peiming Wang
Department of Finance, Business School, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

This paper analyses the joint dynamics of the CDS, volatility and stock markets using both VAR Credit default swap;
and Markov regime-switching VAR models with market index data. It shows that the joint volatility; market linkages;
behaviour of the three markets is better characterized by the Markov model with two regimes Markov switching
corresponding to low- and high-volatile market conditions. The relationship between changes in JEL CLASSIFICATION
the market indexes under a regime is consistent with theory and persistent; the information C10; G12; G13
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

transmission process of shocks to the markets is similar for the two regimes with a more
important role for CDS shock; and the volatility in the money market is an important determinant
of regime-switching. The findings have practical implications, particularly for hedging strategies
with market indexes under different market conditions.

I. Introduction
asset volatility and credit default risk. This approach
The recent global financial crisis and the risks of on the pricing of credit risk can provide important
contagion that originated from derivative markets economic intuitions on what fundamental variables
have had a significant impact on equity markets. explain the credit default spread. Hence, this
As a consequence, fund managers need to pay approach has been used in many theoretical and
more attention to how financial markets change empirical studies on analysing the interaction
their behaviour over time in order to provide inves- between credit risk and volatility. In these studies
tors with a performance in line with market bench- (e.g. Campbell and Taksler 2003), credit risk is typi-
marks and better manage investment risks. In this cally measured by bond spread, while volatility is
study, we investigate the joint behaviour of the CDS, computed using mean squared return on equity. As
VIX and equity markets with a focus on the an alternative to the structural-form approach, the
dynamics of changes in the market indexes. The intensity or reduced-form approach goes back to
objectives of the study are to determine the mean, Duffie and Singleton (1999). This approach has the
volatility and correlation structures of the three mar- advantage of being easier to implement as the state
ket indexes, analyse whether, and how these struc- variables are observable quantities.
tures change over time, examine the information The illiquidity of bond markets and the choice of
transmission process of the three markets during appropriate measure to proxy the risk-free rate
turbulent and quiescent periods, and identify the makes the bond spread (i.e. the difference between
factors that affect the structural changes in the the bond yield and the risk-free rate) not very sui-
three markets. table to analyse credit risk at daily or weekly fre-
There are two types of approaches relating equity/ quencies. Recently, due to the rapid development of
asset volatility to credit default risk, namely, the derivative markets, the interest has shifted to study-
structural-form and intensity approaches. The for- ing credit risk indirectly by using CDS as a measure
mer, introduced by Merton in his seminal work of credit risk. In addition, the VIX index becomes a
Merton (1974), shows the important link between more favoured choice for measure of equity volatility

CONTACT José Da Fonseca

Comments from participants at the 2014 Portuguese Finance Network meeting held at Vilamoura, Portugal, are gratefully acknowledged. The usual caveat
© 2015 Taylor & Francis

because it is a forward-looking measure of volatility. financial crisis during which there were sudden and
This leads to many studies investigating the relation- dramatic changes in the dynamic properties between
ship between CDS and VIX index under univariate the equity, volatility and credit markets. Failing to
regression setting where CDS is the response vari- model possible shift in the dependence structure of
able and VIX index is an explanatory variable (e.g. financial markets may result in incorrect inferences
Benkert 2004; Byström 2008; Ericsson, Jacobs, and about the relationship between different markets
Oviedo 2009; Zhang, Zhou, and Zhu 2009; Wang and inferior strategies for investment and risk
and Yao 2014). To account for possible structural management.
changes in the CDS market over time, Alexander To overcome the shortcoming in VAR models, we
and Kaeck (2008) apply a two-state Markov apply a Markov regime-switching VAR approach to
regime-switching model to examine the impact of analyse the joint behaviour of the CDS, VIX and
VIX index on CDS in which either of the two stock markets. This approach characterizes two dif-
regimes is characterized by a univariate regression ferent dependent structures of the three markets
with CDS as the dependent variable and VIX as one corresponding to turbulent and quiescent periods
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

of the explanatory variables. They also look into by two different VAR specifications, and allows the
factors that influence the regime-switching dependent structures to switch over time according
mechanism. to a two-state Markov chain to capture the stylized
There are several studies on joint analysis of three behaviour of the three markets, including heterosce-
different financial markets under VAR setting.1 For dasticity and time-varying correlations. We also
instance, Norden and Weber (2009) employ a VAR examine factors that affect the regime-switching
model to study the co-movement of the CDS, bonds between the two dependent structures in each of
and stock markets with firm-level data. More the three phases of the recent global financial crisis:
recently, Da Fonseca and Gottschalk (2011) and before, during and after the crisis. In addition, we
Hyun, Kang, and Kim (2012) analyse the interaction study the information transmission process of
between the CDS, volatility and stock markets under shocks to the three markets under either of the two
VAR setting. The former considers this relation at regimes using impulse response functions.
the firm and index levels for major Asian markets, Univariate Markov regime-switching models have
whereas the latter focuses on the Korean market at been extensively used in many studies involving
the index level. These studies show the interest of stock market returns, return volatility forecasts and
examining joint dynamics of different markets to CDS spread. Researchers employ these regime-
understand how they interact (using either Diebold switching techniques to account for specific features
and Yılmaz’s (2014) spillover measure or impulse of financial time series such as the fat tails, volatility
response analysis). Da Fonseca and Gottschalk clustering and mean reversion in stock prices (e.g.
(2014) investigate the relationship between the entire Turner, Startz, and Nelson 1989; Cecchetti, Lam, and
volatility surface and the term structure of CDS Mark 1990; Schaller and Van Norden 1997), for
spreads for the US market during the global financial improving volatility forecasts (e.g. Klaassen 2002;
crisis and for several European markets during the Haas, Mittnik, and Paolella 2004; Liu, Margaritis,
European debt crisis and how cross-hedging ratios and Wang 2012) and for analysing the determinants
are affected. Nevertheless, VAR models assume that of CDS (e.g. Alexander and Kaeck 2008; Naifar
the dynamic properties of different financial mar- 2012). This type of modelling is particularly plausi-
kets, particularly the covariance and correlation ble for describing the behaviour of market indexes in
between market indexes, remain the same during an economy with regime shifts where the economic
turbulent and quiescent periods. This is inconsistent mechanisms that trigger changes in the market
with what happened around the recent global indexes over time and consequently the parameters

There are also few other studies on joint analysis of two financial markets under bivariate setting. For instance, Caporin (2013) examines the dynamics for
two pairs: (1) equity index and CDS index, and (2) equity index and VIX index for the purpose of hedging equity risk with the use of either the CDS index or
the VIX index as instruments. Fenech, Vosgha, and Shafik (2014) use a copulas approach to analyse the joint dynamics of Australian CDS and equity market
indexes to investigate the impact of the global financial crisis on the association between the two market indexes. In Wang and Bhar (2014), a joint
analysis is performed for CDS spreads and equity returns for the US market using a VAR framework.

or even the structure of the market index regime that credit/default risk has more profound effect on
itself may change as the economic environment the three markets. In addition, the impact of shock is
changes. As for Markov regime-switching VAR relatively larger during turbulent periods than during
models, there are also a few applications in econom- quiescent periods. Third, we find that the factors
ics and finance studies including the analysis of related to the volatility of the money market such as
co-movements between stock prices and economic square of the LIBOR–OIS spread and square of the
output in Hamilton and Lin (1996), the joint analysis SWAP–OIS spread have a significant impact on the
of real GDP, price inflation and stock prices for a set regime-switching mechanism throughout all the three
of countries (18 European countries) using a three- periods, while the impact of the factors related to the
regime GVAR in Binder and Gross (2013), the term CDS, VIX and equity markets on regime-switching is
structure of interest rates in Sola and Driffill (1994), significant only for the pre- and post-periods. More
the joint dynamics of the two volatility indexes: VIX specifically, the CDS factors are more important than
and MOVE in Zhou (2014)2; in Guo, Chen, and the factors related to the VIX and equity markets
Huang (2011) a Markov-switching model is applied before the crisis; and almost all the factors related to
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

to the return on oil price, the return on stock index, the three markets become significant after the crisis.
the CDS index and the return on housing price. This implies that after the global financial crisis the
Note that the features and estimation of Markov linkage among the markets appears stronger.
regime-switching VAR models are discussed in The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section
great details in Krolzig (1997). II, we describe the data. In Section III, we present
To preview our results, first, we find evidence of the calibration results for a VAR model and a
the regime-switching in the joint dynamics of the Markov regime-switching VAR model. Section IV
three markets over time as the Markov regime- contains the empirical results for the determinants
switching VAR model is more appropriate than the of the regime-switching mechanism and Section V
VAR model. The mean, volatility and correlation concludes the paper.
structures for the market indexes are different for
the two regimes representing the low and high vola-
II. Data
tilities of the market indexes. Under either of the two
regimes, the CDS and VIX indexes are positively In this study, we analyse the credit default swap
correlated, while they are negatively correlated to market using two CDS indexes: the CDX.NA.IG and
the equity index. Thus, the contemporaneous rela- the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL. The former is the North
tionships between the CDS, VIX and equity market American investment grade credit default swap
indexes are consistent with Merton’s model. The index and is computed by averaging the CDS spreads
findings indicate the benefit of portfolio diversifica- for 125 entities, and the latter is computed using the
tion for investments in the three markets. Our find- 30 constituents of the CDX.NA.IG with the widest
ings also show that hedge ratios are sensitive to average CDS spreads over the past 90 days. For both
regime, which provides the basis for construction of them, we take the five-year CDS spread which is by
of various hedging strategies including the use of the far the most liquid. For the first index, the sample
the CDS/VIX index as a hedge instrument for hed- covers the period 13 October 2004 to 8 February
ging the equity risk under different market condi- 2012, while for the other index it is slightly shorter
tions. Second, in terms of the impulse response as the sample runs from 8 December 2004 to 8
functions under a regime, the structure of the infor- February 2012. The data are sampled on weekly fre-
mation transmission process of shocks to the three quency and we take the Wednesday as the observa-
markets is quite similar for the two regimes. For tion day. Whenever a quote is not available for that
instantaneous impact, a CDS shock plays a more day then either go forward or backward by one day to
important role in the transmission process because build an observation for a given week. Given a time
any news affecting the CDS market also affects the series for the credit default swap market, we take the
other two markets, but not vice versa. This suggests corresponding values for the VIX and the return for

MOVE stands for the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Treasury Option Volatility Estimate Index.

the S&P500. Due to missing values, the samples built aggregates very different market behaviour; it is there-
using the CDX.NA.IG and CDX.NA.IG.HVOL may fore of interest to carry out these simple descriptive
differ slightly for a given period leading to small statistics for each sub-sample in order to exhibit the
discrepancies for some statistical values. The CDS great variability observed during that time frame.
spreads are provided by Bloomberg, whereas the For the pre-crisis sub-sample, the volatility is 13%
VIX and S&P500 are extracted from Datastream. and the index return is positive at 0.19% (per week).
As the samples contain periods during which the For the CDS spreads, the CDX.NA.IG is at 44 bps,
market conditions might be quite different, we split while the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL is at 94 bps. For the
the whole sample period into three sub-sample per- crisis sub-sample, the CDS spreads, for both indexes
iods, namely pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis, respec- and the volatility increase substantially as they are
tively. The first one starts from the beginning the multiplied by a factor of 3. The CDX.NA.IG reaches
considered sample to 25 July 2007 and is qualified as 133 bps, the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL culminates at 315 bps
the pre-crisis sub-sample. The second sub-sample while the volatility is around 30%. Also of interest are
runs from 1 August 2007 to end of 2009 and con- the standard deviations for these quantities that are
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

tains the global financial crisis. The last sub-sample much higher than for the previous sub-sample. This
goes from 6 January 2010 to 8 February 2012 and is huge variability can also be read on the standard
the post-crisis sample. This partitioning is similar deviation of the changes for both the credit and vola-
with those made in the literature (see Bai and tility markets. Lastly and consistently with Merton’s
Collin-Dufresne 2011).3 theoretical framework, the mean index return appears
Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics for the to be negative as the reported mean value confirms.
levels and the changes of the CDS spreads and the These statistical facts are just a numerical confirmation
volatility, as well as the stock index return. The mean of the events observed during the global financial
and the standard deviation are given for the whole crisis. The last part of the sample, the third sub-sam-
sample and for the three sub-samples. For the whole ple, corresponds to the post-crisis period during which
sample, the CDS spread values are 90 bps and 192 bps the CDS and the volatility markets returned to lower
for the CDX.NA.IG and CDX.NA.IG.HVOL, respec- levels, while the index return was positive. It is of
tively. The higher level observed for the CDX.NA.IG. interest to note that the mean values for the credit
HVOL is consistent with the definition of this index. and volatility markets stabilized at levels above the pre-
This index also shows a larger variability as the stan- crisis values; this fact is better illustrated in Fig. 1(a) for
dard deviation is larger for both the level and the the CDX.NA.IG and in Fig. 1(b) for the CDX.NA.IG.
change of the CDS spreads. On this whole sample, HVOL. It seems to us that the global financial crisis
the volatility has an average value of 21%, while the introduced a structural change in the relation that ties
index return appears to be positive at 0.03% (expressed the credit market, the volatility market and the index
on a weekly basis). As mentioned earlier, our sample market. This fact will be later confirmed.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the CDX.NA.IG and the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL.

cds vol Rt ΔCDS ΔVOL cds vol Rt ΔCDS ΔVOL
Whole sample (13 Oct 2004–8 Feb 2012) (8 Dec 2004–8 Feb 2012)
Mean 90.53 21.56 0.04 0.11 0.01 192.12 21.86 0.03 0.27 0.01
Std. dev. 49.87 10.93 2.64 9.00 3.46 122.89 11.16 2.61 19.53 3.43
Pre-crisis (13 Oct 2004–25 Jul 2007) (8 Dec 2004–25 Jul 2007)
Mean 44.02 12.94 0.19 0.01 0.03 94.53 12.90 0.18 0.44 0.04
Std. dev. 8.11 1.94 1.26 2.57 1.37 18.29 1.98 1.25 6.19 1.42
Crisis (1 Aug 2007–30 Dec 2009) (1 Aug 2007–30 Dec 2009)
Mean 133.66 30.20 – 0.24 0.22 0.01 315.01 30.38 – 0.23 – 0.01 0.01
Std. dev. 52.16 12.55 3.64 14.48 4.68 128.13 12.69 3.43 30.92 4.42
Post-crisis (6 Jan 2010–8 Feb 2012) (6 Jan 2010–8 Feb 2012)
Mean 102.86 23.12 0.16 0.11 – 0.02 168.97 23.07 0.17 0.39 – 0.02
Std. dev. 16.92 6.59 2.64 5.83 3.78 38.51 6.58 2.75 11.59 3.90

To be more precise in Bai and Collin-Dufresne (2011), the authors have two crisis periods: the first one from 1 July 2007 to 31 August 2008 and the second
one from 1 September 2008 to 30 September 2009, this latter date being the end of their sample.

(a) Δxt ¼ a0 þ a1 Δxt1 þ t ; (1)

CDS (CDX.NA.IG), VIX and S&P500 prices
1800 80 where Δxt ¼ ðΔCDSt ; ΔVOLt ; Rt ÞT with ΔCDSt ;
1600 70
1400 60
ΔVOLt , and Rt denoting change in the CDS index,
CDS, S&P500

1200 50 change in the VIX index and return in the S&P 500

800 index for period t, respectively, and
600 T
400 20 t ¼ ð1;t ; 2;t ; 3;t Þ ,Nð0; ΩÞ. For the CDS market
200 10
index, we consider two indexes: CDX.NA.IG and
0 0
CDX.NA.IG.HVOL. For either of the two CDS indexes,
we obtain parameter estimates for the above model
CDS SP500 VIX with the data for the sample period from 13 October
2004 to 8 February 2012 for CDX.NA.IG and from 8
(b) December 2004 to 8 February 2012 for the CDX.NA.
CDS (CDX.NA.IG.HVOL), VIX and S&P500 prices
IG.HVOL, respectively. The estimation results are pro-
1800 80
vided in Tables 2 and 3.
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

1600 70
1400 60
For the CDX.NA.IG, the estimated correlations
CDS, SP500

between the variables are consistent with theory.
600 30 Specifically, the CDS spread is positively related to
400 20
200 10
0 0 Table 2. The estimation of the VAR model for CDX.NA.IG with

the whole sample (13 Oct 2004–8 Feb 2012).

Panel A: Regression coefficients
Const. ΔCDSt1 ΔVOLt1 Rt1
Figure 1. Data of CDX.NA.IG, CDX.NA.IG.HVOL, VIX and S&P 500 ΔCDSt 0.1939 –0.1535*** –0.5794** –1.4591***
ΔVOLt 0.0142 – 0.0533** –0.1251 0.0381
prices. (a) CDX.NA.IG: weekly observations from 13 October Rt 0.0426 0.0488*** 0.0316 0.0339
2004 to 8 February 2012. (b) CDX.NA.IG.HVOL: weekly observa-
Panel B: Covariance and correlation matrices
tions from 8 December 2004 to 8 February 2012.
Covariance Correlation
A (two-regime) Markov-switching model will be ΔCDSt 76.33 13.31 –10.95 1 0.451 –0.479
ΔVOLt 13.31 11.39 –7.23 0.451 1 –0.819
estimated on the above-mentioned data and as a result Rt –10.95 –7.23 6.85 –0.479 –0.819 1
we will have a time series of filtered probability of Panel C: Likelihood, AIC and BIC
being in a given state. Following the literature, in Log-likelihood AIC BIC
order to find the determinants of this variable a logis- –3007.7 6063.4 6120.8
Note: *** and ** stand for significance at 1% and 5%, respectively.
tic regression will be performed. As explanatory vari-
able beyond the usual lagged state variable, we will use
the spread between the three-month Libor rate and Table 3. The estimation of the VAR model for CDX.NA.IG.HVOL
the three-month overnight index swap (OIS). We will with the whole sample (8 Dec 2004–8 Feb 2012).
also consider the spread between the 10-year interest Panel A: Regression coefficients

rate swap (Swap) and the OIS rate. The Libor and OIS Const. ΔCDSt1 ΔVOLt1 Rt1
ΔCDSt 0.4000 –0.0122 –1.5129*** –3.1185***
rates are provided by Datastream, while the swap rate ΔVOLt 0.0334 –0.0340*** –0.2350*** –0.1834
is provided by Bloomberg. Rt 0.0191 0.0278*** 0.1256* 0.2139**
Panel B: Covariance and correlation matrices
Covariance Correlation
III. Models and analysis ΔCDSt 361.24 30.88 –29.09 1 0.488 –0.594
ΔVOLt 30.88 11.09 –6.91 0.488 1 –0.805
The VAR model Rt –29.09 –6.91 6.63 –0.594 –0.805 1
Panel C: Likelihood, AIC and BIC
We first carry out the joint analysis of the CDS, VIX Log-likelihood AIC BIC
and stock market indexes using the vector autore- –3145.1 6338.1 6395.6
gressive model with order 1 (VAR(1)) denoted as Note: ***, ** and * stand for significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.

the volatility with correlation of 0.451, but negatively (a)

related to stock returns with correlation of – 0.479;
and the volatility is negatively correlated to stock 8

returns with a value of – 0.819. These results support 6

the contemporaneous relationships between the vari- 4
ables described by Merton’s model. Furthermore, the
strength of these correlations indicates that the three
markets are strongly integrated, providing the basis 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
of various cross-hedging strategies among the three –2
markets with the market indexes as hedging instru- (b)
ments. In particular, as the equity index is negatively 4

correlated to the CDS and VIX indexes, the hedging 3

strategies for the equity risk created by the construc- 2

tion of a long position on either the CDS index or 1
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

the VIX index have some advantages as compared 0

1 2 3 4 5 6
with the traditional hedging strategies that generally –1
imply a short position on the hedging instrument. –2
In addition, the variable ΔCDSt–1 is significant in
all the three regression equations, while ΔVOLt–1
and Rt1 are significant only in the regression equa- 2
tion for the CDS. It is therefore tempting to con- 1.5
clude that the CDS market drives the equity and 1
volatility markets as a Granger-causality test would
lead to this conclusion. For instance, an increase in 1 2 3 4 5 6
ΔCDSt–1 will lead to a decrease in ΔVOLt and an –1
increase in Rt , given that both ΔVOLt–1 and Rt1 –1.5
remain constant. This indicates the intertemporal –2
consistency of the lagged and contemporaneous rela-
tionships between the variables, i.e. the volatility and Figure 2. Impulse response functions for CDX.NA.IG based on
stock indexes will evolve over time in such a way the VAR model. (a) CDS shock, (b) VIX shock and (c) stock
return shock.
that the contemporaneous relationship between the
Note: The dashed, dashed-dot and dotted lines are the impulse
variables in time t is consistent with Merton’s model. responses of Δ CDS, Δ VOL and R, respectively.
To further examine the dynamic properties of the
three market indexes jointly, we computed the
impulse response function that traces the respon- that the instantaneous impact due to a VIX shock is
siveness of variables to one unit shock to each of positive for change in VIX index and negative for
the three factors underlying the transmission pro- stock returns, but almost none for change in the
cess. Figure 2 displays the impulse response func- CDS index. The subsequent impact over time dis-
tions. Note that we name a shock to the first factor appears quickly for all the variables, although it
as a CDS shock, to the second factor as a VIX shock appears a positive impact at lag 1 for CDS change.
and to the third factor as a stock return shock. Hence, a VIX shock will have a simultaneous impact
Figure 2(a) shows that the instantaneous impact on the stock and volatility markets only. Finally,
due to a CDS shock is positive for change in CDS Fig. 2(c) shows that instantaneous impact due to a
and VIX indexes, and negative for the stock return. stock return shock is positive for stock returns, but
The subsequent impact over time dies down quickly almost none for the CDS and VIX markets. The
for all the variables. Obviously a CDS shock will subsequent impact over time disappears quickly for
have a simultaneous impact on all the three markets, all the variables, while there is a negative impact at
especially the CDS market which usually is the least lag 1 for CDS change. These findings show the
liquid among these three markets. Figure 2(b) shows diversity of the information transmission process

among the three markets. It also indicates that in (a)

terms of instantaneous impact, a CDS shock plays a
more important role in the transmission process. 20

Any news affecting the CDS market also affects the 15

other two markets instantaneously, but not vice 10
versa. This suggests that credit/default risk has a
more profound effect on the three markets. This
feature should be considered in designing a hedging 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
strategy with market indexes, such as the use of VIX –5
and CDS indexes as hedging instruments studied by (b)
Caporin (2013). 3.5
For the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL, the results are simi- 2.5
lar to those for the CDX.NA.IG. Particularly, the 2
correlation matrix is almost identical to the one for 1
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

the CDX.NA.IG with the exception of the correla- 0.5

tion between the CDS and the equity returns which –0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5
appears to be stronger (in absolute value). The –1
main difference in the variance matrix is that the –1.5
CDX.NA.IG.HVOL has a much larger variance
than the CDX.NA.IG because the former includes 2
riskier CDS products. As for the regression coeffi- 1
cients, all the significant coefficients have the same 0
sign for the two CDS indexes. However, the num- 0 1 2 3 4 5
ber of significant coefficients is 7 for this CDS
index, 2 more than that for the CDX.NA.IG. We
also computed the impulse response function for
this CDS index. The graphs of the impulse response –4

function for the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL in Fig. 3 are –5

quite similar to the corresponding graphs in Fig. 2, Figure 3. Impulse response functions for CDX.NA.IG.HVOL
except that the magnitude of the response of ΔCDS based on the VAR model. (a) CDS shock, (b) VIX shock and
to CDS shock is larger for the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL.4 (c) stock return shock.
This means that the joint dynamic system for the The dashed, dashed-dot and dotted lines are the impulse
responses of Δ CDS, Δ VOL and R, respectively.
CDX.NA.IG.HVOL change, VIX change and the
stock return is similar to that for the case of CDX.
NA.IG change, VIX change and stock return. and dramatically at the start of the recent global
Therefore, in terms of risk management using a financial crisis and the new dynamics persisted
CDS index as a hedging instrument, the two CDS through many months. While under the VAR
indexes could be interchangeable with different model the joint dynamic system of the three mar-
hedging ratios. kets specified by Equation (1) is assumed to
remain constant over time, a Markov-switching
VAR model allows the joint dynamic system to
The Markov-switching VAR model change abruptly. It can parsimoniously capture
Financial markets tend to change their behaviour stylized behaviour of the market indexes such as
suddenly over time and the changed behaviour persistent periods of turbulence followed by per-
often persists for some time. For example, the sistent periods of low volatility and time-varying
mean, volatility and correlation patterns for the correlation, and can handle heterogeneity in
CDS, VIX and stock markets changed abruptly the data. As we want to compare the
We omit the graphs to save space, which are available from the authors upon request.

Table 4. Markov-switching estimation for CDX.NA.IG with the whole sample (13 Oct 2004–8 Feb 2012).
Panel A: Regression coefficients
Regime no. Const. ΔCDSt1 VOLt1 Rt1
ΔCDSt 1 –0.1575 0.2632*** –0.1178 –0.1690
2 0.4877 –0.2439*** –0.8491** –2.0120***
VOLt 1 –0.0686 0.1393*** –0.2192*** 0.0698
2 0.2267 –0.0855*** –0.1328 –0.0066
Rt 1 0.3012*** –0.1243*** 0.1200 –0.0138
2 –0.3485 0.0791*** 0.0305 0.0628
Panel B: Covariance and correlation matrices
Covariance Correlation
Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 1 Regime 2
ΔCDSt 3.63 0.43 –0.61 148.45 25.36 –20.29 1 0.211 –0.292 1 0.448 –0.480
VOLt 0.43 1.14 –0.87 25.36 21.62 –13.26 0.211 1 –0.741 0.448 1 –0.822
Rt –0.61 –0.87 1.21 –20.29 –13.26 12.03 –0.292 –0.741 1 –0.480 –0.822 1
Panel C: Transition probabilities, log-likelihood, AIC and BIC
p11 p22 Log-likelihood AIC BIC
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0.8715 0.8569 – 2639.5 5355.0 5546.7

Note: *** and ** stand for significance at 1% and 5%, respectively.

Markov-switching VAR model to the simple We perform the estimation of this model for both
VAR model, we consider the following Markov- indexes using the whole sample and report the
switching VAR model: results in Tables 4 and 5 for the CDX.NA.IG and
CDX.NA.IG.HVOL, respectively.
Δxt ¼ as0t þ as1t Δxt1 þ t st 2 f1; 2g; (2)
For the CDX.NA.IG, it confirms that there is
where t jst ,Nð0; Ωst Þ and st follow a two-state first- evidence for the regime-switching in the three mar-
order Markov chain with transition probabilities: kets because both the AIC and BIC values reported
in Panel C of Tables 2 and 4 lead to the selection of
P½st ¼ jjst1 ¼ i ¼ pij i; j 2 f1; 2g: (3)
the Markov-switching VAR model over the VAR
Note that as0t ; as1t
and Ωst are state-dependent vec- model. Moreover, Panel B of Table 4 shows that
tors/matrices of parameters, and the model para- for each of the three markets, the conditional var-
meter vector θ contains all the unknown elements iance for regime two is higher than the correspond-
of pij ; as0t ; as1t and Ωst . ing variance for regime one. Hence, the two regimes
Under the Markov-switching VAR model, there are referred to as low- and high-volatility regimes
are two regimes for the dynamic process of the three with regime 1 representing the quiescent periods of
markets, which is characterized by the correspond- the three markets and regime 2 for the turbulent
ing conditional mean structure defined by ðas0t ; as1t Þ periods. As in the case of the VAR model, the con-
and conditional covariance matrix Ωst . The two ditional correlation matrix is consistent with theory
regimes switch according to a two-state Markov for both regimes as the correlation signs are the
chain. Furthermore, the state is assumed to be unob- same as those for the VAR model. Furthermore,
servable and has to be inferred from data. while the correlation between the CDS and VIX
Given a sample of observations ZT ¼ indexes under regime 2 is much higher than that
fΔxT ; ΔxT1 ; . . . ; Δx1 g, we obtain the maximum- under regime 1, either of the CDS and VIX indexes
likelihood estimate of θ via the EM algorithm is more strongly, negatively correlated to the equity
using the method described in Hamilton (1994, index. This suggests that credit and volatility risk are
Chapter 22). We then use the resulting maximum- more interrelated during turbulent periods. It also
likelihood estimate ^θ to form an inference about the indicates that the use of the CDS and VIX indexes as
latent state for week t with the smoothing probabil- a diversification tool becomes more significant dur-
ity defined by ing turbulent periods.
Unlike the VAR model, the covariance and corre-
Pðst ¼ 1jZT ; ^θÞ: (4) lation across indexes under the Markov-switching

Table 5. Markov-switching estimation for CDX.NA.IG.HVOL with the whole sample (8 Dec 2004–8 Feb 2012).
Panel A: Regression coefficients
Regime Const. ΔCDSt1 VOLt1 Rt1
ΔCDSt Reg. 1 –0.0348 –0.1234** –0.9079** –1.0911**
Reg. 2 –0.4642 0.0124 –1.7809* –3.8415***
VOLt Reg. 1 –0.0553 –0.0091 –0.4346*** –0.2455
Reg. 2 0.2236 –0.0449** –0.1787 –0.1769
Rt Reg. 1 0.3177*** 0.0045 0.1431 0.0666
Reg. 2 –0.4022 0.0386** 0.1018 0.2370
Panel B: Covariance and correlation matrices
Covariance Correlation
Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 1 Regime 2
ΔCDSt 30.54 4.39 –4.41 812.80 69.29 –64.62 1 0.545 –0.577 1 0.501 –0.632
VOLt 4.39 2.13 –1.66 69.29 23.49 –14.04 0.545 1 –0.823 0.501 1 –0.808
Rt −4.41 – 1.66 1.91 –64.62 –14.04 12.85 –0.577 –0.823 1 –0.632 –0.808 1
Panel C: Transition probabilities, log-likelihood, AIC and BIC
p11 p22 Log-likelihood AIC BIC
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0.9147 0.881 – 2808.5 5693.1 5883.2

Note: ***,** and * stand for significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.

model are time-varying. Thus, the optimal hedge long run, the markets are in the low (high) volatility
ratio based on the Markov-switching model varies regime for 52:7% (47:3%) of the time as the station-
over time. For example, when the three markets are ary probabilities are 0.527 and 0.473 for the low and
in regime 1, the optimal hedge ratio for hedging high regimes, respectively. Moreover, the expected
CDS risk is 0.37 ð¼ 0:43=1:14Þ for the VIX index number of consecutive weeks in the same regime is
and – 0.5 ð¼ 0:61=1:21Þ for the equity index. On 7.8 weeks for the low-volatility regime and 7.0 weeks
the other hand, when the three markets are in for the high-volatility regime.
regime 2, the optimal hedge ratio for hedging the Panel A of Table 4 shows that for regression
CDS risk is 1.19 ð¼ 25:36=21:62Þ for the VIX index coefficients, the variable ΔCDSt–1 is significant in
and – 1.68 ð¼ 20:29=12:03Þ for the equity index. all the three regression equations for both regimes,
In this case, the change in the optimal hedge ratio whereas ΔVOLt–1 and Rt1 are significant only for
between the two regimes is 3.2 times for the VIX the CDS equation for regime 2, and ΔVOLt–1 is only
index and 3.3 times for the equity index. Note that significant in the VIX equation for regime 1.
the corresponding two hedge ratios for the VAR Obviously the conditional mean structure is differ-
model are 1.17 ð¼ 13:31=11:31Þ and – 1.159 ent for the two regimes. Moreover, for either of the
( ¼ 10:95=6:85), respectively. As the joint two regimes, there is the intertemporal consistency
dynamics of the three market indexes is better char- of the lagged and contemporaneous relationships
acterized by the Markov-switching model rather between the variables, so that the contemporaneous
than the VAR model in terms of both AIC and relationship between the variables at any time is
BIC, the construction of hedging strategies based consistent with Merton’s model. For example,
on the VAR model may lead to either over or under regime 1, an increase in ΔCDSt–1 will lead
under hedging. Therefore, from a risk management to an increase in ΔCDSt and ΔVOLt but a decrease
point of view it is important to construct hedging in Rt , given that both ΔVOLt–1 and Rt1 remain
strategies based on the Markov-switching model. constant; and under regime 2, an increase in
As p11 ¼ 0:872 (p22 ¼ 0:857), when the markets ΔCDSt–1 will lead to a decrease in ΔCDSt and
are in the low (high) volatility regime for a week, ΔVOLt but an increase in Rt , given that both
there is 87:2% (85:7%) chance that the markets ΔVOLt–1 and Rt1 remain constant. This implies
remain in the same regime next week, and 12:8% that at time t the CDS and VIX indexes are posi-
(14:3%) chance that the markets switch to the high tively correlated but they are negatively related to
(low) volatility regime next week. This means that the stock index. To further examine the dynamic
either of the two regimes is quite persistent. In the properties of the three markets under either of the


2.5 14
1.5 8
0.5 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 –2
–0.5 –4


4 5
3 4

2 3
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1 2 3 4 5 6 0
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5
–2 –2
–3 –3

2 3
1.5 2
1 1
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 –1
–1.5 –3
–2 –4
–2.5 –5

Figure 4. Impulse response functions for the CDX.NA.IG based on the MS model. (a) CDS shock, (b) VIX shock and (c) return shock.
The dashed, dashed-dot and dotted lines are the impulse responses of Δ CDS, Δ VOL and R, respectively. The left-hand-side figures
report the first state, and the right-hand-side figures report the second state.

two regimes, we computed the impulse response regimes over time. It also indicates that the impact
functions in the same way as in the VAR model by of shock to the markets is relatively larger during
treating the matrix of the conditional regression high-volatile periods than during low-volatile peri-
coefficients ðas1t Þ and the conditional covariance ods. In addition, the interpretation of the dynamic
(Ωst ) for a regime as the corresponding matrices system of the three markets under either of the two
(a1 and Ω) in the VAR model. The impulse response regimes is almost the same as for the VAR model,
functions are displayed in Fig. 4 where the left- because each response curve in Fig. 4 is also similar
hand-side three panels are for regime 1, and the to that for the VAR model in Fig. 2. These findings
right-hand-side three panels are for regime 2. imply that although hedging ratio may vary over
In Fig. 4, each response curve in the right-hand- time, it is relatively stable for the construction of a
side panel has a similar but enlarged shape as com- hedging strategy against credit or volatility or equity
pared with the curve in the corresponding left-hand- risk.
side panel. This suggests that the structure of the We also look into the effects of GDP growth and
transmission process in the three markets remains inflation shocks on the three financial markets by
stable when the markets switch between the two examining the correlation between the residuals

generated from the first-order autoregression of Panel A: CDS (CDS.NA.IG), VIX, S&P500 prices
1800 80
changes in the US real GDP growth and inflation 1600 70
rate and the residuals generated from the Markov- 1400 60

CDS, S&P500
switching VAR model.5 The residuals for GDP 1000

growth have the correlation coefficients of –0.19, – 800
600 30
0.7 and 0.63 with the residuals for the CDS, VIX and 400 20
200 10
equity markets, respectively, based on the CDX.NA. 0 0
IG data, and – 0.27, – 0.60 and 0.41 for the three

markets, respectively, based on the CDX.NA.IG.
HVOL data. This indicates that shocks to GDP CDS SP500 VIX

growth have a negative impact on the CDS and Panel B: Estimated standard deviations
VIX markets, and a positive impact on the equity 12.00
market. The residuals for inflation have the correla- 10.00
tion coefficients of –0.05, 0.01 and 0.30 with the 8.00
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

residuals for the CDS, VIX and equity markets, 6.00

respectively, based on the CDX.NA.IG data, and – 4.00
0.03, 0.15 and 0.18 for the three markets, respec- 2.00
tively, based on the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL data. This 0.00
shows that shocks to inflation have a negative impact

on the CDS market, and a positive impact on both
the VIX and equity markets. Furthermore, the CDS VIX S&P500
impact of inflation shocks on the three markets is
Figure 5. CDX.NA.IG classification. Weekly observations from 13
less as compared with GDP shocks. October 2004 to 8 February 2012.
Finally, we calculate the estimated smoothing
probability defined by Equation (4) and use it to
identify week t with the low-volatility regime if the sign of each element in the conditional correlation
smoothing probability of being in the low-volatility matrices for the case of the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL is
regime exceeds 0.5, and the high-volatility regime the same as for the case of the CDX.NA.IG. This
otherwise. The classification is presented in the two indicates that the construction of hedging strategies
panels of Fig. 5 where the unshaded and shaded should be also similar for the two cases. However,
areas represent the periods of low- and high-volati- since the equity index is less correlated to the CDX.
lity regimes, respectively. Clearly, before the global NA.IG.HVOL than the CDX.NA.IG under either of
financial crisis, the markets are in the low-volatility the two regimes, the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL is likely
regime for most of the time, while after the global more preferred in terms of portfolio diversification.
financial crisis the markets are more often in the In addition, as p11 ¼ 0:915 (p22 ¼ 0:881), when the
high-volatility regime. markets are in the low (high) volatility regime for a
The estimation results for the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL week, there is 91:5% (88:1%) chance that the markets
are similar to those for the CDX.NA.IG. In particu- remain in the same regime next week, and 8:5%
lar, the Markov-switching VAR model is superior to (11:9%) chance that the markets switch to the high
the VAR model according to both AIC and BIC (low) volatility regime next week. Like the CDX.NA.
values in Panel C of Tables 3 and 5. Panel B of IG index, either of the two regimes is quite persistent.
Table 5 shows that the two regimes can be charac- In the long run, the markets are in the low (high)
terized as low- and high-volatile market conditions. volatility regime for 58:3% (41:7%) of the time as the
In addition, the conditional correlation matrices for stationary probabilities are 0.583 and 0.417 for the low
the two regimes are comparable. Particularly, the and high regimes, respectively. Moreover, the

The quarterly US real GDP and monthly US CPI data are downloaded from the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. We first obtain the residuals
from the first-order autoregression of the quarterly changes in the US real GDP growth and the monthly changes in the US CPI separately, and we then
calculate the sample correlation coefficients between these residuals and the residuals of the Markov-switching model that are next to the corresponding
residuals from the autoregression in terms of time.

expected number of consecutive weeks in the same financial crisis the markets are more often in the
regime is 11.8 weeks for the low-volatility regime and high-volatility regime.
8.4 weeks for the high-volatility regime.
Panel A of Table 5 shows that the conditional
Out-of-sample forecast
mean structure is different for the two regimes. For
instance, the variable ΔCDSt1 in the CDS regres- For out-of-sample forecast performance, we consider
sion equation is significant only for regime 1. As in both point and interval forecasts for the response
the case of the CDX.NA.IG, we also computed the variables. For point forecasts, given information
impulse response functions to examine the dynamic available up to period t, 1-period-ahead forecasts
system of the three markets for the two regimes. The for the variables of Δxtþ1 are generated from the
graphs of the impulse response functions are similar VAR model as follows:
to those for the CDX.NA.IG, suggesting that the
Δ^xtþ1jt ¼ ^a0 þ ^a1 Δxt ; (5)
dynamic system is comparable for both cases; thus
we omit the graphs here. where ^a0 and ^a1 are the parameter estimates
obtained based on observations through period t.
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As in the case of CDX.NA.IG index, we use the

smoothing probabilities to identify each week with For the Markov-switching VAR model, given
either of the two regimes in terms of the same information available up to period t, we first forecast
classification criterion. The results are shown in how likely the markets are to be in a particular state
Fig. 6 where the unshaded and shaded areas repre- in period t þ 1 by calculating the following condi-
sent the periods of low- and high-volatility regimes, tional probabilities:
respectively. Like the CDX.NA.IG, before the global
^tþ1jt ¼ P^
P ^ ptjt ; (6)
financial crisis the markets are in the low-volatility
regime for most of the time, while after the global
where P ^ tþ1jt ¼ ðPðstþ1 ¼ 1jZt ; ^θÞ; ðstþ1 ¼ 2jZt ; ^θÞÞT ,
and ^θ, P
^ and p ^tjt are the estimated model parameters,
Panel A: CDS (CDX.NA.IG.HVOL),VIX and S&P500 2  2 matrix of the transition probabilities and
smoothing probabilities, respectively. We then deter-
2000 80
70 mine the forecasts for Δxtþ1 using the following
1500 60
CDS, SP500


1000 40
ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ
30 Δ^xtþ1jt ¼ ^a0 þ ^a1 Δxt i ¼ 1; 2; (7)
0 ð1Þ ð2Þ
^tþ1jt :
Δ^xtþ1jt ¼ ðΔ^xtþ1jt Δ^xtþ1jt ÞP (8)

Note that all the parameter estimates are obtained

CDS SP500 VIX based on observations through period t.
As for interval forecasts, we construct out-of-sample
Panel B: Estimated standard deviations
interval forecasts for each of the three
response variables Δxj;tþ1 ðj ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ in the form:
ðLj;tþ1jt ðpÞ; Uj;tþ1jt ðpÞÞ, where Lj;tþ1jt ðpÞ and
Uj;tþ1jt ðpÞ are the lower and upper limits of the inter-
10.00 val, and they are the p2 th and ð1  p2Þth quantile of
5.00 conditional distribution of Δxj;tþ1 , respectively. Note
0.00 that the conditional distribution of Δxj;tþ1 is a normal

distribution for the VAR model with the mean pre-

dicted by Equation (5) and the estimated variance
CDS VIX S&P500 based on observations up to period t, and a mixture
Figure 6. CDX.NA.IG.HVOL classification. Weekly observations of two normal distributions for the Markov-switching
from 8 December 2004 to 8 February 2012. VAR model with the component means predicted by

Equation (7), the estimated component variances and LRind are the likelihood ratio test statistics for
based on observations up to period t and the mixing the conditional coverage, unconditional coverage
probabilities calculated by Equation (6). and independence hypotheses, respectively, the
To evaluate point of out-of-sample forecast per- solid (dotted) curves represent the values of the
formance, we calculate root-mean-squared error test statistics based on the VAR (Markov switch-
(RMSE) as follows: ing) model, and the horizontal solid lines are the
critical values for the tests. There is no evidence to
1 X 3 TXout 1
reject any of the three hypotheses for the Markov-
RMSE ¼ ðΔ^xj;tþ1jT  Δxj;tþ1 Þ2 ;
3Tout j¼1 t¼Tþ1 switching model except the two cases for the 70%
interval forecast for the variable ΔCDSt for the
CDX.NA.IG data. On the other hand, there are
where T and Tout are in-sample and out-of-sample many cases where the three hypotheses are rejected
sizes, respectively. To evaluate interval out-of-sample for the VAR model. Clearly, the interval forecast
forecast performance, we calculate the average cov- based on the Markov-switching model is better
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

erage rate that an observation lies within the corre- than that based on the VAR model.
sponding interval, and conduct the three likelihood
ratio tests for the performance of out-of-sample IV. The determinants of regime-switching
interval forecast as proposed by Christoffersen
(1998).6 In this section, we investigate possible factors that
For out-of-sample period from 15 February 2012 affect the switching between the two regimes of the
to 14 November 2012 (Tout ¼ 40 weeks), the value of three markets. More specifically, we examine whether
RMSE for point forecast is 4.1 for both the VAR and and how the change and volatility in each of the CDS,
Markov-switching VAR models for the data of CDX. VIX and equity markets have impacted on the regime-
NA.IG, and is 6.7 for the VAR model and 6.5 for the switching mechanism. We also look into whether or
Markov-switching model for the data of CDX.NA. not the volatility in the money market has any influ-
IG.HVOL, respectively. This means that the point ence on forcing the indexes of the CDS, VIX and equity
forecast based on the Markov-switching model is not markets from one regime to another.
inferior to the one based on the VAR model. As the state variable st of the Markov-switching
Table 6 reports the average coverage rates for VAR model is unobservable, we make inference
five different interval forecasts by the two models about st using the smoothing probability defined in
with the true coverage rate p ¼ 50%, 60%, 70%, Equation (4). Hence, to examine the determinants of
80% and 90%, respectively. It shows that for both the regime-switching, we regress the estimated state
data sets, the average rates by the Markov-switch- variable on each of the possible explanatory variables
ing model are closer to the corresponding true using the logistic regression specification defined by
rates. Furthermore, the test statistics for interval Pðst ¼ 1Þ ¼ logitðα0 þ α1 xt Þ
forecasts are plotted in Fig. 7 where LRcc , LRuc
expðα0 þ α1 xt Þ
¼ ; (10)
1 þ expðα0 þ α1 xt Þ
Table 6. Average coverage rates of p% out-of-sample interval
forecasts. where xt is a given explanatory variable. Note that
Panel A: CDX.NA.IG with a positive value of α1 an increase in xt will
p% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% result in a probability of being in regime 1 (low
VAR model
Markov-switching model
volatility), while with a negative value of α1 an
increase in xt will result in a larger probability of
p% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% being in regime 2 (high volatility).
VAR model 0.68 0.82 0.88 0.96 0.98 To take into account possible different effects of a
Markov-switching model 0.44 0.54 0.66 0.74 0.86 determinant of regime-switching at the three
Christoffersen (1998) introduces the three hypotheses: conditional coverage, independence and unconditional coverage, for assessing the validity of an
interval forecast obtained by using any type of models. If an interval forecast is efficient with respect to given information, then all the three hypotheses
should hold.

Dcds Divx Rsp

0 5 10 15 20

0 5 10 15 20

0 5 10 15 20


50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
p% interval forecast p% interval forecast p% interval forecast

Dcds Divx Rsp

0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20

0 5 10 15 20

50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
p% interval forecast p% interval forecast p% interval forecast
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

Dcds Divx Rsp

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
p% interval forecast p% interval forecast p% interval forecast

Dcds Divx Rsp
5 10 15

5 10 15

5 10 15


50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
p% interval forecast p% interval forecast p% interval forecast
Dcds Divx Rsp
5 10 15

5 10 15

5 10 15


50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
p% interval forecast p% interval forecast p% interval forecast

Dcds Divx Rsp

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
p% interval forecast p% interval forecast p% interval forecast

Figure 7. Test statistics for out-of-sample interval forecast. (a) CDX.NA.IG and (b) CDX.NA.IG.HVOL.

different phases of the recent global finance crisis: specification. This allows us to ascertain whether or
before, during and after the crisis, we split our sam- how the global financial crisis affected the cross-
ple into three sub-samples, namely pre-crisis, crisis market linkages. We report the results for the
and post-crisis as described in the data section, and CDX.NA.IG and CDX.NA.IG.HVOL in Tables 7
fit each sub-sample to the above logistic and 8, respectively.

Table 7. Logistic regression for the CDX.NA.IG. sign. Thus, an increase in either of the two variables
Variable Pre-crisis Crisis Post-crisis
ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t and ΔðSwap  OISÞ2t may drive all
ΔCDSt1 –0.5427*** 0.0074 –0.0810**
ΔCDS2t1 –0.0253** –0.0006 –0.0142** the three market indexes from the low-volatility
ΔVOLt1 –0.1869 0.0121 –0.0256 regime to the high-volatility regime. While many
ΔVOL2t1 –0.0404 –0.0139 –0.1126***
Rt1 0.1952 –0.0179 0.1038 empirical studies have revealed the relevance of the
R2t1 –0.1031 –0.0340 –0.1570*** Libor–OIS spread as an explanatory variable or a key
ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t1 0.1052 –0.3277 –11.0353**
–4.1468*** –1.8529** –5.3161*
indicator of the credit (liquidity) crisis during the
ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t
ΔðSwap  OISÞ2t1 –0.0961 –0.1156 –0.0733 global financial crisis (e.g. Michaud and Upper 2008;
ΔðSwap  OISÞ2t –0.0133 –0.3644** –0.2444** Williams and Taylor 2009; Ji 2012; Ji and In 2010;
Note: ***, ** and * stand for significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. Baba and Packer 2009; Gefang, Koop, and Potter
2011),7 our findings shed some light on not only
the role of the volatility of this spread in the CDS
Table 8. Logistic regression for the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL.
Variable Pre-crisis Crisis Post-crisis
market but also its impact on the equity and volati-
ΔCDSt1 –0.0894* –0.0082 –0.0429** lity markets during the global financial crisis.
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

ΔCDS2t1 –0.0133*** 0.0000 –0.0053*** Moreover, since ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t and ΔðSwap 
ΔVOLt1 0.2083 –0.0104 –0.0770
ΔVOL2t1 –0.0777* –0.0164 –0.0338*** OISÞ2t are both important in the regime-switching,
Rt1 –0.1805 0.0660 0.2071***
R2t1 –0.0336 –0.0655** –0.0753*** it suggests that both the spreads share some com-
ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t1 –8.1311*** –0.4124 –7.0913* mon information. This also provides empirical evi-
ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t –8.6351*** –0.1959 –7.1000* dence consistent with the theoretical properties
ΔðSwap  OISÞ2t1 0.1235 –0.0216 –0.1208
–0.2040 –0.2211* –0.1384*
shown in Filipović and Trolle (2013) that the
ΔðSwap  OISÞ2t
Note: ***,** and * stand for significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.
Swap–OIS spread reflects risk-neutral expectation
about the future Libor–OIS spread and contains
‘forward’ information on short-term credit risk.
For the CDX.NA.IG case, during the pre-crisis per- The last column of Table 7 shows that during the
iod the change in the CDS index and volatility in the post-crisis period the information from each of the
CDS market have a significant impact on the regime- markets becomes important in the regime-switching
switching of the three markets as both ΔCDSt–1 and mechanism. Particularly, an increase in volatility in
ΔCDS2t1 are significant with a negative coefficient. This any of the three market indexes will increase
indicates that the concern of credit deterioration by the chance that the three markets will be in the
investors may increase CDS spread and its volatility, high-volatility regime because ΔCDS2t1 , ΔVOL2t1
forcing all the three market indexes to be in the high- and R2t1 are all significant with a negative sign.
volatility regime. It also implies that among the three Conversely, the effect of the volatility in the money
markets the changes in the CDS market index may lead market on the regime-switching becomes larger dur-
to the switching between the two regimes. Additionally, ing the post-crisis period than the pre-crisis period as
the volatility in the money market measured by the coefficients for the square of the change in either
the Libor–OIS spread or the Swap–OIS spread are
ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t plays an important role in the
more negative for the post-crisis period than for the
regime-switching of the three markets during the pre-
pre-crisis period. These findings suggest that the
crisis period because ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t is significant
cross-market linkages become stronger after the crisis.
with a negative sign. With an increase in ΔðLibor  For the CDX.NA.IG.HVOL case, the results are
OISÞ2t it is more likely that the three market indexes will quite similar to those for the CDX.NA.IG case. The
be in the high-volatility regime. main difference between the two cases is that for the
During the crisis period, the volatility in CDX.NA.IG.HVOL there are more significant vari-
the money market is the only significant factor of ables during the pre- and post-crisis periods. For
the regime-switching as ΔðLibor  OISÞ2t and example, unlike the case of the CDX.NA.IG,
ΔðSWAP  OISÞ2t are significant with a negative ΔVOL2t1 is significant with a negative sign during
Note that the widening of this spread led to rewrite the theory of interest rate derivatives, the so-called multi-curve approach, see among the works of
Johannes and Sundaresan (2007), Fujii, Shimada, and Takahashi (2010) and Mercurio (2010).

the pre-crisis period. This means that an increase in We have also conducted out-of-sample point and
volatility in the VIX market will increase the chance of interval forecasts for the response variables; and our
being in the high-volatility regime. As the CDX.NA. findings indicate that the out-of-sample forecasts
IG.HVOL includes riskier CDS products than the based on the Markov regime-switching VAR model
CDX.NA.IG, our results show that the regime-switch- is better than the one based on the VAR model.
ing is more sensitive to any change in the three market In addition, we have investigated the determi-
indexes as well as in the volatility in the money market. nants of the regime-switching mechanism during
the pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis periods of the
recent global financial crisis. We have found that
V. Conclusion the volatility in the money market measured by
square of either the Libor–OIS spread or the Swap–
In this study, we have examined the joint behaviour of OIS spread is the only factor that is significant
the CDS, VIX and stock markets using both VAR and throughout all the three periods. Particularly, the
Markov regime-switching VAR models with market higher the volatility in the money market, the more
index data. Specifically, we have considered either of
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 00:57 12 December 2015

likely the three market indexes will be in the high-

the two CDS market indexes: CDX.NA.IG and CDX. volatility regime. In addition, our findings show that
NA.IG.HVOL together with the VIX for the volatility the changes and the volatilities of the three market
market index and the S&P500 for the stock market indexes become more important for the regime-
index, and used weekly data of changes in the market switching during the post-crisis period than the
indexes for the period from October 2004 to February pre-crisis period. This provides empirical evidence
2012 in the case of the CDX.NA.IG and from that the linkages between the three markets have
December 2004 to February 2012 in the case of the become stronger after the global financial crisis.
CDX.NA.IG.HVOL. Our study shows that the joint Finally, our study also shows that hedge ratios are
behaviour of the three markets is better characterized quite sensitive to the regime, which has practical impli-
by the Markov regime-switching model rather than the cations for designing hedging strategies with market
VAR model, in which the structural change in the joint indexes. The joint dynamics of the three markets based
dynamics of the three markets follows a two-state on the Markov model can provide optimal hedge ratios
Markov chain with two regimes corresponding to with various market indexes for different hedging stra-
quiescent and volatile periods. Under either of the tegies under different market conditions. Our findings
two regimes, the structure of the mean, variance and extend the results of Caporin (2013) in several ways,
correlation of the changes in the market indexes is including the use of any of the three market indexes as
consistent with theory; and each regime appears per- a hedging instrument during quiescent and turbulent
sistent over time, which makes it possible for fund periods. The development of an optimal cross-market
managers to manage a cross-market portfolio effec- portfolio with either market or sector indexes based on
tively with regime-dependent strategies. the Markov regime-switching model is an interesting
Furthermore, our findings indicate that the struc- topic for future research.
ture of the information transmission process of
shocks to the markets is almost the same for the
two regimes. Shock to the CDS market has an Disclosure statement
instantaneous effect on the other two markets, but No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
not vice versa. This provides evidence that the
changes in the CDS market play a more important
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