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Welcome everyone, I’m glad that all of you are here today to attend
our presentation.
H: As you (probably) can see every one of us has our own smartphone or
laptop or both so we can access the Internet everywhere and at any time.
This might be convenient but it also goes with hidden dangers from cyber-
attacks on the Internet.
That lead us to our topic today
We are here to talk about cybersecurity

So what is cyber security?

Cyber security is how a person or an organization protects themself from a

cyber attack, it helps to guard against issues such as loss of information or
damage of hardware, software, or electronic data.

Alright that was a quick summary of the definition of cybersecurity

H: Now let’s go to the first part of our presentation, I will introduce the team
and the presentation. It has five main points first is an introduction, the
second is the definition of cyber attack, the third is a state of an attack, the
fourth is risk and threat and the fifth is to protect your information

H: Now we move to the second point of our presentation “What is

Cyberattack is any crime involving a computer or a network. It can
result in a loss of personal and financial data or in electrical
blackouts or military breaches and other national security threats.

That was hard to understand so I will give you some examples

Those criminals hacking your Facebook account which is just a
small problem
Or they blackmail a company or an organization for money

H: Next is the third part of the presentation. Here you can see
what those criminals actually do to get to you. As you can see
there are four states of an attack

First, those criminals do a survey they collected information to

identify where they can attack
Then they will approach that vulnerable area
The third step they sneak into the device and gain illegal access
In the final step, they will take control of the system

M: I will give you an example to see how massive this network of

criminal are
You can look at here “The global cybercrime statistic in 2022”
The UK have the highest number of a victim is 4783 per million
The second is in the USA with 1494 victims per million people
This criminal network is everywhere in the world but those
numbers you just see here are the highlight of how active they are

Now we will move to the next part of the presentation

The Risks and threats of cyber attack
I will name here four common threats
Malicious malware
and Distributed denial of service.
But the most common risk is Phishing is sending emails asking for
security information and personal details or tricking user to click a
bad link that will download a malware

AM: Now let’s look at the Cyber attack incident by region

The highest incident is in Asia with 31 per cent
AM: Finally we get to the last point of the presentation is how to
protect your personal information
There are so many ways to protect your information but the top
three solutions I will give you today is
USE STRONG PASSWORD: Password that is length and has
many different types of characters and do not reuse one password


email can be scam or it was a malware that can intrusion in your

SECURE YOUR DEVICE: Your might installed harmful application

so be caution and do not share to much information on social
Meanwhile, we know how to protect our self the government and
security companies must be willing to share information about
cyberattacks. We need to treat cybercrime like a disease if we
want it to be stopped we need to protect ourselves and other
people so we can all stand again those criminals. That helps us to
live in a better and safer word

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